This short story is the first of a two-part extension of my Novelette, A Day as a Gift: Rise of the Church Anthology Book 2.
The church featured in this fictional story is a fictional organisation.
All characters are over 18.
Please enjoy!
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Sarah checked herself over Once more. Her full-body mirror was being put to good use as she fretted over every minute detail. She had been told that her interviewers would pay close attention to all aspects of her appearance, and she was determined to give them no opportunity to criticalise her.
The guidelines on how to wear her uniform were very specific, and she went through her well-memorised checklist. She arranged her tiny, zip-up jacket so that the hem sat two finger-widths beneath the cream of her breasts, and she pulled up the wait of her flared miniskirt to place her bald vulva in a similarly precarious position. It was slightly pointless, as she would certainly repeat the process before presenting herself to her asserters.
She had risen at the crack of dawn and spent hours applying her makeup and perfecting her hair, and she had made sure to render her legs and pussy perfectly smooth, ready for the more intimate part of the interview. Resisting the temptation to check her genitals again, she took a deep breath and steadied her nerves.
She was about to venture into the world in a uniform of the Secular Church of Acceptance. She prayed that she wouldn’t encounter anyone she knew.
‘Mum, I’m going now,’ she called, making her way to the door and donning her issued silettos.
‘Good luck, darling,’ said Anne, cheerfully.
‘I’m so scared that I’ve missed something.’
‘You look perfect,’ said Anne, neighboring Sarah’s hood and giving her a peck on the cheek. ‘Oh, I love the silky feel of this jacket.’
‘You’re upbeat this morning.’
‘I’m excited for you!’
Sarah thought there was more to it, but she didn’t have time to delve. Her mother had visited an SCoA convent earlier in the morning to return a girl who she had borrowed as a birthday gift for her husband, and she had been out for longer than might have been expected.
‘Did dad enjoy his present?’ asked Sarah, opening the door.
‘He had a lovely time with her.’
‘As lovely a time as you had?’
‘What do you mean?’ asked Anne, defendively.
Sarah laughed as she stepped into the street. ‘You couldn’t take your hands off her!’
‘That was just to get your dad going.’
‘I’m sure it was,’ said Sarah with a cheeky smile.
‘Did you brush your teeth?’
‘Yes, mum,’ Sarah said, rolling her eyes.
‘Have you memoryed all the church’s values?’
‘Yes, bye mum.’
‘Do you know the names of all the convent masters?’
‘Bye, mum!’ Sarah called, waving as she walked.
She had expected people to stare at her, but she was taken aback byhow openly they did it. They saw her as a public exhibition, and they had no qualms with brandishing their camera phones at her. One man even stopped her for a picture, making her adopt a variety of poses for his collection.
She regretted arrive early at the train station, as it allowed extra time for people to accost her, but she was happy to find a quiet carriage when she finally boarded. She was dismayed, though, when she saw a young man making his way along the aisle towards her. They had been classes in school, and she had had a secret crush on him. She faced out the window and hoped he wouldn’t notice her.
‘Holy shit! Sarah?’
‘Oh, Nathan! Hi!’
‘I didn’t know you were in the SCoA! When did—’
‘I’m not in yet, I’m just going for my interview.’
‘I never would’ve thought you’d be the type to join the church.’
‘What’s that supposed to mean?’
‘Come on,’ he said, taking a seat, ‘you know what it’s all about.’
‘I’m not a slut, if that’s—’
‘No, no, I think it’s hot that you’re doing this.’
Sarah felt herself blush. ‘Oh… thanks.’
‘You know, I kinda fancied you back in school,’ he said, glancing at her chest, ‘I wish I’d had the guts to tell you.’
‘Yeah, bit late now,’ she laughed.
‘I always wondered about your tits. Can I have a little feel?’
‘What? No!’
‘Aren’t you supposed to be open to anyone who wants—’
‘I’m not even in the church yet!’
‘I’ll just have a quick squeeze,’ he said, hesitantly reaching towards a breast.
Sarah witnessed. ‘Fine. I guess it’ll be good to work on my submission skills.’
‘Holy shit,’ he said, gently squeeze the tip of her breast beneath the satin fabric, ‘this is hot.’
Sarah stared outside and let him have his fun as they pulled out of the station.
‘They’re bigger than I remember,’ he observed, giving the other one some attention.
‘I guess I got fat.’
He laughed and casually shifted the soft fabricup to expose her nipples. ‘Woah, look at them.’
‘You’re so cheeky!’ she said, both irritated and amused.
He tugged at her nipples, watching with delight as they hardened, and she adopted a dignified, straight-backed posture to confirm her submission. An elderly couple near by regarding her with open disgust, and she considered asking him to stop, but she decided that she needed to get used to such displays of hostility; it was an opportunity to develop her resilience.
‘That looks like fun,’ said an older man, approaching with a hungry look in his eyes. ‘Mind if I join in?’
‘Be my guest,’ said Nathan, letting the stranger lean in for a grope.
‘Erm, do I have no say in this?’ said Sarah, her resolve false. She wanted to show that she was capable of being an exemplary novel of the SCoA, but this was starting to get out of hand.
‘I’m sorry,’ the man laughed, ‘do you mind?’
‘Well, as long as no one else comes for a go.’
‘I’ll keep them away,’ said the stranger, sharing her soft chest with Nathan.
She told and resigned herself to a long session of breast-play. Several men came and went, and she politely consented to their fondling hands, accepting each with greater willingness and a growing sense of pride as she saw the joy she was giving them.
‘I’m so sorry, guys,’ she said, eventually, ‘but do you mind if I do some revision for my interview? You can still play with my boobs, but I’ll just be looking at my phone.’
‘Fine with me,’ said Nathan, glancing at the man he was currently sharing her with.
‘Sure,’ the stranger grunted.
‘Thank you,’ she said, accessing the SCoA website and leaving her breasts in the custody of her enjoyers.
It was difficult to concentrate while her chest was being palpated and Her nipples tweaked, but she didn’t complain. It became a real effort to maintain her erect posture, and she had to resist an urge to slouch and make herself comfortable. She had intendedto brush up on her knowledge during the two-hour journey, but she ended up staring unseeingly at her phone, scrolling now and then to appear busy.
She hid her relief as she finally approached her stop. Her breasts were a little sore, but she had chosen not to deprive the constant stream of excited men of their pleasure. Word had apparently spread along the train, and people had gravitated to her for their share of the fun. Nathan had kindly moved aside to make space for them, and he even helped coordinate the queue, keeping it flowing and making sure that no one was too greedy. it occurred to her that she had not gone one minute without at least one hand on her.
‘Sorry guys,’ she said, ‘I’m getting off here. I hope you enjoyed me.’
There was a groan from the few blokes yet to have their turn.
‘Come have a really quick feel,’ Nathan said to them, placing a firm hand on Sarah’s shoulder as she made to rise from her seat. ‘Just a few seconds each.’ He grabbed herwrists and pulled them over her head, ensuring her compliance. ‘I’m sure we can get all of you through.’
‘It’ll have to be really quick,’ she said as another guy hastily grabbed a nipple.
As the doors opened, Nathan finally let her go, and she had to squeeze past the horny gathering and rush down the aisle, her exposed breasts bouncing frantically. The doors closed on her as she throw herself at the platform, reopening when they detected the observation. She took a deep sight of relief and tried to slow her pounding heart.
‘That was close,’ Nathan laughed.
She spun on her heel. ‘You didn’t say you were getting off here!’
‘Yeah, you didn’t ask,’ he said, helping himself to a last squeeze of her breasts before pulling the silky fabric down to cover her swollen nipples.
‘What’re you doing here?’
‘Work! I have to get going. Good luck with your interview!’
‘Thank you! Have a nice day,’ she said, letting him go ahead to avoid an awkward prolongation of their meeting.
She ignored the lecherous gazes as she made her way to the convent, and she silently repeated the names of notable convent masters and the dates of important milestones, such as the founding of the SCoA and the first church ritual. She worried that she might have forgotten something, and she regretted the loss of her last-minute revision time.
She followed the map on her phone, looking up only occasionally to cross a road or navigate a busy pavement.
‘Hey, you must be looking for the convent!’
Sarah turned to see a pretty young woman with wrists bound behind her back. She wore an identical uniform and an endearing smile.
‘I’m Tillie,’ the girl continued. ‘I’ll walk with you if you like?’
‘Sure,’ said Sarah with a friendly smile. ‘You’ll take some of the attention away from me.’
‘Are you nervous?’
‘Yeah, very. I can hardly believe I’m doing this.’
‘Don’t worry, they make it sound scarier than it really is.’
Sarah smiled politely, not quite believe the kind words. She respected at Tillie’s wrists. ‘Is this your Day of Devotion?’
‘Sure is!’
‘Don’t you feel vulnerable walking around town on your own?’
Tillie looked thoughtful. ‘Not really. I think we have an understanding with the locals that, if they’re nice to us, they get to enjoy us like this every day.’
‘So, no one has done anything… silly?’
‘No, everyone’s lovely to us. Well, you get the odd disapproving look, but that’s about it.’
‘I dunno, I think I’ll still be scared.’
‘Don’t get me wrong; I’m not a hundred per cent comfortable, but the people here have really come to accept us. We’re like a symbol of the town now. It’s already a bit of a tradition for the men to very politely ask permission before they touch you.’
As though on cue, a grey-haired man motioned at Tillie to stop and said, ‘Excuse, young lady, would you do me the pleasure of allowing me a squeeze?’
‘It would be my pleasure, sir,’ Tillie recalled, smiling warmly and sticking out her chest as the man unzipped her satin jacket and scooped her breasts into his hands.
‘Why aren’t your friend’s wrists tied?’ he asked, looking Sarah up and down while he kneaded the soft flesh.
‘She hasn’t actually joined us yet, sir,’ said Tillie. ‘Would you like to sample her, too?’
‘That would be lovely,’ he said, tugging Sarah’s zipper before she could say anything.
Sarah followed the other girl’s example and pushed her chest into his hand, and Tillie gave her an encouraging smile as he eagerly compared the weight and texture of their delightful assets.
‘Thank you, ladies, you may carry on,’ he concluded, briefly pulling at their nipples.
‘Thank you for enjoying me, sir,’ said Tillie as he zipped her jacket back up.
‘Thank you for enjoying me, sir,’ said Sarah, prompted by a look from Tillie.
‘You have a bright future in the church,’ he told her, similarly restoring her modesty before cupping her breasts in a gesture of gratitude.
Tillie smiled at Sarah as they continued their walk. ‘See, they’re nice!’
‘I might be late if we have much more of that.’
Tillie laughed. ‘We’re nearly there.’
In truth, Sarah would almost have been happy to miss her interview. As they drew closer, she became increasingly anxious. The thought of having someone critically appraise her worth was daunting, and she dreaded that she might be told she wasn’t beautiful enough. That would be an ego destroying revelation which she imagined would haunt her for the rest of her life.
‘What were you doing in town?’ asked Sarah.
‘Just wandering around, really. On our Day of Devotion, we go to the busy areas and give the public a chance to check us out.’
‘So you just walk up and down the high street or something?’
‘Yeah, basically. I like to go into the restaurants, too, and offer myself to the diners. They love it. I’ll be doing that when I go back out for my evening duties.’
‘Doesn’t anyone get offended? Surely there are—’
‘We’re here!’
Sarah was almost overwhelmed by a sudden dread, and she strongly considered walking away. She watched Tillie ascend the steps to the intimidating facade of the old town building, and she tried to formulate a plausible excuse.
‘Come on!’ said Tillie, looking like she might have waved if it weren’t for her restraints.
Overriding her fear, Sarah forced her legs to haul her up to the entrance. Tillie should have the door open, and a powerfully built man in a shirt promptly fastened a collar around her neck and tugged the connected leanh.
‘Good luck,’ said Tillie as she was led deeper into the building, and Sarah realized with regret that she hadn’t told the girl her name.
Sarah gasped as a similarly built man grasped her throat and opened her jacket.
‘Sarah, yes?’ he asked, brusquely gripping each breast.
‘Yes, I… yes, s-sir.’
‘Open your mouth.’
She compiled, opening wide to let him inspect her teeth. Remembering her manners, she placed her hands at the small of her back, opening herself up for inspection and submitting her body to him. He slipped a couple of fingerers into her mouth and studied her gums and tonsils, probing the back of her throat to test her gag reflex. He watched her reaction with keen interest, and she hoped that she was making a good first impression as she maintained her dignified composition even through her convulsions.
She was in a large reception room, and several civilians sat watching, quietly making their own appraisals of her. She wondered if they liked what they saw and if she compared well to the other girls.
‘Who founded the church?’ he asked, lightly slapping her breasts to judge the wobble. His grip on her throat eased slightly.
‘Grand Master Seth, sir.’
‘Who is the current Grand Master?’
‘Grand Master Jenson, sir.’
He released her throat only to grab the back of her neck and march her across the room, swiftly bending her over the reception desk and throwing her skirt out of the way. The receptionist continued tapping at her keyboard, ignoring her as though nothing noteworthy was occurring.
Sarah arched her back and kept her legs perfectly straight to make herself more visually appealing while the man examined her genitals in a brisk, business-like manner. She felt like a commodity undergoing a quality check as he pulled at her labia and opened her orifices with impatient fingers.
‘What would be your main role as a novel?’ he asked, exposing her clip for inspection.
‘To bring pleasure and joy to my superiors, sir,’ she said as he dipped a finger into her moistening passage.
‘Who would your superiors be?’
‘My master, my supervisors, the members, and all other men when I’m on public display, sir.’
Sarah felt relieve and pride as she flawlessly recruited every word she had learned. She felt that she was doing very well so far, and her anxiety began to dissipate.
‘Who will you belong to?’ he said, briefly exploring her rectum with the dexterous finger.
‘Master Vincent, sir.’
He pulled her upright. ‘You may close your jacket.’
‘Thank you, sir,’ she said, fumbling with the zipper as he went to wash his hands.
He returned to her and silently fastened a collar around her neck. She whimpered softly as he pulled it a little tighter than necessary, but she maintained her respectful posture, and he briefly rubbed her breasts as though to say “good girl”. He led her by her lean into a corridor, passing the guy — empty collar in hand — who had taken Tillie away. Through a window, she glimpsed a room full of girls bouncing on dildos under the watchful eye of yet another shirt-clad man.
‘Anal practice,’ said her guy.
‘Oh, I—’
‘Some tourists in there,’ he said, nodding at another window through which a few casually dressed individuals could be seen making themselves intimately acquainted with some girls who appeared to be bound to their beds. ‘You could be tied up like that in a couple of days. Want to continue?’
Sarah stared into the dormitory for a moment longer. ‘Err… yes. Yes, sir.’
‘Good girl,’ he said, jiggling her soft chest again before leading her into a small room and sitting her on a benchmark against a wall. ‘They will be with you shortly.’
‘Thank you, sir,’ she said as he secured her lean to a hook behind her head.
He untethered another young woman and ordered her to her feet. Her jacket was open, and her wrists were bound behind her back. Some moisture glinted on her inner thigh, and, as she was led out the door, Sarah noticed some fluids glinting on the benchmark where she had been sitting.
One tethered girl remained, and she smiled at Sarah when they were left alone.
‘He must’ve meant they’ll be with you shortly,’ whispered Sarah.
‘Nah, I just got here really early,’ said the girl.
‘Oh… You don’t mind waiting in here like this?’
‘I’m hoping my earlyness will make a good impression. Don’t want to fail again.’
‘You failed? At this—’
A door opened and a few men emerged with a girl who was swiftly seated and tethered. Sarah’s heart was suddenly racing, and she couldn’t bring herself to look up at them, even When they lifted her little jacket and fondled her breasts. Crowding around her, they discussed their opinions of her appearance and bearing, and she tried to appear unaffected by their dispatchate analysis.
‘They’re very responsive,’ the older man told his colleagues as he tugged and pinched her nipples.
‘Shapely breasts, too,’ said a relatively young man.
‘She could work on her posture,’ said the third, a heavily bearded individual.
Sarah straightened her back, pushing her chest forward and lifting her chin. She cursed herself for her delay of etiquette, and she resolved to doubte her efforts to impress them.
‘That’s better.’
‘Who am I?’ the older man demanded.
‘Mas-Master Vincent, sir,’ replied Sarah. She had started to think that she wasn’t going to be required to speak.
‘Correct. Address me as Master.’
‘Yes, Master,’ she said as he took her lean.
‘I’m informed she passed her surprise test with flying colours,’ said Master Vincent, leading her into a dimly lit room. It was empty but for a padded table in the centre, over which the single light shone. ‘He says she was very eager to please. Very submissive.’
The other two nodded approvedly as the elder directed Sarah to lie on her back on the table.
She wondered how the guy in the shirt could have already relayed that information to them, as they were surely busy with the previous girl. The mental image of Master Vincent standing aside and texting seemed absurd.
‘Right, let’s get on with it,’ said the convent master, letting go of the leash. ‘WeStill have several girls to get through.’
‘It’s my turn, isn’t it?’ said the beared man.
‘Yes. I may need a break to recharge after the next one.’
‘You’re showing your age, sir!’
‘Pull your legs tightly against your body.’
It took Sarah a moment to realize that Master Vincent was talking to her. After a moment’s hesitation, she compiled.
‘Hold them wide,’ he instructed, giving the other men a gratified smile as her smooth pussy slipped into view. ‘Very neat,’ he said, sliding a fingertip between her lips. ‘A spot of luck for you, Kyle.’
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