Testing The Waters

The soft music played for several minutes before Lake rolled over to turn off the alarm. At first she just lay in bed, trying to recall the dream she had been having. It seemed like it had been a good dream, after all, she had that tingling sensing between her legs that meant she needed to take care of something.

Just as she was sliding her hand down over her stomach she remembered why she had set the alarm on a nice summer’s day when she would normally have no reason to get up. Lake flung the covers off of the bed and jumped up, her luscious breasts bouncing under the lacy fabric of her night gown. After a quick glance at the clock she calmed some, she had given herself plenty of time to get ready. It was time Lake would need too. Whatever she had been dreaming had left the short blonde covered in a layer of sweat.

Lake surprised and peeled off her night gown after starting the water in the tub. Ordinarily a quick shower was all she would want, but she felt that this wasan important day and she needed to give her body more care and attention than she usually would. Once the tub was filled and Lake had added her favorite bath salts, she slipped into the tub. The warm water gradually enveloped her leg as she set it in the water, and then the other leg, and finally her whole body. The warmth of the water intensified the sensing between her legs, but Lake resisted the urge to touch herself. Not today. She said to herself, today I can’t.

Slowly she leaned her head back, wetting her long hair, and laying down in the tub so her whole body was covered as much as possible. When she sat back up the water dripped down her face and onto her breasts, which, large as they were, floated to the top of the water when Lake was sitting again.

Lake grabbed her wash clothes and poured her scented body wash on it. The scent of sweetened vanilla filled the room as she started to wash her body, paying careful attention to her lower regions and her breasts; the aReas she would want to look their best for today. It was a form of self torture for her to resist the urge to masturbate, especially as she cleaned herself, but Lake could be strong willed when she wanted to be, even if everyone else thought her to be timing.

She inhaled the sweet smell of her body wash as it filled the room and she finished cleaning. Lake let the water drain out of the tub, but stayed seated as it did, the cold bathroom air slowly making her cold. As the water dropped down below her breasts, her nipples hardened and gave a small shiver. Even though she was cold Lake waited until the last of the water had gone before she closed the shower curve and turned on the shower.

She ran her fingers through her long blonde hair and let the water flow through it as it dropped back down against her skin, hitting the middle of her back. The smell of vanilla mixed with cream and strawberries as Lake worked a thick later into her hair. As she rinsed the soap ran down over her breasts and stomach, following the contours of her legs until finally flowing into the tub and down the drain.

The short girl closed her eyes and relaxed under the water, trying to calm her nerves about her interview for the day. She only just nineteen and had no idea what to expect from the working world, especially this kind of job. She shiver slightly as the water started to get cold without her Noticing.

Finally she cast and turned off the shower, wrapping out her long hair and grabbing her oversized towel. Lake ran the towel over her body to dry it off before wrapping it around her chest and tucking it under so it stayed as a make-shift dress.

For some reason she hated the sound of the blow dryer. It just had that pitch that made her ears ring no matter which way she turned her head. Still, her hair would look the best and feel the softest if she were to blow dry it. So Lake grabbed the blow dryer from underneath the sink and plugged it in. With the brush in one hand and the blow dryer in the other she worked on her hair. Several minutes into the process her towel decided to slip and become a skirt. Lake simply surprised and continued working on her hair; it had to look nice for today.

With her hair fixed and her towel still around her waist, Lake started putting on her makeup. She decided to go for a nice smokey eyed effect, something that would bring out the brilliant green of her eyes. As she brushed the deep shadow on her lids she went through her mind with what she knew to expect from her interview. She knew she had to be respectful, honest, and obedient, but she suddenly became very insecure.

Lake set down the applicant for her eye shadow and took off her towel, tossing it into the hamper, and looked at her body in the mirror. She was slim and fit, and her large breasts still managed to look perky, but what if that wasn’t enough? Was she expected to be an innocent school girl? Lake tried to make an innocent face in the mirror to see how it looked with the smoke eye shadow. It came out making her look desperate she thought. So she tried on another person, and then another and another until she thought she’d found the perfect look for herself.

Lake would dress as a business woman. Her smoke eyes would make her look older and more confident, and a nice subtle pink lipstick would keep her looking professional, but meet the dress requirements for the job; she must wear heels and lipstick.

She put on a simple white top and covered it with a pinstripe jacket that hit just at her hips, and a matching skirt that landed just above the knee. Her hair she twisted around a few times and put into a clip. The glossy strap of her black heels was cold against her skin, still warm from her shower. Lake looked in the mirror and examined her appear. After a few moments she took off her jacket and changed her top to a white button up, but left several of the top buttons undone to show more of her cleavage. She put her jacket back on and looked at herself again.

That was better, she looked professional but sexy. Exactly the look she was going for. For one last business woman effect she grabbed a leather bound notebook and held it in her arms. She smiled to herself in the mirror, pleased with the way she looked. Lake gave a slow scar to steady her nervouss before she walked out of the bedroom.

She grabbed her car keys off the hook beside the door, and her pursuit from the hook on the back of the door and left her small apartment, locking it behind her. She had no idea how long this interview would last, but if it went well, she would be gone at least all day.

Lake got several looks from people with their small screaming children as she walked through the parking lot to her car. She ignored them. She felt confident today, and confidence was a good thing.

The engine of her car started up and she backed out of the parking spot and started off to her interview, the address programmed into her GPS so she wouldn’t get lost along the way. It was about an hour drive if there was no traffic. The route was fairly simple until the end of it, so she turned on her stereo to listen to some music while she drove.

The vibrations of the car bouncing along the road gave her an uncomfortable sensing between her legs. She was starting to get frustrated that she had made it a rule not to touch herself this morning. It also didn’t help that each large bump in the road would make her breasts bounce against the seat belt that restrained her and separated them so precisely in the middle.

An hour of driving and Lake was glad she hadn’t bothered to put on blush when she put her make up on earlier. Her cheeks were a soft pink from her arousal. It took away from her business woman look, but added to her sex appeal she felt.

Finally, she turned down her music and got off the highway, now following the directions of her GPS to the location of her interview. When she found the drive that she needed to turn into, her heart dropped some. It was at least a mile long, and it was all gravel.

By the time Lake reached the end of the drive she could feel a moistness between her legs, and having chosen to not wear panties, she hoped it hadn’t left a wet spot on her skirt. She parked her car and got out, one hand feeling at her butt to see if her skirt was wet. Relief. It was still dry.


“She’s here Master.”


“Shall I bring her to you when she reaches the door?”

“No, I want to test her first. Entertain her for a while. I’ll watch through the cameras.”

“Yes, Master.”



Lake walked up to the door, her pursuit over her shoulder and her leather bound notebook in hand. She took a deep breath and reached out to ring the doorbell. Before her finger even touched it the door opened. There stood beautiful woman with waist length black hair that dragged over her shoulders, covering her perfectly shaped breasts. She was clad in a white lace corset with white stockings and heels to match, and her scarlet lipstick made her skin look pale under her dark hair.

“Hi,” Lake suddenly found herself feeling very uncomfortable. “I’m here to see-“

“Master, he is expecting you of course, please come in.” The taller girl stepped to the side and opened the door wider for Lake, inviting her in with a gesture of the arm.

The house was elaborately decorated and immaculately clean. Lake found herself almost afraid to breathe for fear that she might make it dirty.

“I’m Dianna,” the girl introduced herself. “If you’ll follow me, Master is busy at the moment. He’s asked me to enter you until he can get away from work.”

“Oh, alright,” Lake was worried that she had already failed her interview since she seemed to be being escorted around by the help. “So, what kind of work do you do for him?” She asked Dianna nervously.

“I’m a slave,” the girl responded nonchalantly. “I’ve been with Master for about four years now. This way,” she motioned Lake through a door at the end of a hallway.

The door led down a flight of steps that was lit by small lights glowing on either side of the wall. The bottom of the staircase opened up into one huge room. The walls were painted a deep red that made the room look dim even though it was well lit. Inside were all manner of devices. The main centerpiece to the room was a king sized bed, it was covered in a single leather fitted sheet and had four struggle posts and several rails for a headboard and footboard that already had restrains secured to them. The rest of the room was a collection of things that Lake could never have imagined. A suspension system in one corner of the room, a St. Andrew’s Cross in another, an association of whips, chains and floggers hanging from the wall, a large table with numerous sex toys, and a machine that Lake didn’t even want to try to imagine working.

“This is Master’s playroom,” Dianna said as she pushed past Lake, who stood frozen in shock. Perhaps she was in over her head. Sex for money had seemed like a decent way for her to get rich quick at her age, but now she was beginning to wonder if she should have explored the world of bondage a little more before agreeing to any kind of interview.

While she was standing in shock she failed to notice that Dianna was examining her body until the taller girl stepped forward and abruptly grabbed her ass.

“No panties on I see,” she said. “That’s good.” Then she walked off towards the table full of equipment.

Lake suddenly felt violent. “He-he told me not to both wearing any,” she stammered.

Dianna nodded as she walked back with something held in her hand.

“Pull up your skirt”


“Pull up your skirt and put this on.” She was holding a small vibrating flower that was hurt like a pair of panties.

“I… I’ve never used anything like this… I’m a virgin.”

“It’s alright, just put this on.”

Lake swallowed and nodded, taking the device and stepping her legs through the holes. She pulled it up over her ass. It feel like a very awkward thong, and Lake wasn’t at all sure she liked it. It was cold and pressed against her clip in a way that made her feel exposed and vulnerable. As she tried to move it to make it more comfortable, she noticed that Dianna was slipping her panties off and tossing them on the floor.

“There’s something you need to do before your interview with Master began,” she said.

Lake looked at Dianna uncertainly. “And what’s that?” she asked nervously.

“Pleasure me.”

Lake looked stunned. She had realized that the interview would involve doing something with the man interviewing her, but she had no expectations that it would involve another woman.

“I-I don’t think I can…”

Dianna walked over to the wall and grabbed one of the whips. She came back and stood behind Lake.

“Get on your knees.”

“I’ve never done anything with a woman before,” her breath was starting to come in short gasps as she felt more nervous.

Lake could tell that Dianna had been through extensive training. When she answered the door she had seemed shy, but now Lake was seeing a completely different side of the black haired girl.

“I said on your knees.” The crack of the whip sounded Through the room and started Lake. Out of fear she dropped down to her knees, forgetting how far it was to the floor in heels, and winning in pain as the crack of her kneecaps on concrete mimicked the sound the whip had made.

The short blonde was terrified at what she may have gotten herself into as Dianna walked in front of her. When Lake looked up she found that her face was just at the level of the other woman’s cleanly shamen pussy.

“Now lick, slut.”

Lake looked up into the stern gaze of the green eyed woman and nodded hesitantly. Slowly she leaned forward, able to smell how aroused the other woman was as she got closer. With her mouth parted slightly, she let her tongue slip from between her lips to lightly touch Dianna. Instantly she tasted something that was sweet but at the same time bitter. It wasn’t all together unpleasant, but it was certainly a flavor that Lake was unaccustomed to.

“I said lick it like the slut you are,” came Dianna’s voice. And Then a rough hand was wrapped in Lake’s long blonde hair, pushing her lips against Dianna’s pussy. At first Lake panicked because she was unable to breathe, but the more she struggled the harder Dianna would push her face into her crotch. In her panic Lake opened her mouth and then a moan met her ears and the pressure loosened up some.

Lake looked up at Dianna to see an expression of lust on her face, hear head tilted back some from the initial enjoyment of touch. The young blonde swallowed hard and looked back at Lake’s pussy, this time determined to provide the other woman with more pleasure. Still timing, she slide her tongue along the slide between Dianna’s pussy lips. This time she got more of the tangy taste that had previously met her tongue, and Lake decided that it had a subtle fruit taste to it that made it more pleasant.

Still nervous about it being her first time doing anything with anyone, let alone a woman, Lake tried to focus on that sweet taste that had met her lips. She let her tongue care in between the soft folds of skin as it tried to seek out more flavor. Soft noises of enjoyment were filling the room as Lake because less timing with her tongue and explored more of Dianna’s pussy.

As she became more comfortable Lake moved her hands up to rest on Dianna’s hips, pulling her closer as she tried to let her tongue divide inside the older woman. When she finally did a deep moan accompanyed by a shiver came from Dianna. Lake looked up at her, trying to give a sexy glance.

What Lake failed to notice was the remote that was in Dianna’s hand.Lake was letting her tongue circle and dip inside Dianna when there was a low buzz and she jumped. The vibrator that Dianna had made her put on had been activated, and it gave Lake the sensing of being ticked at first.

“Turn it back off,” she while.

“It’s not for the slut to decide what she gets,” Dianna responded. And instead of turning it off she turned it on higher.

Lake Instinctively moved to pull the vibrator away from her sensitive regions. Having never before been touched with such rapid vibrations, it was too much for Lake to handle. But as she moved her hands a whip fell across the back of them, hitting on of her thighs as well.

“Leave it,” was the harsh command.

Lake felt tears sting her eyes from the crack of the whip and the overstimulation she was experiencing, and she lay down on the floor trying to catch her breath. The violences were painful on her young clip.

“It won’t be long and you’ll be begging me for more,” Dianna said “Just like the slut you know you are.”

Lake felt her face flush deeply as the victorys started to become less painful and more pleasurable. Before she was able to push herself back up, she felt Dianna grab her by the hair and pull her back to her knees. Lake let out a noise of pain as Dianna dragged her across the ground. The blonde was crawling as fast as she could, but still falling behind as Dianna moved towards a chair and sat down. As Lake caught up the sensing between her legs had stopped hurting.

Lake was feeling that warm sensing growing between her legs, spreading through her body and making the flush on her cheeks spread down her chest and onto her breasts.

“You want it now don’t you, you little slut,” Dianna said as she turned off the vibrator.

Lake let out a whimper at the loss of sensing that had become enjoyable. Dianna slide down some in the chair so that the edges of her ass cheeks were hanging off the edge. She looked down at Lake with noexpression on her face as she spoke.

“Please me enough and I’ll turn it back on.”

Lake nodded, less timing now that her head had started to grow foggy with lust. She leaned forward to put her face in between the black haired woman’s thighs. The younger woman rested her hands on Dianna’s hips as she pressed her lips against Dianna’s pussy, parting it with her tongue. The taste was sweeter than ever now that she desired it, and she found herself more eager to lick Dianna now. She let her tongue circle the other woman’s clip in small slow circles, applying as much pressure as she could.

Dianna was letting out soft moans and running her fingers through Lake’s hair as the girl worked her tongue and lips. Lake slide her tongue down to plumge it inside Dianna, making her toss her black hair back as she moaned, tightening her grip on the smooth blonde hair that was tangled in her fingers.

“Just like that you little whore, lick my pussy,”

Lake felt her cheeses burning to Dianna’s words, but she made her licking more eager, flicking her tongue over Dianna’s clip and altering between the textured top and smooth bottom. She wanted the vibrator back on, and Lake was determined that she would please Dianna if that’s what it took.

Lake found herself moving her hips against the small flower between her legs in a rhythm that matched the way that she was licking Dianna. As Dianna’s breath started coming in shorter more ragged gasps, Lake found that she was breathing more irregulated as well. She moaned against Dianna’s pussy, letting her feel the violences through her clip. Dianna’s hips jerked against Lake’s face in response and Lake moaned again. She found herself becoming lost in the pleasant maze that was Dianna’s body; she was running her hands along Dianna’s thighs, her nails leaving small scratch marks in their wake.

Lake could tell that Dianna was starting to lose herself in pleasure so she took advantage of the moment to make a bold move, her hands resting for a moment on Dianna’s knees before she forced the older girl’s legs wide apart, burying her face in Dianna’s pussy with intense vigor. Lake could feel Dianna’s body shaking against her, and Lake tested how far she could go by biting gently down on Dianna’s clip.


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