The 'Orford's Retreat' Ch. 02

I spent a pleasant afternoon sitting fishing from the gunwhale for my tea, before finding mooring at Catworth boatyard.

Wandering along the dock at dust, the small round windows of the various barges were lit from within with a homely glow, and I turned inland to purchase some much needed supplies.

The streets were mostly deserted with the glow of streetlights illuminating the descending dust, but as I passed the ‘The Running Pump’ pub, I heard the familiar rambunctious laughter of the Orfords.

They were still in their Victorian outfits, grouped around the pub’s evening menu.

Looking over from the other side of the road, I could make out five figures huddled in a group, attired in top hats, bonnets and great fur coats against the freezing evening air.

I assumed Jed’s new wife was not accompanying them until I realized that the shadowy figure lapping from the dog bowl outside the pub was a woman.

She remained lapping at the bowl that dogs must haveshared throughout the day until, having chosen their menu, Jed and another man walked over to the kneeing woman and helped her up by her elbows.

It was only when the young woman was on her feet that the extreme of her tight-laced corset made the need for aid apparent. Her petite frame was restricted to such an extent that her waist seemed 40cm in circuitference at most.

She seemed crushed at wait level, with the curve of the busk then giving a place for her displayed flesh from her wait to go. Her small breasts were pushed high as though on display and she was forbidden a coat. Instead her naked shoulders, arms and cleavage shone pale and soft in the streetlight.

Where her companies wore long and lined skirts against the cold, the new bride suffered the indignity of a shielded corset skirt that was both sheer and short, the embroidered hem falling only to the top of her still naked thighs.

Once the men had helped her stand she turned, faced her husband, andcurtsied, lifting her short skirt and exposing her panties to him. She repeated the gesture for the other man before the group entered ‘The Running Pump.’

I carried on to the store and bought my supplies, including a new Barlow knife and a set of cards with women on the back and went back to the barge for my fish supplier, but I couldn’t get the image of Jed’s wife out of my mind.

She bore all her suffering with such dignity and those cursies had been a charm in themselves.

The way her buttocks had pushed out slightly so that the very bottoms of her cheeks peeked from under the translucent hem, the way her wrists had bent up slightly as she lifted the hem of her skirt. Her submission was beautiful in its earnestness and acceptance.

A fish submission in my belly, I found myself walking back into town to satiate my growing infatuation with Jed’s mystifying new wife.

I found the Orfords’ in pride of place at the largest table in the traditional dining area. Petunia noticed me immediately and with a squeal, stood up and demanded an extra chair for me.

The mood was again jovial and light hearted with lugubrious amounts of champione doing the rounds. Jed’s wife alone sat serene, her naked arms by her side and her hands resting in her lap as she deliciously chewed. The others had finished their meals and were knocking back the champione.

As I sat down she glanced up at me, but blushing, immediately lowered her head and carried on chewing.

“uh…hi…I’m…er…Samael…” I said, missing her eyes the moment they were lowered.

“Oh, do stop being silly, liveaboard and join us. The outsider is there to be talked about, not too.” Petunia said, tapping the empty seat beside her for me to join her.

“I’d still like to at least say hi.”

Jed’s wife’s eyes flashed up at mine for a brief moment and something curled contentedly at the corner of her mouth.

“Hi, I’m Judy” He eyes immediately lowered again and her cheeks flushed.

She seemed so unassemed and gentle a creativity among the flamencoyance of the Orfords. Petunia, spotting Judy’s slight smile, immediately linked her arm in mine and used her free hand to turn my cheek towards herself and handed me a glass of champione.

“I’m doing a little experiment: Victorian doctors believed that, in a tightly-laced corset, the stomach would be unable to churn correctly, making it difficult to digest food completely, causing constipation and making it difficult for the wearer to eat a sizable meal.”

Petunia leaned across the table and prodding a potato with a fork, held it before Judy’s mouth.

“So far the difficulty in eating a sizable meal seems to bare out.” Petunia giggled and shoved the potato against Judy’s lips making her take it into her mouth.

The company fared much as the breakfast had that morning with much carefree banter and joviality, usually based around tales of their own derring-do or followies, but entertaining nonethe less to a stranger like myself.

Throughout, Judy sat poised and quietly, delicately eating with her stomach so tightly constricted by the tight-laced corset.

By the time she had finished her meal the other members of the group were quite intotoxicated from the champione.

Petunia, ever so vigilant of me paying the least attention to Judy, noticed me admiring Judy’s small bust, pushed up, as it was, by the busk of her corset and immediately offered her own cleavage for my approval.

“Don’t you think big boobies are the best fun, darling? Come say hi!” Petunia said, pulling my head into her exposed cleavage and shaking her midriff so that my face was smoother in her breasts.

When I freed myself I glanced over at Judy, feeling embarrassed and humiliated. Petunia caught my glance and went staggering around the table to stand behind Judy and then nonchalantly lifted Judy’s naked breasts out of the corset, leaving them exposed over the whalebone busk.

Petunia held my gaze with an accusatory star and she reached down and pinched Judy’s exposed nipples painfully.

“There, now you can see the newlywed’s itty-bitty-titties in all their glory!”

Just then the waiter came to clear the plates and Judy crossed a naked arm over her small breasts to protect her modesty. At the same time, Jed leaned across and whispered in Judy’s ear and she nodded, leaning forward and blushing.

Just as the waiter lifted Judy’s plate she delicately dropped her panties onto the plate, blushing deeper and staring down. Before the waiter could respond, Jed thrust a fifty pound note in the waiter’s blazer pocket and winded.

“You don’t mind if my young lady wife masturbates for our amusement? No nudity, of course!” Jed said, holding the waiter’s arm until he nodded.

“Good man.”

With her head bowed, and one naked arm covering her breasts, Judy seemed to sink lower in her seat as Jed pulled her left thigh open, and Lesley held her sister-in-laws right thigh under the table.

The temptation to look under the table and see this beautiful woman’s private parts as she touched herself so intimately was incredible and I wondered what effect this beautiful submissive woman was having among the group.

Any positive attention towards Judy seemed to rile Petunia to extreme levels of cruelty, whilst the two husbands could hardly be oblivious to the charms of a young and beautiful woman exposed within their midst.

Lesley, in the main, seemed to ignore Judy and treat the whole situation as a functional necessity, while Jed and Judy seemed to share a deep bond that means Judy wallowed in the opportunity to serve her husband and master.

The slightest attention from Jed made Judy’s eyes sparkle as though it made all her ordeals worthwhile.

I Couldn’t imagine having a wife like Petunia and finding her cruelty to Judy attractive, but both husbands were clearly enjoying leering at Judy as she stroked herself,exposed as she was, in the dining area.

There was a strange intimacy too in Lesley holding open Judy’s thigh. It was a functional role, but gave her closeness to Judy’s sexuality, to feel her arousal and how she moved that was the preserve of lovers.

I sat mesmerized as Judy’s face neck and chest became flushed with arousal, her breathing, already restricted by the corset, becoming urgently short and sharp. Her eyes were closed and her head leaning on her husbands should as she performed for her in-laws.

I glanced at the bar to see the waiter, Judy’s panties in hand, standing with a group of bar staff, all watching the performance with obvious glee. Petunia followed my gaze jealously, and then turned to Judy.

“Eye’s open, sis-in-law. Look us all in the eye one at a time as we watch your little show!” She seemed to wriggle down a bit and then look satisfied.

“Cum on my shoes, sis!”

Judy re-positioned herself so that her arms went straight down betweenen her thighs, still covering her nipples, but exposing the rounded flesh of her breasts. She began bucking slightly and Lesley and Jed seemed to grap her parted thighs more firmly and her knees became visible above the table clothes.

Judy held our gaze one at a time as she panted quickly and lightly and although nothing lewd was on show, there was only a table clothes between Judy’s spread legs being held apart by her husband and sister-in-law as she humped her other sister-in-law’s foot for the amusement of her in-laws and the bar staff.

Just before she climaxed, Jed pushed a line napkin between Judy’s teeth and held her with his free arm as she began bucking frantically under his hold, almost growing in tiny breathes as waves of pleasure made her body wrong against the constraints of the corset and the grip upon her played thighs.

Even as Judy was still gasping from her orgasm, Petunia bad her remove her shoe and lick it clean. Judy looked adorably beautiful as shesat panting in her husbands embrace obediently licking her own glistening juices from Petunia’s shoes, and then meekly handed her it back.

No wonder then, that Jed whispered softly in her ear; “I love you”

The whole event was like an exposing of Judy, of her intimate expressions as she became aroused, of her private spasms as she climaxed, of her shyness as she involuntarily blushed, of the secret charms of how her breasts moved as she came and even of how sweetly she submitted to the cruel demands of Petunia.

But most of all it seemed like a show of her absolute devotion to her husband.

Petunia slipped on her shoes with a smile and we could all smell the intimate scent of Judy’s juices as she sat with her thighs still held apart and I again wandered what effect this beautiful submissive woman must be having on this rather eccentric family retreat.

There seemed to be a family enjoyment of Judy, as though her status as Jed’s wife made her common-law property, although the decorum between spouses seemed to remain intact. In essence it seemed that Judy was the sport of the Orford’s but that the pleasures of her physical intimacy were the preserve of Jed alone.

But for the group to sit with the scent of Judy’s arousal on their nostrils and the sight of her naked breasts and flushed face as she came before them, surely had to effect the group.

For me, the eroticism Judy displayed as a submissive was maddeningly arousing and making me subject to suddenly bouts of jealousy at what Jed clearly owned and I could not.

After her performance, Judy was made to sit with her small breasts uncovered, and try and protect her modesty as best she could as the group enjoyed yet more bottles of champione. And while Judy clearly had eyes only for Jed, the eyes of the other men at the table frequently roamed to the exposed charms of Judy’s upper torso.

Part of me wanted to rescue Judy from this malady, despite her obvious feelings towardsJed, but an unwanted rescue is perhaps a bigger tragedy.

At the least I wanted to unlace that infernal corset, but then her in-laws seemed to take much delight in watching Judy’s disappoint.

In the end I did nothing but became increasingly sozzled and besotted with the topless young wife opposite me, fascinated by her beauty as she bore her humiliation with such dignity.

Collapsing into my hammock later, what I did realize was that Ally’s honeymoon was the most erotic thing I had ever encountered and I feel sleep to lustful dreams of the young wife and woke with a pounding head and a longing to gaze upon her once more.


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