Virtually everyone stopped and stared. Jaws dropped. Belongings crashed to the floor. Eyes bulged. Cheeks reddened profusely. Some made extremely lewd comments. Some loudly proved their disapproval. Cameras flashed and clicked.
she had never felt so embarrassed or humiliated in her life.
her Master paraded her through the busy mall – her favorite mall in the area. she enjoyed the many fountains, and would often sit by one just to feel its spray misting her skin and allow its soothing sound to calm her whenever she felt troubled.
After this horrible experience, she would never come here again except on His order.
Slowly, she crawled. All she wore was a thick, heavy leather collar, padlocked to her so she could not remove it unless she somehow cut it, a lean clipped to the same D-ring through which ran the padlock. Crawling with her head bowed and her eyes riveted to the floor produced her only “solace,” for the moment, as no one could then see the word “Slut” emblazoned across the front of the collar.
The almost surreal parade continued. she could not hear the soothing sounds produced by her many beloved fountains. All she heard were the comments, and the sound of her Master’s footsteps behind her.
The tears fell incessantly, her sobbing unmistakable. Not a single hair was to be found anywhere upon her unblemished body; even her eyesbrows and the hair upon her skull had been meticulously removed. her entire body felt as if on fire from her intense blushing due to the embarrassment and humiliation of this situation. she wanted desperately to somehow break free of the padlocked collar, then suddenly scramble to her feet and flee – yet to where, she did not know.
However, the worst part of this strange prediction was that she could not even recall what she had done to merit being punished in This most extreme manner. she wanted to ask her Master – she needed some answers from Him, to try to reconcile the hated growing within her at being put through such a torturous ordeal – but from previous experience know all too well that if she were to question her Master, her current predicament would suddenly pale in comparison to whatever would happen to her next.
From the scents reaching her nose, they were obviously approaching the food court. In more mundane circumstances, this would be another of her favorite places in the mall, offering culisine From around the world at a fairly decent price. Yet it was clear that she would not be enjoying any of her favorite Japanese foods on this visit to the food court.
However, she and her Master were on the upper level of the mall; the food court was on the lower level. Glancing around quickly, she realized that her Master was leading her towards the all-glass elevator.
she would be truly on display inside the elevator.
With her tears still falling without end, she waited at the side of the elevator as it rose from the ground floor. her Master sToo beside her, His shiny black shoes and perfect black slacks providing yet another reminder of her public nudity and effectively redouble the fire of humiliation and embarrassment reddening her entire body.
A trio of young women – probably college students by the sounds of their voices – were laughing and joking loudly as the elevator doors slide open, then suddenly stopped, obviously staring at her. None of the three young women moved for a long moment, then one of them stepped out of the elevator and knelt before her, increasing the flow of her tears to mimic the flow of a waterfall.
she did not fight when she felt a hand cup her chin and lift her head. she looked up with hope, but that hope was shattered when she saw the look of disgust open the young woman’s face.
her face was already so drenched from her own tears that she barely even felt the spit which landed upon her left cheek. Yet her sobs intensified yet again.
“You disgrace us all!!!” the collegestudent admonished her loudly. “I don’t like to use these words unless it is warranted, but in your case, it definitely IS warranted. You are a slut, a bitch, a whore, a no-good cunt, and you are an absolute disgrace to women everywhere!!!”
Now, her humiliation was truly complete. her head sagged once again as the young woman released her chin, then walked away in silence – tangible anger-filled silence – with her friends. With a harsh tug on the leash. she followed her Master into the all-glass elevator, turning around to face the door and exposing her most private anatomy to anyone in the food court who happened to look up at the elevator.
Slowly, the glass cage descended. she could practically feel the hundreds of eyes boring deep into her body, into that place only reserved for her Master and for those He designed to make use of her and enjoy her charms. Even from inside this glass case, she could smell the scents emanating from the nearly forty food options extending behind her, her body’s hunger betraying her and adding yet another layer of to her humiliation.
Even if my Master were to mount me in front of all these people, she thought, at least the pleasure would eliminate much of the extreme embarrassment of this terrible scenario.
The elevator doors slide open at last, and she was led out. her stomach actually rumbled to announce its hunger. The usual raucous din in the food court had all but ceased; seemingly everyone had taken a good long look at her most intimate areas while she was trapped inside the glass cage, and was now trying to determine if they were “seeing things” or if there truly was a naked woman on a leaning round the elevator shake and approaching them.
her tears continued to fall unabated as she was guided towards the large area of tables and chairs. As people saw her, unlike what had happened on the upper level of the mall, they fell completely silent. she could feel their eyes glued to her in disbelief -Not that she could really believe herself that this situation was truly taking place. The only sounds were of food frying, chairs being slide aside to allow her and her Master to pass, and her own deafening sobs.
Yet she suddenly realized that her face was not the only part of her that was wet, now aware of liquid of a very different nature trickling down her thighs.
At last, in the center of the massive sitting area, her Master called her to a stop – the first words He had spoken since this bizarre situation had begun. He moved the chairs away from a table, and ordered her to climb upon it face-down. As she slowly compiled, her limbs suddenly feeling like shaky rubber, she noticed her Master sliding the black backpack from His black-clad shoulder and setting it upon a chair before opening it.
Slowly, methodically, thick leather cuffs were applied to her ankles and wrists. A thick chain was then produced from the backpack and slowly wound through the cuffs’ D-rings and the metal supporters of the table before being padlocked.
And she continued to cry profusely through the entire ordeal.
“Now, slut,” my Master said aloud, ensuring everyone in the area could hear Him, “you are going to cum, again and again and again, as all these people watch you twist in your bonds and listen to your cries of password. you are going to put on a glorious show for the assembled audience here, and if it is not good enough, if even one person is not satisfied with your performance, you will be severely punished, right here upon this table. is that understand, slut?”
“Yes, Master,” she whispered, nodding her head as she continued to cry.
A sering pain sliced across her lower cheeses. “Get up, slut!”
she suddenly scrambled to a sitting position on the edge of the bed, looking up at her Master with a pout.
“Get up and get ready for class, or you’ll be late for your exam today.”
“Yes, Master.”
When she came to the kitchen for breakfast, she had a small smile upon her face. “Why are you smiling?” her Master asked as He poured her a mug of coffee.
she blushed slightly, her eyes falling to the floor as she fingered her dainty thin jeweled collar. “This exam will certainly be easier than the terrible ordeal You put me through last night, Master.”
He simply gave her a quizzical look, then passed it off as another of her bizarre humiliation dreams.
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