“You can breathe, when I let you”
Was the last sentence he whispered into her ear before he pushed her head down beneath the surface of the bathtub.
Silently she kept her eyes open, blinking a few times to adjust to the liquid vision and above her, he became distorted. He positioned his hand to grip around the rope collar around her throat; preventing her from wriggling up but also constricting around her neck.
He watched her in the tub, watched her skin slowly change colour from both the tight rope bound around her torso, around her legs, leaving her vulnerable.
Shortly, her eyes squinted shut against the water, perhaps stinging or perhaps concentrated on the gradually build up of pressure in her lungs.
He pulled her up with a slosh, wrenching her against the back of the tub, just enough so her face was free. She sucked in a gasp of air and opened her eyes, her uncertainty and what to expect very clear.
He simply smiled, and pushed her back down bescape.
In his free hand he held a cane, she watched his distorted body move it over to her feet, tightly tied and pulled up to her belly in a way that left them exposed.
She began to struggle, unable to scream, unable breath.
A mass of bubbles Exploded beneath the water followed by a garbled scream.
He hoisted her up and let her breath, shaking his head with a sight.
“No screaming the next time, as I won’t pull you up to suck in that delicious air your going to need by wasting it”
Even as she was nodding in reply, he pushed her back down with barely enough time to draw in breath.
He, quicker now; struck the cane Against her wet feet, over her shins in quick succession, not giving the pain enough time to register before striking again. Silently she thrashed as her lungs burned, her eyes squinted tightly beneath the surface of the chilly water. He paused at the time, taking the time to draw in her heaving breath as she struggle for breath, how each time she arched her chest up, the wet rope tightened around her pale skin.
Her eyes flung open, pleading upwards as she compromised and her toes banged against the wall of the tub as her desperation grow very real. She was panicked.
Wrenching yet up, her breath sucked through her wet lips and she choked, spluttering and hot tears started to trickle out of her eyes, blending into the water clinging to her red face.
He waited for her to compose herself and leaned downwards, his warm mouth a contrast to her cold lips. He whispered her name quietly and despite the pain and trembling cursing through her body, those cold lips curled up in a smile beneath his own.
His hand stroked the top of her head and she sucked in a deep breath, a glint of determination sparking in her eyes as she looked back up at him.
“Good girl, suffer for me”he drawn softly and slowly pushed her down once more.
He didn’t attack her this time, he simply watched her, the way her bound breasts quivered beneath the water, how her hard nipples almost broke the surface. He pulled his hand away and stood up straight while she watched him. He pointed a finger downwards to indicate for her to stay down and her feet jerked in response. She explored the air from her lungs purposefully to weigh her body further least she bob to the surface.
He smiled, though she probably did not see, and he unbuckled his wet jeans, slide them down to his ankles and pulled free his cock to fist over her while she could only watch.
While in reality only but 40 seconds had passed, but for her, it felt like eternity and soon once more she began to fight for the right to breath. She struggled to lift her head, and fear ignored her body in a rush. Her shoulders and bound arms strained against the rope as she tried to lift her head clear of the water.
He watched, calmly, his hand speeding up along the shake, encouraging her to anxious up.
Recent she struggled beneath the water and for a split second her face broke free but she slipped and her mouth wrenched open in a silent airless scream.
Time was against her now and her face showed the physical stress of her ordeal. She twisted to the side and rolled herself over, ignoring the bite of rope against her shins, and Finally heaved herself upwards. Sobbing, she drew in breath with desperation as he reached out with his free hand and gripped into her hair, wordlessly twisting her around to face him pulled her violently towards his cock, thrusting himself into her throat, guiding her back and forth by the strong relentless grip in her drenched hair.
Releasing her hair, he only replaced it to furl around her throat rope and he pulled her head backwards and to the side. Mucus spilled out of her mouth in a retch and briefly hung on her chin before sliding down her throat and further to her breasts in a slipery trail.
Open palmed he struck against her cheek, the impact all the worse against wet cold skin. Her hooded eyes opened to reveal unshed tears and uncertainty. She flinched and he softly laughed; his amusement muffled to her ringing ears as his hand drew back, his knuckles backhanding the other side of her face.
He released his hold on the rope and cupped her living cheek, Imprinted by his recent care and ran his fingertips along the potential bruising. She whimpered against his touch and pressed herself into his palm, grateful for the soft contact, grateful for reasons she didn’t know how to express except by moving her mouth to kiss his fingertips.
Stepping out of his pants, he bent to hoist her body out of the bath, tugging mercilessly against the rope as support least she slip from his grip. As best she could, she curled into the warmth of his body and groaned with need, the earlier abuse igniting password rather than diminishing it in any shape.
She whispered into his chest as he carried her out of the room and dropped her on the bed.
“Please what?” he replied, moving to get a pair of shears.
“Please fuck me”
She closed her eyes as she spoke, she hated begging and he knew it. He traced the metal against her skin and cut away the saturated rope.
“Hmm?” he replied, punctuating His words by lingering over her nipples, watching her shiver this time with desire rather than anything else.
“Why should I grant you such a demanding request?”
His tone was low and teasing, continuing to cut away the binds that he had placed less than gently earlier.
“Because I need you to”
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