Text Message

The instructions she received had been very simple. He asked her to send a text message the moment she left work to wait for possible further instructions for the evening. Although this, she did not send it.

It was not that she ignored it on purpose, also she did not forget about it – it was more that she simply did not feel like sending it that day. Things started to go wrong already in the morning and she had to waste hours of discussions with the junior people in her department who did not seem to take their work serious. Spending too much time arguing and wasting energy was not helpful and even worse, she was looking forward to a busy evening at home. So later that day on her way back home, the last thing on her mind was to respond in order to please him. All the other things she had to take care of on such a busy day were simply taking priority now.

Sure, she knew that it was her responsibility and she understands the need to make him happy whenever she could, but hewould also understand that her stress at work took away focus at times, right? After all, work and family related responsibilities came first, wasn’t that what he had explained to her before?

Late at night she thought about it again and suddenly felt guilty. She realized that it would have taken only seconds to send the text message and she could have even told him about her stress. He would understand, he always does! So explaining what happened, even though it was late, was the least she had to do now.

Just before she was ready to get some sleep, already looking forward to the next day that hopefully would be less stressful, she sent him an email, explaining about what happened. She knew he would understand this time as well. Yes, a short message earlier would have been possible, but now it was too late and whatever he had planned for her this evening could be taken care of another day, right?

She had met him online and to her surprise, his home was less than 10 mInutes driving distance. It still took weeks of emails and chatting until she had the courage to actually meet him. First they only had a coffee together but already on the second meeting she allowed him to dominate her. Actually, he just made it clear to her that she needed to do what he told her – it was his demanding style that left her no real option. He explained to her what she had to do and she obeyed. She wanted to please him and by pleasing him, she felt free and happy. It was a very liberating experience for her, something she had mostly only dreamed about until then.

At that time he became her Dom and she was his sub. It just felt right. With all her responsibilities at her demanding workplace and a single mother, they could not meet often, but whenever they did, it was amazing and intense and she needed it. She needed to feel his control, the power he had over her. It made her feel free as she could be herself in front of him, the exact opposite of the strong woman she was presenting to everyone else at home or at her work. Over time she realized that a part of why he was so good for her was that he could look right through her and understand her secrets, her desires, her needs better than anyone else. He saw things inside her that she was hiding in front of everyone else.

They kept regular contact, in fact a day without a quick email or a couple of text messages was rare. Every time she heard from him made her excited. Initially she was surprised by her reaction. How was it possible that a simple text message, even before she read it, only seeing that it was from him, could make her shiver? How was it possible that a single sentence from him could instantly make her wet?

Over time it became normal … not in the sense that it felt less powerful – not at all, in fact it felt more powerful these days than ever before. No, it was something that happened often and it was a major part of her life now. Something she became addicted to. She needed it. More of it.

And yes, every single time she heard from him, it was her duty to respond. To tell him about her feelings or simply to obey and do what he asked of her.

The next day she urgently had to be at the office in time as an important meeting was scheduled. She mentioned that in her mail to him. It did not take long until after she clicked the send button, a text message from him appeared:

“I want to see you tomorrow morning before work. Be here at 8:30, you will then leave at 8:45.”

She shivered and she could feel her heart beat getting more intense the moment she read it. This was very unusual. She never meets him so early in the morning. Their meetings always had been in the evenings or on weekends until now. Of course it was possible and she knew that he had thought about it. It would take her maybe 10 minutes to drive there and she had 15 minutes to go to work from his place – that would be enough. It was unusual and a bit inconvenient, but knowing that she did not tell him in time about what happened today, she felt she owed him more than usual – so yes, she would do it.

She simply answered “Yes, Sir” – there was no other option. She had to obey.

Not since the night before their first meeting she was so nervous when falling asleep. Luckily she was tired and exhausted after the stressful day, so she fell asleep quickly.

Waking up, with the timer set 30 minutes earlier than usual, she felt surprisingly good. She was excited, seeing him would be special. She knew that she could trust him … when he said she could leave at 8:45, it would be OK and she would arrive in time for her meeting. She could trust any schedule he made for her.

She got ready – took a shower, got dressed and while doing that, she was resisting the urge to play with herself when she felt the wetness between her legs. She knew he would not like it when she did that now and she did not have time for it anyway … but yes, it would have have felt good and on any other day with a more relaxing schedule, she most likely would have treated her to a relaxing orgasm when feeling like this.

She got into the car just in time and traffic was light, so she arrived at his house at 8:27am. She walked up to the front door and rang the bell. Nothing happened. She could hear some sound from inside his house, but he did not open the door. First she did not Know if she should ring the bell again, maybe he had overheard it, but then she realized it was not 8:30am yet. He explained to her before that he expects her to be on time, so she just waited there. It was less than 3 minutes, but she was so nervous, it felt like an eternity. Why did he want her to come? What would he do with her? Maybe spank her? She liked that, it would not be a punishment for her She thought that he would punish her, after all she did not do what he asked her the day before. Or maybe he had other plans. She would find out soon, but waiting for it like this did not make it easier.

The moment the door opened, she blushed. She could not help it, it was an automatic reaction she had to him.

“Come inside, slut!”

She hesitated for a moment, not expecting to be called a slut here at his front door. Maybe his neighbors could see her, how she was standing and waiting there – and worse, maybe they could hear what he just said?

“Yes, Sir,” was her quiet response while walking in quickly.

He closed the door and while pointing to the side of the room, he ordered her “Stand over there, hands to the wall, legs slightly spread.”

“Yes, Sir!” she said, following his orders.

Once she stood there, he pulled up her skirt, exposing her panties under it. He put a hand between her legs, touching her cunt. It made her shake and it felt so good. He could feel her soaked panties, he could feel with his hands how all of this made her dripping wet.

Only seconds later, he pulled down her panties and pushed her legs aside a bit, so that they were stopped from falling down to the floor and were stuck at knee level. All this exposed her naked ass and her wet cunt fully to him.

He felt it again, this time directly skin on skin, making his hand wet. Only seconds later she could hear him working on his belt. She took a deep breath. It seemed like that he would fuck her? Wow, this was not expected. Of course she had hoped it and thought about it, but somehow she could not believe it.

Suddenly she felt his thumb with the wetness from her cunt on it entering her asshole. She felt uncomfortable … she did not like her asshole to be played with so much. It made her embarrassed. Yes, he had fucked her there before and she even had a climax from it, but still somehow it was not something she was seeking.

She knew she had to allow it when he played with her ass, maybe he would only use his finger now. She knew it made him happy, so she had to allow it to please him. But yes, it still made her nervous and he could feel it, he could notice it.

“It’s ok, slut … relax for me,” he said and she took a deep breath, knowing that whatever he would be doing was ok.

His finger probed her ass more while his other hand was exploring her wet cunt. It was good that he did that as she was so wet by now that the liquid started pouring down her legs and at least some of it was stopped by his fingers and the palm of his hand.

Slowly more and more of her own liquid was transferred to her asshole. She started to breath more heavily, having lost all sense of time and focusing only on her arousal and what she could feel from him.

Then suddenly without any warning, she could feel the tip of his hard cock at her entrance, at her cunt. He was sliding it over it, making it wet as well. It was there for some seconds, it felt like heaven for her and she only wanted him to insert his hard cock into her cunt, to fuck her, to make use of her. If he would tease her more likeThis, she might even beg him and ask to get fucked.

But there was no time to ask a question as his cock moved away until she felt it at the entrance of her asshole. Slowly he pushed it inside and she breathed harder.

“Ask me to fuck your ass, slut!” he ordered.

And breathing heavily, dealing with a situation where she had no control over what was happening, with a quiet voice she said “Please fuck my ass, Sir”

And this is what he did. First he moved it in slowly, gently … until his cock was all the way inside her. Her own wetness helped as luxury, it easily was enough after how much he had spread it there before.

And then he moved. In and out. He pumped his cock into her. First slow and then faster. There was a hint of pain first, but there was also so much pleasure … pleasure from knowing how obeying and being ready for his use of her body, being available for him, made him feel good. It is what she truly wanted, to please him, to be ready for him and to be used by him, as the slut she was. His slut. His slut for use whenever and however he wanted her. If he wanted her ass, he would get it. And he was getting it now. She was extremely happy, horny, needy … she was in heaven, even ready to explode for him.

It did not take long and he was shooting his sperm inside her. It was expected from how he used her, but still it caught her by Surprise. It was a lot faster than expected. And then he shouted “Cum, slut” while his cock was still pulsing shooting hot liquid into her rectum.

Wow, she came very hard. She gushed, she squirted. He had the power to make her do that. She needed his command to cum, it always worked. Liquid sprayed down, onto her panties, on his pants and on the floor. It did not matter, she had no control over it. All the control over her body was up to him. He decided when and how she would cum. For him. And she did. As he instructed.

He slowly pulled out his cock and then a cold feeling on herass told her that there was a metal butt plug there. He pushed it inside. Keeping all his seed inside her. Quickly he reached down and moved her wet panties up, making her feel her cold wetness through her panties between her legs and on her ass. He moved back and the skirt fell down, making her look decent and professional again.

“The moment you leave work today, send a text message. You are allowed to ask for permission to remove the plug then, not earlier. It’s 8:45. Now go slut!”

She understands now what he was doing. She would go through her day and the important meeting plugged like this, with his sperm inside her, even feeling her soaked panties on her. Would anyone around her notice it? There was no time to think about it now, she had to do it for him, to please him.

And she wanted it.

“Yes, Sir. I understand. Thank you, Sir!” was her response as she got moving.

Today she would not forget the text message.


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