It had been several months since Tina and David had been intimate, and their emotions were running wild. Neither one could do anything to please the other, and Tina would explode without reason and David could not understand what was happening. Both bodies were aching for sexual release and body contact, but neither would make the first move. David was too timing and Tina had such strong religious convictions she was ashamed to Confront her sexual feelings and frustrations. David had hoped Tina would catch him stroking his manhood in the shower some morning, but she would never allow herself to enter the bathroom while he was naked.
Throughout their twelve years of marriage David kept his muscle frame hard and was not lacking in the attractive department. Tina was also the image of seduction, a petite brunette with curves in all of the right places. David knew ladies were attracted to him as he was always getting pinched on the butt at the office and heads would always turn whe visited the local pub each Friday afternoon with the guys.
It was one Friday afternoon at the pub when one of his friends finally got tired of hearing him complain about no sex and a bitchy wife. Rob knew David and Tina well and knew it was really Tina who wore the pants in the family. She paid all the bills, took care of getting the kids to school, and was constantly receiving awards for her excellence in teaching high school English. David on the other hand was never one to rock the boat, some of a puss in his friend’s eyes. Out of desperation, Rob designed a plan for his buddy David. It seemed daring to David, almost vulgar, but he was ready to try anything. His cold feelings for Tina were beginning to haunt him and he knew something had to happen soon or their twelve years of marriage might end without a fight.
Reluctantly, David agreed to give Rob’s scheme a try. He followed the instructions verbatim, stopped by the corner adult store on his journey home. Then he sat down to write the letter to his wife.
My dearest love,
I want you to know that my love for you will never cease. But I also must confess that our lack of intimacy has caused my heart to grow cold. It is out of desire that I am writing this letter hoping you will consider the actions it suggests. Hopefully, your mind will be open and you will understand that this is not meant to be vulgar, but erotic and exciting for both you and me. There is nothing that should be considered beyond limits for a husband and wife to share together. I have arranged for my parents to keep the kids this evening, so it will be just the two of us at home.
The box I have placed on the bed contains items that will be strange to you, but please let me explain. You will find a blindfold, a paddle, and leather wrist and ankle cuffs. Don’t be alarmed as these things are meant for you to use on me. If you will notice, I have attached four leather harnesses with rings on all four corners of the bed frame. These rings are equipped with fasteners that will be used to attach the leather cuffs, thus allowing you to bind my ankles and wrists to the bed. I know you love being in control so this is your chance to be in total control. I will be in the shower while you are reading this letter. When I come out of the shower, you are to order me to lie flat on the bed and attach the cuffs to my ankles and wrists. Then attach the cuffs to the fasteners which will leave me totally vulnerable to your control. I have placed some pillows on the bed which can be placed under my pelvis to insure that my butt is easily accessible. Once the restraints are in place, I am sure you can have fun with the paddle. I would suggest you make me count each swat out loud. It is only fair that the number of swats be the same as the number of days since our last sexual evening. I know it is my fault we have not had sex more often, but now is the time to make things right.
After the 85th swat,you are to rotate the cuffs so that I am face up on the bed. Then use the lubricant in our nightstand to stroke my cock to attention, if it is not already. Place the blindfold on me and place your naked body on top of mine, allowing me to feel your wet pussy sliding over my chest as it nears my tongue. Order me to lick your pussy, tasting your juices until you are nearing orgasm. Then slide down my chest and slowly mount my hard cock, feeling it stretch your opening and fill your insides. As you slowly move up and down, allowing my cock to probe your slippery pussy, reach down with your hand and masse your clip. Massage your love button until your sex is released in a screaming orgasm. After you have climaxed, keep the pace until I have planted my warm cum deep within your love tunnel. Then slowly slide off my cock and move back to my waiting tongue, ordering me to clean your pussy, licking every drop.
Our adventures are only beginning. Help me begin them this evening.
Tina had just finished reading the letter when she heard the water turn off in the shower. Her panties were growing wet with excitement, forgetting her Victorian convictions and allowing her lust, her love for David to govern her next move. She quickly ran to the bathroom door and told David to close his eyes. As she entered the bathroom, she noticed David’s thick 7” cock was hard as a hammer, pulsing up and down as the blood pumped through his veins. She placed the blindfold on him and led him to the bed. David was relieved that Tina had accepted the invitation. But what David did not know was what he had just unleashed. Tina was smiling from ear to ear and could not wait to give David his desire.
It was only the beginning of many more nights of sexual release, and more importantly, Tina was ready to move on to try new things with David. Rob was not a sex counselor, but he certainly knew what buttons to push on Tina. That was one question that David stillhad in his mind. How did Rob know so much about what would release Tina from her conservative, religious feelings? Maybe Rob knew more about Tina than David cared to guess. But of course, that is something that will have to be addressed in the next story.
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