The Beauties and the Nerd Ch. 01

Tired and half sleep, Ken sat at his desk and daydreamed about going home again to play computer games. The annoying sound of an incoming message from one of his colleagues brought his attention back into the bleak office environment. He hated this office. Most of his co-workers were immature and shallow.

“We need a new laptop in the meeting room asap.” Maya, the head of PR, had messaged him. Ken usually tried his best to avoid her in the office. She was noisy, arrogant, and always wanted to be the center of attention. Reluctantly, he searched for one of the leftover laptops and made his way to the meeting room.

The lights in the meeting room were switched off because Maya was presenting her weekly report to her team members Mia and Hana. As usual, all of them were completely overdressed with their fancy blooms, high-waisted office pants, and skirts. They sat around the large conference desk like models posing for a photoshoot. To him, they seemed to be putting more effort into their appearance than their work.

Mia was a very pretty but silent girl whose face was always hidden behind her thick glasses and bangs, while the new-hire Hana seemed to have very good chemistry with Maya, even though she looked much more serious and grounded with her strictly tied back hair and strong, defined eye browsers.

“Finally, the geek has emerged from his cave.” Maya teased him in a friendly but nonetheless mocking way. Her long black wavy hair looked like she just came from the hairdresser, and her make-up seemed to be getting more professional each day. Ken always wondered how she found the time to put so much effort into her appearance every morning.

“Hana has already been onboarded last week, and she still hasn’t received her laptop from you. We need it right Now.” She said in an unecessarily bossy tone, her lush, curved eyesashes agitating him with every blink.

“Yes, yes, I’ve got one here.” Ken replied politely, trying to avoid confrontation.

He placed the laptop and charger onto the desk in front of Hana, who just silently sat there with her arms and legs crossed. Her white blouse was tucked into her long, tight skirt, showing off her slim wait.

“It also needs to be plugged in,” Maya remarked condescendingly before diverting her attention back to her presentation. As continued to explain her performance graphs to Hana and Mia, Ken grabbed the charger with a sight and quickly crawled under the desk to plug it in. The space below the desk was almost pitch black. Unable to see clearly, Ken carefully felt his way forward.

Suddenly he felt something bumping against his shoulder. Ken immediately moved away from it and stayed completely still, but then he felt it again.

“Did you lose your glasses under there?” He heard Maya’s voice mocking him before casually resting her leg on his back.

Confused and nervous, Ken didn’t dare to move. Unsure of how to react, he just silently stayed on all fours to support Maya’s leg while the girls continued to discuss their targets and strategies. Without changing his position, he carefully reached for the plug and inserted the charger. Then he felt another foot tapping his shoulder.

“Are you done yet?” he heard Hana ask him impatiently. “What are you doing down there, you creep?”

“I think he fell asleep.” Maya laughed, followed by someone whispering something he wasn’t able to hear properly.

Embarrassed, Ken tried to slowly crawl back out from under the table, but Maya’s leg held him in place. Then he felt a third foot stepping on his forearm while two other feet forced into his left side. He heard the girls giggling as he finally tipped over to the side. Before he could push himself up again, he already felt four or five feet all over his body pinning him down. Someone’s coarse pantyhose gently scratched against his cheek as one of the girls provocatively rubbed her feet against his face. Another foot was pushing his head down to the ground, seemingly locking him in place. He also felt two more feet resting on his belly.

“So what are we going to do in quarter 3?” he heard Hana ask in a serious tone as the girls casually continued their meeting while he was trapped under the desk.

Every time he tried to move, the feet pushed him back down onto the ground. Drowning in feet, Ken completely lost his orientation. His heart was racing, and he started to sweat. In his entire life, he had never touched a girl before, and now he had their feet all over his body. Ken felt shy, embarrassed, and trapped but also strangely aroused.

As their meeting seemed to reach its end, their feet slowly moved away from his body one after another. While the girls still discussed how to best allocate their resources, he slowly crawled out from under the desk. With fogged glasses and his hair completely messed up, he silently stood up and tucked his shirt back into his pants. The girls didn’t pay any atAttention to him and acted as if nothing had happened.

“It’s all set up. Let me know if you need something else.” He informed them in a soft and almost squeaky voice.

They ignored him.

Humiliated and even more exhausted than before, Ken dragged himself back to his desk and continued installing software and repairing broken devices.

After 2 hours of boring, repetitive work, he decided to use the lunch break as an opportunity to catch up on sleep. Usually he ate alone by himself at his desk anyway, because he didn’t want to be involved in the shallow conversations in the pantry. As he walked through the main office to get to the comfortable sofa in the reception area, he dreadfully remembered that he still had to update Mia’s laptop. The last thing he wanted to do now was talk to one of these three girls, but the deadline for the update was today.

After briefly closing his eyes and singing, he started scanning the room for Mia’s desk. As usual, she was also staying alone at her desk while everyone else had lunch in the pantry. Watching this cute and innocent looking girl quietly work on her laptop made him wonder whether she really had been involved in the meeting room incident. He could have sworn that he felt more than four feet on his body, but he could be wrong.

“Ahem, excuse me, I need to update your laptop,” Ken politely interrupted her after reaching her desk.

Mia flinched when she noticed him. Her small eyes widened behind her thick glasses as if she had seen a monster.

“Sorry, I just need to install something very quick.” Ken nervously explained himself.

Without saying a word, she pushed her laptop closer to him and leaned back in her chair to create more distance between them.

Ken’s hand was smoking and shaking as he installed the updates onto her laptop. He couldn’t stop wondering whether she had really been involved. Unable to resist his curiosity, Ken peaked at her legs. Below her tight black ankle pants, she was indeed wearing a coarse looking pantyhose just like the one he felt on his cheeks. He still couldn’t be sure, because Maya and Hana also frequently wore all kinds of pantyhose.

Speaking of the devil, he suddenly heard Maya’s loud voice yelling from the pantry on the other side of the small office. “Hey! Stop distracting Mia, weirdo.”

The people around her started bursting into laughter.

“I have to update her…” he tried to explain himself, but she already turned away from him to chat with the others.

Nobody ever took him seriously since Maya started making him the butt of all jokes. He didn’t understand why, because he had never done anything to her.

“He definitely has a crush on her. It’s so obvious.” Ken heard Hana’s voice gossiping in the pantry.

“This loser is such a creep.” Hana added dismissively.

Ken had already given up on his report, but he worried about making Mia uncomfortable.

After all the updates were fInally installed, he politely thanked Mia and rushed to the reception area. The comfortable sofa felt like a much needed gentle hug. As soon as he took off his glasses and closed his eyes, he started drifting away into sleep.

“Hey loser!” Maya’s annoying voice “woke him up again. “You think this is your living room?”

The bright light hurt his eyes as he looked up at her standing next to the sofa with her arms crossed.

“I’m sorry, I just…” he stammered, still half sleep.

“Other people want to use it too, you know?” She added in a nagging tone, followed by a passive-aggressive exhaust.

Too tired to argue with her, he just silently reached for his glasses and tried to stand up, but she stopped him in his tracks.

With a swift and decisive movement, she sat down on His chest. He could feel the soft fabric of her pants and the warmth of her butt as her weight pushed him deeper into the sofa. Either she was much heavier than she looked or he was even weakr than he thought. With his skinny arms trapped under her thick thighs, he was completely unable to move as she rested her entire weight on his chest. With a blank expression on her face, she just ignored him and stared at her phone.

Too nervous to say anything, Ken just stayed still, silently watching her long eyesashes move like a butterfly with every blink. It was getting difficult to breathe under her, but he wasn’t strong enough to push her away even if he wanted to. The longer she sat on his chest, the more intensely he started to feel the muscles and bones in her thighs and butt digging into his chest.

“What’s going on here?” He suddenly heard Hana laugh.

“This selfish dork wanted to use the entire sofa for himself, so I just sit wherever I want,” Maya proudly explained. “You can just sit here. Screw him.”

“What an idiot.” Hana replied before casually sitting down onto his legs.

Now Ken was completely trapped. With the two girls sitting on his body,he just awkwardly stared at the ceiling and tried to control his breathing. While trying to remember whether he could have accidentally done something to upset the two girls in the past, Ken noticed that he had a new problem. Being squeezed under the soft and warm butts of the two girls, he slowly started to get an erection.

He knew that if they saw his bulge, he would be done for. Maybe they would report him and get him fired or even call the police. With all his might, Ken tried to control his body and mind to avoid a catastrophe.

“Mia, Come here!” he then heard Maya shouting.

When Ken slowly turned his head to see what was going on, he saw Mia respectably approaching them.

As if he was the sofa, Maya casually slide her bottom towards his belly to offer Mia a seat. “Sit here. We are teaching this loser a lesson.”

Mia didn’t reply. She just nervously played with the buttons of her blouse.

“Come on, don’t be shy!” Maya laughed. “I don’t wanna see hisStupid face anymore.”

Without saying a word, Mia hesitantly stepped to the edge of the couch and turned around. She always listened to Maya. Ken’s heart was pumping out of his chest as he watched the small, round butt in her tight pants close in on his face.


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