I was making my second cup of tea when I heard the door to the barn open. I turned to see the girl I had met here a week earlier standing at the door. She smiled when she saw me. I was pleased to see she wasn’t as nervous as she had been the previous week, and as I had asked her to, she had pulled her wavy dark hair back into a ponytail and was wearing sandals, a short black pleated skirt and a dark green vest top. The outline of her prominent nipples told me she wasn’t wearing a bra.
She was also late.
“Hello Master,” she said.
“I said two pm.”
“Sorry Master, my train was delayed so I missed my bus connection.”
“You should have left earlier then.”
“But I didn’t know the train was –“
“I don’t want to hear your excuses. We’ll talk about it in a minute. Wait there while I finish this.”
“Yes, Master”
As I finished making my tea I asked her, “Do you like tea or coffee?”
“I need my coffee first thing in the morning Master,” shesaid with a smile, “but I’ve spent a lot of time in England, so I’ve grown up drinking tea too.”
“Yes, us English do like our tea. Do you want some?”
“Thank you for asking Master, but I’m ok.”
Once I had finished I took my mug of tea to the old leather couch and sat down, placing the mug on the floor next to me. “Collaring.”
Once I said this she began to walk towards me and when she got to the couch she knelt in front of me, her knees slightly apart and her hands behind her head. Her back was straight, her shoulders pushed back, and she held her head up a little, so she was looking at my chest.
I retrieved a black leather collar from the top of the small suitcase next to me on the couch, lean forward and placed the collar around her neck and closed it with the buckle. I Found this much easier to do with her hair in a ponytail than I had the previous week. When I had secured the collar, I took my mug of tea from the floor and sat back to look at her.
She looked up at me with her dark green eyes and gave me a little smile. “In exchange for the gift of your collar Master, I give you my body for you to use as you see fit. I am your slave, and you are my Master,” she said, “I am here to please you.”
“Very good slave,” I replied, “I wondered if you would remember to say that when I collared you.”
“Thank you, Master,” she said looking pleased with herself. “I’ve been practicing it ever since we talked about it.”
“I’m pleased to hear that. I am pleased to accept the gift of your body. I am your Master, and you are my slave. I own you. Completely.” When I said this her smile widened a little.
“Now, about you being late,” I continued,” I understand things happen we have no control over, but I value my time and I don’t like it wasted. And you need to understand that. So I’m going to punish you for being late.”
Her smile faded and she dropped her eyes to the floor, “Yes Master.”
I sat there for about a minute or so, drinking my tea and looking at her. I wanted her mind to race. I wanted her to worry about all the possible ways I could punish her. And I wanted that worry to build.
I also wanted to see if there was anything noticeably different about her. When she had knelt in front of me like this for the first time last week she looked unsure and nervous. That was understandable, we’d never met in real life Before. She was putting her trust and, literally, her life in my hands. Now she looked more self-assured and more confident, but there was still something vulnerable about her. That vulnerability was just one of the things I found so attractive about her. She was like that favourite toy you had as a kid, the one with all the small intricate details. You knew you had to treat it with care, but you still played with it eventually. I wanted to play with her.
I finished my tea and put the mug back on the floor. I then shifted further forward so I sat on the edge of the couch.
“Take your top off,” I told her.
She took hold of the hem of her vest and pulled it up and over her head in one swift motion. I leant forward took the top from her hand and carefully folded it then placed it on the couch next to me. I then patted my lap.
“Lie face down over my knees slave.”
She lay down on my knees with her head to my left, her legs straight, her arms stretched out and her hands on the floor. I took a moment to adjust her position, so I had her just where I wanted her with her backside slightly raised. Once she had settled, I placed my right hand on her skirt-covered bum and used my left hand to push her ponytail over her shoulder. Then I placed my left palm on her back and ran it up and down her spine for a few seconds, feeling how warm and smooth her skin was.
“According to my watch, you were eighteen minutes late and I’m going to punish you for each one of those eighteen minutes. I’m going to spank your ass eighteen times.” I said as Islid my right hand down over bum to her thigh.
“Yes, Master”
I then slide my right hand back up her thigh but this time I went under the material of her skirt and as I continued to drag my hand over her backside I took the skirt with it, slowly exposing her skin. I dragged her skirt up towards the small of her back until the whole of her bum was exposed and I saw she was wearing a simple black thong. I let go of her skirt and admired the view of her firm round ass cheeses and the way her underwear disappeared between them.
I gently dragged the fingers of my right hand over the flesh of her bum before slipping my index finger under the V-shaped part of her thong. I twisted my finger so I could pull the thong gently upwards until I could see her hips rise a little. Once the thong was taught I released the fabric, letting it snap back into place.
“Ow,” she mumbled.
I slipped my finger back under the to and did the same thing again.
Once again I slipped my finger back under the material and pulled it up. However, I noticed this time she tensed in anticipation of me letting go. So I didn’t. I held the fabric taught for a few seconds. While I did this I wondered if the fabric of the thong was now pressing hard against her pussy and clip. She wriggled a little to suggest it was. When she did this I released my finger.
“Urrgh,” she said loudly.
I could have spent more time teasing her like this, but I knew I had something more important I had to do, so without warning I took hold of the waistband of her thong with both my hands and pulled them down over her bum and hips.
“Oh!” She said as she wiggled a little to help me get her underwear past her hips and down to her thighs. I pushed them a little further down until they caught on her knees. I left them there. I placed my left hand back on her shoulders and began to gently rub her ass with my right hand.
“I’d forgetten how nice your bum is,” I said asI ran my palm over her before giving her ass cheek a gentle squeeze.
“Thank you, Master.”
I continued to gently rub her bum in small circular patterns, moving my hand from one chef to the other. “Remember what I told you last week? When I spank, or flog, or cane you I expect you to count the strokes for me, so I don’t lose count.”
“Yes Master, I remember.”
“Good. And if you lose count then I start again from the beginning.”
“Yes, Master,” she said, a hint of nervousness in her voice.
I lifted my hand off her bum and gave her right cheek a spank. I didn’t smack her too hard, just enough to leave a weak red mark that quickly faded.
“One,” She said.
“One Master,” I corrected her. “We’ll start again.”
I scratched her left cheek.
“One Master”
I scratched her right cheek, then quickly followed it up with a smack to her left cheek.
“Ugh, Ugh, two Master, three Master.”
I then placed my hand back on her bum and started to rub it again. I ran the palm of my hands over the areas I’d just spanked, soothing her. Then without warning, I pulled my hand back and gave her a hard smack. The sound of my hand hitting her firm flesh echoed around the barn.
“Oww! Four Master.” She said.
I soothed her bum again before pulling my hand away. As I did this I could feel her body tension under my other hand. So I paused for a moment before I scratched her again.
“Ahh! Five Master.”
I could see the red outline of my handprint on her ass cheek, so I gently ran my palm over it. The mark faded but didn’t completely disappear.
Once again I pulled my hand away but before she had a chance to tense again I gave both her cheeks hard smacks.
“Six Master… Seven Master.”
I rubbed her bum again. It was starting to go red and in places I could clearly see the outline of my fingers. At the same time, I gently ran my left hand up and down her back before I settled it on the small of her back.I pressed down on her back, gently holding her in place. When I pulled my hand off her bum I felt her tension. I smiled to myself. Just as I had hoped, the hand pressing down on the small of her back gave her the impression I was going to smoke her ass really hard.
I smoked her bum, but not as hard as the ones I had just given her.
“Oh… Eight Master,” she said sounding slightly released and immediately relaxed.
I scratched her again. Hard. Harder than any I had given her up to that point.
She flinched and wriggled a little. “Ouch! Nine Master!”
I placed my right hand back on her ass cheeses and gently rubbed. I soothed her increasingly red skin. It was now getting hot, and I delighted in the way it felt. It was soft, smooth and warm. When I finally pulled my hand away from her she immediately tensed again.
I knew now I had her right where I wanted her. She had no idea whether the next smack I would give her would be soft or hard. She had no idea how quickly the next spank would come. I knew I could tease her with soft smokes and then surprise her with a hard one. I could pause between smacks or give her two or three in quick succession. I had complete control over her, not just physically but mentally too. The feeling that gave me was intoxicating.
So I took full advantage of that control and teased her as I spanked her. I varied how hard I smacked her. I paused between strokes. Now and then I would stop and soothe her increasingly red bum, allowing time for her to relax, before I would smack her ass again. To her credit, she did not lose count of the number of times I smacked her.
“Fourteen Master.”
Her bum was now bright red and looked quite sore. It was also very warm. In places, my handprint was clearly visible, and the marks weren’t fading like they had before.
“You’re doing very well slave, only four more to go,” I told her.
“Thank you, Master,” she said with a hint of relief.
As I ran my right hand over her bum, I slid my left hand up her back and took hold of her ponytail, wrapping my fingers in it so I had a firm grip. I then pulled her head up a little by her hair as I lifted my right hand off her. I paused for a second or two, waited for her to tense, and then gave her bum a really hard smack. As my hand landed on her ass I gave her ponytail a sharp tug, snapping her head back. The sound of the smoke reverberated around the barn.
“OWWW!… Fifteen… Master,” she cried.
I paused then smacked her really hard again, as I slightly tugged her ponytail. She bucked against my thighs and wriggled.
“Awww… Sixteen Master,” she whimpered as she took deep breaths.
I released some of the tension in her ponytail and let her head fall forward a little, as I placed the palm of my right hand on her bum. I didn’t press too hard, but I did allow my fingertips to dig into her sore flesh.
“Ahhh…” she moaned and wiggled her hips a little.
I spent some time caresing her bum before I pulled my hand away and lifted her head by her ponytail once again. I scratched her ass and tugged her ponytail for the final two times.
“Seventeen… Eightteen Master.” The relief in her voice was obvious.
I let go of her hair and rested my left hand on her back and used my right hand to gently rub her bum. I had noticed something, and I decided to play a little cruel game with her. “You forget to call me Master when you said seventeen.”
Her head snapped round to look at me over her shoulder. “What? But I said Master after eightteen.”
“Yes you did, but what did I tell you about miscounting slave?”
“But… but I didn’t miscount,” she pleaded with me.
“Miscounting includes forgetting to call me Master. Don’t you remember me reminding you to call me Master after each number?” I replied looking at her seriously. “Looks like I’m going to have to start again.”
“Please Master… I’m sorry, I really am. Please don’t start again,” she begged me, her eyes wide with fear. “It won’t happen again, I promise… please…”
Seeing her look so scared and hearing her beg like this made my cock twitch in my trousers. “I’m not sure your promise is enough. I told you earlier that I owned you and if I want to start again then I will start again.” To emphasise the point I gave her bum a gentle smack.
She dropped her head forward and gave a little sniff. “As you wish Master. I understand. You do own me. If you want to start again then I will submit to your authority.”
This was exactly the reaction I had hoped to get from her. I had no intention of starting again but I wanted her to understand and, more importantly, accept I could start again if I wanted to. I wanted her to confirm her total submission to me, not just when I collared her but when it really mattered. Like now, when she was over my knees, my hand poised above her already bruised and sore backside. When she knew if I started againthe pain she felt now would only get worse.
I gently stroked her shoulder with my left hand. “I’m pleased to hear you accept that I own you, slave. I won’t start again this time. I will hold you to your promise. Don’t forget next time. Ok?”
She turned her head to look at me once more with a small, relieved smile. “Thank you, Master. I promise I won’t and thank you for punishing me, Master. I won’t be late again.”
“Good girl,” I said, giving her bum a soothing rub before slipping my fingers between her cheeks, seeking out her pussy. When my fingers found the edge of her soaked sex my cock grew hard in my trousers, and I knew instantly I wanted to fuck her. I wanted to fuck her hard.
“Stand up,” I told her.
“Yes, Master.” She stood up, her underwear releasing from her knees and dropping to the floor. Without saying anything to her, I took her by the hand and guided her to a circular table. I turned her around, so she was facing it, placed my left hand betweenen her should blades and roughly pushed her chest down onto the table, her head turned to one side. I kept my hand on her slightly arched back as I used my other hand to drag her skirt up over her ass before I placed my foot between her legs and pushed outwards against her feet until her legs were spread.
I looked down at her sore, red ass and I gently ran my hand over it, appreciating the Feeling of her soft hot skin, before I slipped my hand between her legs and slowly dragged my fingers up the inside of her thigh until I found her wet pussy.
“Mmmm,” she showed.
I dragged my middle finger gently over her pussy feeling how wet she was and then slide it back down again. As I did this she wiggled her hips a little and gave a little stifled moan. I continued to glide my finger up and down her pussy for a few seconds before I withdraw my hand and rubbed her bum some more. I then slipped my hand in between her legs again and dragged my fingers over her sex.
“Your pussy feels so smooth slave,” I said.
“Thank you, Master, I wax it.”
“Make sure you keep it like this.”
“Yes, Master”
I keep alternate between gently rubbing her bum and dragging my fingers over pussy for a minute or so. Each time I ran my fingers over her pussy I would press my middle finger a little further between the folds of her lips until finally the tip of my finger found the hood of her clip. When the tip of my finger brushed against it, and I slide my finger over it to find her swollen clip she moaned. I paused for a split second before I began to run my fingertip over her clip in small circular motions. I did not press too hard to start with but with each rotation of my finger I increased the pressure until I could feel the nub of flesh pressing against my fingertip. Now I began to rotate my finger a little faster. As I did this I noticed she closed her eyes and bit her lower lip. She also swayed her hips slightly and pushed down a little onto my hand.
“Ohhh… mmmm…” she moaned.
As she moaned I pressed my fingertip hard against her clip and moved it slightly from side to side, before I released the pressure and returned to caressing it gently like I had before. I continued to massage her clip like this as I listened to her breathing and moaning and watched as her body react to my touch.
After a while, I slipped my finger off her clip and slide up between her lips until I found her opening. I gently ran my finger around it a couple of times before I pressed my fingertip inside her.
“Ooooh,” she gasped.
I withdraw my fingertip and then slide my finger back in. All the way to my knuckle. I held it there for a second before I withdraw it, then slipped it back in. Her pussy clenched tight around my finger, but she was so wet there was no resistance When I pulled it out again and slid it back in. I continued to do this. Pushing my finger deep inside her and then pulling it out, increasing the speed with eachthrust of my finger.
Her breathing was getting shorter now and I could feel her pussy tightening and relaxing as I finger fucked her. I knew if I kept this up it would not be long before she came. But I did not want her to cum yet. So I slipped my finger out of her and pulled my hand away from her pussy. When I did this she opened her eyes and looked at me. She looked slightly disappointed, but This changed when I lifted my wet fingers to my mouth and licked her juices off my fingers before popping them in my mouth one by one and sucking them clean.
“You taste good slave,” I said with a smile.
“Thank you, Master.”
I slipped my hand back between her legs and slide my fingers over her pussy again, making sure my fingers were wet once again. I lifted my hand away from her but this time I lean forward and moved my hand towards her until my fingers were just in front of her face.
“Clean them for me.”
She hesitated for a moment then lifted her head off the table a little. Her tongue flicked out of her mouth, and she tenatively licked my fingers.
Without warning I pushed a couple of fingers into her mouth. “That won’t do slave. I said clean them.”
She closed her mouth, and I could feel her tongue working around and between my fingers as she sucked on them. I left my fingers in her mouth for a moment or two before I pulled them out and inserted the other two. Again I let her suck these clean before withdrawing them. Finally, I slipped my thumb into her mouth.
I left my thumb in her mouth for a few seconds as she sucked on it, then smiled at her. “That’s my good girl,” I said, then slowly slip my thumb out of her mouth.
As I moved my hand away from her mouth I reached over and took hold of her right wrist and pulled her arm Around behind her back, bending it so her wrist was in the middle of her back. I then reached over with my left hand and did the same thing but this time I placed her left wrist over her rightwrist and held them together with my left hand as if she was handcuffed behind her back. My right hand was now free. I used that to unbutton my trousers and push them down over my hips, along with my underwear. As my hard cock sprung free, I took hold of it and pressed it down, so it nestled between her ass cheats. I rocked my hips back and forward a little so she could feel my cock against her skin.
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