He lets himself into her house quietly with the key she had given him just last week. He looks back at the sky just beginning to lighten in the east. It is early morning and he knows this is early still even for her. Easing the door closed, he notes the lamp she has left burning on the end table next to the door. Setting his gym bag down next to the table, he sits in the overstuffed chair by the door. His Anticipation is great, as he slowly removes his shoes and socks.
He allows his eyes to wonder around the room, taking note of the pictures on the walls, and the curio cabinet in the corner where she keeps her collection of porcelain cats and dogs. He has been here before, but in the past he was distracted by her and his need for her. Rising from the chair and picking up his gym bag, he sees the faint light coming from down the hall.
He passes the bathroom and pauses to wash and dry his hands, after relieving himself. Her costumes and jewelry are scattered all over thecounter. Spying a perfume bottle on the counter, he picks it up and smells the scent that he has come to associate with her, spicy and sweet. He sees a pair of red lace panties, along with a matching bra, lying on the floor. Lifting them to his face, he inhales. He can smell her muscleness, her scent on them. He smiles, thinking of these bits of lace against her body.
He walks silently into her bedroom and finds her as he had hoped he would, still sleeping. He places the gym bag on the floor, next to the bed, unzipping it quietly. Gingerly he pulls black nylon restraints from the bag, placing them in position at the foot of the bed. Next he pulls a long black silk scarf from the bag, laying it on the bed. Gently he reaches out and strokes her hair and watches her stir and he sits down on the bed. He is surprised that she sleeps with a light on and has left one on in the living room, as well. He did not know until now that she was afraid of the dark. “It is the little things one learns,” he thinks to himself.
“pet…” he says softly. Watching as she turns towards him, smiling at the sound of his voice, he reaches out and strokes her face softly.
“Master? ” her surprise registering on her face.
“Yes, my pet. I am here.” He says bending over and gathering her into his arms, drawing her to him.
“Oh Master! I was not expecting you. I am not prepared for you.” She says, trying to push out his arms.
Looking at her dressed in a t-shirt and flannel pants, he smiles at her and the contrast between the woman he has in his arms, warm still from sleep and the woman who wears those little bits of red lace. How that contrast excites him and has since the first moment he saw her picture on the alternative lifestyles web site. He wanted her then. He wants her more Now that he has come to know the depth of her intelligence, the sharpness of her wit, and the wariness of her soul.
“Shhhh, little one. You are just as I wanted to find you. It is time, my pet. Time for your first lesson.” Holding her tightly and kissing her face gently, he lingers over her soft pale lips. He feels her shiver, perhaps in fear, perhaps in anticipation. He only knows he can wait no longer to have her.
“Stand up for me, little one. You have too many clothes on.” He says as he reaches to pull the t-shirt over her head. She lingers as the cool air hits the warmth of her skin. He runs his hands over her breasts, cupping them in his hands. Taking a nipple in each hand, he rolls them between forefinger and thumbs, noting the look of pleasure on her face. “Take your pants off, and lay down on the bed, in the middle of the bed,” he orders her huskily.
“Come, pet gives me your hands,” kissing them as he holds both of them together in one of his hands. She notices the bag for the first time as he reaches for it placing it on the bed beside her. He feels her tremors as he pulls the restraints from the bag. “I am just going to place these cuffs on your wrists. Remember my promise to you, pet, I will not hurt you. Ever.”
She looks into his eyes and nods, smiling at him. Hands restrained, he raises them above her head and pulls her to him.
“Who am I?” he asks holding her face in his hand, looking into her eyes. “Who am I?”
“You are my Master.”
“Who do you belong to?”
“You.” She says softly. “I belong to you.”
“Oh pet, is that how I have taught you to respond to me? I will ask again. Who do you belong to?”
“You, Master.” She answers softly, eyes cast down. She knows her previous response has not pleased him. How could she have forgotten? They had discussed this at length. She was never to call him by his given name during these times. She was only to refer to him as Master. Looking into his eyes, she says, “I belong to you, Master.”
“That is much better. Do not forget again. Now lay down, pet. I want to play.”
Pulling her hands over her head, he fastens them to the headboard of thebed. He strokes her arms, running his fingers up and down them. Then using just his fingernails, he run his fingers over the insides of her arms, watching as her nipples harden. Smiling to himself, he is pleased at her response. But then she pleases him in just about everything. He feels himself harden in response to her.
Having her here like this is his fantasy. He has been planning this since he first decided she would be his, that he would be the one to awaken what lay hidden deep inside her. He thought back for a moment to when he had first seen her ad on that web site and how extensively her words had affected him. There was an aura of innocent about her presence, combined with a simmering sensitivity just below the surface. She had intrigued him from the beginning. He was not disappointed now that he had gotten to know the person behind that simple picture.
Moving to the foot of the bed, he pulls her down farther on the bed, stretching her arms out even farther. Spreading her legs, he restrains first one leg then the other to the frame of the bed. Stroking her legs, up the inside of her thighs, he watches as her sad pussy opens and glistens.
“Ah, my pet, how you please me.” Bending over, he kisses her hard, drawing her bottom lip into his mouth, biting it gently. “I want you to feel everything.” Taking her drawn nipple into his mouth, he suckles, and then bites it, holding it in his teeth as he pulls and stretches it. He smiles as she bucks against the restraints, repeating the process with the other nipple. He watches her face, notes the low, gasping moans escaping her parted lips.
He is truly pleased with her responsiveness. Somehow, he knew she would be like this. He is pleased that her responses are because of him. He likes thinking that he has brought her to this point, and will take her further, still. That he is her first, the first to explore the depths her submission promises, make all the difference to him. Smiling, alwayssmiling, he reaches for the scarf he laid on the bed earlier as he turns to her. He watches her eyes widen and darken. He runs his hand over her head, smoothing her hair.
“When I said I wanted you to feel everything, I mean everything. Remember my promise to you. Now lift your head a little for me.” He places the scarf over her eyes, making sure that it is tight and secure.
“Now, pet, Remember, everything I do is for you. I know how fearful you are of the gag, so I will not use it now, but you must not speak. Do you understand?” She starts to speak, but then simply nods her head. “Good. Now I will begin. And remember, if you want me to stop at anytime, just use the safe word I have given you.”
She closes her eyes behind the scarf. She cannot believe he has come to her. She is happy beyond words. His presence fills her. He completes her being. This is the hardest part for her. This, being here, bound and naked, unable to touch him, is the hardest thing for her. She knows he will not hurt her, knows this deep in her soul. It is hard for her because she knows she can please him, how to pleasure him. But to lay here and be the recipient is more than difficult. She is a giver and to receive is more difficult than she thought. She longs to touch him, to feel his skin beneath her hand.
She trembles as he runs his hands over her body, across her stomach and down her leg. She feels his hand on the inside of her thigh and bucks against the restraints as he nears her peach. She wants his touch there, longs for it. She feels his finger slide into her slit, her wetness easing the entry. She feels him touch her clip and she wants to scream, but controls herself, moaning softly. She feels him touch her lips with that same finger, rubbing it over her lips. Parting her lips slightly, she reaches out with her tongue, tasting herself on him, as he pushes his finger in her mouth. As she sucks greedily, she feels his penis pulse against her thigh and sights. SheKnows her actions exciting him and she is happy. She wants, no, she needs to know that this is bringing him pleasure. She needs to know this pleases him. She wants to excite him as he excites her.
“Now, pet, I want you to do exactly as I say.” She feels the restraint on her right hand loosen, feels him remove her hand from it. She feels him move her hand over his face, her fingers grazing his lips. He removes her hand from his face and places it on her monks.
“I want you to show me how you please yourself. I want you to masturbate for me, to bring yourself to the edge of cumming. But you are not to cum. Do you understand me?” He watches as she nods her head in understanding.
“You may speak. Tell me that you understand what I am asking you to do.”
“Yes, yes I understand.” She feels a sharp sting on the inside of her thigh, as she feels him slap her.
“Yes, who?”
“Yes, Master,” she says softly, as she mentally chides herself. ‘Don’t forget again,’ she tells herself, ‘always the Master. He is always the Master.’
“That is much better.” He smoothes his hand over the place where he had slapped her and bends his head and kisses the reddened skin gently. “Now show me. Show me how you please yourself. Remember, you are not to cum.”
He watches as she runs her fingers over her slit, moistening them with her juices, her fingers coming to rest on her clip. Her hand moves very softly over her clip first up and down and then in a circular motion. He loves watching her like this, at his command. He loves that she is comfortable enough with him and her own body that she can perform for him. He watches her body change before his eyes as she comes close to cumming. Her nipples harden and peak. Her stomach muscles tightened. Her breath comes in shallow gasps as she draws near to completion. Suddenly, her hand stops and she graps her monks with her whole hand.
Bending over her, he kisses her lips, gently at first, then hungrily. “Angain,pet. Do it again.” He whispers into her ear.
He watches as she repeats the same motions as before. He reaches behind him, to the nightstand, for the nipple clamps he has placed there earlier. Taking one clamp in each hand, he places them on her nipples at the same time. Letting the springs on the clamps release at the same time, he watches as her body comes up off the bed at the sudden pressure, a moan escapes her lips. He Watches as she grabs her pussy again, and knows that the clamps have almost driven her over the edge.
“Like this, do you, pet?” He asks as he pulls on the chain connecting the two clamps. “Now, do it again. Bring yourself to the edge, again, for me.” Again, he watches as she repeats the now familiar motions on her clip. But within moments she stops, panting as she shakes her head back and forth.
“Take my hand, pet. Show me how to make you cum.” He says placing his fingers underneath hers.
“Where do I have my hand, pet? Tell me where I have myhand,” he commands, never changing the pressure on her clip.
Taking his first two fingers, she places them on her clip. She lifts his fingers until they barely touch her clip. Gently, she moves them in a circular motion over her clip.
“Ahhh,” she moans, “on my peach, Master.”
“No, pet, this is your pussy. Can you tell me where my hand is?”
Shuddering, on the brink of orgasm, she answers, “On my pussy, Master.”
“And who does your pussy belong to, pet?”
“You, Master, my pussy belongs to you.”
In just a moment, she feels the clinching within her. She moans out loud as she feels the orgasm take hold, as wave after wave rushes over her. He continues the motion on her clip until she is spent. He releases the clamps on her nipples, suckling each gently as the blood flow returns.
He releases her from the ties that held her bound and gathers her into his arms. Kissing her brow, her lips, her eyes, he strokes her hair.
“Ah, my lovely pet, youdid so good.” He says, and then kisses her deeply. “And to think, this is just the beginning.”
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