I am SIVA from Chennai age 25 working in a bank earning gud well built gym bdy 5.8in hgt, 55kgs in wgt semi white color soft small black hairs, looks like a male of 35 dew to mi bdy duiltand i’m a B.com grd and doing mi M.com
Now I will say about my Mom. Her name is Mrs MALATHI RAVI (widow). Age 42, Her figure is 38-32-36 and fair in complexion. She is hgt of 5.8 sam hgt of me snd wegt of 70kgs little fat and a vapolous bdy she is a MBA post grd in edu and her spl is black magnetic eyes wearing spex , long thick black hair which completely covers her butts and her sexy nose. She is used to wear only sarees.she looks like a lady of 30 by her way of dressing, she always looks more beautiful when she walks by putting her long hair in front side freely (I was attracted by her in tht way more) vr frm tegelu iyer family.
As mi mom marrd @ age of 18 to mi dad and i was bron to them @ the sam yr and mi parent were happy. I am the only son to my parents and mi dad was drunk prsn and one day he expired. @ mi age of 2. He has left us enough money to go through our lives normally with the money he gave. My mother used to work in a software company She used to dress in pink and white color sarees. As our relatives told her to dress normally as before as my dad died at her 29 which is early for any woman. So she did not used to keep the sindoor regularly and flowers on her hair . She used to take care of all the house hold activities. She used to spend whole Saturday and Sunday only with me. She used to clear doubts in subjects. She used to take me to movies and shopping. She never let me alone on Saturdays and Sundays thought her friends have asked her to come to their home or for movies. She loved me a lot as I am the only one left for her after my dad. She never showed her anger on me due to days work at office. She used to behave normally with me.apart frm thuis she does not have a happy marrg life.
Yrs passed I have completed my grdtion in hydr and i cam to see mi mom in chnni as mi mom went to office i was bounded and i got permission from mi mom to go net cafe. So I started to go to movies and go to internet and spend lot of time at the net, nearly 2 to 3 hours daily. I started to see all the sites about movies, education etc. One day I found this site (www.indiansexstories2.net) as the one who came before me might have opened this site. I clicked one of the stories and started reading and this became my routine from then on. I used to read all the stories in all the categories except incest category as I didnt find the name Incest interesting or you can think I dont the meaning of Incest.one day I asked my mom about the meaning about incest. As she too doesnt know she bought the dictionary and searched for the meaning. She asked me where I found This word with some serious face and voice and I replied on the net as an advertisement on seeing her face. I asked her why she is askedthat and she said me the meaning and left the place. After 5 minutes I realized that she was hurt by the meaning which I have asked her. I went for her and apologized her and said I dont know the meaning and didnt mean it. She said her to leave her alone. Next morning she said good bye and left for office. I felt bad for myself for asking that meaning.
And 2yrs back i hit mi 25th b’day and mi mom said to me tht this time for me to get marrg and she started to find some bride for me and finally she find lakshmi for me who is her frnd daughter in the sam yr i got marr to lakshmi and v started our life happily in blogre as v both got shifted thr by job basicsand mi mom use to live in chennai. And 1ce in mnth v both use to com chennai to visit mi mom so as a yr passed mi wife got pregnant and she delivered a baby and aftr tht i got a chances to go abroad and i took permission and blessing frm mi mom and heart full of love frm mi wife and i went to USA.
After 6 months igot a call frm mi mom tht mi wife has expreted in an accdient and i cam immdtly to india and i was schock who seeing mi wife bdy and aftr tht i finish all i rites to mi wife and a week later all i relative and mi in-laws went to thr place by leaving me and mi son alone and a day later mi mom said to tht she’ll takcar of mi son who is a baby of 6mnths and i also repiled her tht i was going to in indan hearingaftr for mi son so v decide to stay in chennai for som mnths but mnths passed v dont’s hav recved any call frm mi in-laws side and v totally ignore by all and later v sold our chennai house and v brouht a new 3BR flat in blogre and me mi mom and mi son shifted thr on mi son’s 1 st b’day.
V three went to tht new flat and mi mom told tht she wants to clear his G-son b’day in grand way so she call the false frnds for tht b’day she itself dector the resi and i wear mi new dress and mi son wear his new dress and mi mom was in pattu saree thn v start the party by 6pm and it ens by 10pm @ the end the party som of the ladies were saying to others tht mi wife is looking more sexy and beatuy i was scoffed when i heard this but i forgive them bcos thy don’t know tht is mi mom as v r new to tht flat.
And in the night by 11.30pm i was sitting in the sofa with playing mi son mi mom call me frm kitchen and i went thr by tht time only i noticed tht she was in white plain saree by bunded her long thick black hair freely by clipping in the top of the haed i was stun and surprised to see mi mom in tha way she was looking like female of 30 in tht saree bcos normally she use to wear a pink and white color saree and use to bunded her long hair so tht i can’t view her beatuy in past days but tha day i noticed tht and aftr tht i went to mi bedroom with mi son and she went her room.next day morning i wake up and came to balcony to make a call in mobile to mi off and i call and say to mi off etht i was in leave for next 3mnths dewto mi wifes death thy said k and i turn back to mi room by tht way i was surprised to see mi mom in plain pink saree by leaving her lon black hair in front right side aftr her bath she was fully wet and she was watching the road side frm the other blacony which is in her room by showing her back to me but she doesn’t know abt me tht i’m watching her and immdly i took mi mobile and taks a snap of her back and went to mi room.
Then i went out to meet mi frnds by 10.30am tht time she takes care of mi son and she was so affection on him and she loves him lot by 6.pm i had a call frm mi mom tht he did not accept to hav milk in bottle thn i back to resi and v take him to doctor and doctor said to mi mom tht now he nd’s to hav it directly but mi mom said tht till his 1st b’dayand he use to hav in bottlebut now and doctor said it all by tim cap so hearaftr feed ur son directly me and mi mom was schock by hearing it doctor thnk tht she is m wif and i tried to explain to doctor tht mi wife is nomor and she is mi mom but mi mom stopped me by saying tha she takcare of this too then i lived it to her and v bcak to resi by 9.pm in night and mi mom prepared dinner and by having dinner she said to me tht hearingaftr mi son ‘ll b with her in night i said k and finished mi dinner and went mi room by leaving mi son with mi mom in her room and i took mi mobile for to send sms to mi frnd and i use to open the images to view mi son pic @ tht tim i see mi mom’s back side pic and i got hot and i started to masturbate by thinking actress lakshmi suddenly i stopped in the mid bcos @ tht tim mi mom face use to com in the imagination and agn i started to masturbate but i can’t bcos mi mom’s fce diaturb me lot and aftr 30mins cap i masturbated and out the cum frm mi cock by imaing mi mom.s back side bdy ofcourse she also looks little like actress lakshmi.frm next maorng onwards i use to see mi mother as a woman than mimom i nvr miss to see her whole body both back and front side whnever i got chanes.and i use think of mi mother and her body whneveri was out of resi, slowy mi intension towards mi mother as changed to be in bed with me as mi wife so i looked for maletunity to take her in bed with me. Bcos she takes mi baby so care tht oone will take caretht much and nowa days she use brestfeed mi baby ,days passed and i waiting for the chanes by god’s graz chanes came thru mi frnd marrg he and som of mi frnds cam to mi resi and invite me and mi mom to his marrg !@ his home town and no one of mi frnds r fake neighbors know tht she is mi mom every thinks tht she is mi wife. Everybdy ask me tht she is mi wife and i ws mute bcos thy r mi new frnd in blogre, but suddenly voice cam frm mi mom s i was schock to hear it but she says to b quiet by her eyes and i obay herthn thy went and aftr tht whon in dining i ask mi mom how u said like tht mom she says tht live it i said just fro fun and plp’ll thnk u and me and husd and wife bcos of our body lanug so it’s quite normal and maintain the sam in ur frnds marrg too. And i ask her but ur look’ll show ur age mom and she said don’t worry abt tht i’ll manage it.
Then the day cam for to travel i went out to railwaysatiton to book ticket and to pruchase something by 2pm in noon and mi said to me tht she going out with mi baby and back by 6pm before me to resi and i cam back by 8.30pm in night knocks the door and mi mom open the door and i was surprised to see mi mom new hair style and way she dressed i ask how it happn she said to tht she went to beatupalour and cam like tihis she use to cut a few parstion of her hair and leave it upto her chin in front side by having a string line at top of the head so tht both side the same length of hair touches her chinn and she was in plain red saree aftr a long tim she in color saree v got ticket by nextday morning and time cam and v statred to travel and v reached that village by next day in the evening, and mi frnd arranged a room for everybdy and for us a saprate room bcos of ami family and we prepared our bed using an old foam bed that was almost eaten by rats. As the house was in the farm there was no house nearby. Only when we settled for sleep that night, mom noticed that her luckgage was missing. She had lost it in the train as she had forgotten to take it in the rush to reach our place. All she had was the dirty sari she was wearing at that moment.and it was very small house with 1 room then i cam out and ask mi frnd tht whr to get a sari shop to by sari for her and told the reason and his relative cam and said tht it is in town and they gave me car to prucase and v both went and pruchased saris which is in same old color and v got back the village in mid nyt and v both entr into that room and 1st i got bath and 2nd she got refresh and cam inside that room to change her clothes and i said tht i’ll out but she said no prblm be heardself bcos she wear her petticoat and panties in bathroom itself and cam to wear bra, jacket and saree in room whoch she left thr whn she try to wear bra mi son start to cry for milk and she put the bra on the floor and took mi baby in het arms and she statred to brestfeed him i started to move out but she said tht noneed bocs if u be out means ur frnds will ask why and if u say tht i’m breakfastfeeing the baby so only i’m out means they say tht i’m ur wife so y not u in so pls be in itself and turn tht side by showing her back to me and unbund her long hair and put it in fronf left side and to cover her brest whn feeding milk to baby tht tim i was sitting her back side and i was seeing a back side of her body till her hip bcos she doesn’t wear anything on her top my dick rose up vertically and she looks like an angle in tht dim lamplight.and tht tim mi devil mind says tht this is the gud time to take her so i waited to finish mi baby feeding milk and then i’lltake if she cooperate r i’ll rap her if she not cooperate’s by tht tim it starts to rain in outside and i slowly touches mi baby to warm him and mi mom was get stand and wear her bra, jacket and saree and mom is viewing the nature from the window of the room. She was shivering slightly due to cold breeze. I thnk and removed my shirt and jeans and stood in front of her with only underwear. She saw me from head to toe and smiled at me. I slept on the bed and I went and hugged her from back and asked her is she still feeling shivery. She could feel my cock on her butts. She turned towards me and asked me to hug tightly to warm up.this monsters make me happy and I closed the window of the room as rain is coming inside the room and hugged her tightly and felt her body in my arms .I feel it as a chance and lifted her by holding her soft butts and took her near the bed I could feel the softness of her butts in my hands. I laid on the bed along with her on top of me. I started toTalk to her on different matters. After 30 minutes rain stopped and we heard someone knocking on the door. I have to wake my mom as she fell a sleep in my arms. She woke up and went to open the door. By the time she opened the door I was on my jeans. It was my frnd to come to take us. We went to the mahala v atten the marrg as husd and wife and by next day only v started to our home by tht one day i expressed mi self to mi mom and purposed mi love to her mi mom got angle by hearing mi words and said to me that it is sin, ur mi son and i’m ur mother so pls don’t say this hear after and also for mi sexual life he’ll find a gal to satisfy me she said tht she know tht mi age wants it and enjoyed a gal as ur wife and aftr death it comes but not with ur mother and also she is 43 and i’m 25 so she can’t satisfy me in sexual life as so be a good one but me later i convinced him by saying that her after i don’t want to marry any gal (R) have affair with any women also, and also if she reject’s mi appeal, me and mi baby will died by saying this i went out with baby for shopping (to give time for think) and when i back to resi mom laughed to me after 2hurs mute and said that he accept my love proposal but she needs one day time for My marriage proposal and i hugged her and try to kiss in her lips but mom restricts and i kissed her on her forehead by joy and she ask me to wait till the marrg for sexual life by tht even v started to our resi and reached by next day even.
V reach our home and as mi mom’s request i gave her oneday time and i ask her whon having dinner she says tht she will tell by tomorrow and by Tuesday mi mom said that she accept mi marrg proposal with face of laugh and also he hugs me and kissed on mi chefs she says afford for tht but she agree too hearing this frm her side i was happy and said her tell what u want she said tht she needs to do some pooja first for tht and v went to a temple and she performeda pooja for her husd and mi wife too and thn she find a gud date for marrg next week weddingsday and i said that hear aftr she don’t want to wear this colorless sari but color sari so i want her to take for a shopping as the marrg acceptance and i buy (5color sari for her green,red,blue,orange and yellow and also one white color nighty and white bottom with green top shalwarkameeze),new brown pattu sari for her new dothies for me some jewllery,kumkum,and new thalli and v r back to our resi bi 10pm and v r waiting for tht good day for our marrg frm tht onwards i ask mi mom to hav flowers on her head and sindoor on her forehead and i daily buy flowers for her and i uswe get hot by seeing whnever she put he long hair in front right side freely and walk bcos @ tht tim her butts will make a magic, thn tusday cam mi mom told tht she nd to hav our marrg in our resi itself in pooja room and then to temple i agreed that and v went to sleep and by next day morg we awake up early turn fresh she was in her new brown pattu sari wearing all jewel(earring,nosering,bangales,legring,chains on neck and made her long hair in bridal style and flowers on it and i came out frm mi room in mi new dothies and shirt and by seeing her i say’s that she was looking like angle in that way, then we entr into our pooja room the goodtimes came she ask me to tie the new thalli and i tied and placed kumkum on her fore head and kissed on it and she took blessing from me and v took blessing from god too and went to temple also without baby and back to resi by 9pm and i did the arrangement for our firstnight and by 10pm imimi mom put mi baby in baby bed in the next room and entr mi room . (first night room) i was sitting on the bed andshe cm nr me and stands of and place the milk glass on table which was in her hand and v laughed and v start to kiss by standing v have a passwordate kiss for 20mins and our tongue explore saliva and v got mad to have sex and mi mom remove all mi wear and now iwas nude and she asked me to remove all her wear i took her pallu (loose end of the sari) and removed her sari fully and kissed her hips and put mi tongue in her navel button she use to hold mi head and closed her eyes by making up her head, i now unhooks her blouse button and squeezed her boobs with mi 2 hands and laughed to her and she too i kissed on her boobs and make a bite with blouse,i remove’s her petticoat and touches her shining legs and kissed her ties to bottom of legs,; i un hook’s her bra button and touches her nipples and say’s that it was too soft and sucks her white mangoes and she said to me she was so lucky to show her boobs to her own son by feeling shy,; now i remove’s her panties also and make her fully naked and v both ate each other body by eyes for some mins and idressed her by mi saliva from top to bottom without missing any part of her body and remove her spex and kissed on her eyes too.
Now the time was 11pm and i ask to stand her and i knee down in front of her by facing her cunt to mi face and put mi finger into her cunt and later now i put mi toungue into her cunt and start to taste her cunt juicy and she was waving mi head hair and moaning with laugh and after 30mins i take mi tongue and kissed on her lips and said to that she was too sexy.Now the time was 12am midnight she laid on bed and open her legs and i inset mi 9″thick cock into her cunt it was little bit tight and she was moaning and now i was fully inserted it into her and starts to jrek first slowly and later by fast i was moving front and back by fast and she starteds to moaning and after by 30mins mi cock out is cum into her cunt and took of mi cock outside and i placed mi head on her left shoulder and hugs her tightly and she too and after 30mins Now the time was 1am this time I ask mi mom to laid back side by showing her back to mi front she laid as i told and her long hair was flowing on the bed I kissed on her back head and smelled itand open her legs and inset mi cock into her cunt and laid on her back by holding her 2shoulders tightly and starts to jerk by moving front and back fastly and she starts again to moaning and after 30mins mi cock out his cum into her cunt and i took of mi cock from her cunt and laid on her back for some mins and kissed on her neck and after 30mins.Now the time was 2am she ask me that she wants to give me a blowjob i replied yes with face of happy and i sat on the sofa which was in our bedroom and she sat by right side of me and i hold’s her right side to hold her long hair by mi right hand and left hand in sofa’s end and now she took mi 9″thick cock in her right hand and start’s to give a good blowjob to me she shake mi cock fast i sound with hot breath and she kissed on mi lips and after 30mins mi cock out his cum and she ask me to stand and she 1st smell mi cum and taste mi cum by her tongue and after she took mi 9″thick cock fully in her mouth and drunk mi cock juicy and I waves her long hair laughed on her then v both sat on the sofa for 30mins and after 30mins.Now the time was 3am this tim she ask me that she wants to fuck me so she ask me to laid on the bed by showing mi front side to her and she sat on mi cock by getting into her cunt, putting her long hair in front right side which also touches mi belly and she placed her hands on mi chest and starts to jerk by front and back fastly and also she jump when I hold her hip she was moaning and me also and after 30mins mi cock out is cum into her cunt and I was great of it and she spelt on mi left side and kiss on mi lips and after 30mins.Now the time was 4am she ask me to masturbate in front of her and i start’s to masturbate in front of her i sounds she was watching by sitting on sofa and aftr 30mins mi cock out the cum and she was so happy to see that and she hugged and kissed in mi lips and i make her to sat on bed and cum on her face, head, breast, stomach, ties etcand went into bathroom to wash mi waist and he came out and she went into the bathroom and came out and v both stands near window for some mins by hugging and after 30mins.
Now the time was 5am early morning this tim i ask her that i want to fuck her in standing position so i ask her to stand in front of mirror, but she said to me that she was so tried but i request her and she stand and i ask her to hold the end of the mirror by bending to show her back to mi front and now i inset mi cock into her cunt by hold her hip by mi hand and her long hair was touching the floor and i starts to jrek by moving front and back fastly by saying “i love u mi dear MALATHI” and she was moaning and not so fast dear make it slow she can’t with both joy and cry on tears in her eyes and aftr 30mins mi cock out is cum and unbend and placed her head on mi left should her long hair was in front by right side by releasing hot and heavenly breath, i placed mi face on her right side shoulder and say’s in her ear hair “i love u mi dear MALATHI” and also to watch ur face expression when i fuck’s u by making saliva on mi hair and ear and she replied me too and after 30mins.Now the time was 6am she went into the bathroom to wash her waist and came out by having towel on her waist and i went into bathroom and he came out and stand’s under the fan, she was wearing towel on her waist and combining her long hair by sitting in front of the mirror and then I went and laid on the bed and she came near and start’s to kiss me from bottom to top (legs, ties, cock, stomach, navel button, chest a bite also, neck, shoulder, chin, cheeses,nose eyes, lips, forhead and also made salivas on mi ear’s also) and she split by rightside of me by putting her long thick hair in front left side which flow’s on mi chest also and starts to talk.
MOM : i had some conditions hear after don’t call me as mom callmalathi (r) petly mallu and i’ll call u MAMA (having rights to marry the girl is call ‘mama’ in our relgion),
ME : ok mallu.
Mom : u should make me pregnant for once bcos v already got one baby so one more is enough,
ME : ok dear.
MOM : u should take me for honeymoon to north side by tomorrow evening itself,
ME : ok dear.
MOM : v don’t want to wear any dress in Sat. Till our baby’s 2’st birthday,
ME : ok mallu.
MOM : u should take me and our babies out by Sat. And Sun. Regularly, u should come by 6pm everyday to resi
ME : ok dear and u never allow mi mind to think mi x-wife (ur DIL) while fuck and ur husband have missed a good life to have with u but i think it all for good and for me too
MOM : me too not to think abut mi x-husband while fuck
ME : I think that ur older and u’ll not able to cooperate to fuck u more than 2times but ur amazing that u have cooperate me for 5times by 30mins rest “I LOVE U MALLU DRALING”.
Next day morning she got up by 1pm and standing in kitchen to prepare coffee for her new husband (son) nude by putting her long thick hair on her right front side and I went and hug her behind and say good morning malathi by kissing on her cheeks and
MOM ; good morning MAMA kissing too
ME ; weather the baby his still sleeping?
MOM ‘ yes, and she ask me to take bath and get start to honeymoon,
ME ; ok, but u also take bath with me
MOM ; ok.
And v both enter into the bathroom and i fuck her by standing position in the bathroom and aftr a hour v came out and well dressed and she, me with our Baby went to north side for honeymoon ‘ she told me that is so lucky to have our honeymoon with a baby i laughed v were there for one week v both enjoyed all 69position of sex and v r back to blogre after a week and v start our routine life as new husd and wife and v both enjoyed our marrd life for 3yrs our son krishna crossed his 4th age going to school.
Now i was 28 and mi mom was 45 i made her pregnant and she looks like a fat woman bcos of her belly looks like that and each and every day in night i use to kiss her belly and say’s that i was lucky to have wife like u and she replied me too and also she told me that mi semen is taking shape in her womb and one find aftr 10mnths she delvired a female baby,nowdays also v use to have sex whenever she use to feed milk for our baby bcos tht tim her hand bangales sounds mak me in mood and her too and v named her female baby as arumathi.
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