The wind was blowing hard and as I stepped into the house I savored the change in temperature. I removed my gloves and peel off my warm, black jacket Master had bought for me on our last trip. Sighing gently I remember how long it had been since I had felt his hands on my body, and I softly rub my chilled cheeses and ears.
As I turn around, I have a funny feeling, and soon I realize that my fire place is ablaze and crackling happily. My browser knits with puzzlement. Slowly the butterflies in my stomach spread their wings and rise to the occasion of fright or suspension. Setting my school bag down on the couch, I walk towards the kitchen. On the counter is a white rose sitting on top of a card. A huge grin spreads over my lips. Opening the card I easily recognize Master’s heavy and bold handwriting:
“Go into the bedroom Pet. I’ve missed you too much.”
I feel my heart skip a beat as I realize that my Master, and the Man I love, is in my small house. Vivid and sensitive images from the last time we were together flashed through my mind. Swallowing hard, I walk slowly down the hallway, trying hard to decipher any noise from my bedroom, but the only sound which meets my ears is that of my jeans rubbing together between my thighs. The door is shut and I feel my heart happily leap into my throat as I carefully turn the handle. I guess I expected to see him there, waiting on the bed or something. Laughing gently, I walk into the room, and set the card down on my night stand. On the bed is another note and a dress box.
“Hmmm, we must be going out, ” I think to myself. I pause and run my fingers over his handwriting, reminding myself of. His strength, but most importantly, His strong love for me It is again a simple note:
“I will be here at 7pm, Pet.
Be ready.
I love you.”
Smiling big I open the box and unfold the dress. It is a long black evening evening gown with very high thigh slots on each side. The black is not completely pure, but riddled with small flecks of silver. I quickly slide out of my baggy jeans and formals sweater I had chosen for this chilly winter day. Though it is warmer in my room, my nipples grow instantly hard through my thin bra. I gently moan as my extra sensitive nipples ache around their fairly new additions. I quickly slip out of my bra, but leave my favorite mesh tongs on. I let the new dress slip over my head. Spinning around I walk to my full length mirror, smoothing the shimmering fabric over my stomach and hips. I gasp as I notice it is fitted so that it dips past my breast in the front in a deep V. The soft rise of my breast is simply delicious in contrast of the dark sparkling fabric. Looking in the mirror, I run a finger from the base of my throat, down between my breasts. Shivering slightly a smile crosses my lips.
My eyes drift over to the clock as I gently care one full breast, and I wake with a start realizing how late it already was. quickly I strip off the beautiful dress and lay it carefully on my bed. Reaching up I quickly unbraid my hair, and brush it out as I walk into the bathroom. My bedroom and that end of the house are chilly as I anxious to warm up the shower. Sighing deeply I savor the hot water steaming over my skin. reaching up I run my fingers through my long hair, helping it becomes untangled in the steaming shower. My mind drifts back to the last night we were Together. He had chained me to the bed, one of his most favorite discoveries he had made. I was saddened when he had blindfolded and gagged me. That usually only happened when he wanted to mark me well. I could hear him moving around, and I felt something sharp land on my nipples. As much as I tried, I twisted in my restraints, something I was not to do. Again he brought the short whip down on my other breast. My face twitched, and a silent cry erupted from my throat.
I woke up again, and realized I’m still in the shower, and with shampoo in my hair to boot. Quickly I finish myhair and step out of the steaming shower, dripping. Grabbing my soap I later my legs and underarms and sweet womanhood. Slowly and carefully I run my razor over first my legs and armpits and then that soft, gentle spot between my legs, swiftly removing all that irritating stubble. Happy with the results I let my fingers linger over the new smoothness. Smiling to myself I select my new amber scented oil Master had given me on our 6th month anniversary. Carefully I spread it over my lower stomach and let it drizzle down between my lower lips. it’s fresh and sweet aroma fills my nose and I’m lost again. Remembering when he had given this tome. We were both well oiled and I had just massed him. Our bodies silk against each other meshing and melding. Wanting and needing filled, released, filled or anything. The images of our bodies melded as one stayed in my head as I pulled out my lube, and liberally applied it first to my dripping pussy and then my tight ass hole. I tried hard not to linger too long, but I so reached to reach up and start flicking my hardening clip.
Shaking my head and restoring myself to the real world, I laugh gently and rose to wash my hands. I would be in such deep shit if I came now. He would know too, but wait until I told him, then punishment me. Slowly and deftly I lined my hazel eyes soft black, and then carefully attached a jewel to each of my temples and one right between my breasts. Taking out my dust I covered my breasts and arms in a light cover of silver dust, causing my pale skin to glisten and almost glow. Happy with my appearance I left my hair as it was, and walked into my room, gasping again as the coldness took a hold of nipples, rising them, and the shining, proud rings from hibernation. rummaging through my underwear drawer I stop on a black tiny thong, deciding that this was all I really needed . The light of the club I though we might be visiting would reveal almost everything under the dress he had picked out. a littleteasing is always fun, especially when Master owned me and it was Us teasing all the other men who watched as I walked up to him and leaned into his hand as if fell on my breast, his head bending down to kiss me softly…
LILY MARIE!!! I growl lightly, Stop it right now! I tell myself. The dress slips on like a second skin over my body. I carefully smooth it over my hips and breast, evening and perfecting the look. My favorite strappy heels complete the outfit and I smile at my reflection. Swaying gently to the music I have playing I watch how the fabric bends and curves on my skin. quickly I buckle my 3 ½ ” heels and grab my warm cover and hand bag and walk into the kitchen. Entering the Kitchen I open the fridge and fill a glass with Pepsi, another with water. Hurrying I plop a few cubes into the Pepsi glancing at the clock and seeing that I still have five minutes before He comes. I carry all my things and the glasses into the living room, and set the Pepsi down, preparing towait for His arrival. Sipping my water I began some reading just to pass the time. Suddenly my water is gone, 7pm is here, and so is the Man I love. I smile gently at Him as I move quickly to His feet, kneeing carefully so that I do not muss myself.
“Hmmmm, ” I hear Him scar obviously, ” Lovely as always my pet.” And a hand raises my chin, and eventually my body to meet his, folding into a warm embrace. “Are you ready my love?”
I nod gently and gather my things as you pen the door and we step out into the cold night air. A passerby would have just mistaken us for up-town people on a night out. We were both dressed to the”T” and we both emanated an aura that showed just how happy we both were. We drove for a while until we reached downtown, and Then a part of the city I did not recognize. There were no bright, gaudy lights like most of the clubs areas we went to. Master pulled into a parking lot and a valet took His keys.
“Have a good time, Master Charles, Sir.It’s nice to see you back, Sir.” The Valet stammered as he took Master’s keys.
“It’s lovely to be, Jon. Isn’t the night beautiful tonight?” Master replied conversationally. I could feel Jon’s eyes running up and down my body as he responded,
“Oh yes, Sir. Quite enchanting. ” I think he hoped to catch my eye, but I keep them deeply down, and was happy when Master took my hand into the crook of his elbow and led me into the building. In side were dim lights and actually quite a few people at the opulent tables. I couldn’t see much yet between keeping my eyes down respectfully, and the screen that partially hidden the view. A man stepped forward and Shook master hand confidently.
“Good Evening , Master Charles. Your place is ready just as you asked. We were all quite excited to meet your new charge. This must be her.” I could feel the taller man’s eyes flow over me, as if inspecting and carefully deciding uster I was really my Master’s.
“Why yes, Daniel.” I heard asnap and I was instantly on my knees. My well implanted training overriding everything else, and then I panicked. I’m kneeing at some strange man’s’s feet! What the hell am I thinking? “Sir Daniel, this in my new and loyal Slave, my Lily. Lily, Daniel is the Proprietor of this fine establishment. show him respect, my love.” Master’s voice caresed my ears, and I obediently bent and kissed Sir Daniel’s boots. I could smell they were real leather and the scent sent chills down my spine.
“Quite pleasant indeed! And you say she’s only been training for 6 months? I guess I do agree that she’s ready for what goes on here.” I could hear the pleasure and a hint of joviality in his voice, and soon I felt his hand on my chin, lifting it up to meet his gaze. “Welcome to The Egret, dear girl I am excited to see how much fun we will all have from now on.” A bright smile crossed his face, and for the first time I could see him fully. He was dark skinned, and possibly from Brazil or just Mexico. his eyes were deep, deep brown and matches his long hair which was tied in a ponytail behind his head. Many rings graced his fingers and ears, and I guess other places.
I blushed deeply, not knowing exactly what he means, but some how stammered out a “Thank you, Sir,” smiled and looked up at Master. He nodded and I rose gracefully to stand beside him, smoothing my dress.
“Let me take your wrap, Lily, and then I shall show you to your table, ” I struggled out of my wrap, and then Master and I both followed Sir Daniel past the screen, and into the room……
The lights weren’t any brighter in this room. There were may people at the tables along ht edge of the room. As I looked closer I could tell that some sat or reclined at the tables, on ornately covered benches or chairs. I assumed these were the Master’s and Mistresses, because at almost everyone’s feet was a man or a woman, sometimes more than one, who knelt properly, or reclined comfortable against their Master or Mistress’ feet. I gasped slightly as I noticed one girl kneeling between her Master’s knees. Her head was buried deep in his crotch, and I realized that she was simply there to please his cock, even if that means leaving it in her mouth and resisting the temptation to suck. I remembered that feeling well, and came to an empty booth, towards the back of the place. It, like the others was covered in a deep red tapestry material, and had a removable table, which was removed promptly my scantily clad male servers.
“Your table, Charles. Just as you left it. Will you be expecting any company tonight?” Daniel asked in his deep, soothing voice.
“Yes, we will. I believe that Countess is coming, and most definitely my good friend Louis. They will be late of course, I’m sure.” Master laughed casually at that, and sat down on one of the chairs. At the feet of the chair were a few pillows. I looked up at him in my look of asking before doing, something we had developed a while back. I kneeled properly at His nod. My legs shot out from the sides of my dress, and now I fully understand why the dress had such high slots. My head bowed down as my hands laid palms up on my thighs which were now well parted. I could hear Master talking to Sir Daniel, ordering something, and then his hand moved to my chin. I looked up. in his other hand was a small black box.
“This is for you, my pet,” he murmured to me. it was as if all of the world has disappeared, and all I was his eyes. he opened the box, and inside was a small leather collar with a tiny slider padlock and d-ring in the front. I very thin, shiny silver chain was attached to the d-ring, and I guessed it was the leash. My breath caught in my throat as I realized what this means. Master lifted the collar out of the box, and clapped it gently around my neck it fit snugly, but I loved the touch of the cool leather around my neck.
“Thank you so much, Master.” I blurted out finally, and smiled to Him happily. “It was time, pet.” he said casually. “But now you are not only officially mine, you must understand that everyone else here knows that too. You must honor me, Lily, as your Master. One who you want to completely control your being.” I brought my eyes up to meet his,
” I understand Master.” I said quietly.
“Good, now stand up and go get the drink I ordered. They are waiting at the bar.” my eyes followed where He pointed as I rose to do His bidding, letting the thin lean fall down between my breasts. Eyes down I picked my way across the floor, and noticed in the middle of the room stocks, horses, and crosses were set up. It looked just like what Master would love in our tiny dungeon at home. I reached the bar, and asked the bartender for Master Charles’ drinks. A glass of red wine was set in front of me, I took it, but not before I noticed the bartender’s eyes on my breasts and then my collar. I found my way to master’s side, kneeing again, and handling him the goblet of wine. He sipped it appreciatedly and said,
“You know I could have had that delivered, but the thought of showing you off was just too much. Do you like your dress, pet?”
“Oh yes Master! It’s so beautiful, thank you so much for it.”
“Yes, I thought it was charming, but I think I’ve had enough of it. Go ahead and take it off.” My eyes went wide. Take off the dress, here? I couldn’t believe he would expose me like that.
“What?” I stammered,”Take it off, Master?”
“You heard me, Lily.” he said in his dangerous tone, “I want to hurt you tonight, but not so early.” He eyes pierced mine, and I wobbled to my feet.
“Yes, Master.” I almost whispered. As easy as the dress slide on, it was most ungraceful to remove. First it stuck on the roundness of my hips, then my full breasts, and finally my arms were just not cooperating in getting out of the armholes. After all that struggle, it was off. I tossed my long hair off my face and yelped. Someone was standing right there in front of me with a wide evil grin crossing his lips. I held the dress up against me, mostly out of shock than modesty, and fell into Master’s lap. They were both rolling by then, and Master laughed down to me,
“Oh, if you could have seen your face when Louis surprised you like that.” The laughter rocked his body again. My browser wrinkled, and I could feel the heat rise in my cheeks. I had just about forgotten I was practically naked besides my tiny black thong and high heeled sandals, until Louis offered a hand to help me stand. He wasn’t so tall, and seemed the type of man who loved to laugh and be merry.
“A fine creativity you’ve got here. No wonder you wanted to have her out of that dress. I don’t think I’ve seen such lovely breasts for a while, especially with pretty little rings. May I?” Louis pointed to my chest. Master Shook his head,
“Let’s wait for the Countess. I can’t wait until she sees Lily.” he turned after that. Ah, but it lovely to be back on my knees. Master passed the wine down for me to hold. I carefully held the glass with both of my hands and inclined my head as the two men reminisced. Time passes and I felt someone approach me off to one side.
“Ahh, welcome Countess.” Master’s voice rang through my body as he and Louis rose to greet their guest. I could tell that there was someone with her, and kneeeled at her feet as the majestic lady sat.
“Show your respects, Gwen. You know I shouldn’t have to tell you. ” A small smoke of skin followed the deep voice of the lady. I venture a look up at Master, and he nodded. Carefully I knelt before the Countess, bowing to her black boots which clung to her legs and stopped right under her knees. There were smooth under my lips as Master introduced me.
“Countess, first meet my new girl, Lily.” I could feel his gaze on me, and suddenly my head was yanked back by my hair. Her hair was pulled up tightly into a intensity, flowing pony tail. she reminded me of a sublim mixture of an evil queen and a fairy godmother. It was the eyes, I’m sure. There were green, and seemed to not fit into her persona at all. Her ensemble was a tight corseted leather dress which accented her womanly delights: deep cleavage, tiny wait, and flaring, round hips.
“Hmmm. Innocent, but not Charles? Something any good Dominant would want. Soft outside and chewy center.” Her fingers ran down my neck, and pulled on my tender rings. I tried hard but ever so slightly squirmed. the Countess ran her tongue over her bright red lips, as she watched my reaction. Suddenly I was thrust away from her, and I scrambled to Master’s feet, trying to gather some gracefulness and dignity, to knee again.
“She’d already be on the cross if she were mine, Charles. Do I have to again give you discipline lessons.” She almost laughed at this remark, as a small twininge ran down my spine. This woman, I did not care for. So full of disdain and unknownness, I felt like crying, but swallowedcarefully instead.
“Now Leslie, We do not need to get into that right now. We’re trying to have a pleasant evening of pleasure, not one of our debate nights. Truce?” There was humor again in Master’s voice, and a complete comfortable quality. She was definitely an old friend, who was used to the ways of how to get a rise out of my beloved Master.
“Truce then.”She said, exasperated but laughing. I heard another slap and realized that it was the countess slapping her’s. Gwen crawled first to Louis’ feet, kissed his shoes, and then to Master’s feet. She didn’t bow down though. I heard his zipper, and realized that she was going to suck my master’s cock! I felt like my head and heart were going to burst. My head fell further to my chest. Louis was carrying on a heated conversation about a show he had been to, and I was completely surprised when Master joined in, not even effected by the girl sucking loudly on his cock. I could see a hand on the back of the girl’s head though,pushing her deeper onto his cock. After a few moans escaped his mouth, he roughly pushed her away, and she crawled back to her Mistress’s feet.
Master’s hand moved again to my chin, and He lifted my face, smiling. Moving forward his lips met mine in a deep and password kiss. Again my heart was filled. I hated being so jealous, and know I had to endure to ever get past it.
“Well,” Master began after our kiss ended, “time for the real reason I wanted to have you here tonight. ” He rose, and stood before me “Rise, Lily.”
Gracefully I made my legs and feet work, and stood before him, still over whelmed by his size, and most of all his emanating strength. He turned to his friends.
“This is the woman I love and also own. You see on her my collar which means I have accepted full responsibility to her. We are one in everything, and will be forever. She is scared out of her mind now, being quiet and shy in her normal life. I want tonight to be able to show everyone hersinful and amazing inner-self that is screaming to be let loose, and that I have succeeded in finding only rarely. She can when provoked scream like a banshee or roar like a lion. she is strong and password, and tonight she will learn how to be that not just for me when I can pull it from her, but on command, when I want it. She will learn how to completely understand that it is I who is in control of her very being, and nothing must ever be held back unless I wish it. She will learn how to give everything to me, without a second thought.” My head was reeling with those words, and suddenly I was yanked across the floor by my lead, and shoved down on my knees. People moved around me, setting up equipment and whispering.
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