The Baroness's New Cock

She grabbed his right arm and twisted it behind his back, pulling his wrist backward.

“Ouch, that hurts Baroness!” He yelped.

“I have had quite enough of your wheelling and diddling boy. You are either going to be my submissive or I will throw your ass out, naked, and post photos of you on the internet. You will be ridiculed FOREVER!” She grew in his ear. “What is it going to be?”

He squirmed as best as he could, but there was no escaping her grasp. She was strong.

She pushed him toward the wooden table and pushed him on it. She sat on him while she got the wrist strraps tightly secured. And then she put his legs in the stirrups and strapped him in place too.

“Let me go please Baroness!”

No, you know you want this boy, you feel it in your bones. You are submissive and you are MINE NOW!” She laughed sadistically.

Her silettos clicked on the floor as she moved away. He couldn’t see what she was doing but he squirmed

He heard a draweropen and close and then another.

She walked back over, and she stood at his side and showed him a pair of sharp scissors.

His eyes opened with fear, “What are you going to do with that? He while.

You just don’t fret little one.

With that, she started to cut off his red t-shirt at the shoulders. And then cut down the middle of the front of his shirt. She yanked the material away and throw it off the side. Then she moved down and cut the pant legs of his gray dockers. Soon the remains of the pants were discarded as well.

“Now hold very still boy as I don’t want to cut something vital!

The scissors cut through the side of his boxers and she again yanked them away and throw them to the side too.

He felt the coolness of the room brush over his now naked body.

She plucked a gray hair from his chest. He winced

“Tsk, tsk this shall not do!” ” She said as she walked away and out of the room.

She wasn’t gone but when she returned she had a plastic basin full of water and some shaving cream. She placed it on the small table next to the wooden table. She walked over to her cabinet and took out a straight razor.

She squeezed out the washcloth in the basin and rubbed them over his chest and then squirted the shaving cream on his chest. She took the straight razor and started to shake him.

“Time to get all that nasty hair off your body!” She said. “Oh look it seems my cock like this!” Doesn’t it?

She referred to it as her cock as his body was Her’s now, right down to his little pinky toenail.

The straight razor did a good job of making his chest baby smooth. She then proceeded to shake his legs and his stomach area.

“Now, do I want to have you all clean-shaven or should I leave the crotch hair!” She said as she swung the razorback and forth over him.

She walked away and let him debate this in his mind.

She came back with a lady’s electric razor and cupped her balls in her long figers. She turned the razor on and started to run it over the cum laden balls. The razor pinched and he winched at the pain. Soon it was over.

“Now that wasn’t so bad was it?” She said.

“No Baroness, it was quite enjoyable.” he sort of stammered.

” Yes I see!” She said as he stroke the semi-hard cock. She kept up the stroking for a little but getting him close to orgasm She would stop when she thought he was close to exploding.

“You can’t release it unless I tell you to boy!”

He nodded.

” Say it!”

“boy can not release unless Baroness tells me that I can!” He moaned.

She stroked his face.

“Good boy, there is hope for you yet.”

He smiled.

She went back to struggling the cock

“Who’s cock is this?” She asked.

“Yours Baroness , it is your cock!” He moaned!

“And what does it not do unless I tell it to so?: She asked him.

“It can not release unless Baroness tells it too!”

“Good boy! She said “Now Youhave had a hard day, you just rest for a bit. I will be back soon!”

She walked out and he found it hard to relax but at some point, he went to sleep.

He was awakened with a slap to his face.

“Wake up boy your training begins now!” She said into his face

He heard a squirt of something and then being rubbed over his asshole. Then he heard the squirt again and then something being pressed inside his hole. He moaned as the rod was being placed inside him. He had never been penetrated before. he was a bit appalled.

But as she eased the silver butt plug up his ass slowly it began to feel nice. She used the one that would massage the prostate. In and out she keeps up the pace.

Could one be in ecstasy and hell at the same time he wondered? Cause if you could well this was it!

“You like this don’t you boy. You like your hole filled fully don’t you?”

“Yes Baroness!” he said through moans

“Soon boy I will allow you to release for me and thenyou will eat your seed. Once you do this you will be mine forever. There will be no turning back! She instructed him.

She gave the cock a few strokes as she shoved the plug in and out

She finally let him release and the force was awesome. He had never felt such a feeling when he came.

She scooped up the seed and had him lick the palm of her hand

It was bitter and salty, and he Almost gagged from it. But he licked it up like cream and swallowed it.

“Open your mouth! She commanded.

He did and she saw that his mouth was empty

“Did you enjoy tasting yourself or was this not your first time doing so?” She asked.

He blushed a little, he confessed that he had tasted himself once and it was OK

“Wait till you taste Another man’s seed, you will enjoy it a lot I guarantee you!”

His face scrunched up

“What you don’t think I was going to make you my boy and not use you as I wish did you?” She said as she rammed the plug up his ass.

“You will be bred by whomever I wish them to do so is that understand?”

“Yes Baroness boy understands!”

She placed a leather collar around his neck and locked it with a small padlock. She washed the soft cock and then placed a cock cage around it and locked it too.

“Now you are mine and you can not diddle unless I say so” She reminded him.

She took off the straws from his arms and legs and helped him from the table.

She made him stand still while she shacked his hairy back and cheeses. She slapped his ass. “

Now go make me supper and make sure it is good or I will cane that sweet ass raw!”

He walked from the room and he felt the sensing of the butt plug still in the ass.

He smiled and was glad she made him do this.

He felt so free now. No worries only there to serve Baroness.


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