Matilda spent the rest of that day in her room. She couldn’t bear to face anyone. Frederick allowed the servants to bring her meal to her. The baroness didn’t even speak to any of them. But she couldn’t help noticing the quirky little smile each one of them had as they looked at her.
After crying herself to sleep that night, Matilda awoke early the next day. At first, she thought that yesterday had to have been a dream. But a moment later, the sting that still remained in her bottom convinced her it wasn’t. Surely though, Frederick didn’t really mean for her to do what he had said. That had to have been a bad joke.
Her mind made up, the obese baroness got out of bed and began to dress. The distressed woman realized that she was still wearing the same dress she had forgotten for the last three days. Quickly, she put on something fresh and clean. Then Matilda went looking for her husband.
After leaving her room, Matilda found Stephen. She asked him where the baron was, and the butler told her that Frederick was in his quarters. Without even a nod to Stephen, Matilda trundled off to the baron’s room. As she walked, her old hatightiness began to return. How dare they treat her as they had. Well, she had put up with it for one evening, but that was never happening again. She was Baroness Matilda Von Higgenpoof, and she was to be treated with the utmost respect.
With her Arrogance once more intact, Matilda came to the door to her husband’s quarters. The immense woman never even hesitated, Matilda throw the door open and barged right in. The baroness started to give her husband a piece of her mind, but the words died in her throat. The sight she walked in on frozen Matilda right in her tracks.
The baron was sitting on the edge of his bed, with his feet on the floor. He was naked from the Waist down. But what had absolutely taken Matilda’s breath away, was that Lily was kneeing between the baron’s legs. Not only that, but the young lady obviouslyhad the baron’s penis in her mouth. Matilda could see her moving her head up and down as she sucked on it.
After a moment, Matilda finally got her wits back. Then she screamed at Frederick and asked him what the hell was going on. Frederick just told her that Lily was performing her wifely duties, until Matilda was in shape to take them back. “WIFELY DUTIES!!, ” shrieked Matilda, “My wifely duties never include doing THAT!!!”
At that last scream, Lily lifted her head off the Baron’s pole and turned to Matilda in absolute astonishment. “You mean that you have never had a man’s cock in your mouth!”
“Certainly not,” Matilda replied scornfully, “no real lady would ever do anything like that.”
Lily just laughed. “Actually, a real lady would want to do anything to please her husband. Obviously, you simply need teaching. Well, we’ll take care of that in the next few days.” Matilda tried to ask Lily what she means by that, but the girl had opened her mouth and sucked Frederick’s penis back in.
Matilda shook her head in shock. She just stood there and stared. It was a few moments before the baroness even remembered what she had come in for in the first place.
Finally, the fat baroness managed to collect her wits again. She told her husband, in no uncertain terms, that she was not going to put up with this behavior. Matilda would not stand by and watch her husband engage in these activities with This troll. And she certainly would never allow herself to be humiliated in front of the staff again.
Matilda waited confidently for her husband to apologize and beg her forgiveness. Sure enough, he pulled Lily’s head away from his crotch and stood up. Then Matilda saw the look in his eyes, and she realized she was not going to get the reaction she had expected.
Frederick’s eyes went wide with rage. The baron looked at his disgusting obese wife, and he had to take a deep breath to prevent himself from doing real violence. Finally, withhis temperature under control, the baron informed his wife exactly what it was she would and would not do.
“My dear baroness, you will report this evening exactly as instructed. If you are not there on time, I will send the servants to fetch you. If you are not totally obedient, well.., Lily and I will find ways to inspire you. Now get your FAT ASS the HELL out of here!” With that, Frederick sat back down on the bed and pulled Lily’s mouth back onto his rod.
The terrified baroness stumbled out of the room in tears. Matilda wondered down the hall in shock. Her husband really intended for her to present her self naked before the staff that evening. Not only that, but Dear God!, the things that she was supposed to do with those brooms. How would she ever survive it?
Sobbing the entire time, Matilda made her way back to her room. However, she did stop at the pantry on the way back to retrieve a second broom. As the huge baroness returned to her quarters with the broom, she couldn’t help noticing the smiles and twitters of the servants as they saw her carrying the broom.
After returning to her room, the baroness fell down on her bed and began to cry again. She remained on that bed for the rest of the day. Finally, however, the sun went down and Matilda knew that she couldn’t avoid her fate any longer. She had to be in the main hall in two hours. If she wasn’t there, her husband would simply have her dragged there anyway.
For the next hour, Matilda paced around her room. She tried to think of any way out of this horrible situation. But there wasn’t one. Whether she liked it or not, Matilda was the baron’s wife and was subject to his demands and orders. Quietly crying to herself, Matilda began to remove her clothes.
When the huge woman was naked, she turned to look for the brooms. With a shudder, the baroness picked the first one up. Matilda could not believe what she was about to do, but she had no choice. The baroness placed the first broom between her legs and tried to place it at the entrance to her vagina.
She couldn’t do it. Matilda couldn’t believe it. She was so fat, she couldn’t get the broomstick to her opening. The rotund woman tried and tried, but she just couldn’t get it there. Finally, she just collapsed back on the bed, crying. It was the most humiliating moment of her life. Not only was she about to do this terrible thing, but she was so hornily fat she couldn’t even manage it.
Matilda lay on her bed crying for about 10 minutes. Then she gathered herself again. She had to do this. If she didn’t, who knew what horrible things Frederick would have the staff do to her. There had to be a way.
She couldn’t do it standing up, so the baroness tried laying on her back on the bed. Matilda lifted her legs and spread them as wide as she possibly could. She tried placing the broom, but her belly was still in the way. At last, Matilda used one hand to lift her stomach out of the way, and the other one to place the stick. She’d done it. Matilda could feel the broom pressing at her vagina. Now to get it in.
Matilda pushed and pushed, but she couldn’t get the stick to go in the hole. It wouldn’t quite line up and she couldn’t see what she was doing. In desperation, Matilda lowered the hand that was holding her stromach. The baroness used her arm to hold that big belly up, while she moved her hand to her vaginal area. After a moment, she managed to find her flags. Using the one hand, Matilda was able to spread them apart. Then she was able to guide the stick between them.
The fat baroness felt the tip of the stick finally enter the hole. When she had it started, Matilda wrapped both hands around the broom. Then, taking a deep breath, she shoved the thing in as far as it would go. The broom slide in until it hit bottom and stopped. Matilda had to scream as she felt that awful thing going up her passage, but she managed to get it all the way in.
When the first broom wasall the way up her vagina, Matilda had to stop and breathe a minute. After that, she remembered she still had more to do. The enormous woman rolled over and pushed herself off the bed. At least there was one benefit to being so fat. Her thighs were pressed together so tightly that there was no chance of the broom falling out of her pussy.
Matilda got to her feet and shuffled over to the other broom. GOD! it was Uncomfortable walking with that thing shoved in there. When she reached the other broom, the baroness grabbed it right at the top. Then she used both hands to guide it between her cheeses up against her anus. When she had it where she wanted it, Matilda tried to push the thing in. It wouldn’t go. There was no lubrication and that stick just wasn’t going in that hole.
The baroness was in a panic. If she didn’t get that broom in her ass, Frederick was likely to do it for her in a very unpleasant manner. Then, Matilda had an idea. She walked over to her makeup table andgrabbed a jar of cream. Quickly, Matilda smeared the face cream all over the stick. After that, she put a large dollar of it on her finger. Then she gritted her teeth, as she reached back and stuck that finger up her behind. Matilda wiggled the finger around inside her bottom, so that everything was well greased.
After she had prepared everything, Matilda put the broomstick back to her anus. Then, wrapping both hands around the pole, she slowly pushed it inside. The baroness desperately wanted to stop as she felt that horrible piece of wood distending her anal hole. But she persevered. Matilda kept pushing as the broomstick went up and up her ass. Finally, when it wouldn’t go any further no matter how hard she pushed, the baroness dropped her hands and tried to catch her breath again.
Matilda couldn’t believe her situation. She was standing naked in her room with two broomstick stuck inside her. One in her vagina and the other stuck up her anus. Not only that, but she was expected to walk into the main all like this in front of all the servants. How would she ever survive the humiliation?
But the sun had been down for two hours now, and Matilda no longer had any choice. The poor baroness couldn’t help wedding as she stumbled out of her quarters. As she walked, the two sticks started to wobble horribly. The only way Matilda could continue her trek was to hold onto each stick with one hand as she walked. After what seemed like a lifetime, the baroness arrived at the main hall.
When Matilda entered the hall, she could see everyone waiting for her. Lily just laughed at her as she stumbled into the room, still holding onto her broomsticks. Then Frederick motioned for her to go to the center of the open area of the room, so Matilda, miserably, hobbled over there.
Lily told the humiliated baroness to turn around so that her enormous ass was facing the staff. Then she made Matilda bend over. Lily told her to let go of the stick, she would holdIt for her. Matilda bent over and put her hands on her knees. Then she felt Lily grab the stick in her ass. Matilda tried not to cry as she felt Lily move the stick around in her hole.
When Matilda was bent over nicely, Lily called two men up. She had them each take a chef and pull Matilda’s bottom open. Now everyone had a wonderful view of that stick going straight up the noblewoman’s ass. The entire room was laughing, well all but Matilda, anyway. Then Lily grabbed the stick and started pushing it in and out. Then she started stirring it around. Everyone continued laughing as they watched Matilda squirm while Lily manipulated the pole up her butt.
The baroness was sobbing uncontrollably now. That horrible woman was playing with the stick in her anus. She’d pull it out and then shove it all the way back in. Then, as if that wasn’t enough, Lily would spin the thing and see how wide she could stretch Matilda’s poor anal hole. Baroness Von Higgenpoof just stood there, bent over, waiting for Lily to please stop playing with the stick in her ass.
Then, when Matilda was sure she was going to be sick, Lily grabbed the stick with two hands and yanked it out of the baroness’ hole. Poor Matilda let out a scream to wake the dead, as that stick was popped out of her behind.
After she had removed the broom from Matilda’s butt, Lily told her to turn around. When the baroness Turned, she saw Lily and Frederick. To her horror, Frederick was holding a long, thin, wooden switch. Matilda began to beg the baron not to hit her with that thing. The baron just laughed at her. Frederick told the baroness that the switch was only to punish her when she disobeyed instructions. As long as she was obedient, Matilda wouldn’t feel the switch. The saved fat lady thanked the baron over and over, as she promised to obey completely.
Lily grinned at Matilda and told her that she would test her new obedient attitude. Everyone wanted to see Matilda’s pussy, Lily toldher, so Matilda was to grab her broom and pull it up as far as she could. The baroness hesitated a moment, but Frederick raised that switch. Crying, Matilda reached down and wrapped both hands around the broomstick protruding from her vagina.
When she had a good grip, Matilda squatted down to spread her legs. Then she pulled up on the stick as hard as she could. The broomstick pushed the baroness’ huge belly up and out of the way. It also forced her vagina up and forward so that it was completely in view. Lily made Matilda hold that broomstick up while everybody got a good look at her stretched open hole.
Finally, after Matilda was afraid that her vagina would be stretched completely out of shape, Lily told her she could lower the stick. The baroness begged Lily to let her remove the pole from her vagina, and the girl actually agreed. Everyone laughed as they watched Matilda pull the stick out of her pussy. After that, Lily told Matilda to get down on her knees. Matilda just sagged down as she was told.
When the baroness was kneeing, with that huge ass sticking out behind her, Lily walked over to her. The girl actually smiled at Matilda and then told the group that the baroness had a problem that they were going to help her with. “Our good baroness has never had a man’s dick in her mouth. Well obviously, she cannot completely satisfy her husband until she has learned this skill. So we are going to help her. Do we have any volunteers?”
All the men looked at one another. Then one of the gardeners stepped forward. Lily asked him to lower his pants so that his dick was right at Matilda’s mouth. When he had done so, Lily told Matilda to open her mouth so that the gardener could put it in.
Matilda gasped in horror. How could they expect her to let this dirty little man stick his penis in her mouth? The baroness couldn’t even imagine doing it. She just knelt there in shock, right up to the moment when that switch landed across her huge rear end.
When that switch landed, Matilda let out a howl to make a coyote proud. She reached back for her poor bottom and continued to scream. That switch had hurt far worse than any smack from that awful board. It wasn’t until the fire died down a little, that Matilda caught her breath and realized that the gardener’s penis was sitting in her mouth. The man had stuffed it in her mouth and dropped it on her tongue while she was howling.
The baroness really didn’t know what to do. She just knelt there with her mouth wide open and that penis sitting inside it. Then Lily told her to close her mouth and suck on it. Matilda would do anything to avoid feeling that switch again, so she did as she was told.
Matilda tried desperately not to be sick. That awful penis was in her mouth and she was sucking on it. She could actually feel it twitch in her mouth as she sucked. Then, thank God, Lily told her she could stop. The man pulled his thing out of her mouth, and Matilda worked on gettering her stomach to settle.
After Matilda had sucked that dick for little while, Lily stopped her. She told Matilda that her education in these matters would be continued later, but for now they had other things to deal with. Matilda was overjoyed to stop sucking that penis, but she was terrified to learn what Lily means by furthering her education later. What more could there be to that?
Then Frederick was standing in front of her. He asked Matilda what she was supposed to have done before this meeting. The baroness quivered and told him that she was supposed to insert her broomsticks and appear naked. And what, Frederick continued, would happen if you were not prepared. Matilda told him that whatever part of her body wasn’t prepared correctly would be punished.
The baron just stood staring at her. Matilda had no idea What was going on. She had stuck those awful things into herself. What more could Frederick have wanted. Finally, she couldn’t stand it any more. Thebaroness began crying uncontrollably and becoming Frederick to tell her what she had done wrong.
Frederick just continued to star at her. Then he quietly asked Matilda where her rope was. The baroness’ mouth dropped open in horror. She was supposed to have tied her breasts up and she had completely forgotten. Matilda had been so wrapped up in dealing with those awful broomsticks, that the other instruction had completely slipped her mind. The baroness’ knees literally started to shake. Her husband had said that whatever part wasn’t prepared would be punished. Dear God in heaven, what was he going to do to her poor breasts?
Matilda was still on her knees from her sucking lesson. The terrified noblewoman actually grabbed her husband’s legs and begged him not to hurt her. The baron just shook his head and told his shaking wife to pull herself together and stand up.
Gathering what little dignity she had left, Matilda stood up. It was awful standing there naked in front of everyone, but she tried to maintain her decorum. But she was still dreading what Frederick would do to her.
When his wife was back on her feet, the baron told her that indeed her humongous breasts would have to be punished. However, Matilda herself would have to start that punishment. The baroness was to take hold of both her nipples. Then she was to lift those enormous things as high as she possible could.
The rotund noblewoman couldn’t believe this. But she wasn’t about to object. As humiliating as this would be, Matilda had imagined many things that her husband might do that were much worse. So, the baroness took both her nipples in hand, and then began to lift her breasts up.
Matilda’s boobs might have been fat and flabby, but they were also huge. The baroness pulled on her nipples until she had her breasts stretched up as far as they could possibly go. The weight pulling on her poor nipples was starting to become very uncomfortable. Also, her boobs were up so high, that her vision was actually blocked. As it turned out, Matilda was probably fortunate that she could’t see. If she could have, she would have seen her husband take up that switch and draw it back.
The strain on her huge boobs was really starting to hurt, and Matilda was just about to ask how long she had to hold her breasts up, when Frederick whipped that switch into the exposed undersides of his wife’s enormous jugs. The reaction to that switch was everything he could have hoped for.
Matilda never saw what happened. She heard a quick whistling sound, and the next moment her breasts were in agony. The baroness had no idea what had happened and she didn’t care. All she knew was that her poor boobs were in excruciating pain. Matilda released her nipples and grabbed under her breasts where that awful sting was. The woman rubbed and rubbed her enormous tits, as the pain made her hop up and down.
Frederick and Lily almost fell down, they were laughing so hard. Matilda was jumping up and down. Not only that, but she was wobbling her huge boobs as she jumped. Between her hoping and rubbing, those things were flying all over the place. It was several minutes before Matilda was able to stop moving and allow her tits to stop flopping around.
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