The Bank

How many times have you come to me like this? In tears, babbling about how I’m better off with someone else and you’re just going to get your things and go. “You’ll be better off.” You keep saying.

I’ve always played through the whole scene with you before. Kept at you, asking what was wrong and what I can do until you finally start opening up and tell me what the whole thing was really all about. This time, you’ve caught me in a bad mood as it already is. I’ve had a rough week at work, bills are rolling in, money’s tight and I got a call yesterday from the bank. When you start with the tears and sobbing crap, I find that I have just had enough.

I lay it out for you. I don’t get paid until Friday, we’ve put everything into the house, you layed out cash for pretty much every little cause in town, you got hit on by a national charity – another two hundred – and on top of it, it looks like you went and spent nearly three hundred dollars at the fucking spa!

To tell meThis, that you realize you overdid, you bust into the whole teary eyed bullshit you always get me on and I’m apparently supposed to work on you until you feel better about fucking us up. It would be different, I tell you, if you would stick to spending your own check, but you spend mine too!

You start on that “you’d be better off with someone else, I keep telling you,” and the tears are pouring out. I’m flat pissed and it’s really not working, though I did notice the flick of your tongue tasting the liquid running down into the corners of your mouth.

You are so fucking beautiful it just makes me madder and even more that I find that flicker of tongue so tantalizing. I tell you “like it would make our situation now so much easier if you were someone else? You’re so full of crap. All you’re trying to do is get me off the subject.”

More tears and now you fall to your knees. I stamp my foot and you give a little flinch. “Like I’m going to hit you? Fuck you.” I say. I can’t believe how angle I am and you just feed it.

We’re both perfectly rational and intelligent adults and this is the most bizarre scenario I’ve ever had with anyone else than my father. It’s not that I want to hit you, still, I just don’t know anything to do that will make me feel relief and that I’m walking the path of resolution. I’m not cooperative enough emotionally to reason with you.

I start to tell you this and your tongue flicks out again, slower and sensitively moves around to the other corner where it slips out a little more and pulls back within your lips until just the tip is peeking through. Although myself and my feelings and anything else rational and purposeful, Adam’s rib began to show through my trousers. Your eyes slip down to my zipper and that makes me shove against it. Immediately, they sight in on the floorboards and I feel another flash of anger that you somehow think you’ve got me.

I tell you this: “don’t even think we’re just going to repeat thesame bullshit cycle we’ve been on. I really am pissed off this time. Damn it, we’ve got to deal with this.” I stamp my foot again and again you cringe obviously though minimally.

Your skirt is hiking up your thigh as you stare now at the floor. I’m still pissed, but now I have a raging hard on forcing itself upon my priorities for appearance. I hate that I’m this fucking easy and I stamp my foot again.

This time, your cringing moves you sideways and presents one of your ass globes with the skirt at the top of the thigh/ bottom of the rounding. That does it for me. My belt rips through the loops of my pants before I have a second thought about it and I see a full shiver take your body. Your head jerks up just as I snap the leather down on the ripeness peeking out halfway under the material.

It’s a snapping sound and it must sting, but I hear an intake of breath from you that is normally reserved for a particularly hard thrust or a building orgasm. I’m half through anotherer smack before I’m even aware I’m doing it and this one is just as satisfied as the last.

Your ass pushes out towards me and I can see the other buttock rising off the floor. Our eyes meet as the belt comes down a third time and yours are watery, deep black pools shimmering in pearl glimmers. My cock gives such a shove against the zipper that it hurts. I bend over slightly and moan as the leather smacks down across both buttocks in a wholly delicious merge of motion and sound. Your ass contracts, then give a delectable wiggle that makes my cock leap so hard I double over again. “Fuck”. Escapes my lips. “Fuck.”

Our eyes meet again, your pools of darkness drawing me in and down and through. “Please.” You whimper. Such a tiny delight of surprise. My cock won’t let me straighten and I frantically unbutton my slacks, gasping at the relief. You are at it so quickly I’m shocked.

“It’s going to take a hell of a lot more than a blow job.” I say. This is weak and I recognize it. To punctuate the feeling behind the words, I give you another whip. As the leather hits flesh (I’m still astounded at how satisfied I find the sound and feel together with your gasp), my cock jolts so forcefully in your mouth you gag slightly.

“Don’t even.” I say. “If this is your penance then you need to take it willingly and without reservation.” For me, it sounds like something I might tell a child. I don’t really like that mixing in my mind but my penis seems to find no end of pleasure in the vision.

The leather is singing towards your ass before I have a consciousness thought towards another or how many I’ll be giving you and this time it finds itself delivering the tip directly between your cheats and onto your swollen lips. You push your mouth hard against the base of me and moan a victory that rips electricity from the soles of my feet, through my spine, pulls and connects my balls with my throat and shoots cum beyond the back of your tonsils. My whole body rocks and shakes as I feel the jolts pound and take me one after the other.

My knees feel like they are going to buckle and for some reason even my calves are shake. My cock, however, remains hard and give little jerks as your tongue soothes and cleans it in cat nips. As you tip and tease the underside it bucks and waves.

Your mouth moves to my swollen balls as I notice a pooling at your knees. A spot on the hardwood floors spanning the distance between your open thighs and reaching back to your shins. I reach out with one hand and seize a handful of hair, pulling your mouth off my balls and moving your head out away from me.

The belt snaps out again to land on the near moon followed immediately by my hand smacking down on the far shaft. As my hand lands, it bunches and grabs a fullness of muscle, pushing up and away. The other hand drops the belt and performs the same maneuver opening you fully for my cock to spear you completely in one hard fast thrust.

I canfeel you cum then, before even the second stroke slams home, you are shaking and moaning as much or more than I’ve ever felt from you. As it grows and moves into another and another, I slam home fifteen or twenty – or maybe twenty five solid solid shoes. They bury into you so deeply and absolutely that I can feel your pussy lips open and gripping at my balls as they draw up to blow another load.

This time I do collapse. If I could find any voice at all it would be useless for conversation so it’s all the better that your eyes are closed and you’re buried into the floor breathing in huge gasps and out keening whimpers. Each round of this gives me a little thrill in my nether region that tells me we will soon be taking this upstairs and into overtime.

I guess this means you are off the hook and I’m debating telling you that when the bank called they set us up with a minimal interest home equity loan we can pull from as we need and replace with the surpluses we get as mybonuses and your commissions come in.

No harm, no foul and all’s well if your end’s well.


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