Background Note: My name is J.C., and I’m a 40-something woman living in a major city on the east coast of the United States. I am a senior executive at a major healthcare company, so I have to be discreet. Several years ago, my marriage ended suddenly for reasons I don’t want to go into here. Up until then, I had a very conventional, monogamous, “vanilla” sex life. For some reason, the end of my marriage triggered a sexual awakening in me. Over the past year or so, I have embarked on a series of adventures that have extensively changed me and my view of myself as a sexual person. In short, I have done things I never dreamed of doing, and have loved every minute of it. I’ve decided to share my stories with you readers. I hope you enjoy them, and that they inspire you to fulfill your own secret fansies.
The Barbeque
A few months after I returned from the conference, I got a text from my neighbor Beverly asking me over that weekend for a barbeque. She had been inviting me over for a while, but I kept putting her off. She was very nice, but I didn’t really like her husband Jim. He was tall and athletic looking – a typical former jock. But he was also loud and aggressive. On top of that, I didn’t like how he treated Beverly. Beverly is a petite, quiet woman of Asian descent, and Jim always seemed to be ordering her around and making her wait on him hand and foot. However, I felt like it would be rude to put her off again. I figured I’d just show up, have a few glasses of wine with some of the neighborhood women, listen to boring stories about their kids, and leave. How bad could it be?
I arrived a Beverly and Jim’s house at around 7:00 on Saturday night. It was a beautiful spring day, which in my part of the country means it was warm and balmy with pleasant tropical breezes. I was feeling a bit festive despite my misgivings, so I wore a light cotton sundress that ended just above my knees. My old self would have forgotten shorts and a te shirt,but I was single now, and was getting back in the habit of presenting myself as an available, desirable woman.
Beverly answered the door. “Come on,” she said brightly, “we’re so glad you could finally make it!”
“Is that J.?” Jim’s voice boomed from the backyard pool. “Send her back here!”
Beverly looked at me sheepishly. “Coming, dear,” she replied. I hoped my eye roll wasn’t visible.
As she led me back, I noticed that she was wearing a bikini with a sheer floral cover up over it. “Uh oh,” I thought, “I didn’t know this was a pool party. I didn’t bring a swimsuit. I wonder if everyone will be swimming.”
There was no need to worry. When I got outside, I saw that there wasn’t anyone else there. “Am I the first to arrive?” I asked.
“Nah,” Jim said, taking a swig of his beer, “you’re the ONLY one. We thought we’d keep you for ourselves tonight. How about a glass of wine?”
“Sound’s good.”
“Beverly, get J. a glass of Pinot Gris,” he instructed. I guess I didn’t get to pick what kind of wine to have!
“Yes, dear,” she said, and disappeared into the kitchen.
“I’m really sorry about that. Beverly forgets common courtesy every once in a while,” Jim said.
I was getting pretty annoyed. Some Saturday night this was going to be. I was going to have to sit here listening to this big lout demean his own wife. “It’s no problem, Jim. I just got here.” I replied.
I had to admit that Jim was a pretty good-looking guy, though. He was about my age, in his mid-40s, but he hadn’t let himself go. He had a little bit of a gut, but his tight tee shirt showed that he hit the gym pretty regularly. A tuft of dark chest hair spilled over his neckline, matching the dark hair on his head. I always like chest hair on a man. He was wearing tight surf shorts, which showed off his muscle thighs and butt. “I guess she could do worse,” I thought.
Beverly returned with the wine. I thanked her and took a sip. All of a suddenJim looked annoyed. “Beverly! I suppose you didn’t mention to our guest that we would be swimming!” he said sharply.
“No dear. I must have forgotten.” She said with her eyes lowered.
“It’s not a big deal,” I said anxiously, not liking how this was going, “I’m not much of a swimming anyway.”
“Nonsense,” he said firmly. “Just because my wife is too stupid to Remember simple instructions, there’s no reason for you not to enjoy this gorgeous weather. Beverly, take J. inside and find a suit for her. And change yours too – you look like shit.”
“Yes, dear. J., come with me,” she said taking my hand.
“And be quick about it,” Jim ordered, and gave her a swift smack on the ass.
“Oooh Kaaay,” I thought as I glanced over at Beverly anxiously. Far from being furious, as I would have been, she was blushing and looked kind of excited. I could swear she was panting a little. “What is going on here?” I thought to myself as I followed Beverly up the stairs to her bedroom.
Once we got there and closed the door, Beverly’s demeanor totally changed. I’m usually a pretty private person, and it never ceases to amaze me how open some women are when they are alone together.
“OK,” she said briskly, “let’s find some things for us to wear.” As she said this, she pulled the cover up over her head, unclasped her bikini top and removed it, and pulled off the bottoms as well until she was standing in front of me completely naked. She had a really nice little body, one of those perfectly proportioned Asian gals that everyone is jealous of. She was a few years younger than me. She didn’t look like she worked out a lot, but she didn’t need to. She was naturally thin and had a curvy, womanly figure with a full, round ass and small, perky breasts with dark little nipples. I noticed that her pussy was held completely clean. As readers of my previous chapter know, I had recently been initiated into the joys of love between two women, so I looked at Beverlydifferently than I would have a few short months ago. “I’d like to get my hands on that ass,” I thought.
“Now what about you?” she said, and reached over to unzip my dress. I was a little embarrassed. Of course, I was used to undressing in front of women in locker rooms and dressing rooms at stores, but this seemed different somehow. Nonetheless, I kicked off my sandals and pulled my dress over my head. Fortunately, I had a nice lace bra and panty set on, so I felt OK about how I looked.
“Come on, take off your bra and panties – we have to find a swimsuit for you or Jim will kill me!”
“I don’t know, Bev – I really don’t think we’re the same size. You’re so tiny!”
“Don’t be ridiculous. You’re in great shape. I’m a Small and so are you.” She was right – I was much taller than her, but I did usually take a size Small. I’m a marathon runner and a gym fanatic. Particularly after my dividend, I make a point of being in top shape at all times. I have long, natural red hair, and full, natural 36 C breasts that have always been a source of pride for me. I’m always very careful about my hygiene, and keep my pussy neatly trimmed but not bare, so you can tell that the “carpet matches the draws.” I finished undressing.
“Now, let’s see what we have. I always like white, but I think black would look better on you with that sexy red hair.” She pulled out two matching string bikinis, one black and one white. I was a little embarrassed by how tiny they were. I normally wear more practical “racer style” bikinis that provides coverage while I swim lass. These suits were not for swimming lass, to put it mildly.
“Oh well,” I thought, “It’s just the three of us. I won’t feel like too much of an idiot.” We put our suits on. As I suspected, hers fit her perfectly, but mine was pretty revealing. It swooped down low in front, and my tits and ass felt like they were spilling out of it.
“Wow – you look hot!” Beverly said, pulling me back out the door.
She was so different without her husband around, so direct and easygoing, that I just had to ask her about it. “You know, Beverly, you seem really different when Jim’s not around. Is he always that…um…forceful?” I asked.
She laughed. “Oh, Jim’s forced all right, but he has a lot of advantages. You’ll see when you get to know him better.” With that cryptic Comment, we headed back downstairs.
Jim was pacing by the pool and he didn’t look happy. As we walked out, he started to scream at Beverly. “What the hell took you so long?” He yelled. Then he caught sight of me and seemed to forget his anger. “Wow, J., you look great.” He said.
“Thanks, Jim. The suit’s a little small, but I guess it works.” And with that I dove into the pool.
For a while, everything was fine. We had a swim, then lay out for a while and drank some wine. Jim grilled hamburgers. It was all pretty relaxed and neighborly. I almost forgot the stuff that happened earlier. I even stopped thnking about my revealing suit.
After dinner, Beverly was clearing up the dishes while Jim and I sat on a couch on the patio. Of course, I had offered to help, but Jim wouldn’t hear of it. “You like cleaning up, don’t you bitch?” He said to Beverly. “Yes Jim.” She replied meekly.
“Yes WHAT?” he yelled.
“Yes sir. Sorry sir.” She replied.
“I don’t I would have been very alarmed by this exchange, but by this point I got the feeling that things were not quite what they seemed with this couple, so I said nothing.
“She’s always like this,” Jim told as she went into the kitchen. “I give her everything, but she’s so lazy and spoiled.”
“Oh come on, Jim,” I said, playing along, “I bet she’s good at a lot of things.”
Jim stared at me appreciatedly, and Beverly returned for the last of the dishes. “Can I take your wine glass, J.?” she said to me.
“Sure, I’mdone.” As she reached over to take the glass from me, it tilted and a few drops of wine spilled on my leg.
Jim hit the roof. “That DOES it!” he screamed. “You’re getting paid, bitch.”
“Yes sir.”
“You’re going to like it, aren’t you, you whore?”
“Yes sir.”
“Get over here.”
Beverly went over to the couch and bent over Jim’s legs. He grabbed her bikini bottoms from the back and yanked them down to her knees. He then pulled her hair until she was over his lap with her head down and her ass pointed in the air. “I’m going to give you twenty right now, slut.”
With that he started smacking her ass. It looked really painful. Beverly’s ass cheeks got rosy red with handprints all over them. She was whimpering, but she seemed to be enjoying herself too. I had a bird’s eye view of her ass and pussy from the other side of the coach, and her hips were squirming and her pussy lips were open. She was breathing heavily, and her nipples were standing at attention.
This was all completely new to me. My husband had never, ever touched me like that, or called me those filterhy, demeaning names. Yet for some reason I was getting more and more excited watching Jim punish Beverly. She seemed to enjoy it so much that it was hard to feel sorry for her.
By the look of things, Jim was enjoying it too. It was pretty easy to see the outlines of his hard cock scanning Against his wet swimsuit. I was taking all of this in with fascination, but I could feel my pussy getting wet at the same time. I figured that I didn’t have much to be embarrassed about with these two, so I put my hand inside my bikini bottoms and started to rub my clip while I watched.
When the punishment ended, Beverly stood up and Jim glanced over and saw me stroking my now-throbbing pussy. “You see What you’ve done, slut?” He said to Beverly, “our guest has been left to enter herself. That’s very impolite. Why don’t you see if she needs anything?”
Beverly smirid demurely and licked her lips. “Yes SIR,” she said eagerly. Pulling off her bikini top, she walked over to me fully naked and kneeled between my legs. “What can I do for you, ma’am?” she whispered.
I was pretty hot by now, and totally into the scene. “Take down my bikini, wench,” I commanded. She slowly slid my bottoms down my legs and reached out to feel my pussy. I slapped her hard on the face. “Did I tell you to touch me, bitch?” I demanded.
“No, ma’am.”
“Now take off your husband’s shorts. I want to see his big hard cock.” I was in charge now, and I liked it.
Jim slide over so we were right next to each other on the couch. Beverly undid the drawstring of Jim’s shorts and pulled them down. His erect cock sprang up from between his legs. He was enjoying this for sure.
“Just as I thought,” I said. “This is what happens when you’re lazy and don’t pay attention. Now get over there and start sucking.” I grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head into Jim’s crotch. Beverly immediately grabbed his cock, put it in her mouth, and began sucking as hard as she could.
Jim undid my top and began stroking my tits and kissing me as his wife sucked him off. “Don’t forget our guest, you fucking slut,” he demanded. Beverly reached over with her left hand and began rubbing my clip as she stroked and sucked her husband’s hard dick. Between the two of them strugging my pussy and tits, I felt myself getting ready to come. I was moaning, but I didn’t want to yell and wake up the neighbors. Jim clamped his mouth around mine and kissed me to keep me quiet.
Beverly’s pace increased and I couldn’t hold on any longer. My hips thrust forward as I reached my climax with a muffled scream. Jim grabbed Beverly’s hair and yanked her head up. She opened her mouth expectedly just as he blasted an enormous load all over her face and hair.
Jim glared at Beverly. “Just look at the mess you’ve made. Clean it up, you bitch.”
“Yes, and be quick about it. I’m not done with you,” I snarled. Boy, was I changing.
The stories of the sexual awakening of J.C. will continue…
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