A lot of thanks goes to MissJenny54. Her support and edits improved this story a lot.
My name is Sam. I was a mess when my wife died, leaving me with my two beautiful children. Having the children, our children were comfortable to me, but I had to help them deal with their grief as well as my own. It wasn’t easy, but I had to keep moving forward because of them.
I asked my sister to help; she is married and has children nearly the same age as mine. I thought it wouldn’t be much more work for her to take on two more. Well, that depends on the children, but her kids and mine get along well. It seemed like a good idea because they would have someone else to spend time with instead of arguing or dealing with boredom at home. Most times, this arrangement worked out pretty well.
The easiest decision was to work from home, where I could look after my children and ease the burden on my sister. I brought them to school, sometimes droppedin at my workplace for a while, then picked them up after school. It was more convenient for everyone involved, and since I was their only parent now, I wanted to be there as much as possible for them. I loved them and missed them when they were away.
My work colleagues invited me to join them for an evening out since we did not see each other often. Rather than rely on my sister again and not wanting to disrupt the children’s schedules, I hired a babysitter to stay with them for a few hours. A good friend highly recommended Beth, a graduate student who used babysitting jobs to earn extra money.
The Arrival
When I opened the door, I was met by a young, good-looking woman, somehow beautiful in a unique but not classical way. She was perhaps a little harsh; athletic, with slightly visible veins on her forearms and average height. She reminded me more of a tomboy than a classical soft woman.
My children were often left alone even though I worked from home. They weren’t wild, but they did have their moments of misbehavior. Since their mother passed and I had less time to correct them, they tend to be rude and dismissive to people they didn’t know. I hoped Beth would be able to install some respect in them than I had managed to do, even if it was for only a few hours.
“Hi! I’m Beth,” she introduced herself.
“Hello Beth, I’m Sam, but I’m sure you already guessed that,” I said, laughing. “Welcome! I’m glad you’re here. I appreciate your help tonight!”
I heard loud crying from the children’s room, almost timed to prove the necessity of the last comment.
I was in a rush to leave and didn’t have time to deal with them. Of course, they had to choose now to act up, as I was getting ready to go out.
“I’m already running late,” I told in exasperation to Beth. “Usually, they’re very good, but this evening, as you can hear, they’ve decided to have an argument… or something.
I immediately thought, why not let her jump right in then I can evaluate her capabilities in handling them and the situation. If she’s any good, I won’t have to worry about them.
“I still have to shower. How about you see what’s happening and if you can resolve their problem? It’ll give you a chance to introduce yourself. Down the hall, third door on the left.”
Beth smiled warmly at me. “Don’t Worry; I’m going to enjoy meeting them!” Don’t be so confident, young lady, I thought and hurried to the bath while she looked for their room.
When I emerged from the bathroom, I heard no sound from the children’s room. I dressed, then, curious, I went to their room. My children were happily lying on the floor with a coloring book and crayons, quietly enjoying themselves. Beth sat comfortable on a chair, reading.
I was astonished! “How did you get them to calm down so quickly?”
Beth didn’t look up from the book she was reading. “Turn around.”
I turned around in confusion and, seeing nothing, faced her again inquisitively.
She told, “Turn around! You’re going to be late. Go!”
At first, I refused to turn around. I’m old enough to know what I am supposed to be doing and where I’m supposed to be, so I stood my ground just to prove I wasn’t about to give in to her demands. I decided to listen to her and noticed she was pointing to the clock on the wall. She was correct; I was going to be late.
I said goodnight to the children before I left and told Beth again I would be returning at 10:30 as we agreed before. That was an interesting, weird encounter, I thought, as I headed off for my engagement!
The social evening with my colleagues was fun. For far too long, I had been busy being ‘Mr. Dad’ and not taken part in social affairs with friends or co-workers. It was nice to have some freedom and interact with adults. Too soon, the night was ending, and as most of the others had decided to head home, I followed. Looking at my watch, it was later than I thought, but the time spent with them was worth every minute.
I arrived home at 11:00 pm to find Beth sitting on the couch, reading in the living room. She had removed her shoes and looked comfortable with her legs stretched out.
Beth didn’t look up. “You’re later than you said you would be,” she announced.
I was irritated at being chatised by this young woman whose time I was paying for. “I’m sorry, but I’m only a half hour late, and I engaged your services…”
“Save your breath,” she silenced me with a hand wave. “Don’t say something you will regret, young man. Listen, I could have had plans tonight, and your being late would have spoiled them. You said you would be home by 10:30.”
I expressed a smile; I’m not so young anymore, but what man doesn’t like hearing a compliment like that from a lovely young woman?
She turned towards me. Her feet left the couch, and she placed them on the floor. Slowly shespread her legs apart, assuming a confident and fearless stance.
“By the way, you wanted to know how I calmed your children earlier? It’s called being a natural authority. If they simply see you as a leader, they will do what you suggest. In fact, they will even want to know your wishes because they want to please you. That’s the whole secret, and it seems I have already managed this. There was no problem at bedtime. They wanted to show me how good they could behave. They are two lovely children. I guess they inherit that from their father.”
She stared into my eyes for a moment, disquieting me. “Every man has weak spots, and I’m very good at finding them,” she said suggestively. “Now, kindly pay me so I can leave.”
She was assertive and demanding. I gave her the agreed money.
She looked at the cash, then at me in disappointment. “You said you’re sorry for being late? I don’t think I believe you.”
I blushed and gave her more money for an additional hour. Ofcourse, she was right, and I perhaps had inconvenienced her.
Beth stood up, strode over to me, locked her eyes onto mine and placed a hand on my cheek. It seemed to burn like fire on my skin, and sensitivity suddenly oozed from her. What the hell…?
“Good boy,” she said like she was talking to a child.
She went in the direction of the door but turned around before she left. I could hide the suddenly growing tent in my pants, but I didn’t dare move my hands to hide it. I didn’t think she saw it. Did she? Beth went toward the door with a smile which I’m sure was just a normal reaction to saying goodbye. I hoped it wasn’t a result of seeing my erection. I must confess, though, that the idea that she might have seen it turned me on.
Later that night
After my wife passed, I wasn’t very interested in women. For some time, it feel like my interest in sexual intimacy had died with her. I wasn’t asexual and jerked off sometimes, but it didn’t mean much. It was merely a way to relieve some tension.
I headed off to bed and couldn’t help but think how this evening was different. I recalled our short encounter again and again. I imagined Beth commanding the kids in a friendly but strict manner which they obeyed. Strangely, this aroused me. I thought of how she confronted me in the children’s room, demanding I turn around and look at the clock. I was surprised when I found myself following her commands.
I was indignant about her attitude, which crossed a line since I was technically her employer. Her demand was reasonable, though, to remind me about the time, and it would have been ridiculous on my part not to listen only because it was an order.
And, of course, there was that vision of her reclining on the couch; disinterested but assured. The way she talked to me wasn’t appropriate, refusing to look at me and being so dismissive while she spoke. She acted like it was not necessary to address me directly. I felt like a boy who made a stupid mistake, and rethinking it, I discovered deep within that I didn’t want her to be angry at me.
I recalled the way she placed her hand on my cheek. There was suddenly electricity I hadn’t felt in such a long time. I fantasized about her lowering her hand to my shirt, opening one after another button. That followed with her releasing my trousers and jerking me off with one hand while she looked at me with a defiant attitude, silently challenging me, “Look what I can do to you, and you don’t even try to stop me!”
I groaned loudly on the way to my orgasm while jerking off in bed, hoping my children didn’t hear me and exploded in a way I hadn’t done in years. The bed was a mess, but the sheets needed washing anyway!
I looked forward to seeing her again soon, to figure out why I was so attracted to her and to get to know her better.
The second meeting
My children often asked about Beth and looked forward to another evening with their cool new ‘sister’. That was what they called her after just one visit. I searched for a pretense to see her, confused by her significant impact on me. I had to know if it would happen again. Fortunately for us all, it didn’t take long before I needed her babysitting help.
When she arrived, I welcomed her happily, but much to my disappointment, she went directly to the children’s room immediately upon arrival. There was no conversation, no small talk… nothing, so I said a quick goodbye, promising to be home by 11:00. I didn’t dare enter the children’s room after the first episode; I didn’t want a repeat of that awkward situation. I just remembered how confused and speechless she made me. Also, I was running late as usual, so I had to leave quickly.
The dinner with my manager and his wife took longer than expected. I wanted to drive home and be on time; however, I was curious about what she would do if I were late again. Iwas her boss, so I would apologize, tell her the reason and give her extra money like the last time.
I was about half an hour late when I entered the house. As before, she lay on the couch reading. I was momentarily distracted by her bare flawless feet but recovered before offering my regret.
“I’m sorry, Beth, that this took longer than I expected. My manager and his wife wouldn’t stop talking, and I…”
“You didn’t phone me. You didn’t both to check to see if I have other plans for this evening. You could have told your manager and his wife you couldn’t stay longer because of your children. You engaged me for an agreed length of time.” She said, staring at me.
I tried to explain. “As I said, we were talking, and I didn’t want to interrupt…”
“Don’t was your breath,” she interrupted me. “Again, don’t say something you’ll regret. Just pay me, and I will go.”
I told in frustration. That was not how I wanted it to end. I gave her the money for an additional couple of hours to try and make amends.
Abruptly, she announced, “I want to see you without your kids at home… tomorrow afternoon.”
“Yes, they’ll be with my sister,” I agreed, wondering why she wanted to meet me as she left. I had some fans about how our meeting might go, but I was sure that these were only my sexual fans. Something like that couldn’t happen. Could it?
The next afternoon
As expected, she arrived on time, entered the living room, and sat on a chair without my invitation. She wore a white blouse and a black skirt below her knees. She had gathered her dark hair in a severe bun at the back of her neck. She looked fantastic but had a very authoritarian attitude, which was unsettling.
“Come here,” Beth ordered.
I did as she told me. Beth gripped me forcedly by the wait to pull me closer to her. Now her mouth was at the same height as my crotch. She licked her lips sensuously.
“You were disobedient again. Do you think you can get away with that because you are wealthy? You need to be more respectful of my time,” she said, talking to my crotch.
After our first meeting, this feel like an erotic dream. I couldn’t help but get an erection.
“I see,” she said, watching my tent grow, “you’re not paying attention to what I am saying. What should I do to you, little boy?”
She opened the front button of my trousers, then slowly lowered the zipper. She stripped off my underwear and softly caressed my cock with her hands. The sensing was heavenly, and I didn’t want it to stop. I now stood in front of her with a raging erection. Holy shit, this girl is on fire, I thought. I don’t know what she found interesting about me, but I was not going to ask for fear of spoiling the moment’s magic.
“I think you haven’t learned the importance of respecting other people’s time, but you will learn to respect your babysitter’s. Bend over my lap so I have full access to your ass. I need to spank you.”
I thought this was a joke, but I quickly contemplated what would happen next and had to find out. She knew by my arousal that I was sexually attracted to her. What was there to lose by seeing where this would go? I carefully placed my crotch on her lap, presenting my unprotected bottom to her. I lightly took this as a kind of foreplay. I told; if this is what she wanted, why not give in?
It was not a joke. She began to spank me playfully at first, which was very arousing.
“This has nothing to do with pleasure,” she scolded me. “I’ll have to spank you hard so you’ll learn your lesson.”
She increased the power she put into the spanks, which began to hurt, causing my erection to disappear.
“Beth, stop,” I pleaded, but the next slap hurt me on a new level.
“Shut up!” She hissed, and I stopped talking.
She increased the intensity, and soon I began sobbing and begged her to stop again. It never occurred to me to fight her off to make her cease. She pushed me off her lap, and I fell to the floor, totally spent and humiliated. As she finished, I was a howling mess.
“Now, little boy, hopefully, you have learned to appreciate me and my time in the future. Call if you need me.” She stood up suddenly, grabbed her things and left me on the floor as if What happened was normal. It was a tormenting and intense experience. Slowly I recovered enough to get up and realized it was time to pick up my children from my sister’s.
The evening after
It was an ordinary evening for my children. By outward appearances, I was a typical father spending time at home with his kids. However, I was distracted by the previous day’s events. Inside, I felt humiliated and ashamed.
After setting them in bed, I grabbed my phone and retired to my bedroom, lying on my side attempting to avoid irritation to my still singing ass.
My pride was hurt more than my backside. I had let a young woman, whom I had only met twice before, spank me until my buttocks were sore. I didn’t even try to stop her. Why? It felt like she had the right to do that, yet she had no right to be so improper, and I let her do it. Sobbing and exhausted, I fell asleep.
I woke in the middle of the night, massaging myself and rubbing my rock-hard cock against the sheets. My butt still hurt. I thought of Beth, an adorable vision of strength and control. I grabbed my penis and furiously moved my hands up and down, recalling my helplessness as she beat me. She exerted great vigor in her spanking, taking the whole matter seriously. I moaned softly as my arousal increased but soon got louder as I worked towards my climax.
My phone rang Suddenly, indicating a text message. That was unusual; no one texted me in the middle of the night! My heart jumped, hoping it wasn’t a family emergency.
“Stop masturbating.” It was from her. Acold shiver went done my spine. How could she know? I stopped immediately. After some time, I fell into a troubled sleep but woke up a few times with a hard-on. I rubbed my cock against the sheets but surrendered to her command in the text.
In the morning, I found semen stains all over the sheets. I had no idea when I came, but it was apparent I had an orgasm while sleeping – a massive orgasm, I Thought, as I looked at the bed.
A new message from Beth arrived. “You are a disappointment.”
She may be perceptive, confident and intelligent, but she wasn’t psychic and couldn’t have known what happened during the night. I looked around… for what? Cameras? Hardly. It was my home.
The next days
Beth’s text messages had unnerved me and played on my mind. Her messages nagged at me, but I tried to let them go. I had to remind myself that, logically, she couldn’t have known, but it still made me question her abilities. She had probaably made a good guess. Yet, when I went to bed, I got the impression she was watching me. I quickly recalled she might have been in my bedroom while I was away. I stared at the dresser facing the bed where it stood across the room.
I was becoming obsessed, and it started making me a little crazy. I decided to inspect the dresser more closely; nothing. I was becoming fearful, then angry – paranoia set in, leading me to examin my bedroom. I tried to convince myself she couldn’t know what I was doing in the privacy of my room.
Several days later, I was in bed and got a new message from her.
Dispite my previous misgiving, I thought, Why not? It’s hot as hell to get orders from her. I started jerking off, bringing to mind our last meeting. I was getting close to orgasm when I was interrupted by a text from her.
I groaned in frustration, and it took some time until I calmed down.
It was only secondds before I worked myself up until I was near a climax again.
Another text. “Stop.”
What the hell? I stopped in anger.
“Masturbate,” another text.
This time I will ignore her order. I will…
“Cum!” She ordered.
I exploded in a massive orgasm and fell back on the bed, catching my breath.
“That was nice. Good boy,” she texted me one last time.
I couldn’t believe she could read my mind or know what I did. No one can read minds!
The next day I found it in the neary closet: an old Smartphone connected to a power plug. It then occurred to me that I had given her the key for wireless LAN access. She must have installed monitoring software on it or something similar.
I was sure there were no other devices after I searched, but I still wondered. I know now that Beth could listen to me, but she didn’t think I was aware of that until I told her.
“I’ve found your Smartphone in my bedroom,” I shouted, “but I’ll leave it there.”
“Thank you, pet,” she texted me. I thought I heard her laughing while I was reading her message. Although my internal conflict, I felt proud of being criticized for pleasing her.
A surprise gift
Beth took amusement in playing her dominant games with me, and I had to confess thinking of her aroused me. I was interested in other ideas she would design with her delightfully perverse mind. One unexpected bonus was how she handled the kids so well, which I didn’t expect.
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