He sat on his chair and surveyed the scene as she slowly undressed in front of him. Nervously, she stood in front of him, wearing nothing now but her bra and knickers. He smiled and asked her if she remembered the safe word he had given her. For one wicked moment, he had toyed with the idea of giving her a completely unpronounceable safe word, imagining her frustration as she struggled to remember what it was supposed she feel he was pushing her too far! But in the end, he had decided on ‘mercy’! he was a bit disappointed that he couldn’t have thought up a better word in the heat of the moment, but what the hell, being her first time with him, he thought it would be cute to have her beg for mercy! He knew full well, though, that he would never push someone too far in their first session.
After hearing her repeat the safeword, he sat forward slightly in his chair and beckoned her over. Instructing her to lie across his lap, her legs at one side of him, and her body on the other side. her soft buttocks forced upwards by the position of his legs underneath her. A perfect position for a good spanking! He gently pushed her head down and told her to relax. As he carefully pushed her buttocks with one hand, he unfasted her bra with the other, carefully moving the straws over her shoulders and letting it fall to the floor. She gasped softly as her breasts fell free, brushing against his legs as her bra fell away. He moved his hand around to her front and gently cupped one large breast, squeezing it gently and playingfully tweaking the nipple. He could tell by her squirming, that it felt good. It was a good start!
All the while, he had been slowly, but firmly, caresing her buttocks, and again, she had been responding by gently moving her hips around, trying to stimulate herself against his knees. His touch became lighter and lighter, as she still ground herself against him, until he moved his hand away.
He sat there for a good 30 seconds watching her squirm abouton his lap before bringing his hand down in a sing slap, right across her buttocks. Quickly followed by another five slaps in quick succession. She squealed in surprise and shock, rather than pain, her body trembling with the sudden rush of excitement. He roughly pulled down her knickers to reveal a reddening pair of buttons, and a growing damp patch on his knee!
Instructing her to stand up, he told her to go and sit on the edge of the bed. His eyes followed her swinging form as she slowly made her way over and sat down facing him. He pointed to a drawer unit and told her to take the contents of the top drawer out and put them on the floor in front of her. Slowly, she took four leather cuffs out of the unit and placed them as instructed, obviously becoming excited at the thought of him fasting them on her. She was to be disappointed to find out that he wanted her to fasten them on herself, the larger ones around her ankles and the slightly smaller ones around her wrists. Then she was told to walk around to the foot of the bed and stand, legs apart, and hands behind her head, in the middle of the floor. He stood up and slowly walked towards her, instructing her to look forward at all times. Walking slowly around her, he eyed her up and down, her sweet face, her eminently kissable neck and shoulders, the slow rise and fall of her large breasts as she breathed deeply, her wide, womanly hips, the soft buttocks (nearly back to their original skin tone!), soft, creamy thighs that he longed to be between, and her damp, inviting bush, just waiting to be filled. So full of desire he was, that he could have taken her, in the middle of the floor, then and there, and they would both be satisfied. But no, she had given herself to him, for him to do as he pleased, and he had planned to do a lot more than just make love!
Commanding her to lie down on the bed, she compiled, and positioned herself as he requested, her legs apart, her hands behind her head again. Hewatched fascinated as she followed his commands without question and lay there expected. He stood at the foot of the bed, gazing at the beauty before him, her breasts slowly rising and falling with her every breath, nipples erect with excitement, legs apart, willing him to do what he desired. She sensed him eyeing her up and down, and she stared at him, almost willing
him to do something, anything, to help her aching for him. He wasn’t very happy with her look, and he told her that he would blindfold her if she looked at him again without permission. Biting her lip, she went back to staring at the ceiling….
Her concentration in avoiding his eyes was broken by the sound of metal chining against metal. She longed to look, but knew that if she did, she would be blindfolded for the rest of the session and she didn’t want that. The metal sound was made by the buckles of two wide leather belts that he had produced. Teasingly, he ran the leather ends of the belts up the inside of her legs, over her torso and breasts, very slowly. Repeating this four or five times, he could feel the tension within her body as she struggled to keep in the position he had told her to assume.
He lifted the belt off her body for a few seconds, and then very gently dropped the end from about six inches onto her right breast. The sudden noise and the unexpected feel of leather dropping on her nipple made her jump. He laughed.
She jumped again, her senses in a whirl, as a cold buckle was placed on her inner thigh, closely followed by another on her other thigh. Playfully, he wrapped a strap around the top of her left thigh, and then slowly dragged it around, hesitating when the cold buckle passed her aching pussy. He repeated this again, but on her right thigh, again paying particular attention as the buckle passed her pussy.
The next time he wrapped the strap around her thigh, he pulled it tight, asking her if it was comfortable, he tightened it notch, by notch. When she indicated that it wasn’t comfortable anymore, he tightened it another notch, so that she wouldn’t forget it was there and proceeded to attach the other strap around the top of her other thigh. This time, he didn’t ask about her comfort, but instead just fastened it in the same notch as the first one.
Her breathing had become noticeably heavier as her thighs were strapped up, and she was noticeably squirming around a lot more. Resisting the temptation to restrain her some more, at the moment, he climbed onto the bed and straddled her torso. Unable to star at the ceiling any more, she moved her head down to see his erect cock bobbing up and down tantalisingly close to her mouth, She could resist no more… in a flash, her hands came from behind her head and had grabbed it, guiding him greedily into her mouth.
Letting Her have her way for a few moments, he retired the attention that she was paying him, he moved in unison with her, pushing himself deeper and deeper until he felt that she could take no more.
He stood up, leaving her gasping, wanting more, begging him……
Calmly, he told her that she hadn’t been told that she could do that, and as such he was going to punish her. He pulled her off the bed and made her knee on the floor. She found it difficult to move as the straws around her thighs restricted her movements. Holding her wrists behind her back, he fastened the cuffs together and then pushed her forward so that although she was kneeing on the floor, her body was lying on the bed, her ass sticking up again.
Rummaging around in a drawer, he produced a long strip of neoprene, soft and bendy, about 2 feet long, and 4 inches wide. He walked around behind her and stood for a moment. He raised the strip up and brought it down on her buttocks.
She squealed as the neoprene made contact, the noise was frightening, as soft buttock met soft neoprene but he knew that it wasn’t nearly as painful as it sounded, indeed after 20 strokes, there was hardly a sign that she had been touched at all, indeed, the ‘6 of the best’ he had administrator earlier was far worse.
It didn’t sound like that to her of course, the noise had suggested that she had been given a sound beating, her heightened senses had led her to believe it too. More of a mental, than a physical torture! He let her lie for a few moments before unfastening her wrists and telling her to lie on the bed again. Telling her that she wasn’t to be allowed to do such a thing again, he told her to bend her knees. He quickly fastened a clip on each ankle cuff to a clip on each thigh stick to leave her legs trusted up. At feeling her legs being restrained in this uncomfortable way, she began to panic, and attempted to unfasten the clips…..
This forced him to attach her wrists to clips on the top of the bed, leaving her effectively unable to move.
By this time, she was gasping for breath, and obviously very excited and struggling against her bonds. He went to the drawer again and returned with 2 large, yellow, plastic clips. Her eyes were wide with anticipation as he lowered his mouth onto first one nipple, then the other, sucking and gently chewing each one in turn to the sounds of her loud moaning beneath him. Swiftly, he attached a clip onto each erect nipple, as she cursed him under her breath. Playfully, he flicked each one in turn as he stand up.
Producing a ribbed condom from the drawer, he stood at her side, slowly unrolling it down his length. For the final time, he climbed onto the bed between her trusted up legs. Her moaning became louder as she felt his hot breath on her, and her whole body shook as she felt his tongue all over her, lapping her up. As he sensed that she could take no more, he moved his head away, looked deep into her eyes, held his cock at her open slit, teased her for a moment by holding it at her entrance, and then shifting his weight slightly forward, he entered her.
They both came…. immediately.
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