Only slightly more composed after her melt-down in the limo, she held her hand out to her boyfriend who waited by the open door. It might be the last night she would ever be able to refer to him as that again.
She felt tremors. ‘Oh my god not again,’ she thought. Maybe it was just the after effects of one of the most explosive orgasms of a lifetime. She repeatedly silently to herself over and over like a mantra, ‘ I will not embarrass myself or Rick again, I won’t, I won’t, oh my god, I hope I won’t.’
“Sarah?” Rick asked solicitously. “Are you ok pet?”
“Oh Rick, I’m so mortified,” her face turning another nice shade of red.
“Baby, don’t worry about it. It’s perfectly natural, a little out of character for you, but certainly we’ve taken care of it” He patted her hand platonically. She searched his face for the disgust she expected. She found only concern.
“I’ve… never… done anything like that. I’m so sorry, Rick. I’m sure it’s… well…” stuttering itout she answered, “not going to happen again”
Her pussy took just that moment to start heating up again and make a lie of all she’d just said. She swore silently, squeezed her thighs together and proceeded to tell her womanhood to go to hell.
Rick kept his smile turned away from her. The stuff he’d given them both would last for hours. Actually his friend had given him an antidote in case it took too long to wear off. He hid his chuckle in a belated cought.
After handling off their tickets at the door, he led her unerringly to the bar. Watching her seat herself on the tall barstool with no panties. Priceless. He ordered her favorite martini and took a scotch on the rocks.
She eased her right leg up onto the stool. This forced her legs to spread apart and her dress to ride up her thighs. Anyone who’d seen them walk in and watched them move to the bar would get an unobstructed view of her shaken and well used pussy.
She quickly pulled her other leg on to theseat and pressed her thighs together. She didn’t dare try to cross her legs, just in case. Rick turned to her with the martini, which she gratefully took. Anything to add some cool to her already heating up body parts.
Sarah kept her eyes on her glass. She didn’t want to look into the eyes of anyone who might have witnessed her mounting the bar stool. But, Rick lifted her chin and looked into her eyes. He gauged her desire to be on a scale of one to ten, somewhere around four.
“So what do you think? Looks like someone went for the works tonight.”
She dared to look around. The room was full of people dancing, talking, sitting at elegant tables, sharing food and drink and conversation. A few were sharing a little more than that. The couple in the corner booth were deep into each other. The man looked like he was giving the girl a tonsillectomy with his tongue.
While another by the band had his head buried in a very buxom woman’s blouse. And still others were dirtydancing to some slow spooky music. With the spider web decor and fog machines rolling, it was like watching a scene of ghosts who had risen from a New Orleans’ graveyard to celebrate All Hallows Eve. Tombstones were scattered about the guests on the dance floor. Monuments, crosses, chipped, stained, moss covered as if they truly danced upon the dead.
‘And… oh… was that couple actually… on that grave marker, doing…’ she didn’t get a chance to make out what it was they were really doing. It couldn’t be. But, the dancers had swirled in around them blocking them from view.
The lights were low and red. Right in front of the band someone had erected an open coffin. Resplendent as anything Dracula himself might own. The red velvet lining, the dark oak panels, the gold ornamentation and handles. Oh my god, she was thinking about sex again, in that coffin, with her Dracula escort, Rick. He would die if he knew.
She quickly turned her attention away from the semiconductorscenes all around her.
“It’s lovely, Rick. I’m so glad you brought me.”
He took in the pink glow of her skin and guessed correctly that she was on her way to another melt-down. He’d give it about thirty minutes. His cock was at full mast now. It throbbed just looking at her. Soon it would be her turn to take care of him.
He gently laid his hand on her knee and registered the little shock of electricity that flowed between them. Hadn’t she ever noticed it before? He’d been feeling it for months. Just the slightest contact, an accidental brush of flesh. He couldn’t get enough of her and her insight that they wait until the relationship got more serious, well that just wouldn’t do.
He was totally serious. He’d already bought the ring. All that was left was that nagging little question of after the wedding. She had to be completely open to him. Ready to cum at his beck and call. Eager to please. Most of all, she needed to have her world spin out of control everytime he drove her sexy little alluring body over the edge.
If she was just a little bit conventional he could use a two week honeymoon in the Bahamas to train her. The thoughts of her beautiful throat wearing his collar, her arms and legs spread and chained. The tormented pleasure of bringing her to the edge over and over. Hearing her beg. Hearing her scream and moan.
The thought had his cock dancing and leaking precum, demanding that Sarah cum and play with it. When she didn’t try to brush his hand aside and began to squirm, his thoughts turned to spreading her legs. Spanking her tingling pussy into submission.
“You look stunning tonight. I’m the envy of every man in the room, my pet.”
Her womanhood was burning again with all the nerves on edge. She was going to leave a hot wet slippery puddle on the seat. It just couldn’t be happening. ‘Oh no! What’s gotten into me? I’m such a slut!’ her mind wailed dolefully.
“You make me look good,” she admitted from bpossess her lashes. She wanted to run her fingers inside her labia and rub out the burning itch. Turning more towards the bar she spread her legs just a little bit. Slipping her hand beneath the skirt of her dress she eased her fingers towards her pussy.
She carried a running conversation about the true to death decor of the evening, trying to divert Rick’s attention from what she was going to be doing. His eyes remained on hers. He seemed attractive to her every word. A little too late she realized he had only offered a few random comments.
“Uh huh.” “I see.” “Really?!”
Ut-oh. It didn’t seem like his mind was really on what she was saying anymore. His eyes were molten brown and glistening with desire. She tried to think of what she might have said or done, but she was losing control of her thoughts again. Her fingers which had started out slowly careing her lower lips were now slipping in and out of her very hot very wet very horny pussy.
She was leaning into the bar and arching her back. Her breasts naked beneath the dress revealed her pebbly nipples like delicious little baby marshmallows. Patrons at the bar were beginning to stare. She was lost to it all. She felt his hand like a hot brand moving up her thigh. She could only moan in hopeless misery when his hand covered hers over her shameful cunt.
His fingers followed hers, in and out, adding his two to her three. He pressed deep hard and fast burying both of their fingers inside her as deep as they could go. Sarah’s thighs clamped down hard as she stranged over the emitting moan. Her moan.
She had the attention of everyone at the bar now and several others in close proximity. Women pursued and men stroked their crotches and drooled.
Rick pulled their wet slick digits from Sarah’s hot quivering cunt and drew them up between them forcing her to stare glassy eyed at them. With her body trembling in need she Shook her head from side to side as he unerringly moved them towards her blood red lips. With his right hand Rick cupped the back of Sarah’s head holding her in place he kissed the tips of her cum soaked fingers then slipped them into her cute little pouting mouth.
He watched as her eyes rolled back and she proceeded to suck each one completely clean.
Drying his fingers meticulously with a napkin he began stroking his massive fucking rock hard cock through his trousers. ‘Christ, what an eager little slut she was becoming’ he grinned to himself.
“Rick… Rick… I… ooo,” her throaty rasping voice nearly caused him to lose it in his trousers.
“I know pet. Let me help you. That’s what I’m here for baby girl.”
She was beyond caring again who saw, where she was, what he did to her. Her body was begging do it… do it NOW!
He rotated her seat around slowly facing the dance floor and the small growing gathering of onlookers. She placed her elbows behind her on the bar bracing for his attentions.
He hooked her three inch heels over the metal step run around the base of the bar stool and spread her open wide. With an evil wicked he grin he began to pull the cubes of ice from his glass and one by one pushed them deep up inside her pussy.
One… two… three… five! He palmed the last piece and held it over her clip and began to circle it. Drip… drip… moan. The punchle of melted ice grow bigger and sticky with juices. It ran down her thighs, her crack, her legs, and the stool.
Plop… plop… plop!
One man had grabbed a woman by the hair, he dropped heavily in a chair and shoved her between his legs. Producing a raging hot cock he forced her down on it and began fucking her mouth.
Rick furiously worked Sarah’s pussy as she arched, screamed and exploded. Moving his hand at the last Second, the ice cubes shot out of her and skittered across the floor. Two women and three men bent over and retrieved the individual ice cubes popping them into their mouths and sucking luxuriously on them.
Rick took a bar towel from the sweat soaked glassy eyed bartender. Turning Sarah back around towards the bar he pushed the towel gently between her legs.
“Clean up now pet. I believe dinner is about to be served.”
She dropped her head onto the bar moaning in abject horror. She began to rub the towel against her sensitive skin biting back another humiliating noise trying to claw its way out of her throat.
Rick led her unerringly to a booth next to the dance floor. Amidst the applause and the shade she slide her wicked evil little pussy into the seat. Burying her face in a napkin she awaited her next humiliating performance.
‘Bad pussy…bad pussy…bad…bad…bad…bad!’
More to cum…
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