The Bajan Babe

It was the winter of 2015. I was 23 and had just graduated from community college. I decided to reward myself with a week long trip to the Caribbean island of Barbados. I could write an entire book about all the incredible misadventures I had on the island, however, as I’ve been super busy lately, I have decided to share only the most exciting one.


It was my fourth evening on the island. I was staying in the small resort town of St. Lawrence Gap. That night however, I had decided to attend the island’s famous Oistins Fish Fry. It was about 8:00 at night by the time I arrived, and the party was in full swing. The atmosphere was lively, with local drummers and Bajan girls in mini skirts and tight undersized tops, twerking their large bumps right in the faces of tourists having dinner. Some how, they managed to miss me. It was probably because I didn’t give them a tip. But I needed money for the taxi ride back to my hotel, and I had already spent quite a bit on a largeOrder of flying fish and beer, which had been taking forever to arrive. Finally, after 45 minutes I heard my name called. I picked up my meal and proceeded to find a place to sit. The place was so packed that strangers were being forced to share tables, a common practice on the island. I wondered around the party for at least three minutes, looking for an empty one. Suddenly, I heard a man’s voice call out to me.

“My friend, come sit with me!”

I turned around to see a young, sharply dressed local guy sitting at a small table by himself.

“Thanks man,” I told him. “I thought I would end up having to eat this on the beach.”

“No problem my friend. This place gets really packed. Have a seat my friend.”

“Thank you,” I said.

“How are you doing my friend?” the young local asked me.

“I’m good,” I replied.

“Welcome to Barbados,” he said in a loud voice.

“Thank you,” I replied, even though this was already my fourth night there.

“Firsttime on our island?” he asked me.

“Yes first time,” I told him.

“Ah, welcome, welcome.”

“Thank you,” I replied.

“Ah, flying fish and Banks beer, excellent choice mon! Where you from my friend?”

“USA,” I told him.

“Oh USA. You like my island?” he asked me.

“Yes, it’s beautiful,” I told him.

“You like our girls?” he asked me.

“Oh yes!” I told him. “The black girls here are a lot hotter and sexier than the black girls we have in America.”

“Oh yes my friend. Our women are the sexiest you’ll eva find. You wanna meet one?” he casually asked.

“Excuse me?” I asked in a surprised tone.

“You wanna meet one of our girls? Because I have a friend. She would be very interested in meeting you. Just tell me which hotel you staying at, and we’ll wait ’til all the tourists leave tomorrow morning, and I’ll bring her up the gate.”

“Are you serious?” I asked him.

“Yah mon. I’m dead serious. Just tell me the time and place.”

I immediately knew he was talking about sex, but the whole thing seemed suspicious to me. No one simply offered a random strange sex with their friend. And as I had come to learn over the past few days, nothing on the island was free. I figured this friend of his was a prostitute, so I thought I would just ask him straight up.

“How much will it cost me?” I inquired.

“Not a dime, mon!” he assured me. “Prostitution is illegal here. She’s just a local girl looking to have some fun. What do you say brother? Tomorrow morning at 10:00. Just give me the name of your hotel and she’ll be outside waiting for you.”

“How old is she?” I inquired.

“She just turned 21, mon.”

“Is she hot?” I asked the young stranger.

“Of course mon! I wouldn’t offer her to you if she wasn’t.”

What the hell, this was my graduation trip and I was there to cut loose. Besides, I was a bachelor and had never been with a black woman before. The thought alone made my cock tingle.

“Alright brother, I’ll do it.” I told the young stranger.

“Excellent mon. I promise you will not be disappointed. I just need the name of your hotel.”

“The Bajan Vibe, in St. Lawrence Gap. I’m not staying anywhere shabby,” I told the stranger.

“Alright mon! I’ll see you tomorrow morning. Enjoy your meal.”

With that, the strange walked off and left me to my meal.


It was about 11:00 by the time I made it back to my hotel. The entire cab ride over, I had a raging hard on as I imagined the hot Bajan babe that would be grinding her pussy against my morning wood. The mystery of not knowing what she looked like, added to the excitement even more. As much as I wanted to save myself for tomorrow, I hadn’t jacked off in a few days, and the last thing I wanted to do was humiliate myself by blowing my load early. As soon as I entered my room, I ran into the bathroom, stood over the toilet, dropped my shorts and began to stroke. I maneuvered myforeskin back and forth as fast I could, imagining that my hand was Rihanna’s pussy. After only 30 seconds, I blew a large load of cum, which ended up coving parts of the wall, floor and toilet seat. I was now ready for tomorrow.


The next morning, I took a shower and put on my nicest shirt before heading outside to meet my date. My cock was already semi-hard, as I stood outside the rusty gate of my quaint hotel. 10:00 came, and there was no sign of either the girl nor the young man. However, I wasn’t worried as I had learned over the past few days that nothing on the island was ever on time. The anticipation was killing me though. I stood and waited constantly gazing at my watch. Ten minutes turned to twenty, then thirty, then forty. This was too long even for island time. By this point I was wondering if I had been stood up. I was thinking about just bailing on the whole thing and doing some more sight seeing. Then suddenly at 10:45, a black car pulled up to my hotel. The door opened and a tall, slim black woman emerged, carrying a large leather handbag.

I had some time to examine her as she slowly approached me. Her skin was the color of dark chocolate, and her wavy hair was as black charcoal, and ended just above her lower back. I couldn’t see her eyes as they were covered by a pair of large sunglass. Her nose however was long with wide nostrils, one of which was pierced with a large silver bud. Her lips were full and coated in bright red lip stick. Off her ears, hung two large hooped earrings. Her large breasts were barely covered by a tiny black top, and I could see her nipples poking out, indicating that she wasn’t wearing a bra. The tips of her long fingers were covered with turquoise acrylics, which were elaborately decorared with colorful beads. One of her fingers had a large turquoise ring on it. Her exposed navel had a long slider chain hanging it from it, which stood out perfectly against her dark skin. Her hips and tighs were broad and were encircled by a large glittering belt, which had an elaborate silver buckle. Her legs, which were covered by a pair or ripped dark blue jeans, were as long as a giraffe’s. I was 5’11”, and this girl must’ve been at least my height if not taller. I followed her blue jeans down to her feet. This was the only part of her body that was a bit of a turn off. Her purple toenails were covered in colorful elaborate beads, but looked like they hadn’t been cut in months. I was really hoping they were fake, just like her fingernails. Her feet looked like a pair of pedicured dragon’s feet wearing silver heels.

Good grief, who the hell did that guy sent me? This girl was way out of my league.

My stomach filled with butterflies and my cock grew another inch, as she walked towards me, Sensally swinging her hips and thighs. As she stopped in front of me, she removed her sunglasses, finally revealing her large brown eyes, long thin eye browsers, and long dark eyelashes.

“Goodmorningin’, you speak to my friend Kofi, yes? At Oistins yesterday?” the woman asked me in a strong Bajan accent.

“Kofi? Um, yes, I guess it was him. He never told me his name.”

“Oh. Well I’m Braidynn. It’s a pleasure to meet you darlin’.”

“I’m Ryan. It’s a pleasure to meet you too Braidynn,” I told her as I lifted her hand up to my lips and gave her a European kiss.

“Um…is Kofi not with you?” I asked in a puzzled tone. “He said he’d be here.”

“He had some business to attend to,” she told me. “Oh hey cutie, you mind paying my fair for me? I left in such a worry I forget to grab my wallet.”

“Oh. Yes sure, of course,” I told the attractive young gal. “How much is it?”

“20 Barbados Dollars sweetheart.”

“Okay, no problem at all.”

I reached into my wallet and paid the driver.

“Thank you. Have a good time,” he told me, as if he knew what was about to go down.

With that we made our way towards my room.

“You doin’ alrightThere darlin’?” the young woman asked me. “You look a little nervous.”

“Oh no, I’m great! It’s just that, women as beautiful and fancy as you don’t normally even talk to guys like me.”

“Oh, don’t worry about it darlin’, I think you cute. We gonna have a good time, babe.”

That was reassuring.

I lead her up the stairs to my room, lucky number 7. I opened the door and let the young lady inside.

“You want something to drink darling?” I asked my new friend.

“I’ll have a Banks, if you have one,” she said as she set her purse down on the bed.

“Yeah, I do,” I told her as I went for the fridge.

“Good. Grab some and bring it out to the balcony, cutie.”

As I was reached for the beers, I couldn’t help but look at her massive booty, as she made her way towards the balcony. I could see her thong sticking out through her pants, and right above it, the signature tramp stamp. It was clear that I wasn’t the first tourist she was doing this with, andSince the island had a high rate of HIV and Hepatitis, I was praying to God that she was clean.

My cock began to stand as I knew any minute now, I would be seeing that delicious booty. I popped off the bottle caps of our beers and joined my new friend on the balcony. The small balcony which was only lined with small metal bars, faced a small street and was directly across from the balconies of another hotel. It was pretty easy to see what was going on there.

“Thanks cutie,” my new friend said as I handed her her beverage.

She sat on the cheap plastic chair with one leg on top her thigh, her dragon toenails pointed directly at me. I watched as she put the bottle up to her large red lips and took a sip. Holy shit! Those lips looked SO hot on that beer bottle. I could only imagine how hot they would look on my stiff cock. I would soon find out.

After about a minute, she set her beer down and slowly began to lift her hand. I watched as her long fingers slowly inchedcloser and closer to her bosom. What on earth was she about to do? Was she planning to pop that tiny top off right there for all to see? Suddenly, I saw her fingers disappear into her cleavage. When they reemerged, they were holding a small white joint. She slowly maneuvered it towards her hot red lips, and placed it in her mouth. Next, she reached into the pocket of her jeans and pulled out the fanciest butane lighter I had ever seen. She popped it open, ignored the nozzle, and put it up to her lips. Next thing I knew, I was hit with an intense odor, and my eyes began to blink rapidly as I was hit with a cloud of grey vapor. Holy shit! I had never seen anyone look SO hot smoking a joint.

“You want a hit baby?” my new friend asked me.

I had never smoked ganja in my life and had no intention of starting. However, this girl clearly had class, and I didn’t wanna blow my chances of getting laid by acting like a pussy. Plus if I’m honest, I had always wondered what it would belike to have sex while stoned.

“Sure baby,” I told her as I reached for the joint.

It put it up to my lips and inhaled. I must’ve held the vapors in for too long, as I erupted in a massive cought. As I exhausted, I could hear my new friend laughing profusely. It was pretty obvious to her, that this was my first time. We exchanged several more hits and before I knew it, the entire balcony was covered in smoke and it was beginning to blow into the room. By now I was certain the entire block could smell it. My new friend took one more whiff, before extinguishing it on the table and flicking it off the balcony.

“Come on darlin’, we gonna do this or not? I don’t got all day.”

Her comment caught me completely off guard, and since I had just inhaled marijuana smoke for the first time, it took me a few seconds to realize what she means.

“Wait? You wanna do it out HERE?” I asked her.

“Yes darlin’, now come on!”

“What if somebody sees us?” I asked the youngstranger.

“So let dem see darlin’. Let dem see and envy.”

Holy hell, his girl was wild! I was wondering now what I had gotten myself into. I knew if I backed out now I would end up looking like a complete pussy, and Kofi would probably be offended that I ran out on his friend. I decided the best thing to do would be to do as she said.

“Stand against the wall darlin’,” she ordered me.

I obeyed her order and stood firmly against the wall. My stomach flooded with butterflies and I felt my toes curl up inside my tennis shoes. I felt her acrylic nails on my skin, as she slide her long fingers into the collar of my shirt. Suddenly, I saw a blur of movement and heard a loud tears. I looked down to see light blue fabric, hanging off my hairy chest. This crazy chick had just torn open my best shirt. It was clear who was the one in charge here.

She removed the torn piece of fabric, bundled it up and throw it off the balcony. I was now standing shirtless in front of my first black girl. At this point, I wished I had shaken my chest. I don’t know if it was the ganja, or if she just liked hairy men, but for some reason my new friend didn’t seem to mind. Suddenly, I feel her long turquoise nails scratching my bare chest. Once, twice, three times. The scratching got more intense each time. My patch of chest hair wasn’t enough to protect myself from her sharp tiger claws, and I was left with several singing welts.

I saw her fingers reach for my belt buckle. She undid the latch as quickly as possible, yanked out the belt, and throw it off the balcony. There went another article of clothing.

Next, she undid my fly and pulled my shorts down around my ankles. I was thankful my shorts were too strong to be torn, and that my shoes were keeping her From removing them completely, otherwise I most certainly would have lost those as well.

At this point, my cock should’ve been stiff as a palm tree. However, the ganja I had just ingested had causeded it to shrivel to the size of a peanut. I only hoped it would start growing as soon as she put her hot lips on it, otherwise this would be really humiliating.

I saw her dark hands reaching inside my boxers from below. Suddenly, I felt a sharp pain as her acrylic nails dug into my soft hairy ass cheeses. Then, I heard a familiar sound. It was the sound of fabric tearing. Suddenly, I could feel the intense Caribbean sun on my naked dick. I won’t both mentioning what happened with my underwear, as you can probably figure it out.

I looked down to see my shriveled cock in between her fingers.

“Oh my God! It’s such a baby,” she teased.

God damnit.

“It’s the ganja dear,” I assured her. “It’ll get bigger once you start playing with it.”

“Well, den I’d betta start playin’ wid it.”

Suddenly, I felt her palm struggling it from underneath. My cock looked teenie in her large hand, but stood out beautiful against her dark complexion. Suddenly, I could feelher middle finger rubbing the edge of my asshole.

“Holy shit!” I cried out as my back arched from the bizarre sensing.

If I’m honest, anal play was never really my thing. At this point, I was grateful she had those acrylics, otherwise she would have most certainly attempted to shove her entire finger up there. Suddenly, I felt her release, and I could see the underside of her middle finger just centimeters from my mouth.

“Lick it!” she said.

“Say that again darling.”

“You heard me babe. Lick it,” she ordered.

I really didn’t want to, but once again I didn’t wanna look like a pussy, so after some hesitation, I garbed her finger and stuck it in my mouth.

“Oh yah!” she cried out. “Suck it and enjoy it!”

The combination of sweaty asshole, bitter nail poison and marijuana oil created the most pungent taste I had ever experienced. It’s an absolute miracle that I didn’t vote. I felt relieved when she finally pulled it out, but the taste stayd with me for several minutes.

Suddenly, I felt her hands on my face and saw her large pumped lips slowly inching themselves towards mine. My stomach once again filled with butterflies as she inched closer and closer. Suddenly, I felt the taste of beer, ganja and red lip stick as her large lips pressed against mine. She pressed her hands against the wall, right next to my head, and I suddenly felt her long slippery tongue slippering around in my mouth. This was the first French kiss I’ve had in years. I could finally feel my cock getting bigger, as I proceeded to return the favor. As she began to pull away, her large yellow tieth latched onto my lips, and I suddenly felt a sweetness in my mouth. She had bitten my lip so hard, it began to bleed.

“Sorry babe,” she said. “You taste good though. Here, this might help.”

She handed me her unfinished bottle of beer, which was just enough to rinse out the blood.

She slowly began to croouch down and I could feel her nose and forehead running down body. First my chest, then my stomach, then my belly button. Suddenly, I felt her breath, teeth and tongue on my shrunken genitals. I looked down to see her hot lips where my scrotum was supposed to be. I could see her head moving back and forth as she proceeded to stimulate my genitals with her mouth. I could feel my hairy cock start to grow inside her, and could feel my balls start to retract into my body. I wrapped a strand of her glistening black hair around my hand, and pulled as hard as I could. Suddenly, I feel my hairy balls release from her mouth, and feel her teeth bite down onto my tight foreskin. She began to tug and it was clearly working. I could feel myself getting harder, as I continued to pull her hair. My toes curled up in my shoes, my head tilted up and my mouth opened. For a few seconds, my eyes were staring at the bright blue ceiling of my balcony and felt like I was on another planet.

I must’ve done off for a moment and missed part of the action, because when I looked back down, her tiny top was on the floor, and I was staring at the largest pair of tits I had ever seen. Her pierced nipples, were as black as charcoal and about an inch long. They looked like two oversized chocolate kisses I had never seen anything like it in my life.

The sight of her Bajan breasts was the thing that finally made my cock stiff as a palm tree. By this point, One of my testicles had completely disappeared into my body, and I could feel my cock twitch and hit the roof of her mouth, as her tongue circularnavigated my covered head. Suddenly, I could feel it pleasure my hole. It was the most incredible sensing I had ever felt. Had I not jacked off the previous night, I certainly would have blown my load right there. Suddenly, she stopped and looked me directly in the eyes.

“You like my tits babe?” she asked me as she jiggled her massive melons.

“Oh yes!” I replied.

“You wanna fuck dem babe?”

“Yes please,” I replied.

“Go right ahead. They’re all yours babe.”

She shimmied back a few inches, until her tits were in the perfect position to receive my cock. She lifted her breasts and I assumed the position. Suddenly, my 5 inch cock had disappeared as it became sandwiched in between her massive tits. I began to thrust and could feel my foreskin slide back and forth. As I continued to fuck her massive tits tits, my head grow larger and larger, until my foreskin was only able to retract about half way. I felt a drop of pre-cum release from my head and run down my shaft. The new luxury reduced some of the friction, allowing me to thrust faster and faster.


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