Lilly had a strong will to be pleasure and to be pleased. She had long learned her body was very reactionary, to the point of hyper-orgasmic more often than not, when she was fully in the moment. Once, a long time ago, she had learned to lay with a man and feel nothing – no matter what he did – and it left her feeling…nothing. She hadn’t liked that feeling of nothingness. She began to explore her own body and learned from her Very first orgasm she liked the heady sensing she got when she released. She had ultimately become addicted to orgasms; first hers, then his. Because she could cum so easily, many of her former lovers retired the power they felt in being able to ‘make her cum’ repeatedly. They had been fools though. They were not making her cum as much as she was letting herself orgasm. She had even learned to orgasm by means of giving a blowjob. She couldn’t understand why it had taken her so long to learn how to do this. It became a way she could get what she wanted without waiting for a man to MAYBE provides her with a release. Yes, Lilly had learned how to orgasm so well, it had become too easy. She had forgotten how to enjoy the feeling of pleasure in her focus to experience orgasmic bliss. His goal was to help her re-learn pleasure.
Lilly watched from the thick, sheepskin rug as her lover placed another log on the fire. The chill in the air was beginning to fade and she could feel the warmth from the flames moving across her skin. She used to feel uncomfortable being nude in front of him; her body was different from how it had been so many moons ago. Her ample breasts were heavy without the support of a bra, or his hands. They were softer than they used to be. Her dark nipples were still formidable and always hard, protruding. They always grow great attention from him when he was feeling playful. Her hips and ass were full and round, accentuating her womanly figure, which he adored. Her stomach was not flat as it had been when she was in her20’s or even in her early 30’s, but he always made sure she knew he adored that part of her, too. His attention to her wants and needs often amazing her. He had this uncanny ability to sense things about her, about her body… to be able to teach her…. “Teacher,” she thought to herself, “Yes.”
He finished staking the fire and turned to look at her lying there. He drew his eyes across her tanned body and rested them on hers. He could be softened so quickly by her eyes, but tonight he felt a surge of disease. He picked up the small bag he had brought home, pulling out the onyx, silk mask. She didn’t say a word as he lowered himself down to her. He kissed her tender lips and placed the mask over her eyes, reaching behind her head to secure it. He let himself enjoy the feeling of her long and silky brunette hair. He enjoyed seeing her like this. She was a ball of sensitive tension. He ran his hands over her lips and down to her shoulders. Her nipples were erect, as usual, and he let his fingers graze over them, resisting giving them a firm tweak just yet. She was biting her bottom lip in anticipation and he wanted to bite it, too. So he did.
Lilly felt his lips hover over hers before feeling his mouth take over. He deepened the kiss, taking her bottom lip between his hands moved to lift her breasts, teasing her nipples between his fingers. He caught her breath in his as she Felt the presence of his body closing in. The mask heightened all her senses. Everything she could not see she was able to feel. She felt the texture of his hands as they slipped to her back, and then felt the weight of him as he led her down into the suppleness of the rug’s tufts. She was sinking into it; the natural lanolin of the sheep’s wool was soft, and he was hard. God, he was so hard. His body fell between her legs so she couldn’t close them. “Aaaah, this again,” she reminisced. His mouth continued to explore along her jawline and neck, to her décolletage. His hands moved downward from her breasts, making room for his mouth to continue to taste her fresh skin, as his fingers searched out the sensitive bud between her legs. She could feel every bit of pressure he was applying, with his body, with his kisses, with his searching fingers. She could feel the pressure building within her as well. When he finally found her flowering bud, she wanted to give in to its pleasure. He was not as firm with it as she had expected him to be. He began to lightly tap at it with his heavy fingers. The tapping was unyielding, and she could feel the rush of blood making her cliporis swell and increase in sensitivity. She was relishing this feeling, the gradually increase in pressure from his ministers, the feeling of her flower blooming as her legs were spread open to him, and from her growing need to reach that first release.
He brought his face up to hers once more, kissing her lips. He reached around to grab a handful of her hair, pulling it back to expose her throat. He loved her throat as much as any other part of her. His cock had slide down its tight way so many times… he was getting hard thinking about it. He kissed her along her neck, knowing right where her carotid artery would be pulsing. A point sensitive to any pressure, he lightly sucked at it while his fingers continued to softly strike away at her clip. Her breathing was getting heavier. He could feel her pulse quickening under his lips. She was close. His fingers unclenched and retightened in her hair
How did he get her so close so fast? She knew his dominance was addictive. She loved the feeling of his fingers wrapped in her hair, pulling her into his will. But the damn teasing of her clip was … Oh, there it was… that feeling…. “Teacher!” she said quickly.
He stopped the gentle attack on her clip. “Good girl,” he whispered. He continued to hold her firmly. Her legs were spread and her body tense as he continued to kiss her neck. He let his fingers glide along the inside of her thighs and firmly grabbing one knee, pulled her legs open even further leaving her fully exposed. Her breath hitched and he devoured this escape of her submission. Pulling her head backwards, cradling it in his large hands, he guided downward onto the sheepskin and released her. She lay there, still spread and he could not subdue his own hunger any longer. He lowered himself between her legs until her sex was under his mouth.
The heat of the fire was on her skin and the heat of his mouth was on her mound. She wished she could see him. She wanted to reach out and drive his face into her, but she was doing her best not to rush anything. She was enjoying this long and graduate exploration. Lilly could feel his tongue began its slow draw and prod. She had learned in the very beginning how much he enjoyed consuming her. His tongue expertly traced along and inside her petals. His lips would grap onto hers, then he would part them with his tongue. She could feedl when he was just using the rigid tip and when he was using the broad breadth of it, lapping at her, coating her juices from deep within her. She had told him once she felt at odds when he was orally pleasing her. She felt she should be doing “something”. He had scolded her and told her, “You are supposed to be enjoying it.” She was, oh my she was. He Tongued her, probed her until her fingers started grabbing the long hairs of the rug under her.
Lilly groaned out loud, mumbling something inaudible as his tongue began to play on her clip. That same, rhythmic tapping his fingers had drummed earlier, punctuated by plunges into her hole, lapping up the juices that would puddle there before returning to her clip again. Over and over, he assaulted her back and forth. Her grip on the rug was stronger than her will. She wanted to give in. Damn how badly she wanted to cum right now, but she was truly enjoying this. Her head began to swim…
He learned this part of her long ago. Histongue would plumge into her, not just to consume the sweet negative her body gave him so willingly, but he could feel her hole clnch and unclench when she was close. He wanted her orgasm in his mouth, but this wasn’t about him. He stopped and watched her opening pulsate. She hadn’t given him the word, but she didn’t need to. He was in control of this ride. He had seen her face behind the mask, nearly winning in pain as she was trying not to cum. He grinned devilishly as he saw her knuckles white, gripping the sheepskin fur. Her breathing slowed for a few moments and he dove back in. His hands reached under her legs and grabbed her wrists, pinning her to his face. He continued the licking and prodding, stopping to let her catch her breath, before recovering. He almost wanted her to fail, but that would be his failure and that just wouldn’t do. Lick. Probe. Lap. Probe. Lick. Then finally he began suckling her clip.
“TEACHER!” she screamed! “TEACHER! Teacher…” She was breathless.Geez, that was close. She felt like she had nearly released the same time she screamed, as a punctuation to his. He had brought her to this precarious edge, and she wasn’t sure how much more she could take. He was persistent as he left her clip alone and resumed tenderly lapping at her hole. As long as he stayed away from her most sensitive bud, she thought she would be ok. God, it felt so good. She wanted to cum soon, yet the pthora of attention he was giving her was intotoxicating. His grapp on her wrists tightened; she’d have bruises tomorrow and she didn’t care. She wanted more, so much more. His tongue was sharpid as began fucking her with it. Lilly pulled and pushed against his arms and into his face. Ugh, why couldn’t she get it deeper? She was craving so much more than his tongue, but she knew that wouldn’t happen just yet. Or maybe it wouldn’t happen at all. “Damn it!” she thought as she felt his tongue push deeper inside of her.
She had become a wise mess. Her glorios, creamy juices were perfectly flowing now, and she wasn’t even cumming yet, he thought to himself. He continued licking until he started just fucking her with his tongue. His own cock was incredibly hard and he could tell she wanted it. He adamantly tormented her with his tongue until she was thrusting her hips into his face. He had had enough. He gathered as much of the sweet honey as he could into his mouth and pulled himself up to kiss her. Her legs flew into the air over his arms as he met her mouth with his. It was like feeding a hungry dog. She kissed, licked, and sucked every bit of wetness from his lips. He could feel his own body aching as he felt her pussy against his throbbing cock. Careful not to let it slip inside, he let it split her folds and he could instantly feel her heat wetness against him. Damn this woman.
He moved his hips as she sucked his tongue like a little cock. He still had her wrists bound in his hands and she was using him as leverage to try to getHis cock inside of her. He pulled his mouth away from hers and looked at her wanton face. “Not yet, my little hellion,” he spoke quietly as he continued to stroke against her. She was swollen and so fucking wet. He watched her face as she struggled against him, trying anxiously to get him to “accidentally slip” inside her. He continued to grin with a devil’s delight at her useless attempts. He had full control of this little part of his own desire. He would pump against her with his cock down, then with his cock upright. Her pubis was protruding in the perfect position for his own carnal leveraging. Every stroke would put pressure on her clip, but not ‘enough’. Just enough to make her want more. More and more, he stroked against her, but not in her. He was enjoying this more than he should. No. He was enjoying this part exactly how much he had wanted to.
Lilly wanted to watch his cock in the firelight stroking against her but the damn mask wouldn’t let her. She could feel his cock’s shake and rigid head against her, and she was practically defiant in trying to get him inside of her. Her hips were moving as much as his arms would allow. She couldn’t do anything but enjoy this, too. She could feel her clip being stroked by his staff. The length of it, its hardness and yet its softness was contradicting. She could feel its veins against her now as she thought about it more, focusing on Every sensing she could extract from the moment. She became as still as she could as to focus on nothing else, trying to grab the only sensing he was allowing her now. More and more… yeessssss.. “Teacher?” she whimpered.
That was the sound he was waiting for as she reached the top of yet another edge. He continued to stroke slowly, not stopping now. “Yes?” He watched her face turn to anguish.
“I’m going to cum. Please stop. I’m… I’m…” She continued to try to speak. She was controlling her own orgasm now. She wanted to release, but she didn’t want to.
“Yes, you are,” was all he said as he continued his steady pace.
She held the edge as long as she could until her long-awaited orgasm finally washed over her. “Aaaaaahhhhhhh!!!!!!” she excerpted as her body shuddered and shook. She yelled out loud as she felt all of the waiting coming to what she thought was the end — she thought.
There is. He watched as she began to ejaculate in a manner he’d never seen her accomplishment before. Thick, creamy cum flew onto his cock as he continued to stroke against her through her release. She was cumming and cumming. She was about to cum a lot more he garnered as he swiftly took his hard cock and aimed it straight into her cumming hole.
Lilly screamed as she felt his swollen cock take her by surprise. She was pinned fully under him, legs open, her sex fully exposed to him. Her body was pushing out cum and he was pushing himself into her at the same time in a new struggle. Jesus, she was cumming again. Again? Had she stoppedd the first time?
He took every stroke as a challenge against her pulsating pussy walls. They were pushing against him and his cock was forcing them back open to accept him. She came again and the sound of her orgasmic bliss was the climax to the symphony he had been conducting all evening. Her whole body went taut as he relentlessly pushed onward. When she finally began to subside, he made one final thrust in, as deep as he could, putting the full weight of his body into it and exploded inside of her.
The orgasms keep coming as she felt him dive into her. A searing heat, almost a pain, washed over her as she imagined the head of his cock diving into cervix. She felt her walls clamping around him as she released once more, with him this time. “Dear heaven and hell,” is what she was thinking, but she couldn’t articulate a word.
He released her wrists and grabbed onto her body, pulling her close as he allowed himself a few cum-extracting thrusts. Her muscles were stilltightly clenched around his cock as she concentrated on catching her breath. They were lying together in front of the fire. She was beautifully spent as he reached up to remove the mask from her face. He kissed her softly and she returned his kiss. He never stopped pumping his cock into her as they lay there. Gentler now, he stroked the inside of her as he had the outside. The clenchings and unclenchings were delicious, as were her little ‘aftershocks’, until he felt something quiver deep in her. “One more?” he thought as he kissed her again. There it was… one more small release as her body tensed around his cock again. “Shhhhh” he whispered. “We are just beginning this lesson.”
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