The Bait

It was by pure accident that Alyssa Cannon stumbled across the extensive, bondage file that her boss stored on his business laptop, but once the discover was made, she found it impossible to return to a state where she could look at Nick Nolen and simply see a reserved, some arrogant, and often highly annoying accounting executive in one of the most prominent firms New York City had to offer; in the first days Following her surprise findings, she felt herself flush whenever she was forced to be near him…his strong, demanding and utterly impatient voice sounding loudly through the intercom that rested on her desk made her pulse thunder wildly as wonderfully wanton images flooded her mind. Again and again. She couldn’t shake them. Day and night she was tormented in an unmercifully manner by the photographs she had viewed…photos that Nick had download from various web sites, featuring women bound and gagged and tied in the most provocative and most vulnerable positions that left them frighteningly open to any and all sensitively erotic tortures the men who had placed them in those lecherous positions long to inflict on their helpless bodies…every single night for two weeks after she found the pictures and then looked at the history on Nick’s computer to find that he subscribed to several sites that featured graphic, bondage stories, Alyssa had returned to those sites via her personal home computer; she had returned to the sites that both amazing and intrigued her and with a little digging and using what she know about Nick and his very intense nature, Alyssa managed to figure out which narratives Nick had penned under an assumed name and after each one she read, she laid down on her bed with her legs spread wide while she stroked herself to orgasmic release.

For her, it was quite a shock to find herself aroused by bondage images…to find herself hot and longing to submit herself to Nick in the most intimate way…she had always thought him to be a handsome man, with hair that was too dark to be blond but too light to be brown, making it a very interesting merger of the two shades that contrasted well with his sharply intelligent, abstruse, azure blue eyes, fringed as they were with thick and long lashes.

He was, she had once heard a co-worker describe, masculine perfection with perfectly and almost beautifully crafted features; high cheese bones with full lips that curved into a smile that could be mocking as well as humors…he had a strong jaw line, stubborn was the word Alyssa would have chosen to call it, but what she most admired were the boyish like dimpls that managed to take off some of his hard edge, when he allowed himself to really relax, which he rarely did when he was at the office, the only real place where Alyssa ever saw him.

She had been working for him for nearly two years, before she found the stash that forever changed how she viewed him and their relationship had proven friendly yet professional,with Nick only asking a few questions from time to time, in regards to his personal life; he knew that she was twenty four years old and that she had moved to New York from Georgia, searching for a change in her life after she made the decision not to marry her high school sweetheart, as her mother and her father and so many others had expected, and almost demanded she do.

When she had shared that story with Nick, during her initial interview with him, he had smiled and told her how much he admired her decision, to strike out in her own; only twenty two at the time, it had been a big move for her and with only minimal office experience in her past, she had seriously questioned any chance she had at landing a job with such a major firm…with a man as respected and, to an extent, feared as Nick Nolen, so hearing from him the Following day had been a wonderful surprise.

Demanding, never willing to settle for less than perfection, Nick had the ability to be brash and often pushy with her, and others, but Alyssa quickly learned how best to handle him, when she needed to keep anyone from disturbing him, herself included; his moods became an easy thing for her to read and understand and within months, they were like a perfect unit, working as one, with Alyssa often able to anticipate his needs before he had a chance to voice them and though he rarely said it, she knew he appreciated what she did for him.

All and all, he was more than a decent boss, overly fair in what he paid her and always more than willing to grant her the rare time off she needed…he never paid too much, but he did ask from time if she had yet to manage to convince her family if that she had made the right decision for herself and once or twice, he casually asked if she were involved with anyone, but Alyssa never gave his inquiry into her love life much thought; she felt certain he saw her as nothing more than an personal assistant and she knew, for a fact, that he didn’t do seriousrelationships with women, as she was the one who handled the mundane task when Nick did date.

The gentleman who owned the flower shop he used knew Alyssa by name, as did most of the host and hostess at the restaurants he preferred…she was the one who fielded his phone calls when women he had broken off association with continued to call, and almost every woman did, at least two or three times and more than once, one broke down and cried practically when Alyssa had to repeatedly tell them that Nick was unavailable.

It was daunting, at times, but she dealt with it, and she enjoyed her work…she actually liked Nick even when he did managed to annoy her…and then the day came when he called her from a meeting at a very important client’s office to ask her to download some information off his laptop to transfer to his main computer and as she set alone at his desk, shortly before their firm closed for the day, she searched for the file he needed, one he had saved under the name Bonds, the name of their client and thinking she had clicked on it, Alyssa was left breathless when the file actually came up as Bondage. Bondage. She blinked twice before believing it. She shook her head…and then, in a shocked stupor she stared, and the beginning to look at the endless sequence of pictures with their originating web sites listed beneath them.

She set at his desk for nearly an hour, looking and reading…she was lost in what she saw and she felt suddenly as if she were seeing Nick Nolen for the very first time; finding the files showed her a side of him she had never before suspected, much less seen and by the time she closed the file and located the correct one, she was breathless as well as confused and when she went home, she realized her cunt was sopping wet with need and she had to release herself as she reclined in her bathtub, recalling again and again all she had discovered.

Sleep didn’t favor her that night, and when she did doze, she was tormentedwith erotic dreams that left her feeling on edge the following morning…she had to masturbate during her long shower and when she arrived at work, she felt nervous and flushed each time Nick spoke to her, or said her name with his deep, rich voice.

Suddenly, Nick went from being merely her boss to serving as the man who stared in her most racy daydreams…she couldn’t force his image from her mind and at night, she set for hours at her computer, searching the web sites she had learned about via the file she had saw…she became somewhat obsessed with bondage and how much it managed to arouse and once she managed to discern the stories that Nick had written on one particular site, she drank in his words with vigor, as she read some of the tales two and three and four times each.

With each story, she received new insight into the man, she saw him in a different light and she reached a point where she knew she was starting to fall hard for him and she cursed herself for it,Until the night that another shock came her way…the night that she read a story Nick had to have posted during working hours that very day and Alyssa pressed her aching pubs hard against her chair as she rocked back and forward while reading what Nick had called his ultimate fantasy in the brief story description.

To her delighted wonder, the story was about a man who had, for two years, lusted after, and silently loved the woman who worked for him; in the story, the woman was his secretary and Alyssa felt come gushing from her cunt to dampen her thighs as she read how the heroine was so vividly, physically described…it was clearly, without question, that it was her the author described; she had once heard Nick call her hair, a shade she saw as merely brown, chestnut gold and her eyes a rich, unique rosewood that compiled her ivory skin.

In the story, he called her figure perfectly lush; he saw her breast as heavy yet firm and her hips ample…he ass perfectly for trashing and fucking and Alyssa slide her fingers into her warm, wet pussy again and again as she read how very badly the hero wanted to have his observation at his full mercy, bound before him, open and needy…it was almost more than Alyssa could wrap her mind around as all the games he wanted to play were laid out in detail, ranged from fast and hard sex, to slow and sensitive touches that would build the tension to a boiling point; she quivered with the need to live out what was written regarding sound flagellations that straddled the haze line between pain and pleasure…pain that bleed into pleasure so intense it almost couldn’t be endured.

So turned on she could hardly force herself to stand or sit still, after reading the story, Alyssa had all the encouragement she needed to make a move…she decided to go to Nick and make it clear to him that they both wanted the same thing and since they did, there was no cause for them not to have it.

Calling into work the next morningg, Alyssa spent the day preparing heoked perfectly submissive in a mock peasant dress that featured a long, flowing skirt and a tied body that alluringly pushed her breast together and up, so her ample cleavage nearly spilled free as she allowed her long hair to fall freely to her half bared shoulders; she studied herself carefully before giving a final approval and then, determined not to allow her nervous to waver, she throw on a long, black coat and shortly after nightfall, she drove across town to Nick’s penthouse.

She knew, since she kept his schedule, that he hadn’t had any plans on that particular early winter, Friday evening and Alyssa prayed she wasn’t indeed making a fool of herself as she arrived at his place and gave her name to the doorman, who called to tell Nick that she was there, and she needed to see him.

It was the first time she had ever been to his home, she was sure he was more than a little surprised and the thought made her smile as she took the elevapr up to his floor where she lifted her hand to knock, but before she could, the door opened and she found herself looking at Nick as she had never seen him; Nick standing just inside his foyer with his hair slightly disheveled and his chest gloriously bare…he had ridged stomach muscles and powerful arms…seeing him made her mouth go dry as she realized he was wearing nothing but a pair of very form fitting leather pants that molded themselves to his legs like a second skin as it occurred to her that no shock was in his eyes, just cool authority that made her shiver as he stood there, tapping a single lash, leather float against his pants leg.

The rhythm he tapped was steady and slow as he stepped back, opening the door wide enough for her to enter, which she did, without a word passing between them…she was caught up in endless emotional sensings, More than she could hope to decipher in that moment as she stood in a beautifully decorated foyer while Nick closed and lockedthe door and Alyssa still remained very silent as his hands touched her shoulders brief, tugging at her coat, and she took the hint and held out her arms so he could slide the garment from her body and place it on a coat rack.

There was an undeniable, sexually charged tension in the room, it was electric and it was so wonderful, more than even Alyssa had imagined as she stood still, seeming to sense that was what she was expected to do as Nick slowly moved to stand before her and she lifted her eyes to his as a cool smile pulled at his lips while he looked her over…he scanned her with an intensity that made her belly flutter…her lungs felt empty, but she couldn’t quite pull in enough breath as Nick lifted his hand and even so gently, he brushed the leather lash along her cheek bone, trailing it over her skin like a teasing finger as he searched her expression.

“I know you found my bondage file, Alyssa, but what you do not know is I intended for you to find it and readit.” He spoke with his typically cool tone, only his eyes blazed with password as he shared the truth with her. “I have wanted you for a long time, and I decided to lay the bait and see if you would bite and it pleases me very much that you have…that you have looked at the sites I like to look at and that you managed to read my work and understand how very much I have longed to have you as completely mine.” There was a strong emphasis on the world mine and it made a very powerful shiver rip through her as she nodded…she wanted to melt into him, but she sensed it was not the time as Nick allowed his arm to fall away and he stepped back to look at her; his so coolly delivered announcement that he had intended for her to find the file, that he had orchestrated the events that had brought her to him was not a shock…on some level, she suspected she had known all along, that Nick was calling the shots, leading her to him and she was thrilled that he had put so much thought and effort into making her his, as he had said.

“I…I am still a little confused…” Her voice broke as she tried to open herself to him.

“I don’t doubt that you are, but I will guide you.”

“I had no idea, all this time…you wanted me.”

“So much you don’t know and will soon learn, my love.”


But he shook his head, placing a finger to her lips, to Keep her silent…she was happy to obey him in that regard as he moved his hand to gently cup her face. “From this moment forward, as we play this game, you will speak only when asked a direct question and you will follow my orders and do as I say without hesitation.” It was just the first of many rules, ones that she listened to intently as he listed them, telling her what he expected; he made it clear that he expected her complete and utter submission in all sexual matters…it was her duty to trust him to bring her pleasure, even if that pleasure was often mingled with pain and no matter what, she was not to question him…when it came to sex, they were not nor would they ever be equals…he was the master and she was to be an eager to please service and if any of those rules did not appeal to her, he told her to take her leave, then and there. It was her out. The only one he would give. He held her eyes and waited, as if he were allowing her a moment to consider the decision, but she didn’t need a moment, her mind had been made up Before she had come to him and Nick saw as much in the gaze that clung almost desperately to his as she slowly nodded and he gave his arrogant, half smile.

With her obvious permission given, Nick gave his own nod, a gesture that made her knees feel weak as he flicked his eyes over her once more. “I have to say, I like the dress, but I happen to think I will like it much better when you take it off, Alyssa.” It was a command, not a request and in an instant, Alyssa moved to obey it; she held his gaze as she reached for the tie at the top of the dress andwith trembling fingers, she worked the tie free, revealing her breast an inch at a time…it made her feel vulnerable to strip herself before him, but there was nothing she wanted to do more as she finally, slowly slide the sleeps from her shoulders, down over her chest…cool air brushed over her already hard nipples as she allowed the dress to pool at her feet, leaving her to stand before him in nothing but black, thong underwear.

Seeing her breast, heavy and perfect, already flushed with need, made his cock kick hard against his pants; he had spent countless nights envisioning this moment…having her before him so perfect…he had to swallow hard and a muscle ticked in his jaw ticked as he fought to hold on to his precious control; she was flawless with ivory skin and long legs and seeing her in the thong only made him want her more as he blew out a breath while Alyssa watched, waiting for him to offer her the next order that she was ready to follow.

In his presence, she forgot the world, forgot they were in his foyer…she had become his, as he had said she would and it was thrilling; it was what she wanted and more and Alyssa again did not hesitate to concede to his demand when he told her to sink to her knees before him with her head bowed…her hair fell forward to curtain her face as she stared down at the floor and he slowly circled her several times as she trembled…she could fall her juice flowing, the thong was soaked and her thighs were damp, something Nick could see as he looked her over carefully, before ordering her to hold her position as he walked down the hall.

She could hear his footsteps echoing against the poisoned wood floors, just as she could hear her heart thundering against her chest, her blood pounding in her brain…her skin was alive and on fire and sensitive…it made her want to slide her hand between her legs to fondle herself, but she did not dare, knowing, from all she had read, that she needed his permission; she could do nothing to bring herself pleasure unless he told her it was within reason and Alyssa found her desperation to please him was far greater than any need to please herself as his footsteps sounded again and she saw his booted feet rest before her.

“Look at me.” He snapped the order and she quickly compiled, looking up at find he held a leather collar and lean in his hands…her cunt contracted at the sights…she felt no fear with him, no awkwardness…it seemed as if they had played this game a thousand times before and Alyssa dearly hoped they would indeed play it many more times to come as she set absolutely still as Nick knelt down and with quick, efficient motions, he fastened the collar around her neck, then hooked the leash to it before he stood and looked down at her once more.

She made the perfectly submissive picture, naked, expect for the thong as she knelt on all fours, the collar and lean framed by her cascading hair as she looked up at him with her beautiful and trusting eyes; no woman had ever effected him the way Alyssa did, she was, he had come to realize, the perfect combination of sexually submissive needs and emotional and sharply intelligent strength…he knew she was his destined match and it thrilled him, though he didn’t feel that was the moment to tell her as much as he tugged at the leash, then smiled as he ordered her to stand to her feet while he held to the leather rope to make Certain his control was established.

Easily, as easily as she anything she had ever known, she handed herself over to him, more than certain she was meant to do just that as he slowly began wrapping the leaning around his hand, until he had her pulled close to him; she lifted her eyes to his…her arms stayed at her side and she waited…it was all she could do…wait…all orders were his to give and hers to obey and she accepted the game for what it was as Nick slowly lowered his mouth to hers, so he could claim her lips firmly, his tongue driving deep into her warm and wet and willing mouth.

It was a kiss that demanded and took what it wanted and Alyssa gladly yielded to him, sinking deeply into his heat as his tongue snaked around hers, sucking and stroking and pulling until she was eagerly exploring deep inside his mouth; he coated and tutored her in the manners he found most pleasant…she wanted to lift her arms to wrap them around his neck so she could cling to him for dear life, but before she could, he broke the contact as easily as he had initiated, leaving her to gasp in disappointment when he stepped back from her, releasing some slack into the leash.


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