The Beginning

I was all of 18 and a bit full of myself. I had been attending this particular Gym for a few months now, reaping the rewards for all of my hard work.

I felt confident and soaked up compliments and prayer, my ego grew as well as my strength.

Although I loved all the attention and eyes upon me, I worked hard and intensely, pushed my limits and myself.

My dedication was noticed by the “Gym Regulars”, and soon I was taken under their wing and mentored.

The group of hard, bulging men were impressive but only one really stood out to me.

Geoff was quiet, almost appearing shy. He stood at around 6ft, muscle, but not overly done.

He had an unusual look, tight curly blonde hair, fair complexion, light blue eyes. His torso was specled everywhere with freckles, my hands seemed to beg to be able to touch his skin.

I mentioned to a friend that I thought he was rather cute. “He must be gay” she teased, “he doesn’t even glance your way”

I made it my mission to find out all about this very private man.

I made excuses to workout beside him, to ask for his help, his advice.

Before too long we became “workout buddies”.

I enjoyed his quiet company, he wasn’t a talker, but when he did choose to say something, it was intelligent and interesting and he always had my full attention.

Our closeness was noticed around the gym. Our age difference was joked about, the 10yr or so difference didn’t even occur to me, Geoff just brushed the jokes aside, nothing seemed to faze him, I admired him for that.

It wasn’t long before he asked me if I was interested in trying out his favourite sport, Rock-climbing.

I jumped at the chance to accompany him.

He picked me up early and we headed off to the climb-site. The sheer rock faces loose minously upwards as we approached the base. I was feeling a little appreciate, thinking I was a bit out of my depth, and then a reassuring hand touched my shoulder.

“Are you nervous?” Geoff looked amused at my disappoint.

“No, just excited” I lied.

His firm hands helped me into my harness; he pulled it tight, then tighter still.

“Mmmmmmm” I giggled, he laughed!

The rest of the day resulted in me being eased into the art of Rock-climbing, the sport was extremely tough and demanding, but I enjoyed the challenges that it presented, even more, I loved that Geoff was my teacher, he was there to catch me when I fell.

Reluctantly the day came to a close, and we walked back to his car.

“Hungry?” he asked.

“Starving” I winded back at him.

“I’ll cook then,” he stated, not waiting for any other response from me.

His house was nice, neat and organized. Geoff motioned for me to sit as he created a quick light meal for two.

We ate, had a glass of wine and then sat in comfortable silence.

“Why have you pursued me?” he queried suddenly. I felt my face grow hot, blushing, had I been so obvious?

“Don’t go all shy on me now, I know you aren’t!” his words teased me.

“You interest me, I ummmmm…, I like your …. ummmmmmm ….silent strength” I managed to mutter.

“hmmmmmm” was all said.

He stood in front of me, gently pulling me to my feet, a hand slide firmly around to the small of my back and pulled me closer. His other hand moved to the base of my neck, he ben and kissed me gently, softly, lightly. I kissed him back, wanting more of him, my senses melting into his taste.

He pulled back, looked into my eyes, took my hand and led me into the bathroom. He turned on the shower, pulled his shirt over his head, I stood there, rooted to the spot, unable to move my eyes from his bare shoulders, slowly moving my gaze down his spine.

He looked back at me “Come Then, I can’t have you all sweaty now can I!”

His light eyes sparkled as he took a step closer. Again he kissed me, a little harder this time, my head swoooned. He lifted off my t-shirt and undidmy bra in one motion. I felt my bare nipples brush against the hardness of his skin, feeling the heat.

I stepped out of my shorts and followed him into the shower, led by the hand. The steaming hot water splashed onto our bodies, singing slightly. We washed quickly, not gripping, not lingering in the same place for too long, feeling an intense urge for more.

Then he was out.

“Don’t be long” he said, looking me up and down before shutting the door.

Was that it?

My mind was fuzzy, confused and worried that I had done something wrong, I finished off quickly, turned off the shower and stepped out.

He was there, waiting, towel in hand, his eyes upon me, making me feel aware of my nakedness, vulnerable, scared and intimidated.

“Do you want me?” he demanded harshly.

“ahhh, ummmmm……” I started stammering.

“Do you want me, My little Wild Rose?” He said, easing his tone.

“Yes” I murmured, gulping hard, my head held low.

“Say it again” he rumbled, taking my chin and raising my face, locking my eyes to hold his gaze.

“Yes, I want you” I said slowly and clearly, more focused.

He kissed me passwordately, tongue searching and finding mind. His taste, his smell intotoxicating me. His arms embedded and surrounded me completely, making me safe, lifting me onto his bed.

He took me, all of me, hard and soft, slow and fast, rough and gently, every way he desired.

I was his, every ounce of me ached and yearned for more of him.

Geoff was to teach me many things over the next few months, things I had never been aware of.

He opened my eyes, my heart, my soul. He showed me my strength in my submission to him… the power that I had to offer.


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