
Finally, I meet my birthday without parents. Today I turn nineteen years old, with which I was congratulated by the few people who were with me on the stream. Yes, I earn my living streaming, as it is much more profitable and easier than normal work for which I am too lazy, and which, moreover, does not suit me due to the fact that I suffer from social phobia. Well, if saying honest, I am so tired of the Continuous command from parents so that to fulfill someone else’s wish I do not have any desire.

Fortunately, being a streamer, you are relieved of these problems, which I am incredibly happy about, and all thanks to my subscribers. Of course, I have very few regular views, only a couple of dozen people, but they donate so much to me that I was able to move out of my family and live alone. Although this money is barely enough for me, so I have to save a lot, which my subscribers are well aware of and in general not only them, since a fundraising bar is constantly hanging onthe stream.

Returning to the topic of birthday; Congratulating me, my subscriber Isabelle said that for some time she would not be able to come to my streams and donate accordingly, since at her work many were transferred to another department, as a result of which she needed to stay late. This upset me a lot, since now I will have to cut the already low costs, but even so I may have to return to my parents.

When the stream came to an end, I was lying on the bed and thinking what to do next, at that moment Isabelle wrote to me in private messages.

She invited me to get a job with them. I didn’t like the idea right away, which I told her immidiatly, but she replied that this work is perfect for me: it is extremely simple, in fact, I will not need to do anything, I also will not need to communicate with anyone, and most importantly – no one will command me. I was surprised that something like this existed at all.

– What kind of work is this – I asked, expecting tohear something fantastic.

– Tester. Since our company every year creates a huge number of very different products, we need to test it, find out if there are any failures and if there are how serious they are, this is what you will do.

– Sounds dangerous. Are you going to make me a guinea pig or something? And what are these “products”?

– Don’t worry about this, we won’t make Any pig out of you. Before testing products on humans, we conduct a huge variety of tests in the laboratory, so that all serious defects are eliminated at that stage. However, some minor flaws are revealed only when directly used by people, and you will have to take care of these shortcomings.

As for the type of product being tested… although I can’t say for sure what exactly you will be testing, but in most cases these are products for everyday life. Food in one form or another, various kinds of cosmetic products, personal hygiene products, etc. Of course, like any rule, there are also exceptions. Sometimes you may be required to test something unusual, some technique or something else, but know that the company is attentively monitoring to ensure that no tester is harmed.

– Clear. What about payment? After all, whatever one may say, but this is the most important component.

– Oh, believe me, the payment is more than decent. I will say this – the money you received as a streamer cannot be compared with the local wages. Although even such a wonderful proposal has one caveat. While on probation, you will not be able to leave the company premises.

– In the sense, at all, I won’t even be able to walk?

– Yes, at all. Of course, you will be supplied with everything you need, even entertainment, but nevertheless, you will be limited in freedom of movement.

– And how long will it last? When can I leave the company premises?

– Unfortunately, I cannot say for sure, always in different ways. For example, I was locked up for only a month,While the others were several. I don’t know for sure, but it seems to me that the more you show diligence and love for your work, the sooner the moment of freedom will come.

– … – it was unpleasant, because I was used to walking before going to bed, so I didn’t want to lose this opportunity.

– Sorry if it sounds rude, but it seemed to me that you were an ordinary recluse, which is not Particularly affected by being locked up. But if you need to be in the fresh air, then we can arrange it. Again, this will be quite limited, but still at least somehow.

– Okay. If it is not difficult for you, then I would not mind going for a walk as often as possible. Every day before bed would be perfect.

– On account of every day I doubt, but I will do everything in my power.

– So, we discussed this moment, but what about my things? And I have already paid for the rent of the apartment this month.

– It’s up to you to decide on the rent, you can extend it for a couple of months in advance if you want. If there is no such desire, you can transfer the things to the company for storage. I recommend the second option, because after the time spent here, you are unlikely to want to return.

Are there any other questions?

A week has passed. That’s exactly how much they gave me time from think about it. And so I stand in the early morning, in the middle of a half-empty Street, and watch the taxi drive away into the distance. After a full day of travel, I finally made it to my future job. And you know, when you first see a skyscraper, it’s impressive. After all, I’ve lived in a small town all my life, and I never thought that I would have to work in a place like this. True, i will to work not in the skyscraper itself, but in the building attached to it. In fact, it was considered one building due to the small passage connecting them, but from the fact that we were fenced off from the rest of the company in this way, it was unpleasant for me, asif we were animals and we were given a small paddock.

“But nothing, it doesn’t matter, the main thing is that they pay well” I decided and went to the building next door.

Approaching a large, solid-looking door, I pressed the bell button, but no sound came, then I called again, and again there was silence. Deciding to wait a bit, I began to walk back and forth and after a while the door opened. A lovely young girl greeted me. With long, black hair and blue eyes, and a pretty face, she was dressed in the standard secretary uniform. A white blouse, a black pencil skirt ending just above the knees, from under which you could see her lovely long legs, covered with black stockings, and ending in black patent high-heeled shoes.

– Hello Alan, it’s me – Isabelle – I was amazed. I could not imagine that be able to at least something interesting such an amazingly beautiful girl.

“Surprisingly in real life, your androgyny is even more noticeable,” she said with a smile.

This was what I, every now and then, complained about on the streams, telling me that as soon as I got the money, I would do an operation to correct my face so that at last everyone could see at once what gender I was, and not try to guess. And while I was thinking about it, she added:

– You know, but the company can help you change, so that everyone immediately sees what gender you are.

– Sounds good – I answered without thinking about what I had heard and followed her into the depths of the building.

We did not walk long, walking a little further along a well-lit corridor, we entered a small office. Inside, oddly enough, there was practically nothing: a table with a good computer, an easy chair, and a simple chair opposite, on which I sat down after Isabelle’s proposal.

– Well, Alan, you won’t mind if I get down to business?

“Y-yes, of course,” I said, staring at her breasts as she watched into the computer. Whatever I don’t do, if she hadn’t unbuttoned a few buttons on her blouse, so that her breasts almost jumped out. Although, it should be noted, that it was quite hot in the office.

“In that case, let me ask you, did you tell your friends and parents that you were leaving for a while?” – I nodded. Plus the lack of friends. One call to parents was enough to resolve this issue.

– Well. Then let’s move on to the main thing. You might remember, I said that before you start work, you must sign a contract. It says that if something happens, our company will not be responsible for you, and you take all the risks, and also understand that in the event of a premature termination of the contract, you must pay compensation equal to ten percent of the employee’s annual income. It is in short. If you want to know more, you can read the full copy of the contract.

She handed me a large pile of papers linked together. I ran a glance over them, but to be honest didn’t understand much because of the damn legal slang that I neverUnderstood, so just decided to trust Isabelle and signed it.

– Ok, it looks like you have already decided everything, since then we can go to your workplace.

We left the office and went further along the corridor, having climbed a couple of floors higher with the help of the elevator, we found ourselves in front of a large metal door, seemingly rather thick and solid.

– Alan, although you will be testing our products, you still cannot see most of our developments, so before you go further you must insert these earplugs and lenses.

What she handed me on the tray didn’t look like earplugs and lenses at all. The “lenses” were too large and thick, but at the same time matte black, because of which light did not pass through them. I saw such for the first time and for a moment wondered for whom such “lenses” might be needed, but quickly turned my attention to “earplugs”. Which were just silicate balls, but rather large, about three centimeters in diameter, with manytiny holes all over the surface, apparently so that they could be easily retrieved later. In general, they were very soft and elastic, which allowed them to compress strongly, while easily returning to their previous shape, but for some reason they had a hard core inside, the purpose of which was completely unclear to me.

– Why not just use a black mask and headphones? – I asked a question.

– Because in an ordinary mask and headphones you can see or hear what you are not supposed to know yet, or maybe you decide to spy on it yourself. One way or another, this will definitely not happen with our development. Of course, in the future you will be able to enter on your own, without such troubles, but for now, be kind, do not waste time and insert them. Lenses first to keep hearing me. You said you used to have poor eyesight and wore them, didn’t you? Then you shouldn’t have any problems, these are inserted in the same way as the usual ones.

There is no turning back; thecontract was signed, so i’m had to act in accordance with her words. Gently taking one lens, I placed it in place in the usual way, but pretty soon I felt disappoint, in the form of a slight burning sensing on the surface of the eye, which Isabelle immediately reported, she answered immediately.

– Do not pay attention, for the first time everyone has it, if after fifteen minutes the burning sensing remains – say; for now, you need to insert a second lens so we can start checking them.

Doing as she asked, I completely lost my sight. Oddly enough, these lenses did not allow light from the word “at all” to pass through. As if I was locked in a basement at night. In addition, due to their size, it was unpleasant to blink, so I decided to keep my eyes closed, it was easier that way.

Plunging into myself, I did not pay attention to the way Isabelle approached me. She lightly touched me, but even such a touch made me scared, because of which, taking a step back, I almostfell, since she grabbed my hand and pulled back, as a result, my hand did not arbitrarily land on her breast, as in some cheap comedy.

“Sorry, Isabelle” – I said immediately, removing my hand; nevertheless, the feeling of a soft yet bouncy chest echoed in my subconscious – and thanks… I mean, for the help.

– You’re always welcome – she said with an obvious grin – Well, it looks like we can do Without checking, but rules are rules. I will now shine a flashlight in your eyes, tell me if you see the light.

I heard a click, but to my surprise there was no light, at all.

– I still can’t see anything… how powerful is your flashlight? – not that it was important, it just became interesting.

– Powerful enough to make a person go blind for a while… fortunately, you can no longer see anything, so this does not threaten you.

And a nervous laugh escaped my lips.

– That’s for sure.

– Okay, If we’re done with this, let’s move on to the ears. Doyou mind if I help you?

– Yes, of course, it would obviously be easier than if I tried to insert these earplugs myself.

– Fine, then we’ll put them in now and check them right away. If you won’t hear my voice before I touch your hand, just say so, it will mean that everything works. After that I’ll take you to your workplace, okay? – I nodded – Great.

Taking the earplugs from the table, Isabelle walked over to me, and I feel her breath on my cheek as she leaned towards me to get a better look the auricle. Her hand brushed against my face as she inserted the plug, sending shivers running down my skin. The almost complete lack of communication with the girls was clearly taking its toll on me. So I couldn’t help but do take a deep breath when I smelled the faith Scent of her sweat mixed with the scent of strawberry perfume. I hope she didn’t notice that while she was inserting the second earplug, or I might be considered a pervert in her eyes, which I didn’t want to be.

During the couple of minutes that I was alone, my perception began to change. Compensating for the loss of sight and hearing, my sense of smell and touch intensified. The first thing I felt was a fear current of air against my skin, and a dozen seconds later, the touch of Isabelle’s gentle fingers on my arm.

– Is the check already over? Amazing. I heard not a sound – giving an answer I stopped feeling not Only hand Isabelle, but the smell of strawberries come from it, gradually who quit to the background and replaced with a strong aroma of fermented cherries. Which in turn was so powerful that I even had to shut my nose. In less than a minute, the hand covering the nose was seized by the tenacious hands of a person who was clearly larger than me. His hands in latex gloves were twice the size of mine, so it’s no surprise that he walked forward oblivious to anything. It was amazing that, in my condition, I managed not to bump from face into the floor with such a sharp jerk. For which, in general, it was worth “thanking” the person who, with his huge hand, easily lifted me and put me on my feet. After that we got at a fast pace to the right place. Although I did not understand this immediately, but after several long minutes of loneliness. Apparently, I should have already started my duties, but the person who brought me here forget to take out the lenses and earplugs. Then I tried to remove them myself, but unfortunately without success. The earplugs were too smooth and slippery so that I could not hook them with my finger and no matter how much I shook my head, it did not help. I could not get the lenses for one very strange reason, my eyeselids were tightly gleated together. I don’t know when and how it happened, but no matter how much I tried to separate them, I didn’t succeed. Then, already starting to panic, I decided to call for help.

– Hey, can anyone hear me?! I need help! People! – after a couple of minutes my prayers were heard. The man who hadbrought me here returned, it became clear at once, by the terrible smell of fermented cherries that he had brought with him.

– Sorry, I need help, I can’t get it out… what are you doing… ouch-ouch-ouch, it hurts me, stop now! Ouch! – suddenly, for no apparent reason, a man grabbed my hands and pulled with force back and up straight to the supposed blades. I tried to resist, but to no avail, he was noticeably stronger than me, so much so that he could hold both of my hands with his one.

Then a thought occurred to me. Pushing him back with force, I planned to make a dash forward, and thereby break out of his hands… but my plan failed.

Taking a step back, I snuggled my back on something big, soft and bouncy at the same time, and considering that there was a person behind my back… This simply could not be.

Even though I was never particularly strong, and despite the fact that my muscles slightly attrophied while I was sitting at home, even so – a woman couldn’t be so much stronger than me, at least with such breasts. After all, everyone knows that pumped-up girls do not have big breasts, but here… here it was huge, occupying half of my back. Maybe she was just in a different weight class. I would like to believe it.

I came to my senses at the moment when a plastic zip tie was tightened on my hands, which police use when arresting. Soon my hands began to go numb, as they were fixed with palms outward, although not to say that they were pulled so tightly. Then another zip tie was tightened around the elbows, which only added pain and made me arch more. Then two more followed: on the ankles, and on the knees, which immobilized me.

I was shocked, not understanding what was happening, I tried to do the only thing that was available to me – to call for help:

– Isabelle, someone, hel-mm… – but even this opportunity was taken away from me, with a giant rubber ball shoved into my mouth, which after a couple of seconds beganto increase in size. At first I felt my cheeks began to fill, more and more, until they were stretched to the limit. From this stretch my cheeks began to ache, but I soon forget about this pain when the gag began to expand in diameter. After a couple of moments, I could no longer move my tongue, but that was not all. From the moment the gag began to expand, I involuntarily groaned, and the groans did not stop until the gag swelled to such an extent that it became hard for me, not only to moan, I had to focus to just breathe. And when I tried to swallow saliva I choked on the fact that the gag rested on my throat, so saliva began to trickle out of my mouth and drip straight to the floor.

Then they grabbed the back of my head and pressed on gag for a moment, of course I choked, but that was not the main thing, by this act, as I Understood a little later, they closed the valve through which they inflated the gag, thus fixing it in my mouth without using any belts or whatever.gh of course I tried to spit it out, but it stretched out and filled my mouth as much as possible, while being firm enough that I could not even move my tongue, let alone get rid of it without using my hands.

Whereupon, almost immediately, my hair was gathered in a bun, lifted to the top and fix with a pair of hairpins. Then they took a tight rubber cap and pulled it over my head. At the same time, it was so tight that I thought it would just crush my head.

After that, the woman began to cut off my clothes, quickly leaving me completely naked. My cheeses flushed with embarrassment, I tried to hide my genitals, but all I could was to squeeze it between my legs, and that was not very successful. Undressed, I was left alone.

Nothing happened for about a minute. I didn’t see or hear anything, so I couldn’t even imagine what they were going to do with me, and if there was anyone at all nearby. At that moment, I began to pray, even though I was an atheist. I don’t know whatThese people were going to do to me, but nothing good was obviously worth expecting. And to prove my words, water splashed from the ceiling, or so I thought at first.

Although I shuddered in surprise, but in general, at first everything was fine, it seemed that this was an ordinary shower, I even managed to relax as much as I could in this position. But after the first thirty seconds, I realized that this was not the case at all. My skin started to burn, not much, but over time the burning became stronger and after another thirty seconds the burning intensified so much that I, trying to get out from under water, fell and began to roll on the floor in search of a place free from this “water”. However, this only aggravated the situation, since “water” was everywhere wherever I tried to leave, and due to the fact that I was spinning While lying down, it began to fall into those places that were clearly not ready for such pain. For the next few minutes, only a burning pain occurred my thoughts.


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