The following story is in 10 parts and is a sequel to a little tale I wrote called the Baroness’ Seat of Power. For those who have read my other stories, this one gets a little more intense than some of my others. There is more actual forced sex and abuse. If you don’t like that sort of thing, this is not a story for you.
Matilda Von Higgenpoof was miserable. It had been exactly a Year since that awful evening when the butler had found her stuck under that secret trap door. And what a horrible year it had been. The Baroness reflected back on everything she’d endured for the past 12 months. Just thinking about it made her shudder. The worst thing, though, was that as bad as things had been, they would get much worse this evening. Frederick had told Matilda that they were going to host a Special party to celebrate the anniversary of that night. All his friends from the village were coming. The baroness wanted to break down and cry. Matilda knew how many friends she had inthe village and how much sympathy she was likely to get. Baroness Von Higgenpoof didn’t know exactly what her husband had planned, but he had told her that it would be a night like none she had ever had. Matilda believed him and that’s what she was scared of.
At that very moment, Baron Frederick Von Higgenpoof was hefting a pint of ale with his friends at the local festhaus. The good baron was Making sure that everyone was coming to the party. All the men in the haus were drinking and laughing as Frederick told them the story of that night a year ago. They had all heard the story before, of course, but it still was the most popular tale in the bar. Every man in the town loved hearing of anything that took Matilda Von Higgenpoof down a notch or two. In fact, none of the women in town felt any better towards her. Frederick finished his tale and left his friends. He had to get back to his estate to see that everything was prepared for his guests. As he began the long walk back home, the Baron couldn’t help smiling as he happily reflected back on the events of the previous year.
One year ago to the day, Frederick had left his home with the music of his wife’s screams in his ears. He could still see Stephen smacking Matilda’s huge behind with that board. The baron had laughed all the way to Lily’s house. After he told Lily the entire story, both of them had a good laugh at Matilda’s rear end’s expense. But when the laughing was over, Lily asked him what he would do when he went home. Matilda would certainly demand that he punish the servants seriously for her humiliation. Frederick would have to decide, once and for all, what he was going to do with his shrew of a wife.
Frederick started to tell the lovely Fraulein Freebush that he just wasn’t going to concern himself with Matilda’s actions. As long as he could do as he liked, the bitch could scream and yell all she liked. However, after a little reflection, Frederick realized that taking that positionwas no longer practical. If left to her own devices, Matilda would fire some his favorite servants. She might even have them arrested for assaulting a noblewoman. Frederick knew that the circumstances of that charge wouldn’t matter, the consequences to the accused would be significant, if not fatal. No, Baron Frederick Von Higgenpoof was finally going to have to do something about the Baroness.
Lily and the Baron discussed the situation throughout the evening. Well, they discussed it in between other activities. By morning they had a plan. Lily would sell her property and move into the Baron’s estate. Officially, of course, she would be hired as the manager and overseer of the estate. In reality, she and Frederick would take charge of the baronial home and they would deal with Matilda together. His mind made up, Frederick headed home.
As soon as he walked in the door, he heard Matilda shrieking. He know where the yelling was coming from, so Frederick headed upstairs. SureEnough, there was Matilda still stuck under the door. Her skirt and petticoats were raised to her waist and her knickers were down at her knees. Her enormous rump was wiggling around as Matilda yelled and struggled under the door. The Baron couldn’t help laughing at that poor behind. It was incredibly red, with marks the shape of that board all over it. Frederick put his hand on that round bottom, and almost jerked his hand back it was so hot.
The moment Matilda felt the hand on her rear, she shrieked even louder. Dear God, they weren’t going to begin working on her bottom again, were they? She just couldn’t take it. Then, the weight of the door was lifted off her. Thank God!
After feeling the heat coming from Matilda’s rear end, Frederick knew it was time to let her out. He lifted the door off is wife and waited for her to get up. It took a minute for Matilda to catch her breath, then she scrambled to her feet. Glaring at Frederick she reached down and pulled her knickersback up into place. Then she stormed out of the room.
Frederick followed her into her quarters. Matilda stomped into her room and sat down at her mirror. The baroness got up even faster. She shrieked at the top of her lungs and grabbed her behind. Frederick just laughed as he watched his wife rub her poor paddled bottom.
When she had gathered herself again, Matilda yelled for Stephen to bring her a brandy. When he arrived, Matilda told her husband to have his faithful butler arrested. Furthermore, Frederick was going to take all that gold out of that little room. She was going to put that money to use at court where it belonged.
The baron listened to Matilda’s complaints and then asked her what Stephen had done. Matilda told him that he saw what he had done. Frederick had seen her condition when he found her. The baron told his wife that he would happily punish Stephen appropriately, but he needed to know exactly what had happened. How had the baroness became trappedin the first place? After all, Stephen certainly didn’t drag her to the trap door.
Matilda snarled, telling him that part didn’t matter. Frederick told her that it most certainly did. If the magistrate were to take any action, he would demand to hear the entire story. The angry woman stomped her foot and then told Frederick to follow her back to the other room. The huge woman pointed to the stick and told Frederick how she had became trapped when it came out from under the door. The baron told her that he didn’t believe that stick would hold the door, and in any case, Matilda certainly wasn’t strong enough to lift the door in the first place.
The baroness told Frederick to shut up! “You idiot, I used the board to pry the door up and then left it there to hold it open.” Frederick told her that he still didn’t believe it. She was going to have to show him exactly what she did.
Matilda couldn’t believe it. She knew Frederick wasn’t very bright, but dear God he was downright density. Very well, she would show the simple idiot what had happened. The fat baroness grabbed the board and paid the door open with it. Then she propped in place. There, now even her stupid husband could see what happened.
Except, the baron still said he didn’t understand. If she had the door propped open, how did she get trapped under it. After all, she could have just climbed down the ladder into the room.
The baroness couldn’t believe this. Did she have to spell out everything? Matilda took a deep breath and steadied herself. Then she explained to Frederick that she couldn’t fit through the opening, so she had gotten down on her stomach to look in. It had been too dark to see, so Matilda had pushed her upper body into the room to see what was in it. The baroness started to go into another diatribe about the hidden money, when the baron just laughed at her.
Frederick told Matilda that it was a very nice story, but he was sorry, it just could not have happenedthat way. Matilda was too large to have fit any part of her body under that door. Anyway, even if she had, the board would have kept the door off her. No, if Matilda wanted action taken, she would have to tell the truth about what happened.
WELL!!! TOO BIG TO FIT THROUGH THAT HOLE!!! Matilda might be a little heavy, but she wasn’t that fat. The baroness told her husband to just shut up and watch. Then she got back down on her knees and put her upper body back through the door. When she had pushed through enough that her enormous bosom was hanging over the stairs and not being crushed under her, Matilda yelled at Frederick that certainly she could fit.
Matilda started to get up, when Frederick said he was sorry and that he certainly could see how it had happened Just that way. He supposed that after Matilda was under the door “the board had been knocked out like this”.
LIKE THIS!!! What was he talking about? Matilda tried to scramble back up, but a moment later the weight of the door came crashing back down on her.
When Matilda was positioned under the door, Frederick simply kicked the board out. It was time for his wife’s first lesson in her new station. Frederick turned to Stephen and told him he needed to know exactly what had happened next. Stephen just smiled and asked the baron if he should just show him. The baron told Stephen that would probably be best. With a huge grin, the butler once again reached for Matilda’s skirt.
Matilda could not believe what had happened. Once again she was trapped under that door. Had her husband actually did this intentionally? She thought about it and realized that was impossible. Frederick didn’t have the backbone for that sort of thing. Then, she felt her skirt and petticoats being lifted up again. She screamed up at her husband and asked him what the Hell was going on??!!!
As she lay there, Matilda heard the baron tell her that he still needed to know exactly what had happened. Stephen wasshowing him the rest of the night’s events.
After her outer garments were raised, Stephen looked at the baron who just nodded. The butler smiled at his master and lowered the gigantic pair of knickers once more. A moment later, Matilda’s huge round bottom was on display again. Frederick took a moment to admire that giant ass. It was still blazing red, and the stripes from the board were still very visible. As Stephen picked up the board, Frederick had a feeling that big bottom was about to become very distressed.
The baroness could not believe it. Her underwear was being lowered. Frederick was allowing her bare behind to be displayed. She screamed up at him that enough was enough. It was one thing to see everything that had happened. It was quite another to undress her in public. Matilda waited a moment for her husband to free her from the door. She was just going to yell up at him to quit taking so long, when BAM!!!!!!
It was less than a second between the time that board impacted Matilda’s bottom, and when the nervouss there let her know what had happened. Matilda screamed to wake the dead. Her poor behind was already sore and burning. She screamed up at Frederick to stop this immediately.
The baron just smiled as he watched that board land on Matilda’s huge ass. A moment later, that ass was wiggling and squirming all over the place. Matilda was screaming up for them to stop, but Frederick paid no attention to her. He was too wrapped up watching Stephen work. The good butler waited for that squirming behind to stop moving. As soon as it came to rest, he swung that board and whacked it again. Stephen repeated the procedure three more times. He would wait for the huge bottom to stop squirming after each blow. Then he would take careful aim and get it moving again.
Matilda was almost in Shock. How dare they strike her? She would show them when she got up. The pain let down enough for her to stop squirming. The baroness was just going to psh against the door, when the board landed again.
“GOD!!!” Matilda shrieked and began moving her huge ass. She couldn’t stand it. Didn’t they now how sore her bottom already was? Why were they doing this and what the HELL WAS HER HUSBAND THINKING? Finally, her seat cooled down a little and the baroness caught her breath. Then SPLAT!!! The board hit and her ass was movin’ again.
The Baroness went from screaming to crying. Why was this happening? They’d hit her poor behind with that board and the burning would make her shake her bottom. As soon as her rear end cooled enough for her to stop moving, they’d paddle it again.
After about five good whacks, the butler handed the board to Frederick and asked him if he’d like to take a swing at it. The good baron hesitated a moment, and then decided that, yes, he would love to whack that thing. Frederick took the board from Stephen and lined it up right with the center of that huge ass. He drew the board back slowly. Then he smacked that board into that butt just as hard as he could. The baron was a very large man. When that board hit Matilda’s behind, it sounded like a gunshot going off.
Matilda had just started to relax a little. Her behind had stopped moving and it hadn’t been spanked again. She was just getting ready to yell at her husband again, when SPLAT!!!
The baroness couldn’t believe it. That Hurt worse than anything that had happened so far. Her entire bottom burst into flame. Matilda throw her ass around all over the place. She had to find some way to cool that thing. Dear GOD! What had they done to her that time?
Frederick was just fascinated. It was just amazing to watch that huge bottom fly around like that. He didn’t think it was possible. The baron just had to see that again. He waited until the human rump finally stopped moving. Then he drew the board back and whacked that thing again. The moment the board made contact, that ass went back into motion.
Matilda gave out her loudest shrink yet. Her whole bottom was burning. She was desperate to cool it down, but trapped as she was, Matilda couldn’t even reach back to rub it. All she could do was throw her rump around and try to avoid whatever was shacking it. After quite a while, the burning cooled down a bit, and Matilda was able to stop wiggling her butt. After that, she stopped screaming, and just collapsed on the steps sobbing. Why was her husband doing this to her?
She had been sobbing a minute or two, when Matilda felt hands on her bottom. The mere touch on her already crisis behind, started the fires burning again. The desperate woman started to scream again, when it got worse. Those hands were working their way into her behind and trying to pull it open. What in the name of God was going on up there?
Frederick had thrown the board down in disgust. It was fun paddling Matilda’s huge ass. But looking at that enormously fat woman was still nauseating. The baron turned to Stephen and told him of his disgust with the fat baroness. Stephen tried to be diplomatic. He told his old friend and master that it really wasn’t that bad.
“NOT THAT BAD!!!”, Frederick bellowed, “JUST LOOK AT THIS MESS!” With that, the baron put his huge hands on Matilda’s bottom and pulled it open for Stephen’s inspection. “LOOK AT THIS!!! I’m a big man, but your dick has to be over 8″ long just to reach that hole past all the fat.” The baron was pointing out Matilda’s asshole for Stephen’s inspection. “I’d show your her cunt, but I can’t even reach it under this HUGE FAT ASS STICKING OUT!”
Stephen stuttered a moment, and then told Frederick that he didn’t think that was really necessary anyway. The baron, however, was lost in his own rage. Still holding that huge bottom open, he told Stephen to try and stick something into that hole, to see if he could even reach it. The good butler was still hesitant, but an order was an order. Stephen stuck out a finger and put his hand between those enormous cheats.
Before Stephen’s finger reached the hole, his hand had disappeared in that canyon almost to the wrist. Finally, his finger made contact with the baroness’ anal opening. The butler paused only and moment, then he shoved his finger in up to the knuckle. Both Frederick and Stephen were laughing uproariously, as that ass took off again. They could both hear Matilda screaming and yelling under the door, but it was muffled enough that they could ignore it. After a little while, Frederick told Stephen to stick a second finger in there, to see if that ass could move even more.
Not one to disobey orders. Stephen shoved a second finger right up Matilda’s behind. With that, the screaming went up at least an octave. Not only that, but that ass started moving so much, that the enormous thing started bouncing off the floor. Frederick was laughing as he told Stephen that he was sure he could feel the floor shake every time that ass hit. Stephen just held hisfingers stuck up that hole, until Matilda’s ass finally came to rest again.
Matilda couldn’t imagine what was going on up there. She could feel Frederick’s large hands pulling her bottom open. Was he displaying her ass to the servants. He wouldn’t dare!! Then, she gasped in absolute horror as she felt a finger actually makes contact with her rear opening. Before the shocked baroness could even react to that, the finger had shoved its way all the way in.
This was INTOLERABLE!! How dare anyone take such liberties with her? Matilda desperately throw her bottom this way and that. Anything to dislodge that awful intruder. She tried anything to get rid of that finger, but the baroness couldn’t dislodge it no matter what she did. Matilda was becoming exhausted, so after a little while, her bottom came to rest and she just waited for the finger to leave.
It didn’t leave. Instead, Matilda felt a second finger touch her anus. Then it was shoved up the hole, right next to the otherer one. With a scream, Matilda started shaking her ass again. Not only was that incredibly humiliating, but it HURT! Her hole wasn’t made for that and they were STRETCHING IT!! Matilda throw her ass around for over two full minutes. After that, though, the baroness was just too exhausted to fight. Also, her bottom was so sore, that every time it scratched into the floor it started burning again. Finally, Matilda stopped moving and just waited for this horror to be over. One thing was certain. As soon as she got out of this, her husband was going TO PAY!!!
After that huge ass came to rest for the last time, Frederick waited almost another minute. Then he told Stephen he might as well pull his hand out. When Stephen had extracted his fingers, both he and Frederick could see Matilda rump collapse completely. The exhausted noblewoman simply had no fight left. It was time to end this.
After she quit fighting, Matilda just lay on the steps. Those fingers just stayed in her hole, and she swore she could feel them moving in there. After what seemed like forever, those awful digits were pulled out of her anus. The baroness just collapsed to the ground, as she felt her poor rear hole finally empty again. Just as her poor asshole was finally closing all the way up again, Matilda felt the door being lifted off her.
When the door was removed, Matilda felt an amazing wave of relief. However, a moment later pure rage took over. The haughty woman scrambled to her feet. As she got up her skirt and petticoats fell back down. The baroness was already screaming at Frederick as she reached down to pull up her underwear. Then the world changed. Before she could even reach her knickers, Frederick bellowed at her to “SHUT UP AND HOLD STILL!!!”
The baron told his haty fat wife, that he’d had enough. “Things are going to be different around here. I am going to tell you what you will do, and BY GOD! WOMAN YOU WILL DO IT!!!” Matilda tried to object, but Frederick justtold her to shut up again.
“WOMAN, you have become FAT AND DISGUSTING! You scream and bitch constantly and manage to make everyone’s existence in this estate, miserable. Well, if I am stuck with you as a wife, you are going to become a useful one.”
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