I had known that this night was going to happen for a while. Master had been talking about it for a while, and I was worried. He was having some friends over and he fully expected me to serve all of them. And I mean serve in the fullest sense of the word.
He’d carefully chose my attire; a brief mini skirt and a low cut bloom. The bloom was so small and tight that my full breasts were barely contained, and you could see the brown of my areolas through the white cotton. I had on very high heels, and nothing else, and if I’d bent over, you’d have caught a glance of my smooth pussy. He’d supervised me as I’d applied my makeup, so that when it was complete I looked like the slut I was.
When the doorbell rang I jumped, moved as if to hide in the kitchen.
“Tessia!” Master grewled, and his Large hand reached out and grabbed my tiny wrist, halting my progress.
Tremulously, I lifted my face to his, and cringed at the stern look in his dark eyes. Sighing in defeat, IWalked to the front door, my eyes to the hardwood floor as befitting my station. Opening the door, I took the coats of the men who were standing there. I jerked in protest when one of them reached out and casually tweaked my nipple. Master cleared his throat warningly, and I forced myself to hold still as his hands fondled my breast. Another man slide up behind me, his hand slipping smoothly under my skirt, and sliding along the crack of my ass.
Shivering, I looked to my master, and I could feel reassurance pouring from him. I relaxed, knowing that he was in control and that I was pleasant him. My eyes still glooped to him, I could feel my nipples began to tighten, and my pussy grow moist under their rough ministers, and I moaned softly.
“Why don’t we move this into the comfort of the living room?” Master abruptly suggested. “Believe me, you’ll all have plenty of time with Tessia.”
Reluctantly the men released me, and we all trailed into the living room. Master hadmoved the furniture against one wall. Against the opposite wall, laying on the floor, was a set of shades. A short chain attached them so that while in them I would be unable to rise to my feet. Standing against the wall, where they could all see me, I slowly shimmied out of my clothes, my cheeks burning with embarrassment, and yes excitement.
It was very arousing to know that all these men wanted me, that I was making their cocks hard.
Master came over, and lifted my breasts, showing off their weight and size, almost as if I was cattle, or a slave on the block to be sold. His thumb brushed over one painfully tight tip, and I bit back a moan. Then Master put a firm hand on my shoulder and pushed me to the ground, carefully locked the shadows around my ankles and wrists, being careful not to cut off the circuit to my hands and feet. Then he attached one end of a leash to my collar, and the other to a hook in the wall.
I knew from previous sessions that I wasn’tgoing anywhere. Picking up my blindfold from the table, he wrapped it around my face so that I couldn’t see anything.
I could hear the men getting up from the couch and moving towards me, so I knew that Master had signed that it was time for the fun to begin. I jumped skittishly at the first lewd touch to my bottom, but wasn’t able to go far with my leash so tight.
I could feel Masters Reassuringly stroke my back, and I settled down, knowing he was there, watching. A different set of hands came out and touched my breasts, fingering the tightening nipples, and a groan ripped its way from my throat.
“Nice little slut you have here.” the man playing with my breasts said to my master. The man caresing my bottom slid his hands down the cream of my ass, a finger slipping in my oozing pussy.
“Quite the slut.” he agreed with the first man. I moaned as his finger slid deep in me, and then gasped at the feel of a cock at my mouth.
Eagerly I sucked it deep in mymouth, my tongue coming out to carress the tip, and the third man groaned.
“What a great cock sucker.”
“I’m sure that we can make better use of her.” Master said. “Tessia!” he barked out. “Climb on top of Jim.”
The man I was sucking abruptly pulled himself from my mouth, and started tugging me over him. As best as I was able, I maneuvered myself over him so that my hungry pussy was waiting over his hard cock. With a groan I pushed my hips down, taking him deep inside me. Panting, I left myself there, enjoying the feeling of a hot hard cock inside me. Then I feel another slick cock pushing at my ass, and I jerked, whimpering in uncertainty.
Master ran his hand over my bottom threateningly, and I forced myself to hold still. I was not an anal virgin, but I’d never had a cock in my pussy and in my ass. I whimpered out as his huge cock broke through the tight muscles that guarded my ass, and then groaned as he slip deep inside of me. The two men began moving, and I cried out, moving my hips urgently, reaching for the orgasm that was looming in the distance.
“Don’t you dare cum!” Master warned me, “Not until every man here has gotten off.”
Panting, I tried desperately to hold off my orgasm. The third man, who I’d forgetten all about, pushed his cock inevitably against my mouth. Eager for something to take my mind off of the men moving inside me, I sucked him into my mouth, moving my head up and down his long pole, doing my best to bring him off. I desperately needed to succumb to the heat in my body.
I could feel the man under me stiffen, and his hot cum hitting my cervix. Not long afterward the man moving feverishly in my ass also came. The feel of his hot cum splashing in my bowels, pushed me over the edge, and I screamed, my body shaking with the force of my orgasm.
Frantically, I brought my hand up to the cock that had just slipped out of my mouth, and held on, trying to get him off, even as my body shuddered with after eaffects of my orgasm. I was rewarded by the hot feeling of his cum hitting my face, and sliding down my breasts. We lay there in a heap for a while, until I heard Masters voice.
“I saw that, Tessia, and we’ll discuss your punishment after they leave, but for now, I think you should thank them all nicely for fucking you, and go get them something to clean themselves with.”
Carefully we detangled ourselves, and on my hands and knees I thanked them. Master released one end of my leash, and took off my blindfold so that I could see to crawl into the kitchen. There was a bag of wet wipes there that had been left for this reason. Picking it up in my mouth, I carried it back into the living room.
“Anytime you feel the need you may come over here. Tessia’s pussy will always be free for Your use.” Master was saying, and I cringed at being the personal slut to all these men, even as my pussy shuddered at the thought, “But for now, the slut and I need to spend some time discussingg her disobedience.”
Master reattached me to the wall, then reached out and placed his favorite whip threateningly on the carpet next to me, before turning to walk his guests to the door. My eyes glued to the whip, I shivered in fear and anticipation. It was going to be one long night.
For Tessia
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