That First Time

I can remember the first submissive I enjoyed, it was not a situation that presented one in the aspect as we look at one another here. She was “easy” and I did not appreciate what she was giving at the time as I would today.

When I actually enjoyed my first submissive is like having sex for the first time in some ways. Or maybe your first threesome “who goes first, is their an order” it can be funny after it over.

Not that being Dominate is a problem, but taking ones time to “enjoy” another. Not for a half hour but for a day, maybe a week. The time may not be so important but the word enjoy in by far the key to what I always seek.

My first submissive to give herself to me was perfect in many ways. Her age nor her looks really matter, I could put many description here but to me it is not an issue.

We had met because we lived near one another and could not miss noticing each other in our passing. I worked my way into talking to her and thought her so very shy.But later she stopped by to give me an ice cold drink on a hot day while I was out working in the yard.

Days later we met in a local restaurant by accident during lunch. after telling her I would like to make a ritual out of buying her lunch at this place it became a regular thing. Our friendship grow until one day I told her I missed having a woman to play with and enjoy. I put it just so….

Her words were so unexpected that I still remember the grin I must have had on my face. she replied… ” if you would like, you may enjoy me,…if you wish.” ” But we will have to make rules you know” , “sure” I responded.

I had my doubts about her but I was more that pleased with her answer… including the way she answered.

I did not want to wait time but on the other hand I did not want to lose a friend in this situation. She was important to me and even if this did not work out I would have hated to lose her as a person to talk to.

At our first lunch after thisoccasion I sat and watched her much closer than before. I began to ask her questions… ” have you ever acted like a whore,” ” No… of course not ” she replied.

” Sex in outdoors… have you ever” I asked. She nodded slowly… “at night of course”

“bondage…” I smiled

“No.. but I have read some great stories…” she turned a bit red and looked down so innocently.

We discussed many things for a week… lunch after lunch. We returned to work late at least twice.

” This next week I would love to see you in a dress each day… and heels if you can.”

Her smile was timing but I knew she would.

“What about this weekend” she asked…

” Oh yes… wear shorts and show lots of cleavage ” I smiled… I will be watching.

On Monday we met and she was wearing a very nice dress and low heels. She had made up on which I realized she had not been wearing in the past.

I completed her on her dress and heels, her makeup. And I told her how muchI had enjoyed seeing her in her shorts and t-shirt late Saturday after noon when she was doing her laundry and washing her car. She sat up proudly and seemed more that pleased at knowing I was indeed watching her.

My last words to her were to put on a night gown and leave her garage door up, wait for me about dark in the back of the garage. If she did so then we would take our relationship a few steps further.

I was almost dark when I bent low to make my way beneath the raised garage door. The light was a bit dim as my eyes focused on her slowly standing and straightening her nightgown. She smelled so sweet and felt so warm and soft as I took her in my arms and lightly placed her against the wall. Raising her arms above her head I kissed her deeply.

“I have never been enjoyed before… I hope you will be pleased…”

As I tasted her lips she melted into me as though I already owned her… I know then that before long I would.

To be continued…


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