Terry Loses Her Virginity

Dr. Emily’s daughter loses her virginity for 19th birthday

To understand the context of this story you need to read, “Dr. Emily’s virgin daughter.” Also, remember when writing a story from experience and memory, you may not get the exact words correct every time. So, what is in quotes is as close to actual as you can remember. After you read this story and any of the others, please rate them with 5 stars.


After leaving the Club the favorite I had promised Dr. Emily started to sink in. I told Pam I couldn’t believe what I had gotten myself into this time. I had just agreed to take the virginity of the 19-year-old daughter of Dr. Emily in 7 days and then do it again with Dr. Liz’s 19-year-old daughter 14 days after that. Pam was actually Very reassuring that I had done the right thing though my brain was not so sure. If Dr. Emily had not told me the story behind the request, I never would have agreed to do this. The other part of my brain was calling my doubting brain stupid. Two doctors had just offered me their virgin daughters, who are knockouts, I mean HOT, and my wife was in on it and I’m hesitating?

Through the week I tried to find legitimate videos online of girls losing their virginity live on camera. I found many that I knew were staged, but one I watched over and over. I forget if I can use the real names on Literotica so I’ll use only first names. In January 2011 Niki lost her virginity to Mark live online. Niki said she had researched it and thought it was the first time it had ever been done live. She had a really thick hymen and it was brutal, even though Mark had done it before. After several attempts he finally succeeded at penetrating Niki. I was scared for Terry Friday night. Niki was older than Terry.

Terry, is 19, very petite, and pretty fragile. She probably weighs 110 pounds dripping wet and is 5 feet 7 inches tall. Don’t get me wrong, she is a babe and will never have issues of attractive boys.

I also went to medical sites and read all I could about her condition. I met with Dr. Emily and Dr. Liz more than once during the week. I took a gynecologist out to lunch to talk about Friday night. While we ate, I thought to myself, “This is really bad if you are eating out with the gynecologist!” The gynecologist answered all my questions and assured me that she would be in the room Friday night to monitor the proceeding. Even that gave me no confidence that this was going to turn out alright. I told Pam I was having second thoughts and was going to meet with Dr. Emily that afternoon and back out. Pam’s reaction totally shocked me!

Yelling, Pam said, “Sweetheart you can’t back out of this now! You promised Dr. Emily and her daughter is on cloud 9 looking forward to Friday night! You should never have told them you would do it if you had doubts!”

We actually had one of our raising the voices fights and I told Pam I needed to go for a drive and think about all this. She followsd me down the driveway as I left, still screaming at me. I drove around for hours, one of my ploys. Pam screams to keep a fight going and I take long drives so she will wonder where I am. We have both been a lot better lately, just not today.

My phone rang and saw it was Pam. I wasn’t going to pick up but my truck answered the phone. I could tell she had been crying and she apologized and so did I. She asked where I was and when I was coming home.

I said, “There is something I have to do before I come home. Just trust me this time, don’t judge me. I’m guessing it will be after dark before I get home.” We both said, “I love you,” and ended the call. I had just arrived at Dr. Emily’s house and when I rang the doorbell Terry came to the door. She seemed started to see me but asked me to come in.

Terry said, “Mom says you like Pepsi, would you like one?”

“Yes Ma’am,” I said, “that would be great.”

While she was out in the kitchen getting my Pepsi, I called Dr. Liz and as fast as I could talk asked her to go over to Dr. Emily’s office and tell her that Dave and Terry will be out to eat at a local restaurant when she gets home. “Tell her everything is fine and this is on the up and up. I just need to talk to Terry alone before Friday night.”

Dr. Liz said, “Dave, remember I’m a psychologist, and everything is not alright. What’s going on?”

Terry came back with my Pepsi and heard I was on the phone with Dr. Liz and said she’d leave the room so I could talk in private.

I just said, “Terry please stay. We are talking about you.” She sat down across from me.

Dr Liz said, “Now tell me what’s going on. Dave, I know you, all is not alright!”

I said Dr. Liz, “I’ve talked to you, Dr. Emily, the gynecologist, Pam, and even Nurse Julia about Friday night, but I’ve never sat down and talked to Terry face to face. This is an adult thing that we are going to do Friday night and I’m not sure we are treating Terry like an adult.We are just going to go down to the Mexican restaurant to eat and sit in that back-corner booth and talk like adults. The dining room is open now but they are still only using every third table because of the virus so it should be private. Terry just said she and her mother have eaten there twice already since they started re-opening things.”

Dr. Liz said, “I’m on my way across the hall to get Terry’s mother.”

“Please don’t, Dr. Liz, just tell her what we are doing, don’t put her on the phone. I don’t think I can explain this to her right now. I’ll talk to her when I bring Terry home.”

“OK”, Dr. Liz said, “It sounds like you have thought this through. I will give her the message. Anything else?”

“Yes, please tell her not to call me or Terry. We will be back at her house in a couple of hours.”

Dr. Liz said, “Dave, you know you are really pushing now.”

Dr. Liz, “I know, but haven’t I always pushed the limits on everything since my initiative? Please trust me on this one!”

She said, “You surely do push the limits, but maybe that’s why we both choose you with our daughter’s situations. I will tell Dr. Emily to leave you two alone until you finish at the restaurant.”

“Thank you, thank you. Got to go now. I have a date with a HOT 19-year-old!”

“Dave, you just never give up do you?” was what I heard next. “Are you going be like this with Olivia, too.”

“Yes Ma’am, I’m going to be just as picky with Olivia, she is an adult too.”

Dr. Liz said, “Go take that little Hottie out and let me know later if you need anything from me.”

I thanked Dr. Liz and then turned to Terry and said, “So adult young lady, would you accompany me to dinner?”

Terry said, “Yes, yes I will,” and grabbed my arm.

Once we got to the restaurant and sat down in the back, I asked Terry about school, about her best friend Olivia, about her father, about her mother, her job and her car.

We both looked at each other and started laughing and I said, “I know, I know, we need to talk about Friday night. Terry, this is why adults fight. They talk about everything else except what is really bothering them and as a result they can never move on. So, moving on, I have heard from your mother, Dr. Liz, your gynecologist, and your regular doctor and it finally hit me that what is really bothering me is that I haven’t heard from you.”

I said, Terry, “This is your body we are invading. Do YOU ​​really want to do this? I’m like your mother. I wish you would wait until your wedding night, but you and your mom have been down that road already. Now adult young lady this is where you get to talk and I listen. You will find another problem adult men have is listening!”

“You mean, you don’t want to be with me on Friday,” she said with a tear in her eye.

“That’s not what I said. Any man that turns down an opportunity to be with you is an idiot. You are gorgeous from head to toe and I will check out that head and those toes and everything in between on Friday night. Why do you want me to be your first on Friday? I’m twice your age and not that good looking anywhere.”

Terry said, “I want you so bad! Mom and Olivia’s mom explained that you knew things to do to me that guys my age don’t even know about yet. She told me how you go overboard to make women cum and cum before you Even cum. She showed me parts of your initiative and I’m sure I want you Friday night. I want you to do all those things to me that guys my age don’t have a clue about. I want you to tie me up and use me, even abuse me. I want you to give me that glow mom used to have after she and dad played bondage in the basement.” (Now I had a tear in my eye.)

I interrupted and said, “I probably won’t tie you up Friday night. Friday night will be all about you and making this a special night for you. I will be gentle and kind and take you to sexual heights you don’t know exist right now.”

She blurted out, “See, that’s why I want it to be you and my mom wanted it to be you. But what if I do want you to tie me up? It gives me chills just thinking about you being able to do anything you please to me and me not able to do anything about it.”

“Terry, after we lose your virginity Friday night, if you really want it, I will tie you up and use you as my play toy. After all, we have all night.”

“Mr. Dave, we have all night?” Terry asked with a quizzical look on her face.

Terry, “Your mother told me this pledge actually has three parts. First, you will lose your virginity to a disease, drug, and alcohol free Club member.. That would be me. On a second night I get to dominate you in every way I choose and introduce you to BDSM. I promise not to miss anything on that list she said you had made. The third night you get to dominate me in every way you choose. You can tie me up any way you choose and do to me as you please.”

Terry said, “I have goosebumps all over. Olivia too, the same three-night deal? I have to text her later.”

“Yes Ma’am, Olivia too. Terry, after these three nights any time you want to be with me, all you have to do is ask my wife and I understand that she OK’d this before anyone bothered to tell me about it. You mother only asked me last Friday night at the Club while Pam was giving you a tour of the place. Don’t tell your mother or Dr. Liz I said this but, they have pretty much let me do anything I wanted since I joined the Club. So, on your interview put down everything you want me to try with you but remember it may not all happen on Friday. I’m just concerned right now with your medical condition. If that goes well Friday night, we’ll spend the night together in one of the Master Sites, doing whatever turns you on.”

Terry said, “Mr. Dave, I know it’s going to hurt, really bad. That’s all I have heard from Mom and the doctors this week. I feel like a lab experiment. They said there will be 5 or 6 people in the room with us and I don’t think I want that. Mom thinks I’m going to lose my virginity, get cleaned, up and go home. I want to spend the night with you. Mom didn’t make that part clear when we talked.”

“Terry, I have looked for some guidance on the Mayo Clinic site. I have not gotten much to go on. We are going to have to communicate openly and freely when I try to penetrate you on Friday. When it hurts too bad stop me! We can take a break and start over as many times as it takes. I want you to watch a video from a porn site tonight. It’s a girl with a similar condition that lost her virginity live online back in 2011. It’s real and not staged! Watch how they communicate. When you start to cry because of the pain I’m going to stop and ask you questions. Tell me the truth, no matter what I ask. Bye the way, how was your taco salad?”

“Is that how adults transition from real serious stuff to a little lighter conversation, Mr. Dave”, Terry said, with penetrating eyes.

“Yes, it is. You learn fast, my dear. I used up the other things earlier so the only thing I had left was the food.”

Terry said with a grin, “The salad was great. I know you are the right one for me, you really are, Mr. Dave.” Then she reached under the table and put her hand right on my penis. “I want this in me all night on Friday. It feels so big.”

“OK enough said, Terry, let me pay the bill and get you home. It’s almost 9:30. Dr. Liz told your mom a couple of hours. Your mother is going to ask you what this was all about because she loves you very much.”

“Mr. Dave, I don’t want to tell her about all this,” Terry said with worried look.

“I’ll tell her what I told Dr. Liz. You are an adult young lady and we had to have an adult conversation Just between the two of us before Friday night. You know tonight is already Wednesday?”

“Mr. Dave, “I know and I can’t wait. I’m so hot from talking to you that I am dripping between my legs. With these light-colored pants, I’m afraid it’s going to look like I peed myself when we get up.”

I kissed Terry on the forehead and said, “I can’t wait for Friday either. When you stand up, I will put my hand on your wait and walk so close to you that only you and I will know how wet you are.”

We left the restaurant and in less than 10 minutes we were back at her house. She kissed me on the forehead and started to get out of the truck.

I said, “Terry, wait for me. Your mother is going to want to interrogate us both. I bet she is waiting in that chair closest to the foyer in that sitting room.”

“Mr. Dave, will you distract mom? I don’t want her to see how wet my pants are. Oh, and please don’t tell her that I talked about my dad. I have not talked to her or Dr. Liz about him since he died. They have tried all that psychology stuff on me and said I needed to talk about it, but I never did.”

We walked in and Dr. Emily was sitting in that first chair in the room next to the foyer, just like I thought. Terryand I laughed out loud and she ran up the stairs to her bedroom.

“Dave, what’s wrong? Is Terry OK?

“Yes Ma’am, she is fine. I may as well tell you the truth. She got so turned on and wet it’s soaked through her pants and she did not want you to see her like that. She ran up to change. Don’t tell her I ratted her out when she comes back down.”

Dr. Emily asked, “What have you two been doing that’s got her so turned on and soaked down there?”

“Dr. Emily,” I replied, I promise we have just been talking. I asked her why she wanted it to be me Friday night. When we finished talking she reached under the table and rubbed my cock and said, ‘Mr. Dave I want this in me on Friday, all night. It feels so big.’ That’s when I knew it was time to go. She was embarrassed at how wet she was and afraid the folks in the restaurant would see so I did put my hand around her waist and held her real close as we exited the restaurant so no one could see her soaked pants.”

Dr. Emily interrupted and said, “it’s those little things you do that make me like so much, Dave. You are a lot like my husband.”

“That’s what Terry said at the restaurant. She said Mom likes you because you remind her of dad.”

I got interrupted again and Dr. Emily’s eyes got wide and she said, “Terry talked to you about her dad? She hasn’t talked to anyone about her dad since he died. Dr. Liz and I have tried many times. She won’t even mention his name. She won’t put his pictures or any pictures of us back on her dresser where she had them before he died. How did you get her to talk about her dad?

Dr. Emily,” I promised Terry I would not tell you she spoke of her dad. Please do not tell her!”

Dr. Emily said, “OK I won’t tell her, but how Did you get her to open up?”

Dr. Emily, “Terry was getting me a Pepsi when I called Dr. Liz to get her to run interference for me with you. When she came back with the Pepsi, she knew I was talking to Dr. Liz and said she wouldLeave the room so we could talk. I said, No Terry, please stay. We are talking about you. Dr. Liz promised to make you promise not to both us until we came home. Thank you for that. I know it was hard.”

“I asked her out for dinner and off we went. We both knew why we were there; Friday night. So, I did the adult thing, Dr Emily. Instead of talking about what was bothering me, I asked her about school, you, Olivia, her father and just let her talk. She talked for several minutes about her Father. I didn’t know she had never opened up since her father died. When I looked your daughter in the eye we laughed out loud. I told her the reason adults usually fight and then go to bed angle and can’t seem to move on is that they never tell each other what’s really bothering them.”

“I told her I talked to you, Dr. Liz, her regular doctor, her gynecologist but I haven’t talked to you. When I asked her, if she really wanted to do this and told her I would rather her wait until her wedding night she interpreted it as me saying I did not want to be with her.”

That little girl looked right in my eyes and said, “you mean you don’t want to be with me Friday?” She had big tears in her eyes.

I told her she was an adult young lady and it was her turn to talk and mine to listen. I said,” you need to tell me why you want to be with a man twice your age on Friday as Your first. She told me about the selling job you and Liz did on her about an older man doing things with her that a young guy doesn’t even know about yet. Dr. Emily, you two are good!”

Dr. Emily said, “We’re psychologists. That’s we that we do.”

“Dr. Emily, Pam and I had a fight tonight and I left to just drive around. We sort of made up over the phone. I was having second thoughts about Friday night. Pam railed on me and told me how bad of a person I was if I backed out now. While driving around I realized I was having second thoughts because I had talked to everyone else about this exceptiont Terry. I told Pam I’d be home after dark and then came up with the taking Terry out to dinner idea.”

Dr. Emily said, “You know you don’t have to do this.”

I said Dr. Emily, “I do have to do this, more than ever now. What did it for me was when Terry said,” I want you to give me that glow that mom used to have after she and dad played bondage in the basement. I was the one crying then. She really is an adult young lady now. So, I’m OK and I told her I couldn’t wait to ravage her little body on Friday night. It was after that when she told me she was so wet and we did our cute little exit. Do me two favors as I go. Call my wife and tell her everything is fine and I’m on the way home and she should be nice to me when I get there.”

Dr. Emily said, “You two report to me for counseling next week.”

“Yes Ma’am,” I said. “Would you tell Pam, counseling is mandatory!” We both laughed again.

“Dave, what’s the other favor?”

I surprised and said, “Don’t tell Terry that I said she talked about her dad! LET HER TELL YOU! Go upstairs and just hold that little girl in your arms. You won’t have to say a thing and don’t ask her anything about tonight. She needs to know that you know she is an adult young lady and that you trust her. Take some tissue. I have a hunt those pictures of daddy and pictures of mommy and daddy together are on the dresser and vanity again. You probably knew this, but they have been at the bottom of her underwear drawer ever since he died.”

Dr. Emily burst into tears and said, “Dave, let yourself out,” and ran up the stairs.

When I got home, Pam was waiting in a very sexy outfit and never asked anything about the evening. All I said was that I was fine and that I would make Friday night very special for that little girl, who is now an adult young lady. Pam ravished me for hours! I had set my phone in the kitchen when I came in and never looked at it again until breakfast when I found it on the kitchen counter.

I had missed this message from Dr. Emily at 1:00 A.M. “Dave Terry and I talked for hours after you left. We did not get any sleep. I avoided any discussion about your date with her Friday night. All of her pictures were back in the places she kept them before her father died. THANK YOU! She opened up to me for the first time about her father’s death and we talked for hours. I have started calling her an adult young lady and she really seems to like it. Thanks for that, too. Is there anything you need from me?


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