Chapter the First: In which our proteinist begins to accustom herself to the villa’s ways
The early sun shone through the tall French windows and brightened the whole room with its dark paneling, catching her still sleep. She blinked her eyes in response to this Adriatic sunshine and struggled to hoist herself up on her elbows. This was the first clear look she had of her appointed bedchamber since she had been conducted there the previous evening by simple candlelight. After she was shown where she would be sleeping, she was instructed to undress and was handed a light cotton shift to put on. Only now in the daylight was she able to appreciate the quality of the nightgown. She scanned the room and saw a dressing table up against the wall opposite the foot of her four-poster bed. In the corner was an odd looking stool she didn’t recognize. The window treatment was a rich brocade tied back with tassels to large bronze medallions. She pushed back the linesns and drawn her legs over the edge of the four-poster bed. She shuffled directly to the windows and saw that there was a large balcony, but she chose to not open the French doors. Through the glass panes, she saw a large, ornate garden bounded by high brick walls outside of which extended pastures and orchards as far as the horizon.
She gazed out and thought about her journey to this place. Her Master had arranged the whole Affair after much research and effort. He had saved to send her here and even though she wanted to help pay, He insisted that it comes from him exclusively. When He announced the date, she was both eager and anxious. She had never traveled so far alone. She had never even heard of Montenegro until he showed it to her in the atlas. There were many spectacular properties available to informed buyers since the dissolution of greater Yugoslavia, some of which had been built during the time of Venetian control of the Adriatic in centuries past. An entrepreneurial Italian businesswoman with a well deserved reputation for her skills had purchased an old villa near the seacoast and its surrounding estate and had begun the difficult task of restoring it to function as a training school for submissive women. He had kissed her just yesterday when He dropped her off at the airport and held her extra tightly before wishing her bon voyage and reiterated that he would soon join her in due time.
That seemed as long ago in time as in space now. She kept telling herself that her Master knew what He was doing, that His well laid plans were now up to her to complete. She felt, of course, an obligation to her Master but also to herself. She wanted to learn more about her psyche and innermost desires and she believed strongly that she would be able to accomplish such goals away from the standards and routines of her native country in this foreign setting. This journey would become one of discovery and she intended to discover all that was inside her.
A movement in the garden caught her eye suddenly. She saw two men tending to the plants. They both seemed young and strong. Feeling a bit too naked in her shift, she took one step back, aware that the strong natural light while warming was also revealing. Just then the large door to room opened with a creak on its massive hinges. In walked boldly a tall brunette, her hair held up in a tight bun, wearing a long velvet gown, which dragged Along ground, high at the neck with buttons running down the middle until the slit opened at just below her crotch. Closely behind her floating an Asian woman with long braided hair in a light blue uniform and a frilly white apron, carrying a small handbag. As the brunette strutted forward, her heels clicked auditibly on the waxed parquet flooring. She carried her head stiffly upright and announced in a stern yet Refined voice.
“Good morning. I see you are admiring our gardens and grounds.”
She stood and faced her room’s newest arrivals, but she didn’t respond.
“I am glad that you were informed of our number one rule here for all acalytes: strict silence unless permission to speak is otherwise granted. I must apologize for not greeting you upon your arrival last night. You can be assured that I was severely punished for my translation, for not performing as your Master should expect of me for his compensation to this establishment.”
She listened to the words and hung on the reference to her ‘Master’. It struck her as odd that for the first time somebody else would acknowledge Him as such. She quickly understands that this woman must be the Italian woman, a former baronessa, who He had mentioned would be her tutor. She was somewhat in awe of her beauty and her direct, confident nature.
“I believe that we ought to begin as soon as possible so that you might reach your fullest potential when you Master eventually arrives. Would you come and sit here?” She pulled out the chair from the dressing table and motioned her to approach. “Miss Kim will attend to your toilette while I inform you of the rules and the course of your instruction for the following days.” She approached the other two. “Raise your arms.” As she did the Asian woman lifted off her shift in swift and fluid motion. “Now you may sit.”
She sat down bare assed on the backless chair and looked straight ahead into the tablemirror, pointedly aware of her nakedness yet unwilling to show her disappoint. She knew to keep her back perfectly erect. Behind her Miss Kim pulled out a comb and began running it through her hair. She watched the reflection of all three of them to see the baronessa overlooking the operation with an attentive eye and the Asian woman working intently.
“Most of the rules here will become self-evident in time, so I will not waste our time with all the details. Besides, some lessons are best learned the hard way. All of your actions here will be directed for you. You will not wander the grounds unattended. When you areleft alone, you will be chained and bound. All your clothes will be selected for you and you will take proper care of it. You nightgown is only for sleeping in. When you arise each morning, you will immediately remove it and fold it and place it at the foot of the bed. Miss Kim here will arrive and tend to your morning ritual. Am I making myself clear?” her voice punctuated her question. She nodded her head in agreement. “Oh, that reminds me. Miss Kim, the earrings, please.”
Miss Kim pulled from out of her handbag a small cloth which she handed to the baronessa. She watched in the mirror as the baronessa opened the clothes and produced a set of silver earrings which she held in front of her face and jingled them. They produced a pleasant, angelic lilt. The baronessa then stood behind her and hooked them through her pierced lobes. Their weight pulled noticeably at her flesh. “From now on, you will wear these earnings on the estate at all times. They are for our benefit to help usWhen you do need to respond to our questions.” She looked at the mirror and admitted how the dangly silver pieces hung low and accentuated her swanlike neck. “You must be made aware; however,” continued the baronessa, “that if their sound is heard from your careless, immediate movements, then you will be punished. Punishments will be delivered nightly, although we might choose other opportunities for difficult aonymity. Is this clear?”
She nodded her head and felt the ringing resonate through her flesh and echo off the wood paneling, as Miss Kim started to divide her hair for braids.
“While you are here, you will be given a new name to protect your anonymity with the other acolytes and visitors.” She had not thought much about others and she wasn’t aware that there might be visitors. Miss Kim began twisting her hair into elaborate braids and attaching them with little jeweled clips. “Tell me. Is there a name your Master calls you by?”
She hesitated but then realized she was being asked to speak. Uncertain how her voice might sound after not speaking for so long, she wavered, “He calls me, Kulum.” Just after the words had left her lips, she recognized the error in her response, but too late.
“That bit of disrespect will be noted during tonight’s session. Here I am referred to as Baronessa. ” The baronessa dug her nail into the flesh on her neck to stress the point. She Did not dare flinch under the pain. The baronessa wrinkled her face as she pondered. “A Turcophile?….. interesting.” She began pacing, her heels ticking off her mental activity. “Hmmmm….. Antalya.” She pronounced it expertly. “Yes, I believe it suits you well. You will respond to that name from now on, will you not?” She rested her hand lightly on her neck again.
“Yes, Baronessa.” The baronessa unexpectedly caresed Antalya’s shoulder and it seemed that she briefly appeared to smile in the her mirror’s reflection which Antalya kept her gaze fixed to. Miss Kim rested her arms at her side and stepped back. Antalya’s hair had been swept up in a tangle of fine braids, tied and woven into themselves, without a strand on her neck or shoulders.
“Very well done, Miss Kim. It’s just as we thought it would look. Now may I have the tape?” Miss Kim fished into her bag and pulled out a tape measure and handed it to the baronessa. “Stand up, Antalya.” She stood up as the baroness kicked away the chair. “Raise your arms out to the side.” Antalya stood in front of the dressing table and held her arms at right angles. The baroness stood directly behind, her breasts behind the satin cloth rubbing Antalya’s bare back, and wrapped the tape around her waist. Miss Kim wrote down the measurements as the baroness barked them out: wait, hips, bust, bust to hips, shoulders, neck, and on. When the baronessa had finished, she wrapped up the tape measure and Miss Kim folded her notepad. The baronessa smiled inwardly and spoke.
“Miss Kim, do you see how long this hairhas grown.” She tugged at Antalya’s underarm growth since she had not dared to let her arms fall until she had been allowed. Antalya felt abashed as she was normally vigilant about keeping herself hairfree. “It looks like she has not used a razor in at least 4 weeks. Even down here….” As she said this, the baronessa reached around from behind and placed her right hand on top of Antalya’s pubic mound and wriggled a finger between her labia. Antalya held her composure even though she wanted to moan aloud when she felt the baronessa’s finger find her sweet spot. Miss Kim giggled. “Good. It’s just what we were hoping to find.”
Now something began to make sense to Antalya. She had always kept her body shacked meticulously smooth ever since she realized her Master’s preference. Yet a month prior, He told her to stop her shaving routine without any explanation. She, of course, obeyed without question. Was this just his plan just to embarrass her in front of the baronessa? It was on aquiet Sunday when he casually lifted his head from the crossword puzzle and spoke to her as she leaned over the kitchen sink. So casually, she thought nothing of the request, but now she understands just how well his plans were proceeding. She would not believe her Master interested in asking her merely for the amusement of strangers, but she understands that if it were his pleasure, then she would willingly bear the laughter at her Expense. The baronessa interrupted her recovery.
“Miss Kim, I am certain you agree that we cannot have this unkempt appearance spoiling the beauty of the villa. We shall conduct her to the salon where you may continue your fine work.” The baronessa spun Antalya around by her shoulders and taking her chin in her hand spoke directly at her. “After you are deemed suitable, you shall be given the appropriate Attire for your stay.” The baronessa grazed her cheek as she let her hand drop to her side. She then tapped out on her heels and out the chamber door with Miss Kim close behind and Antalya anxiously trying to keep in step without allowing her earrings to make a sound.