In the cinema hall

Story written by husband on behalf of wife. A lot of strange things happen in people’s lives. And also very often events of your younger days leave an impact on you, which is so difficult to ever shake off later in life. This is a true episode of my life which I thought of sharing on the anonymity of the web.

I am a lady aged 38 years, happily married & well off. I have two

Kids and my hubby is in the merchant navy. However these events that

I am going to record are from an earlier phase of my life, when I

Was still a student and very much single.

I was a student of Delhi University & in the final year of my BA

(history ) at IP college. I was a good student & often topped the

Class —I was more of the studio type & though good at sports, very

Often my free time was spent in the college library or reading

Novels. I was more of the quiet & introverted type. I had a

Boyfriend, who was from a campus college & we would meet 4-5 times

Week & go for jam sessions, parties, movies etc. In other words a

Very typical Delhi college scene. I was a good looking in a typical

Bengali style –large doe like eyes, long hair, fair complexion and a

Height of about 5ft 4″. My figure was a well maintained 36-27-35 & I

Was quite proud of my overall looks, figure & personality. I would

Normally take a bus to go to college –either in what we call

A “University special bus “ or a DTC bus on Ring Road. As we were

Staying in South Delhi, the journey to college would typically take

About 45 mts to an hour.

One day, I was waiting at the bus stop — it was about 8.30 a.m & I

Took a bus to an intermediate stop to change for a direct bus to

College ( which I would do quite often). Irecall it was really

Raining heavily that day. Almost 30 mts went by & no bus came by & I

Knew with this delay I would be missing my first class. I overheard

Some other office going passengers saying something like a “bus

Strike “& for another 20 mts no bus came & I felt that there really

Might be a bus strike & I was now stranded mid way from college &

Home. I was wondering what to do —no autos too where in sight & it

Was still raining outside.

Then across the road, I saw a movie theatre & suddenly on an impulse

I thought might as well go and see a movie, rather than being waiting needlessly at the bus stop. There would be screening a morning show movie & if I went swiftly I could catch the 9.45 a.m show. This surely was a far better alternative to waiting temporarily at the bus stop.

I ran across the road and went to the theatre called “Paras”& saw

They were screening an old movie called “Waqt” ( Raj Kumar, Sunil

Dutt, Sharmila Tagore etc). The place looked deserted & I bought a

Ticket at the counter and went in & was guided to my seat, which was

In one the rear rows of the theater. The movie had already commenced

& I settled down to watch. The theatre looked kinda empty & I could

Just make a out a few people sitting a few rows ahead. My row itself

Looked empty.

About 10 mts later a man came & sat next to me on my right. He seemed middle aged & an office going type as he had a briefcase with him as well. I wondered why he was sitting next to me only as there were plenty of empty seats around, but then I thought maybe that is how the tickets are seat numbered etc. I glanced at the man & recognized him as also being at the bus stop (as a co-stranded bus passenger), wholike me had come to see the movie. I then reverted my attention back on the movie.

After about another 10 mts or so I noticed the man next to me was

Getting a bit fidgety. He would move a bit on his seat, cought a bit,

Cross & uncross his legs etc & I decided to ignore him. His hand was

On the arm rest next to mine & our elbows were touching lightly too.

I then felt something touch my foot & realized that the man had

Stretched his leg & it had casually touched my foot & I then moved my foot a little away. However a few minutes later I felt his foot again casually touch mine & with a sense of nervousness realized it was deliberate. I began to feel nervous about it, but moved my foot

Further away. For the next 10-15 minutes all was OK & I was enjoying

The movie.He tried touching my foot again but I crossed my legs & was out of reach. I felt if I continued avoiding these passes, the man would get the message & stop all thus. I then heard something from the man next to me & he was again a bit fidgety. After a few minutes I felt his elbow rubbing more against my elbow. There was slight pressure on my elbow & before I could move my elbow away, the

Pressure eased. This happened 2-3 more times & then I felt his elbow

Moving in a sort of rhythm. This continued for a few minutes & it was rubbing on & off my elbow & I wondered what was he doing & slyly

Glanced to my right. To my surprise, I noticed that he had opened the fly ( that was the sound I had heard –he was unzipping his fly) & had taken out his cock & was gently rubbing it up & down ( that explained the rubbing of his elbow on mine ). I was shocked to say the least —- & quickly looked away. I was in major dilemma of what to do. Should I get up & move to another seat ? I was very nervous & my shy naturetook over. However I decided to ignore it & as long as he did not both me, I thought he could do what he wanted to do. After a few minutes, I again slyly glanced to my right & looked at what he was doing —- he pant fly was fully open & with his left hand he was struggling his cock. It was very hard & erect & it really looked quite large.

I looked away & my breathing was much heavier. This was really quite

So surprise to me & I had never heard of such things happening at

All. I was scared & nervous & felt helpless & in fact was too scared

To move away also.I slowly moved my arm away & again glanced to my

Right & saw him playing with his erect & huge cock. I then glanced at the man & saw that he was also looking back at me —I quickly glanced away & blushed furiously. He had caught me looking at his cock. I was so confused now.

For a few minuteses nothing happened, but my heart was beating like a

Berserk drum. I then feel something rub my tigh & with a shock

Realized that the stranger had put his hand on my thigh. I was

Wearing a salwar kameez & his hand was softly touching my leg. I was

Too shit scared to react & seeing no immediate reaction from me, he

Placed his softly on my thigh & gently squeezed it. I did not know

What to do & though I moved my legs, I was unable to shake his hand

Off. For a few minutes he was gently caresing my thigh ( with his

Left hand ). I was staring hard at the screen as if nothing was

Happening at all, while his hand rested on my thigh & slowly he was

Squeezing it & was now slowly moving it up & down a bit. I did not

Know what to do & was feeling so helpless. Through the corner of my

Eye I again glanced to my right & even he was staring hard at the

Screen, while his hand was caresing my thigh. His cock was standing

Hard & erect & he was now struggling it with his right hand.

He was slowly moving his hand upwards on my thigh & I then put my

Hand on his hand & pushed it off my leg. His hand felt so very hot.

For a few minutes nothing else happened & though I was staring hard

At the screen, my mind was all in a tizzy & was wondering / waiting

For his next move. I then feel his hand once again on my thigh & he

Started to cares it once again & I sat motionless. He now moved his

Hand fully over on my thigh & was squeezing it & caresing it more

Urgently & slowly trying to gently make me spread my legs. I resisted it & again put my hand down on his hand to push it away. But he was prepared for it & before I realized it he had grabbed myhand & held it firmly. I was too taken aback by this & now he was caresing my hand gently and as if to reassure me. I tried to pull my hand away, but his grip was quite firm & then he swiftly pulled my hand & holding it firmly placed it over his hard cock. I was really taken aback by this bold move. My hand was on his cock & was encouraged in his bigger hand & he now making me move my hand up & down on his cock. I was stunned –his cock seemed so large –It was throbbing & pulsating in my hand.His grip was firm & I could not remove my hand & I was holding his erection & moving it up & down with the movement of his hand.

He then slightly shifted his position a bit & turning & leaning a bit towards me, & with his right hand, he gently placed it on my stomach & was gently caressing it & when I moved my left hand to push it away he held my hand firmly but gently & begin to squeeze & cares my hand. I was so confused, but he was also very gentle & at the same time, my left hand was gripping his hard & hot cock. With his right hand he let go of my hand & gradually caressed my upper stomach & swiftly slide his hand under my my dupatta & now his hand was on my left breast & he began to gently caress it & squeeze it. I was too scandalized & shocked to resist & he continued to squeeze my breast firmly & then shifted to my other breast & was squeezed it as firmly. His grip on my right hand was as firm & his hard cock was

Pulsating in my hand. He then moved his hand off my breasts & upwards onto my neck & then slide his hand inside my kammeez & his hand was now inside & was trying to get inside my bra. His hand was hot & rough on my soft skin & I was too overwhelmed by the run of events to resist. He managed to slide a couple of fingers inside my bra & cares my nipple. I had an involuntary shiver —this was getting too much & I did not know what to do & just let things continue. The stranger also would have guessed this & his movements became bolder & firmer. He let go of my hand which was holding his cock & with his free hand began to cares my other breast very firmly & urgently. He then shifted his hands & his position too somewhat & one hand was again on my thigh & squeezed hard & trying to make me part them a bit.He managed to get a hand between my legs & pressed a finger in between. He then slipped his hand under my loose kammeez & onto my stomach & then up onto my breasts. He managed to now get one breast out of the bra cup & was fondling it gently & urgently. He was caresing the nipple, which by itself was already erect, & then gently tugging on it with his fingers. He pulled my other breast out as well & was now caresing & fondling them quite passwordately.

My right hand which was on his cock had slipped off & was now on his

Leg & he caught his hand again & placed it once again on his cock &

Let it be there, while he resumed fondling both my breasts. My hand

Was resting on his throbbing cock & inspite of my initial fear &

Nervousness, I let my hand remain on his cock & gently begin to touch & feel it —now willingly. The stranger was really enjoying himself & looking around I saw that everybody else in the theatre were watching the movie & nobody was aware of the erotic activity between two strangers in the rear row. The stranger then tried to tug my kameez upwards & managed to get reasonably up so that my breasts were now outside & Then before I realized what he was upto, he bend forward &

Begin to lick on my breast & then to suck on them —he managed to get

The nipple entirely in his mouth & was suckling on them. This was

Just amazing & I too begin to grip his cock harder & also care it

All over & start to stroke it harder. The stranger now successful in

Exposing my breasts to the cool air conditioning of the hall was

Merrily & greedily sucking on my breasts—interchanging between the

Nipples. He then dropped his hand on my stomach & onto the top of my

Salwar & managed to swiftly undo the nadda ( string ) of my salwar &

Quickly loosened it & slid his hand inside & inside my panty &

Straight onto my vagina & begin to gently care it & then finger it

& slide a finger inside & was gently masturbating me. I willingly

Spread my legs so that he could get better access & continued to

Finger my cunt ( while still sucking on my breasts & I too was

Stroking his wonderful cock). This continued for a few minutes & his

Movementsbecame faster & I knew I would very soon reach my orgasm &

Yes, soon enough I feel my body shiver uncontrollably as a strong

Electric shock like emotion went through my body & millions of

Tingling sensings spread all over every nerve my body as the deep

Orgasm took me over. It was mind boggling as it lasted a good 2-3

Minutes & left me panting & totally satisfied. This stranger was

Really good.

He knew I got my orgasm & removed his hand from my cunt & went back

To squeezing my breasts with one hand & suckling the other one with

His tongue & mouth. He put his hand on my hand which was struggling his cock & signed me to move it faster & I increased the momentum of my movements on his cock. I gripped his cock harder & begin to pump my hand up & down, getting carried away by the situation & soon I sensed his body tension up & almost at once before I could remove my hand, his cock twitched uncontrollably in my hand & his semen came spurting out, as I continued to pump his cock and the semen was dripping all over my hand. I was getting carried away & did not mind the semen was gushing out & dripped all over my hand. The stranger gave a contented sight & I removed my hand from his cock & not knowing where to wipe all the drippy semen, then took my chunni / duppata & wiped it off.

I quickly & quietly adjusted my clothes as did the stranger next to

Me. It was on time because hardly 5 –10 minutes later the lights came on & the announcement of interval. We had not spoken a word & the stranger quickly got up & without even glancing at me, picked up his briefcase & left. It was over & though my mind was still confused, I was also relieved that it was over. I had really been so scared & nervous about the whole thing. After all it all happened in a public place & what if somebody had seen / caught us. I tried to make myself as inconspicuous as possible by sliding low in my seat looked around & saw that the hall was fairly empty & nobody even bothered to look at the rear rows –most people were in the cheaper first rows & very few had come in the more expensive rear stall seats.. I was wondering should I also leave, but wondered about the rainfall outside. I was Indecisive & then decided to stay back & watch the full movie. I thought about the events of the past 90 mts or so & was stunned at what happened & how I allowed so much to happen –letting him to fondle me & open my bra & fondle & suck on my breasts & even allowing him to masturbate me & as if that was not enough even I returned the favour by fondling his big cock & masturbating him too. I somehow had overcome my natural shyness & fear had & let the password take over & eventually cooperated with the stranger.It was really wild & I did have a lovely & shattering orgasm. No doubt about that –my body had reacted to the situation.

The lights dimmed & the movie commenced again & I settled down to

Enjoy the show with the confidence that I could relax & watch the

Movie. However after about 5 mts the stranger returned & sat next to

Me. I was surprised on his return,as I had thought he had left.

However I was not as nervous as before & was more cool. The stranger

Had a packet of popcorn with him & which he offered me & which I took some & we shared. No words were still spoken but it was as if a bond had developed.

After 10 minutes or so, when I was taking some popcorn, he held my

Hand & gripped it hard & after a couple of minutes took it up to his

Mouth & kissed it affectionately. I was not so tensed & scared about

It like before. I did not protest. We both held hands for awhile with him constantly gripping my hand & caressing it. He began to fidget on his seat again & I heard him unzipping his fly & I could feel my heart beating faster once again. With his other hand he took his cock out once again & it was semi erect now. He then placed my right hand on his cock once again & this time I willingly & without much nervousness took it my hand. He did not have to force my hand on his cock as had happened before the interval. His cock was only semi erect & I began to gently care & grip it. It did feel nice &

Wonderful in my smallish hand & I had no qualms about stroking it

Now. I glanced down at what I was doing & in the dim lights could

Make out my smallish & fairish hand struggling his dark cock.

The Stranger, leaned towards me & then put his right hand directly on my breasts & begin to fondle & massage them. The movectors

Were “sure”& less anxious now & I let him continue. The password was

Building up. He was once again firmly & expertly fondling my breasts

& it was feeling good. He then & moved his hand down & from the front slipped his hand inside my kammeez & reached for my breasts inside & began to squeeze them hard over the bra & then tried to push my bra upwards so that the breast could be freed. He was struggling a bit & I was wondering how to help him. He then withdraw his hand totally outside & then with his left hand encircled my shoulders & pulling me towards himself, he hugged me tight. It was a deep, warm & password hug as with his right hand he was pushing me hard on his chest. He made me move a bit sideways towards him so that he could hug me better & he hugged me really tight –a real bear hug. Our faces were almost touching & then he kissed me on my cheek & before I realized it, his mouth was on mine & he was kissing me passwordately. It was really mindblowing & I felt his tongue force it’s way into my mouth & pushing & toying with my tongue. He was pushing his tongue deep in my mouth & darting it across my mouth & then he began to suck onto my tongue. (This was really crazy –even my boyfriend had never kissed me this way before ).

I too returned his kiss & also tried to push my

Tongue in his mouth & he let it enter his mouth & sucked on my

Tongue. This deep franchising continued for sometimes & we were both

Enjoying it a lot. He was then passwordately whispering in my ear “I

Love you “, I love you darling”& strangely enough in the heat of

Passion I too said “I love you, I love you”.

While we were still deep & wet kissing with intertwined tongues, &

Then he had slid his right handinside my kameez once again & was

Fondling & squeezing my breasts really hard. He managed to get one

Breast partially outside the bra & was kneeling the nipple &

Caressing it hard. It was feeling lovely & I then felt his hand

Caressing my stomach, my side & then below the salwar, he moved his

Hand onto my back & then it was on my bra strap & then very deftly

Unhooked it & then was caresing my naked back. We were still deep

Kissing & he moved his hand back onto my breasts & pushed the loose

Bra upwards & released both my breasts & was now kneeling them in

Full earnest. My breasts were now free for what he wanted to do with

Them & as I was leaning sideways towards him, he began to tug & pull

My kameez upwards. I too shifted slightly so that he could pull my

Kammezz up from under the seat & it was now around my wait & he very easily now pulled it upwards & I could feel the cool air-conditioning on my naked breasts. I glanced down & in the dim light of the movie hall I could see my breasts fully exposed & his large hand squeezing them hard.

He then bend down & begin to lick my breasts — & then to flick the

Nipple with his tongue & then to suckle on it ( as if a suckling

Child). I was still gently gripping his cock – which had miraculously

Regained it’s past splendor & was now fully standing—proud & erect.

It was throbbing in my hand & felt so hard & powerful. The stranger

Was again being very fidgety on his seat & he was doing something to

His trousers & then he shifted a bit & I saw him tug his pant

Downwards —he had opened his trousers & had pushed then down (incl

His underwear ) upto below his bums & now he spread his legs much

Wider.I could see his bare legs & he now took my hand & guided it

Over his naked torso & upper legs, onto his balls etc. Out of my own

Curiosity I moved my hand over his balls & cupped them in my hand &

The stranger let out a contented sight & spread his legs wider –he was loving every moment of it. I was hardly even glancing at the movie screen now—-in the dim light I was either watching him suck my

Breasts & in fact also guided his mouth from one breast to other or

Was looking down at how I was stroking this strong & big cock. We

Were both in our own world. The stranger again hugged me tight & put

His arm around my shoulders & then my neck & pulled me face towards

His & began to kiss me again password–pushing his tongue deep in & I also put my arm around his neck & returned his kissed with equal password.

While in our deep French kissing & intertwined tongues, I felt his

Hand on my stomach & then open the string of my salwar once again &

Slip his hand inside my panty to gently cares my vagina once again.

There was no hurry in his movements & he parted the lips & gently

Slid a finger in my moist cunt. A small sight escaped my lips —it did

Feel good & he was now slowly sliding a finger in & out. I did not

Want him to stop, but he suddenly withdraw his hand & bought it back

To my wait & was trying to pull the salwar & my panty down / off my

Torso. I guessed, that it was uncomfortable for him to cares me with my tight panty & he was trying to ease it off so that he had better access. I shifted a bit & let him slide my salwar & panty off my waist & upto my mid thigh. The stranger then now was caresing my thighs & made me spread my legs wider & was inching his fingers upwards again to cunt. I was waiting for his touch & he again eased his finger inside my cunt & began to finger me. With his thumb he was trying to rub my cliporis as well & it just felt wonderful. I could feel an orgasm building up & my body shuddered with a swift one. It had build up & needed a quick release.

The strange continued to stroke my cunt, but I gently pushed his

Hand from my cunt, back to my breasts & he responded & began to

Squeeze my breasts with much more pressure & kissed me again. He then bent down again & to suck my nipples & nibble on them too. My breasts were all wet with his saliva & he was sucking on them very

Passionately. He raised his head & we kissed again & I could feel the password gathering momentum again. We were sitting sideways a bit & he hugged me & pushed my head towards his chest & I could feel his heart thumbing hard. I was gripping his cock hard & began to slowly stroke it up & down & gathering momentum.

However the stranger had other ideas & with his hand on my head he

Slowly began to push me downwards. With a shock I realized he was

Wanting me to suck his cock. I resisted because I had never sucked a

Cock before & though my boyfriend had often pleaded with me to suck

Him, I had always refused. I could never imagine taking a cock in my

Mouth ( though I had seen / read some porno mags etc on it ). I

Resisted but the stranger put pressure on my head & soon I found my

Face just centimeters away from his cock. It looked so big now & the

Stranger gave me one more push downwards & my face made contact with

His cock. I was still holding his cock in my left hand & the stranger held his cock & rubbed his cock across my cheats, nose etc (though I kept my mouth tightly closed ). His cock was really hot & throbbing & felt large & threatening against my face.He then pushed his cock hard against my mouth & against my lips & involuntarily my mouth opened & he pushed my head down on it. It was amazing –for the first time I had a cock in my mouth & I did not know what to do. He pushed my head further down on his cock & I took his cock fully in my mouth. It was really big, but somehow, I managed to take the full cock in my mouth.

It did feel odd & his cock had a slight salty taste to it. He

Continued to push his cock as deep as he could in my mouth by

Pressing my head down on it & then kinda began to move my moth in a

Rhythm of up & down.

I got the hang of it & began to bob my mouth up & down on his cock.

It was not so bad & I then began to move my tongue across his cock &

Up & down. I feel his hand ease of my head, but I continued to suck

On his cock & then slowly took it out of my mouth & then licked the

Side of his cock. It was no big deal really & in fact was very

Erotic. He was in the meanwhile with his other hand caressing my

Thighs & actually was inching my salwar lower off my legs & in fact

Managed to push it off my knees & it slowly dropped to my feet. I

Continued to sucking his cock—my first sucking & now without of

His “pushing” I was willingly sucking & licking his cock & it was soon covered with my saliva & which was getting mixed with his salty pre-cum. He then tugged me a little more forward & kinda onto his body sot hat my breasts would also rub on his cock.

He then pushed me back to my seat & he then crouched onto the floor & spread my legs after sliding my salwar & panty off one foot & began to lick up onto my inner tighs & I was stunned to think that he may actually lick my cunt—& he was kissing & licking my inner tighs & was soon at my cunt & his tongue parted my lips & he darted his tongue inside … really felt lovely & I spread my legs more so that he could lick better. He continued to lick & lap at my tongue —he was really good & after a few minutes I could feel the orgasm build up again & this time I really had soul stirring & deep & extended orgasm. It was just lovely & I felt so fulfilled after this.

The stranger got up & sat at his seat again & held my hand & squeezed

It hard & I too squeezed back.He held my hand for a few minutes &

Then leaned over & kissed me again —a deep kiss & said “I love you “.

For a few minutes we sat like that & then he placed my hand again on

His cock — which had again became kinda flaccid & I began to care &

Stroke it again & it soon it started becoming hard & erect. I enjoyed

The feeling of it growing and swelling in my hand — it gave as sense

Of satisfaction & power & I could feel the password building up in him

Again. I began to pump his cock up & down & it was soon hard & erect

Again. He turned and kissed me deep in mouth again & whispered “I

Love you darling, I love you & I too said “I love you “& pushed my

Tongue deeper in his mouth. He tugged me forward, hinting that he

Wanted me to suck his cock again. I then bent down to & kissed the

Tip oh his cock & felt the salty taste of his pre-cum & then rubbed

His cock across my face—on my nose, my lips, my cheeks, my ears & I

Could hear him softly sighing in contentment. I then stuck my tongue

Out & began to the lick the length of hic cock from the top to

Bottom. I guessed it would have been at least 6 –8 inches long & it

Was proved like a rock now. His cock was glistening with my saliva now

& then I opened my mouth wide & slowly took his throbbing cock in –

Bit by bit & & soon it was fully in my mouth & I began to suck on it —

Up & down & he guided my hand onto his testicles & I gently caressed

& squeezed them. I took my time on sucking & licking his cock &

Slowly build up the tempo—I know he was loving it & I was enjoying it

Too. I was also struggling his cock with my hand while sucking his cock

& then suddenly without any warning, his body stiffened & before I

Could I could react, he ejaculated his semen in warm spurts which

Filled my mouth with it’ssalty taste. I tried to pull back, but I

Felt his hand on my head firmly it down on his cock. His warm semen

Filled my mouth & I was forced to swallow some of it, while some of

It dribbled out of mouth & I managed to sit up. The stranger was

Looking so very content & I took my chunni & wiped the dripping semen

Off my face.

The movie was still going on & I adjusted my clothes & I could see

The stranger too doing the same. This had turned out to be so mind

Boggling. The movie got over & we both got up & left the seats. He

Turned & slipped a paper in my hand & walked away from me. I stepped

Out of the theatre & bright sunshine fell on me. I

Was “enlightened “. It was as if I was darkness all along & now with

A stranger in the back row of a movie theater, he led me

To “light“.It seemed so symbolic—I had entered the theatre a shy,

Introvertish girl & who had hang ups about sex —- & I was now walking

Out, more “sure “& confident & “enlightened “ about the pleasures of


I caught an auto & went home & kept thinking about what had happened.

I was a shy & introverted studio girl who had taken refuge in a

Movie theater. A stranger had seen her & followed her in the theater

& attempted to take advantage of her –& succeeded.

I thought about this the next few days too & felt that what happened

Was an experience worth remembering. In fact it was an experience in

Two parts. In the pre-interval phase I was too scared & nervous & did

Not even have the courage to resist or even get up & go away to

Another seat. I was too scared to draw attention tomyself or create

A scene & as such put up with his advances. He took advantage & I

Allowed him do –though I had choices of avoiding it. Though I was

Scared & did not want it to happen, by allowing it to continue, I had

Given my tacit approval. I had initially “tolerated “his advances

Till he pulled my hand on his cock & began to fondle my breasts. My

Reaction after that was more of “reluctant curiosity “till it started

Getting better till he began to fondle my breasts & then it was

Again “reluctant pleasure “. That he was “gentle “& not cruel or

Rough helped me ease up & “put up “with his uninvited advances. It

Was more of passivity & fear that I allowed him to pull up my kameez

& fondle my breasts & pull up my bra to suck on my breasts —but which

Later turned into “reluctant pleasure”. Of course, getting a orgasm

Was an ultimate experience –by a stranger & that too in a public

Theater. Though it was extremely enjoyable, I was still in a state of

Confusion & in that mental state I had masturbated him as well — in

The back of my mind at that stage was both curiosity to see him

Ejaculate at the same time to get it over & done with.

At the interval stage, I was willing to accept this as one of the

Unfortunate explorer situations of life & putting myself more to

Blame & would have left the theater at that stage.

However the stranger had picked up his briefcase & left & I had

Watched him leave with a sense of relief. That was the time I too

Could have left, but thinking that the “risk “ was over & that it

Would have still been raining outside, I had taken the decision to

Stay back & gather my thoughts & enjoy the movie.

But –the stranger returned. I was a bit taken aback, but nevertheless

Relatively unperturbed. If he tired something more –”well, no big

Deal “anymore & if he did not, the movie was there. Either way I was

Prepared.That he bought popcorn for me was sweet of him & it broke

The “negativity “that I was feeling till then. After that the

Situation developed once again—. I was more confident & assured now &

The earliest hesitancy dissappeared. & what we did this time was truly

Amazing. I mean this time around, I did not feel that I was being

Taken advantage, but rather it was far more participative & mutual.

It was as if I had discovered the pleasure possible & had no hang ups

Anymore. It somehow did not seem to matter that I did not know the

Stranger, or that he was married & much older than I was. The

Pleasure & the password was paramount for both of us. I enjoyed every

Moment of it. That I had a boyfriend too, did seem to matter at all.

When the stranger password was whispered in my ear “I love you”, I

Had no hesitation is saying the same to him & I too said “I love

You “not once but two three times. That it was a risky act in a

Public place also did not seem to both me & the password that was

Latent in me took over. It was as if the “scales “fell from my eyes &

The conservatism & introvertism or shyness of my past upbringing were

All now things of the past. I always had a lot of fear or hassles

About sex, but now I was enjoying every moment of sex with a total

Stranger. I had allowed him tocare & fondle my breasts & even to

Open my kameez & open my bra & to lick & suck on my nipples. He had

Opened my salwar & masturbated me – not once but three times, which

Was very very pleasant. He had even partially removed my salwar &

Licked my cunt as well, which was really heavenly. For that matter, I

Had willingly caresed & stroked his cock & masturbated him & for the

First time I had performed oral sex & had willingly sucked his cock

Not once but twice & to top it all, I had even tasted & swallowed his

Semen. It was surely mindboggling to say the least. I felt so

Complete, liberated & confident now.


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