The Barn

I walked in the door to find him sitting there, at the table, the ankle of one leg resting on the knee of the other, a smile on his face and a glint in his eye, staring at me as I walked into the kitchen. His hands were folded in his lap and I could feel his eyes boring into me, feel the physical force of him contemplating…whatever he was planning to do to me.

Suddenly nervous, with butterflies causing a tornado in my stomach as he stared silently and intensely at me, I hesitated for a moment. His smile disappeared from his face, the glint turning to a burning fire as a single eye brow ticked up on his forehead and his hands unclasped as he mutely crooked a single finger at me, beckoning me to his side before pointing at the ground by his side. Realising I’d broken etiquette by staring him down, that tornado in my stomach kicked it up into high gear. I started to Hurry across the room to knee beside him, only to be halted a fraction of a second later by his uppheld palm gesturing for me to halt. Momentarily confused I paused mid-step. Then his hand simply turned skyward and gestured towards me, moving up and down, he still hadn’t made a single sound. Daring to glance at him I saw him still holding his flat palm towards the roof but his fingertips in my direction, both eyesbrows raised on his forehead and a look of impatient expectation on his face. Fuck! I’d gone to knee by him fully clothed!

His little ambush had caught me unexpectedly and I’d now broken etiquette twice in less than a minute. Whatever he had planned for me, it almost certainly now included some form of punishment for my breathes of manners. Being new to this lifestyle, I was still hopeful he’d take it easy on me, whatever I was in for. Suddenly in a rush, my hands started to fumble with my clothes, anxiously removing everything until I was in only the pair of underwear he’d chosen for me that morning. I folded the clothes and placed them on the table then went to his side and kneeled on the ground before saying “Good evening, Sir. You surprised me.” I kept my eyes on the ground, my long brown hair flowing freely down my chest, partially hiding my bare breasts and hopefully hiding the calming smile that crept irrepressibly across my face as his hand idly stroked my hair.

“Good evening, baby girl. I meant to surprise you. Though, this is only the start of this Evenings surprise.” He murmured to me, a soft, gut wrenching, pussy clenching chuckle emanating from his throat. I don’t know why I loved that sound so much; I’d come to learn that it always entailed something that made me nervous and soaking wet though, I could already feel it happening between my thighs. A rise in temperature, an increase in heartbeat and a slipperiness that only he could engender.

Me. Sweet, innocent, inexperienced me. Kneeling, basically naked on the floor of the house beside this man who was…so primary. I could smell his cologne lightly in the air, feel his hand on my hair.He hadn’t even started to play with me yet, not even a few minutes ago it was just a normal evening and I was about to start making dinner. Fast forward a few short seconds and he has turned the evening into a maelstrom of uncertainty and arousal for me.

Somewhat abruptly, he claps his hands softly, making me start slightly as he energetic rises from his chair at the table and croouches before me, his hand lifting my chin up. I keep my eyes downcast until he tells me to look at him. Raising my eyes my heart flutters in my chest wildly as I see the animalistic lust in his eyes for me for a brief moment before he leans in and kisses me hungrily and forcefully, my mouth opening with absolutely no resistance and my own hunger for him covering to the surface as I kiss him back. He takes my hand in his and, as he breaks away from me, leaving me slightly breathless, stands and pulls me up with him. “Follow me, baby girl” he says, still holding my hand and starts to walk towards the back of the house. Nervous as all hell, intrigued as all hell, aroused as all hell and utterly powerless to even consider the smallest resistance, I follow him willingly into the darkness at the back of the house, all the way to the back door.

He opens the door and turns to face me, silently he picks me up and holds me cradled in his arms effortlessly, then he starts to walk me through the darkness towards the barn. Lifting my head up and glancing in the direction of the barn, realization begins to dawn, the lights are on inside the barn. I’d told him I wanted him to fuck me in there. Screw racing, my heart just started beating so fast it would put a fighter jet to shade as adrenaline flooded my body and I felt warm despite the chill of the cool night air on my bare skin.

As we enter the barn, he deposits me gently on the floor and I have a chance to glance around. All of the animals have been removed and the place has been cleaned out and then filled with fresh hay all over the floor, fresh unused bales are stacked against the walls and it’s surprisingly a cool but comfortable temperature. He’s laid out a plethora of blankets to cover a large portion of the floor and his toys are laid out upon some of these, but I can’t tell for sure what he has, I can just make out disappoint gluts covered by blankets. He does love his mystery. The uncertainty only makes my heart beat faster; I love how he fucks with my mind like this.

I can hear him moving about behind me, closing and locking the door of the barn. “It’s just me and him in here now” I think to myself as I hear a padlock snap shut. I’ve been glancing quickly around the barn to try and figure out what is in store for me. I can see an upright beam with a clean area of ​​hard earth around it and he’s rigged up extra lights to illuminate the space. To the side where he has the covered toys there is also a large pile of scattered hay, generally covered over with soft blankets, almost like some kind of primitivebed. Suddenly, his hands are in my hair, gathering it into a ponytail at the nape of my neck before he quickly snaps a hair tie around it. His hands snake around from behind me and encircle my wait, one moving up over my stomach to my throat and tilting my head to the side as he nuzzles into my neck and kisses it, raising gooseflesh over my entire body as I exhale and melt into his embrace. Without any conscious thought I push my body back against him, I can feel him inside his jeans…how hard he is. He is kissing my shoulders now, at the base of my neck and I shudder as I press myself against him, feeling the heat between my legs increase.

He moves to the side of the barn where his toys are covered and twitches back a corner to reveal a thick, heavy strip of black clothes. Walking towards me, with it dangling From his hand carefully he moves behind me and draws it over my eyes, blacking out my vision entirely. It loops easily around my head twice before being tied off firmlybehind my head. I could hear his steps move back around in front of me and my hand was taken in his sure grip and gently, but inevitably pulled me forwards over the hay, onto the bare dirt, I could feel it on the bare skin of my feet. Firmly he turns me, I can tell he’s now staring me directly in the eye, I can feel it. “Don’t move, baby girl” he says.

Mutely, I nod. Why am I so nervous tonight, this isn’t the first time we’ve played, far from it…Fuck! Ouch! I cry out in surprise and pain as his hand collies with the flesh of my right arse chef, then my left. Warmth blooms as does the stinging burn of his slaps. “I said don’t move, baby girl. What do you say when you’re given an instruction?” His voice has a stern edge to it and my arse is now on fire.

“Yes, Sir, sorry Sir.” I hurriedly say, my eyes smarting under the clothes from the force of his smokes on my arse. God, I love that burning sensing across my flesh though…

“Much better” he says, I can hear the change in his voice as he turns away from me, the crunch of his boots moving across the hay, the soft rustle of more blankets being moved and then his steps moving back towards me. Something drops onto the dirt with a faith, metallic click, then his steps move behind me again and I can hear him moving about near the pole, the whisper of ropes on wood and his skin reaching my ears. I hear him take a step towards me from behind but Still start slightly as the warm skin of his hands take me by the waist and moves me backwards until my ass presses against the pole. I can feel a hit of rope wrapped around the pole at the base of my spine, I can feel two tails of it each one going to my left and right.

“Raise your arms out to your sides for me baby girl, hold them out at shoulder height until I tell you to lower them.”

“Yes, Sir” Obediently my arms rise up and I hold them out straight, level with my shoulders.

Immediately the ropes move about me, his hands swift and sure as loop after loop of rope passes around my lower stomach, crossing one on top of the other as they meet in the centre of my body. Then he takes my left hand and pulls it to the back of the beam, about a foot behind me before repeating the same action with my right hand. Interweaving loops of rope now encircling each wrist before continuing on, securely immobilizing me against the pole as I feel him hit off both ends behind me. He moves about, checking the ropes, making sure they’re firm enough to be leaving marks in my skin but not too tight, ensuring I have some small range of movement before moving away. I hear another disappoint metallic click as he picks up whatever he dropped from the ground then his boot is on the inside of my right ankle, pushing my foot out to the side, then my left also. A thick supple cuff of leather encloses my left ankle as I listen to his weight shift, a little focusing rattle of metal links and then another cuff encloses my right ankle.

“Put your feettogether for me baby girl.”

“Yes, Sir” I say, mystified I go to put my feet back together, only to find they can’t move more than an inch or two towards each other before they won’t go any further. I raise my head and look blindly around in uncertainty. “Sir, I.”

“Your ankles are secured by a spreader bar, baby girl. I know you can’t. Doesn’t mean I didn’t enjoy watching you try; it certainly doesn’t mean I’m not enjoying that bloom of redness flooding across your chest right now either.” He interjects, his voice dripping cockiness. “We’re almost ready to begin now sweetheart.”

I hear him moving again and I feel him typing ropes to the cuffs then securing those ropes to the pole behind me. Now, as if I couldn’t be restrained enough, I can’t move my feet more than an inch or two in any direction before the cuffs and ropes stop me. He has me how he likes me, and how I’ve discovered I love to be, exposed and vulnerable, quivering in anticipation of whatever devilish schemee he has in mind for me. It’s been maybe 10 minutes, from walking into the kitchen to now and already I can feel my underwear becoming damp with my own wetness as it leaks from between my lips into the fabric.

Hmmmm, I do hope you’re not too attached to this pair of underwear baby girl.”

“I do lik…ah!”

With a single, hard yank, they’re torn off my body, the cool air suddenly chilling the warm fluid on my lips. His hand is back on my skin again and I’m panting as his middle finger idles it’s way down to me. My breath heavens out of my lungs as his finger slides between my lips. His index and ring finger on the outer edges of my lips as he moves from my citoris to the entrance of my body and back again, massaging me as I strain against the ropes.

His hand leaves my pussy, that single finger covered in my wetness leaving me gasping. Gently his hand cups my chin and then her runs the finger over my lips, almost as if he is applying lip balm then kissing me with incredible password. I moan into his mouth as his hand moves over each of my breasts, tweaking my nipples. Then moaning into the air as his kisses move down my neck, onto my now firmly erect nipples, smoothing them in the warmth of his mouth as his hand moves ahead of his mouth down my body. My moans now escaping me into the air of the barn, helplessly as his teeth bite firmly on my nipples and his fingers slip back between my lips. His fingertips circuit my cliporis as his kisses move down onto my stomach, my pelvis. His fingers moving from cliporis, back down between my lips and effortlessly inside me as I sag over, pulling against my restraints as his fingers sink into me and his mouth closes over my cliporis. Immediately his tongueue encircles me, his lips clamped firmly on me, his tongue flicking around my cloris as his fingers start to fuck me.

His free hand is ranged all over me, over my breasts and nipples, pinching them and making me gasp as he plays with them, sensitive and full of blood from his attention. Around onto my left arse chef to grap it and pull my body onto his mouth, his fingers digging into the hot handprint there so deliciously. The digits of his other hand pumping up into me, hooking forwards as they do to drag across the bundle of nerves inside me, moving over my g-spot every time They enter and exit my body. He is inexorable, a steady yet quick pace quiet building me up as my breathing becomes ragged and I feel a pressure swelling in my stomach. Suddenly his left hand is over my pelvis, pressing hard down as his independent tongue continues to play with my cliporis and the fingers of his right hand move inside me, playing with my g-spot relentlessly, cooling my entire body tighter as the pressure builds. The pressure of his hands pressing down on my pelvis heightening the sensings inside me as his fingers move. His mouth breaks off of my cliporis and his voice is so harsh that my entire body shivers, “Do you want to cum for me baby girl? Is that why you’re moaning so much?”

“Yes, please Sir, may I cum?”

His fingers don’t stop moving, his mouth had gone back onto me as I answered and it leaves me again, forcing a frustrated panting moan out of me as the heat of his mouth disappears from my cliporis again.

“You were very poorly behaved earlier, when you first got home. I’m not so sure that you should be allowed to cum tonight.”

“Please, Sir. I am sorry, I uhhhhh” His mouth is back on my cliporis immediately and his tongue is moving faster, harder, more inevitably as I dance along the edge of an abyss. Something tells me that if I can’t control it, this will stop for the night and the hunger he’s unlocked within me is only just waking up. With a wrench of will I control myself as he continues, completely uncaring of my shaking body as he devours me, as his fingers fuck me.

“Please Sir, I apologise for my impertinence inside, you surprised me and I forgot my manners. I am sorry Sir. Please, please let me cum.” I manage to tear the words out between heaving breaths. It feels like there is a tidal wave crashing inside me and I don’t know how long I can resist it for if he doesn’t give me some respite and a small, tiny sob escapes me between my panting breaths.

His mouth leaves me, his fingers slip out of me. I swear he knew one more thrust of them over my g-spot and I’d have cum no matter what. His fingers fill my mouth, covered in me, he’s never done that before, but some instinct makes me suck them just as hungrily as I do his cock. The taste is sweet, and I moan deep in my chest as the taste of me fills my mouth. The he withdraws his fingers and kisses me, his own grosses momentarily betraying his hunger for my body as he presses his body against me. His left hand on my throat and his right hand grabbing my arse where he slapped me and I can feelHis cock again through his jeans, pressed against me. He gives me maybe ten to fifteen seconds of respite, just until the worst of my muscle tremors calm down before he stops kissing me and drops down my body again, fucking me faster than before, sucking on my cliporis more hungrily. Again and again he does this to me until my legs are slack and the only thing holding me upright is the loops of rope around my waist, my body hanging over them as my skin glistens with perspiration and my heart races. Once more he stops and stands before me and I’m sucking my own pussy from his fingers before he kisses me, I’ve lost count of how many times he’s done this, how long I’ve been in this barn with him.

Something is different this time though, his hands aren’t on my body or my throat, they are behind me. He’s untying my hands and the loops of rope are running across my skin, just fast enough for the friction to cause warmth but not burn. The jute ropes feel so rough and I can feel their iprints on my skin where he tied me down. I know better than to grab him unless told I’m allowed to and my hands stay by my sides with a colossal effort not to grab him.

“On you your knees baby girl.” He says as he steps back from me.

Almost immediately my legs, weakened from being held upright and teased so mercilessly for so long start to collapse. He catches me under the arms and controls my fall, lowering me onto the ground. The spreader bar still between my legs making it uncomfortable to knee. He quickly removes the cuffs, pulling the bar from between my legs, I hear it land on some hay somewhere nearby. Freed from restraints I’m now kneeing naked, on my barn floor, in the dirt for this man. My breathing is like I’ve just run several miles and my heartrate is no better.

“Lift your arse up baby girl” He says. “Rise up until your knees are at a right angle.”

“Yes, Sir.” On shaking legs and with the help of my arms I raise myself up. Almost immediately I feel a vibrator against the hole he has just spent so long fucking with his hands. With excite slowness he slides the slowly buzzing toy into me, stretching me open around it as it curves up into me, the head of it coming to rest against my g-spot as the tickler tortures my cliporis. Immediately, my legs are incapable of holding me upright and I fall back down so that my arse is resting on my calculations. He’s somehow managed to position a bed pillow across my legs, and as I’ve dropped back down, he has lowered himself with me, controlling the vibrator and making sure it remains firmly lodged in place.

I can’t even think to form words, I’m panting and sobbing, desperate to hold on and not cum until I’m allowed to. Without warning the blindfold is lifted from my eyes and I’m staring at his eyes as they look intently at me. “Look at me baby girl, you’ve paid for your bad manners, cum for me now.” He says, rising back up before me my eyes are locked on his as he stands before me.

“Thank-yo-u, Sir” I stutter to him as my body let’s go and I convulse on the toy, my own hands moving of their own voltage to my nipples to play with them as my body tears itself apart from the inside. I sob, I moan, I shudder and shake as that tidal wave crashes along every nerve within my body over and again. The entire time I somehow keep my eyes open and locked on his fiercely hungry gaze, this man who tortures me and uses my body for his own different intentions at a whim. I’m dimly aware of the self-satisfied smile growing across his face as his hands work the buttons at the crotch of his jeans. Undoing them and the belt, he removes his jeans and underwear, freeing his cock whilst I still sit there before him, cumming all over the vibrator he’s put inside me.

His hand slowly encircles his cock and slowly moves up and down his length as he watches me cum for him. Quickly and calmly he removes his shirt too so that he stands before me naked then steps into me and cups my chin.Coming down from my orgasm my mouth will opens for his cock and he reaches down to bring my hands up to him and my fingers wrap around his flesh. I can feel the heat coming from his body as he slowly, deeply starts to fuck my mouth. I gag slightly every time he pushes all of him into my throat and hold himself there, my gags eliciting groans from him as my throat contracts tightly around him before he draws himself back out. My hands are wrapped firmly around him as he exits my mouth jerking him off as I suck the head of his cock hungrily, my tongue playing along the underside of his head and swirling around it, his entire length glistening with my saliva. He keeps on fucking my mouth as I cum again on the vibrator. This time he shives his cock into my throat and holds it there, his hands firm on the back of my head as I gag repeatedly struggle to not pull my head back off him as my body shudders and shakes through another enormous orgasm as he tells me to cum again for him.


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