“And then the blonde sights, and says, ‘Please, not another breathalyzer test!’”
I laughed along with the other girls once Julie finished her joke. Julie was blonde and thought that all blonde jokes were hilarian. She knew them all, and with the slightest encouragement, didn’t hesitate to show her prowess. She was on a roll tonight.
I told myself, and tried to think of an excuse to Leave. My work day had been particularly long and difficult. I was tired, and just wanted to go home, take a bath, and curl up with a good book. I don’t know why I let the girls from the office convince me to go with them for dinner and drinks, but I did. I was regretting the decision now that my exhaustion was catching up to me.
I listened with half an ear as Julie continued to chatter, and glanced Around the room while I waited for the waitress to come back to our table. The restaurant was a local favorite in the summer because of the outdoor Tiki bar. It was a gorgeous evening, and the Tiki bar was packed, which means a long wait, so we opted to eat inside. There were only four other occupied tables, so we had been seated immediately.
I took a sip of my Long Island Ice Tea and discreetly checked out the other diners. Seated to our left was a young family. Their three kids looked to be under the age of five. One parent was paying the bill, while the other collected the Various toys that had made their way on to the table and the floor, so I knew they’d be leaving shortly.
An older couple was seated on the other side of the room. They both concentrated on eating instead of on each other. It made me wonder if they were fighting or if they had just run out of things to say.
Three thirty-something guys sat at the table next to ours. I noticed that they were busy flirting with one of the girls at my table.
The last occurred table was tucked into the back corner of the restaurant. A man and woman who looked to be business associates were seatedd there. I started to direct my attention back to the flirt-a-thon going on next to me, when something caught my eye.
The woman, dressed in a white shirt and dark skirt, started to unbutton her blouse. She was seated at an angle from me, but I clearly saw her open first one, then two and finally three buttons. Her hand moved towards her lap, but stopped in mid-air and hovered when the man spoke. I swear that I saw her hand shake as it moved back toward the buttons. I was fascinated, and suddenly didn’t feel quite so tired. I wished that I was closer to their table, so I could hear the conversation. The woman’s next move, however, made my jaw drop.
Instead of moving her hand to button her blouse, she slide it inside the opening and began to play with her breast. It looked like her hand was massaging it, and maybe pulling and pinching her nipple. I looked around at the other diners, but they were all focused on their own little worlds, and totally oblivious to what was happening right in front of them.
My eyes snapped back to the woman in the corner right when she changed hands and began playing with her other breast. I wondered what her companion thought of her actions, so I shifted my attention to him, only to find him staring directly at me. He’d caught me staring! It felt as if the air was suddenly sucked from the room.
I gasped, embarrassed to be caught, and bent my head to concentrate on my drink. I took a couple of sips and wished that I had the nervous to hold the cool glass against my heated cheeses.
Our server arrived to deliver fresh drinks. I could hear the voices of the man and woman rising above the chaos of the clinging glasses and the noisy exit of the family. Using the server as a shield, I peeked under my lashes at the back table. The woman was buttoning her blouse in between making large gestures with her hands. Then she got up and walked out of the restaurant. The server chose that moment to walk away with her load of glasses, and I was once again captured by the gaze of the man at the table. He knewly quirked an eyebrow at me.
“Earth to Clare. Come in, Clare.”
My head snapped around upon hearing my name, and I looked questioningly at Karen, who was seated next to me.
“Didn’t you hear me ask you to scoot your chair? We’re going to make room for the guys.” She pointed to the thirty-somethings who were busy moving from their table to ours.
“Sorry,” I said. “I spaced out there for a minute. I must be more tired than I thought.”
I stood up to move my chair, and unexpected a look at the back table. The man was gone. Just like that, the evening went flat, and my exhaust hit me like a brick. I didn’t allow myself the time to examine why that was the case. I moved the chair, pulled some money from my wallet, and set it on the table.
“Karen, I’m going to head home. Would you make sure the server gets this for my drink?”
“What? Clare you can’t leave. The fun’s just starting.” She smiled and canted her head towards the guys.
“Don’t worry about me.” I eyed the evenly matched girls and guys. “Besides,” I said with a laugh, “seven’s a crowd.”
They all made half-hearted objects, but didn’t really put up a fuss as I said my goodbyes and left the restaurant.
The sun was low in the sky, but still bright enough for me to need my shades. I pulled them on, and started towards my car, but stopped short when I saw a man – THE MAN – walking towards me. I was a little nervous at first, but remembered all the people surrounding the Tiki bar, and relaxed slightly.
It only took seconds, but it felt like hours passed as he approached me. I noticed that the suit jacket and tie were gone, and that he’d rolled up his shirt sleeps. I also couldn’t help but notice his toned physics. He stopped in front of me and I was both disappointed and relieved that his eyes were also covered by sunglasses.
“You surprised me. I had to wait longer than I expected.”
“I’m not sure I understand what you mean,” I said.
“Don’t you? You were watching me. I knew you’d follow me out when I left.”
I couldn’t believe what I was hearing. “Of all the conceited, egotistic and presumptuous things to say!” I wanted to add in a few more adjectives, but I was embarrassed and on a roll. “I was not watching you at all, and I certainly didn’t follow you out here like some sort of faithful puppy. Why would you even think that I’d have anything to do with a man whose date practically undresses, then walks out on him?”
Dammit! I went too far. I just admitted to the very thing I was protesting.
“I thought you said that you weren’t watching.” He smiled, took off his sunglasses and stuck them into his shirt pocket. “You’ve got a lot of spirit. I like that.”
He took a step closer and looked down at me with the sexiest blue eyes I’d ever seen. I totally forgot that I was pseudo-mad at him. I was drawn to his gaze and didn’t even look away when he reached up to pull off my sunglasses.
“You have a very expressive face, and those beautiful, brown eyes give you away every time.” A finger slide along my jaw. “I would like to get to know you better.” He reached into his shirt pocket, pulled out a business card and held it out to me.
“How do you know that I’m even available?”
“We wouldn’t still be standing here if you weren’t. I’m pretty sure you would have set me straight when you were giving me hell a minute ago.”
I feel my face heat.
“And she blushes, too!” he said teasingly.
I reached up to take the card, and felt a tingle when he wrapped his hand around mine.
“My business info is on the front, and my personal info is on the back. I don’t I didn’t want you to feel threatened. Check me out, and then call me when you’re ready.” I nodded. “Good girl.” He kissed my fingers and released my hand. “I look forward to our next encounter.”
“Still presumptuous, I see.” I couldn’t resist the poke.
He smiled, bent his head next to mine and whispered in my ear. “Call me, Clare.” Something in his tone made me shiver despite the summer heat.
“Whatever you say,” I paused, “Clare.”
He gave a bark of laughter and gently set my sunglasses back over my eyes.
“You and I will get along just fine, my dear. ” He turned away and started to walk to his car.
“Wait!” I yelled. “How did you know my name was Clare?”
He turned towards me, but continued to walk backward. “Call me, and I’ll tell you. I’ll talk to you soon, sweetheart.” With a final wave, he got into his car and drive out of the parking lot.
My heartbeat eventually slowed, and the surrounding sounds came back into focus. I looked around and realized that I was standing alone in the middle of the parking lot. I quickly walked to my car and got inside. My drive home was done almost on autopilot as the events of the evening raced through my mind.
It was while standing inMy bedroom after taking off my work clothes that I realized how aroused I was. My nipples were hard and sensitive. I took off my bra and pinched them. Mmmmm…that felt good, but maybe – yes, harder. The woman at his table was pinching and pulling her nipples like this in the middle of a restaurant. Why? And how, I wondered, did she manage to do it without moaning aloud? I couldn’t.
What was it like to have him watch her? I stepped over to my nightstand and picked up his card. Gabriel. I liked the way his name sounded on my lips. I slip a hand down the front of my panties, and didn’t need to go any farther to know that my bare pussy was already slippery with my juices. I suddenly needed to come very badly.
I shucked the panties and grabbed my dildo before lying down on the bed. The card was still in my hand, so I brought it to my nose. There really wasn’t any sort of scent. I wondered if he wore aftershave or cologne. I wanted to be close enough to him again to find out the answer.
I started to put the card back on the night stand but instead, flicked the short end across one nipple. I felt the resulting zing flow directly to my pussy, so I did it again and again, alternating between nipples. Back and forth. I experimented with short flicks and slow, dragging motions. My nipples reached through all of it. I put the card down and used both hands to tug on them. I found that rolling They between a thumb and finger, before pinching hard and holding them, gave me the best sensing. It was almost a little painful, but it also felt good.
I picked up the dildo and slide it along my pussy, top to bottom, getting it wet, before pushing the tip inside. I made myself wait to be filled, and just held the tip in place. I imagined that it was Gabriel poised above me, waiting for me to beg for his cock. My hips twitched and I couldn’t wait another minute. I began to firmly thrust and pull the dildo in and out repeatedly. The tip of it started bumping that spot deep inside me with satisfying results. I gave a few more rough thrusts, and came hard with a yell.
I waited two weeks to call him. I was able to find out a lot about him during the first week. A friend’s fiancé was in the same business and knew him well, so I felt comfortable moving forward. I waited an extra week though, because I didn’t want to appear to be too eager, but also because I knew he expected me to call right away, and he needed to know I don’t always do what’s expected.
We were in each other’s company a lot during the next month. We went out, talked on the phone and spent time in each of our homes getting to know one another. Our conversations were eclectic. The topics ranged from the very serious to the wildly crazy. Nothing was off limits. Sex and all its aspects were discussed. That’s how I found out that Gabriel was Dominant (which explained his presumptuousness). Our D/s talks also helped me comprehensive my need to be sexually submissive.
Our timeTogether was intimate without being sexual. Though we spoke very frankly when discussing sex, we never engaged in anything more than a chatete kiss on the cheese. On one hand, it was a refreshing change of pace, but on the other, it was ridiculously vexing. Talking with him, hearing his voice and imagining myself in the situations he described, excited me. I was aroused whenever we were together. Hell, I was aroused even when we weren’t, and I let that arousal build. I didn’t masturbate once during that month. Looking back now makes me think that he’d planned it that way all along. I was already attuned to obey him. We have an official start date for our D/s relationship, but I realize now that he’d becomes my Dom the moment our eyes met in that restaurant.
We were going out tonight to celebrate our first month of being together. I was really excited to see him. I agonized over what to wear, and spent an equal amount of time chatising myself for worrying so much. I finally decidedto go with a flirty, black skirt, a deep red silk tee and heels. It was dressy enough or casual enough to be appropriate wherever we went to dinner.
The doorbell rang, and forgetting my resolve to stay calm, I quickly ran to open the door. He was wearing black slacks and a blue dress shirt that did amazing things to his eyes. He was so damn sexy that I wanted to throw myself at him then and there. I managed to stop myself – barely.
I grabbed my purse and we walked out to the car. He leaned over to open the door, but grasped my arm lightly as I started to get inside. Before I knew what was happening, his free hand cupped my face, and his mouth took mine in a scorching kiss. My gasp allowed his tongue entry, and I eagerly met it with my own. I poured a month of pent-up desire into that kiss. We were barely touching, but the front of my body felt burned from the heat of his. His tongue slide against mine in a semiconductor dance of giving and take that left me asking for more. It was over all too soon, and he slowly pulled away, nipping my bottom lip as he did so.
“I think I may have melted into the pavement,” I said, in a voice husky with arousal.
“I’ve wanted to do that since I first heard your smart mouth in that parking lot. I decided that I wasn’t going to wait any longer, and that I was going to have to taste you when I saw you tonight.”
He looked directly into my eyes as he said that, and I felt my pussy flood. I wanted him to go to his knees and taste me “down there”, as well. The thought made my temperature rise.
“I can’t wait to find out what’s causing that blush.”
I lowered my eyes as he helped me into his car, but didn’t respond. Gabriel closed the door, walked around the front of the car and climbed inside. The interior was quiet for a moment as he fit the key into the ignition.
“It’s alright, Clare. You don’t have to tell me your thoughts right now. Let’s go to dinner and relax. You’ll be happy to tell me what I want to know as our evening progresses.”
“I don’t think I’ll ever be able to confess.”
Gabriel just smiled.
The conversation was benign during the drive to the restaurant and through dinner. I can’t even really remember what we talked about because my mind was so focused on what he meant about our evening progressing. Gabriel carried on his side of the conversation as if we were friends who got together each week for dinner. It seemed as if the sensitive heat that had built between us when we kissed no longer existed for him.
I found out otherwise during the drive home.
The interior of the car was dark; lit only by the muted light of the navigation system. The radio was playing softly in the background. We had just pulled out of the parking lot when Gabriel spoke.
“Pull your skirt up, and let me see your panties.”
I looked over at him, certain that I had misheard. Gabriel kept his eyes on the road.
“I’m waiting.”
I heard the order, butcould not believe that he expected me to do it in the car.
“Are you trying to be funny? We’re out in public.”
“I wasn’t joking. Pull your skirt up and show me your panties.”
The command in his voice was much stronger the second time. I put my hands at the hem of my skirt without thinking, but I still hesitated.
“I don’t want to punish you the first time we’re together, Clare, but I will if I have to say it a third time.”
The tone of his voice was different. The command was still there, but it was harsher, and I didn’t want to hear it anymore. I pulled my skirt up to the tops of my thighs.
“Yes, Sir.”
I gasped, and my hand shot up to cover my mouth. “I’m sorry. That just slipped out.”
We were stopped at a traffic light, and he finally turned to look at me. His features were tight.
“Don’t be sorry. You responded correctly. That’s how I expect you to address me unless I tell you otherwise.”
“Yes, Sir.”
He smiled. “Good girl. Now pull that skirt up to your waist, so I can see your panties.” He accelerated away from the light as I did so.
“Good. Now reach down and recline the seat until I tell you to stop.”
He had one last instruction for me once I had the seat positioned where he wanted.
“Put both of your hands down the front of your panties, and play with your cunt until I give you permission to come. I expect you to play with your clip and fuck yourself with at least two fingers, but don’t you dare come until I tell you to.”
I sat up straight and stared at him, willing him to turn, smile and tell me that he was kidding, but he continued to look ahead and calmly drive the car.
“I didn’t hear what you said.”
“I didn’t say any…Oh.” I realized what he meant.
He turned and gave me a quick look, and I heard myself saying, “Yes, Sir.”
I leaned back into the seat, closed my eyes and took a moment to be thankful that it was dark, before I slid both hands down the front of my panties. My fingers were immediately met with moisture. I used three fingers to circle and rub my clip. It was plump and sensitive, and I knew that it wouldn’t take me long to orgasm.
“You’re supposed to be using both hands, and I expect to hear your pleasure. You don’t expect me to let you come if I can’t hear that you’re ready, do you?”
“No, Sir.”
I increased the pressure and the speed on my clip. The last month had left me aroused and unfulfilled, so I moaned deeply from the quick burst of pleasure. I slide a finger from my free hand shallowly in and out of the opening of my pussy. My need hit me hard. I gave in and pushed two fingers in fast and deep, and groaned as I felt my pussy clench around my fingers. I spread My legs wider to allow deeper access, and increased the thrusts. My juices were flowing profusely, wetting my hand and soaking my panties. I was panting with each thrust, and my hips were pumping, squirming, thrusting. My orgasm was rising up; the feeling centered in my clip, only needing a few more thrusts and a little extra pressure to release the wave over my senses.
I was moaning and helplessly crying out my need to come. Panting and begging repeatedly.
“Please what, Clare?” His voice was so calm.
“Oh, God, please let me come, Sir. It’s been so long.” My voice was anything but calm.
“How long?”
I paused what I was doing and glanced at him. “A month.”
“I didn’t tell you to stop. Keep fucking your cunt.”
“Yes, Sir, but I’m so close.” I went back to my previous rhythm, whimpering as I tried to keep myself from going over the edge.
“I know you are, so you’d better help me finish this conversation, so I can let you have your release.”
“Yes, Sir.”
“So tell me again, how long?”
“One month, Sir.”
“You haven’t masturbated at all in the last month?”
“No, Sir.”
My breathing was hard and fast, so speech was becoming harder now.
“It…didn’t…seem right. You were so chaste whenever…we were…together. I thought I… should wait”
“Interesting. Do you think that perhaps subconsciously you were waiting to be told to masturbate because you didn’t have my permission? That, even then, you needed to obey?”
“Yes, Sir. Maybe.”
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