When Matilda woke up the next morning, to her relieve she found that her stretched and abused anus had managed to shut itself completely. The baroness rubbed her finger back there and found the hole totally closed. Of course the channel still hurt like Hell, but at least her asshole wasn’t gaping open any more.
Matilda made it through her inspection that night. She wasn’t sure whether it was lucky, or if Frederick had actually had a little mercy on her. Whichever it was, the person Matilda had to reward that night was a woman. So the baroness only had to eat out a pussy, and not take another dick up the butt. Matilda had never been so happy to kiss another woman’s vagina in her life.
The next few months went by. The routine stayed pretty much the same. Matilda would show up with her holes plugged. She would be given a pussy to kiss and lick, or a dick to take up her ass. Then she would be sent back to her room, with the sticks stuffed back up her holes.
The baronesshad almost gotten used to it. After that night with Frederick’s drinking buddies, taking one dick up her ass didn’t seem like a big deal. And by now Matilda had licked so many pussies, that the idea really didn’t both her any more.
Then, about eleven months after the inspections started, came the day Matilda would remember for the rest of her life. In some ways it was terrible, but in others it was absolutely wonderful. Either way, it had been totally unexpected.
The day began for Matilda with her completely unaware of the significant things that were occurring. Frederick and Lily were eating breakfast. As they were eating, Lily was telling the baron that the biggest tree in the front of the estate had to go. Frederick told Lily that the tree had been planted by his great grandfather and could not be taken down. But Lily told him that the huge oak was an eyesore and it needed to be replaced with a flowering tree of some sort. Once again, Frederick tried to explain to LilyWhy he couldn’t chop the old oak down, but Lily just told him that there was no way she was staying with that ugly thing growing by the front door. With a quiet sight, Frederick told Lily that he would think about it. Then he headed off to town to do some business.
As he walked, Frederick knew that he had a problem. He had just spent almost a year getting one bitchy woman’s attitude straightened out. He would be damned if he was going to replace one shrew with another. Before things got out of hand, Lily needed to understand who made the rules at the Higgenpoof Estate. Yes, Lily definitely needed a lesson in humility. Perhaps that evening Matilda wouldn’t be the only woman being inspected and distributed. His mind made up, Frederick finished his walk to town with a much cheerier outlook on the future.
For Matilda, the evening started out like any other. She stuck the broomsticks up her holes, and then she tied her tits up. When she was done, she headed off to her inspection.
The baroness arrived for inspection as she had every night for almost the last year. Dutifully, she turned her back to the group and spread her cheats, so that everyone could see that the brooms were both well stuck into her vagina and anus. When her sticks had been revealed, Frederick sent Lily over as usual to retrieve the brooms. Lily pulled the brooms out of Matilda’s orifices and left the baroness bent over and spread.
It was at this point that everything changed. Frederick turned to Lily and told her that she didn’t think Matilda had used the brooms correctly. Perhaps Lily could show her how to do it right. Lily said she certainly could do that. Then she grabbed the sticks and prepared to shove them back up Matilda’s waiting openings.
But before Lily could move, Frederick stopped her. The baron told Lily that he didn’t mean for her to put them back into Matilda. He means for Lily to show Matilda how they were used correctly, by inserting them herself.
Lily’s jaw just dropped. She couldn’t believe what she was hearing. She must have misunderstood. Frederick would never dare to speak to her that way. Lily took a deep breath and composed herself. Then she asked the baron to explain what he wanted her to do. Frederick glared at Lily and told her he thought it was obvious. She was to remove her skirt and underwear and stick those brooms up her holes. Then she was to spread herself so that everyone could see how the brooms were stuck into a woman’s holes correctly.
That got Lily’s attention. If looks could kill, Frederick would have been six feet under from the star Lily gave him. Then she told the baron that there was no way she was sticking those brooms into herself. Matilda was the one being humiliated, not her. If Frederick didn’t like it, Lily would Leave and he could deal with Matilda alone.
Frederick walked slowly over to Lily. He stood there for just a moment. Then he slapped her right across her face. The young woman raised her hand to strike back, but Frederick just grabbed both her wrists in one of his huge hands. Then he explained the way things were to Lily.
“My dear Miss Freebush. This estate belongs to me. It doesn’t belong to you. It doesn’t belong to us. It belongs to me! In this estate I make the rules and women obey them. I was too lax on that for years and Matilda was the result of that. I will Not make that mistaken again. As far as the village knows, you are a hired service here. If you want to leave, I will happily throw your ass out of this hall. Then, as soon as you are gone, I will inform the village that I discharged you for stealing. You will never get another job in this entire barony. Within a month you’ll be working as a cheap who just to eat! So shut up and take what’s coming to you, because tonight you are going to get a lesson in who is in charge here!”
With that, before Lily could even react, Frederick had two men grab Lily and drag her over to a table. When they had the young lady against the table, the two men ripped her skirt and undergarments from her body. A moment later, Lily found herself naked from the waist down and bent over the table.
For a minute, Lily considered screaming and trying to fight her way free. But then she realized that Frederick was absolutely right. If she defied him, he could completely destroy her. Men ruled this world, and no man would take a servant girl’s word for anything over that of a nobleman.
So Lily stayed bent over the table and resigned herself to her fate. Frederick meanswhile walked over to Matilda. He stood her up and turned her to face him. Then he told his wife that since she was having problems sticking those brooms up her own holes correctly, maybe she could improve her skills by shoving them up Lily’s.
It took a minute for what Matilda was being told to sink in. Then she understand. Frederick was giving her the chance to shove those awful sticks right up Lily’s pussy and ass. Well that was an opportunity Matilda didn’t have to be presented with twice. Quickly she grabbed the sticks from Frederick and told him that she certainly could use the practice.
When Lily realized that Matilda was going to shove those sticks up her holes, she began to struggle for real. But the man holding her arms had an excellent grip. Lily had no chance at all to break free. A moment later, she felt Matilda’s hand pulling her rear cheeses apart.
Matilda walked over to where Lily was being held over the table. She reached down and pulled the struggle girls bottom open. As soon as she had Lily spread out, Matilda placed the first broom at the entrance to Lily’s vagina. She gave it a couple of small pushes to be sure it was headed up the hole. Then, after she had the first inch or so in, Matilda shoved the broom up Lily’s pussy as far as it would go.
Lily let out a loud grunt as the stick went up her cunt. The thing was shoved up there hard and it burned going in. Then before she could even start to get used to the broom in her pussy, Lily felt the tip of the other one press against her asshole. She screamed at Matilda not to do it, as she felt the broom being pushed into her rectum.
Matilda had loved the little sound that Lily had made as the first broom went up her snatch. She hoped she could get an even better noise with the second. With that thought in mind, Matilda gently placed the tip of the broomstick at the opening of Lily’s anus. Slowly she pushed the thing in until the broom was securely lodged up Lily’s ass. Then, with Lily screaming at her not to do it, Matilda bent her arms, grabbed the stick with both hands, and shoved the thing up Lily’s butt as hard and as far as it would go.
Lily was begging Matilda not to shove the broom up her ass, as she felt the baroness get a tighter grip on the stick. Then Lily was screaming for real as Matilda just rammed that thing straight up her butt. The young lady couldn’t believe how muchThe thing burned as it plowed its way up her asshole. Then her scream ended in a little gasp as the pole hit bottom and knocked the breath right out of her.
Poor Lily couldn’t understand her situation. Matilda was supposed to be the one bent over with breasts sticking out of her holes, not her. But then Frederick was congratulating Matilda on her work with the brooms. And he was asking her to spread Lily open nice and wide so that everyone could see her plugged holes. Lily couldn’t help crying as she felt her bottom pulled wide open and know that everyone could see those awful broomsticks going up her pussy and her asshole.
After Lily had been displayed for a little while, Frederick had Matilda extract the brooms from her openings. Matilda was none to gentle about removing those brooms, and Lily gave out little grunts as each stick was yanked out of one of her orifices. Both women were wondering what would happen next, when the baron declared that they both needed to understand their places within the household.
Frederick ordered both women to bend over the table. Neither girl was going to argue, and as soon as they were in position the baron assigned a pair of men to each woman. The men grabbed each woman’s wrists and held onto them tightly, so that neither woman could lift herself off the table no matter what happened.
When the ladies were bent over and secured, Frederick announced that the woman would now sing for the audience. As he said it, the baron pulled out two large wads of cotton. Frederick walked around the table and showed the cotton wads to the restrained women. Then, while they watched, Frederick divided both cotton wads into a glass of very strong liquor.
Matilda was just confused. She had not seen Lily prepare the cotton wad that had been used on her earlier, so she didn’t understand the Significance of what Frederick was doing. Lily, however, know exactly what was happening. She screamed at the baron to stop what he wasdoing, and struggled mightily to free her hands and get up. It was no use, of course, Lily’s strength was no match at all for the two large male servants holding her wrists. As Matilda watched Lily scream and fight, she also became more and more distressed. While she didn’t know exactly what was coming, from Lily’s reaction she know it wasn’t going to be anything she was likely to enjoy.
After Frederick had both cotton wads completely soaked in alcohol, he walked back around the table. Then he carefully inserted one wad up each trapped lady’s ass. He made sure to poke the cotton up each butthole as far as it could possibly go. It was a little harder to get it up Lily’s ass, what with her squirming like that, but the baron managed to get the wad well up the young lady’s bottomhole. Then he stepped back to await the fireworks. He didn’t have to wait long.
A moment after Frederick’s finger departed her asshole, Matilda felt heat begin to build up in her butt. Then she understood what was happening. That fire that Lily had lit in her ass so many months ago, was being started again. That was what Lily was screaming about. She knew what the baron was doing.
Matilda and Lily both reached back and dug fingers up their buttholes. They could touch the cotton up there, but they couldn’t pull it out. Desperately, they both pushed and tried to move the cotton down to their fingers. The fire was building and the pain was making it hard to concentrate. Finally, within a second of each other, they both got their fingers on the cotton wads in their asses and managed to pull them out. It didn’t make any difference. When the ladies’ fingers had pressed into the cotton, they had squeezed all the alcohol out and into their anal linings. The fact that the cotton was out of their asses wouldn’t stop the burning one bit.
Everyone else in the room was almost falling over laughing. There were the baroness and estate manager sticking fingers up their butts and tryingto dig something out of them. Then, as they both pulled wads of something out their asses, they screamed something at the baron and then just began screaming incoherently and grabbing back at their buttholes.
For just a second, Lily and Matilda felt some relief. They had gotten the wads out of their anuses. The fire would cool down. Then they both realized that it wasn’t cooling down. Quite the contrary, it was getting hotter and hotter. Both women screamed at Frederick to stop it. Then the fire was so hot, that neither woman could stand it.
Lily and Matilda began to shrink and scream. They both reached back and clawed at their assholes. Both women were dancing around the room, screaming, while they stuck as many fingers as they could get up their butts. Lily and Matilda couldn’t even really think about what they were doing. All they could focus on was the fire up their asses. Both of them were trying to rub the inside of their bottoms to try and soothe the flames.
For the next ten minutes or so, the entire staff was treated to the sight of those two women dancing and screaming and shivering fingers into their assholes. It was the funniest thing any of them had ever seen.
It seemed like the burning went on forever, but finally Matilda realized that her anal tract was starting to cool down. She also realized that she had two fingers up her ass. Quickly she pulled them out and looked over at Lily. The blonde bitch was also calming down. Like Matilda, she appeared to have some number of fingers inside her butt. But then, as Matilda watched, she seemed to become aware of where she was again and yanked the digits out of her ass.
Matilda was just trying to catch her breath, but Lily was staring at Frederick. After a moment, she just asked him why he had done that.
Frederick smiled down at Lily. Then he told her that he had done it to establish once and for all who was in control here. The men were in charge, period. Then he turned to therest of the group. Frederick then told the entire staff that this went for all of them, too. While both male and female employees would be rewarded for good work, the bottom line was that the women were to serve the men.
The baron looked over the 8 members of his staff. They were evenly divided, there were 4 men and 4 women. Of course that didn’t include Stephen and Lily. Add in Matilda and himself, and that means there were still an equal number of men and women. That would work perfectly for what Frederick had in mind.
The baron turned back to his staff and explained what would happen next. “To firmly establish the ongoing relationship between men and women on this estate, the following things will happen right now. Every woman in this room will disrobe completely. When she is completely nude, each woman will bend over that table. Then, she will reach back and spread her asscheeks as wide as she possibly can. When all 6 women here are properly displayed and open, each ofus men will screw one of the women up her butt. Then, every minute or so, we will move to the next woman.
For the men this will be a contest. When a man comes, he will walk around the table to the head of the woman who’s butt he just came in. He will have that woman use her mouth to clean him off. The man who comes last will be the winner. Not only will he put his dick in the mouth of the woman who made him cum, but he can stay there until he shoots another load down her throat. Oh and one more thing. Any woman who isn’t ready to have her ass fucked within the next minute, will get to do the same dance that Lily and my wife just completed.”
After Frederick finished speaking, for a few seconds no one moved. The women in the room were too shocked to react. Then, the baron walked over and picked up another cotton wad. At that point all the girls in the room realized that the baron was serious. They had all seen the age that Matilda and Lily had just been through. There was no way they were going through that. Quickly all 4 servants stripped their clothes off. Then they joined Lily and Matilda bending over the table. A moment later six asses were spread wide and six tight, pink buttholes were exposed and unprotected. All six women were quivering. They knew what was about to happen to their anuses, and they also knew that there was nothing they could do to prevent it.
With the women all positioned and ready, Frederick had the men first walk over to the women’s faces. He told the girls that they should each suck on a guy so that he was hard and slick. That way they wouldn’t have any trouble getting up their assholes. None of the women really wanted their butts reamed, but they knew it was unavoidable. That, and the consequences of not cooperating were worse. So each woman opened her mouth and took one man’s cock inside. The women sucked and licked until all 6 dicks were hard and ready.
As she sucked the dick in her mouth, Matilda looked up. Thatwas the first time that she realized that she was sucking on her husband’s cock. Through all of the inspections and humiliations, this was the first time her husband had really touched her. He had forced her to display herself and touch other men, but he himself had ignored her. Now his penis was in her mouth.
Matilda’s emotions confused her. She should hate and desperate this man for what he had done to her. But, for some reason, she just wanted desperately to please him. So, Matilda sucked as hard as she possible could while she whipped her tongue all over the dick in her mouth. From the way Frederick’s penis was hardening, the baroness know that she must be pleasing her husband at least a little bit.
Then Matilda’s thoughts were interrupted, as Frederick pulled out of her mouth. The other women also had their men pull their cocks from their mouths. The girls all tried to suck and hold on, since they knew where those dicks were going to go next. Then the guys were all walking behind the women.
Each man got behind one woman and put the head of his dick right up against her asshole. Frederick was behind his wife. For some reason he really wanted to start with her. When each man had his cock lodged against an awaiting anus, the baron signed for them to begin.
It was an amazing sight. Six dicks quickly disappeared up six tight assholes. At the same time, six women’s heads popped up off the table, squealing.
As hard dicks rammed their way up their rear channels, the six skewered ladies squirmed and wriggled. They tried to adjust to the intruders as best they could. Then, after awhile they all relaxed as the poles were pulled from their asses. The relief was short-lived, though, as each woman quickly had another cock lodged in her anus.
The buttfuckings continued, and Matilda began to look around. This really wasn’t hurting her. After all, everyone in the room had screwed her ass many times over the last few months. It was much harderon all the other women.
As she looked to her right, Matilda saw that bitch Phillipa with Stephen’s dick up her butt. Even with the cock pistoning up her own ass, Matilda managed to break a smile. The way the little twit was sobbing and wiggling, Matilda figured this was the first time anyone had ever stuck a penis in her ass. The baroness hoped Phillipa was hating it every bit as much as she appeared to be.