After the Party

The party continued late into the night, but by 2 the following morning, all had left except for Ritu’s friend, Kamal. Kamal decided to stay and help clean up from the party, even though we continued told him that we had no problem doing it ourselves and that he should head home. Since his wife and kids were away for a few days, he hoped we would let him stay over rather than go home to an empty house. We finally agreed and let him stay to help clean up.

I really wasn’t thrilled with the fact that Kamal was sticking around. I had told Ritu that as soon as the last guest left and we throw away the last beer bottle, I was going to put on one of our favorite porns and have an end-of-the party Fuck Fest. I had recently returned from a rather long business trip, and I was extremely horny. With Kamal around, those plans would have to wait another night…

We quickly put away the last bottle and sat down on the couch to relax for a few minutes. We sat there in silence for a while before Kamal began to talk to us.

“What a party,” he said. “You guys really have some great friends. They made this night very enjoyable.”

“Yes,” I told him. “It was a fun night. Too bad it has to end. It was a long day, and since I just got back from a business trip, I think I might head up to bed.”

“Already,” Ritu asked me? “I thought we could hang out for a while.”

A deep sight and I agreed.

“Too bad we don’t have a joint to help us relax” Kamal stated.

“We actually do have some pot” Ritu informed him.

Shit. Not only is she allowing him to stay over, she’s now giving out my stash of pot. The pot that I save for the nights I’m home alone with Ritu and like to get a little kinky. What the hell.

“Yeah. I’ve got a little left to make a joint or two.”

“Well – light it up,” Kamal told me.

I headed for the kitchen and pulled out the dime bag, rolling paper and lighter and headed back to the couch to roll it up. Ritu helped me as I was always a klutz when it came to rolling the paper. Finally, it was there. A nice big joint to share between the three of us. Being a nice host, I offered the first hit to Kamal.

Kamal took his hit and passed it along, and within a few minutes, all three of us were nice and buzzed. The conversation between us pretty much stayed in the realm of the pot, but before long, it started to become a little more personal. Apparently, pot really brought Kamal’s inhibitions down a lot. Within ten minutes, I learned more about Kamal and his wife’s sex life than I cared to know.

Apparently, it also brought Ritu’s inhibitions down as well, as she actually told Kamal what our plans were for the night. Fortunately, pot goes right through me, and I was nowhere near as shocked from that comment as I was at the question that Ritu posed to Kamal next.

“So Kamal,” she asked him. “Would you mind if we turn on a porn?”

“Are you kidding me” Kamal bluted out. “I wouldn’t mind at all. My wife isn’t into porn, and the stuff I get to see is the stuff that I have to sneak around the house. Do you mind that we are going to watch it together, Joe?”

Deep down inside of me, my mind was screaming out “Fuck Yes, I mind”, but my dick had a mind of its own and realizing that this was the chance it was getting to watch a porn that night forced my mouth to blur out: “Nope, don’t mind at all”.

What the fuck? Ritu and I had always talked about watching some porn with a friend in the room, but it was always a fantasy. Never had I really thought that she would actually ask someone to join us. I looked at Ritu, and it was either the pot or the fact that she was goingg to get the chance to watch a porn with somebody other than me, but she had a huge smile on her face. She turned at me and I grabbed for the remote.

“Hey buddy,” she yelled at me, grabbing the remote back from my hand. “This was my party, this is my night, this was my suggestion. I get to pick the movie”.

“Okay, okay” I told her.

“We are not watching any of your ancient porns,” she told me, knowing how I like the classes that offer a funny story, even though the women are usually as hairy as the men.

“Okay, okay” I told her again. “You choose one.”

She turned on OnDemand and immediately switched over to the adult category. Flicking through some of the different movies, she finally settled on a Jenna Jameson title.

Kamal was too busy taking another hit to answer Ritu when she asked if this was OK, but I was able to agree with her on her choice.She went through the remaining steps in order to confirm the purchase of the movie, and then put the remote down, took the joint from Kamal and took another hit.

The movie started as lame as most porns do, but once the actual sex took place, I could tell I wasn’t the only one aroused from the viewing. Since Ritu had the only blanket around her body, both Kamal and I were without anything to cover the hard ons that we were experiencing.

We watched most of the movie in silence, passing the joint between the three of us. By the time we had finished smoking it down to the end, the movie was in a scene between two men and a woman. At first, it appeared that one of the men was going to leave the scene, but at the last moment, he decided to stay and participate with the other two. I felt a little awkward. Of course, Ritu and I had talked about a threesome with Another man being a fantasy of ours, but I wasn’t sure if she thought Kamal could be the one.

I took a quick glance over to the other side of the couch and noticed that the blanket that was originally just over Ritu had shifted and was now covering Kamal’s lap. I saw some movement in the victory of his lap and assumed that he was enjoying the movie and might be pleasing himself. I turned my attention back to the movie. A few moments later and out of the corner of my eye, I noticed that the blanket had shifted.

Curiosity got the best of me, so I turned my attention back to Kamal’s lap. The cover’s had shifted enough to show that Kamal had in fact had his cock exposed. He had a raging hard on and it looked as though he was trying himself. It took a moment for me to realize that it wasn’t Kamal’s hand on his cock, it was Ritu’s. With the pot still in my system, it took me a moment to realize what was going on, but I eventually shifted my eyes up towards Ritu. She was looking right at me, smiling.

“Would you like me to play with you too,” she asked me?

“You bet” I told her as I shifted a little on the couch and unzipped my pants.

“No… let me do that for you” Ritu told me.

She slide her free hand from out of the blanket and reached over to my side of the couch. She unzipped my pants and slide her warm hand down into my underwear. She pulled them to the side and took a firm grasp of my cock. Kamal took a glance over to my side of the couch, smiled, and leaned back into the couch. It was amazing. While I got to sit back and watch the movie, Ritu was in the middle of Kamal and I giving us a wonderful handjob.

After a few minutes of jerking us off, she let go of our cocks and slide down onto the floor. She knelt in front of us and we both shifted closer together on the couch. She first took my penis in hand and slide it softly into her mouth. Her other hand reached over for Kamal as she continued to play with him.

Her mouth felt warm and moist as she continued to suck me off. Kamal got closer to the edge of the couch as he was being grabbed by Ritu. Once at the edge, he reached down Ritu’s waist and pulled up her shirt, revealing her tits. He rubbed his hands over her tits and eventually started to massage her nipples.

Making sure that my cock was nice and wet, she pulled her mouth away from my cock and moved over to Kamal. Her free hand was almost immediately over the tip of my cock as it began to massage it back and forth. While Kamal was getting his blow job, the two of us began to rub and play with Ritu’s tits and nipples.

Finally Ritu nudged for me to stand up. Taking my cue, Kamal did the same, keeping his cock deep inside of Ritu’s mouth. We stood there, side by side, when Ritu pulled on my cock to the point that she was able to open her mouth and slide both of them into her mouth at the same time.

We stood there for a few minutes, having Ritu suck us off, licking each penis separately, andgetting them hot, wet, and harder than they have ever been. Eventually, she pulled her head back and released our cocks from her mouth. She pushed me back onto the couch and stood up, taking off all of her clothes.

Kamal stood up as well and walked behind her. His hands immediately wrapped around the front of Ritu as he began to pull and stroke on her tits. Being back in the couch, and so far away from Ritu, I put my hand on my wet cock and started to masturbate. Ritu kept her eyes on my cock, watching it being played with by my hands.

Kamal eventually took one of his hands and made his way down her stomach and between her legs. As it slide between her tighs and over her pussy, I could see Kamal’s cock between her legs, moving closer to her ass. Once her pussy was wet and open, Kamal stuck it deep inside of her. She closed her eyes and tilted back her head as she bent down to have Kamal’s hand over her entire pussy and onto her clip. The movement, as I could see from my position on the couch, pushed her ass back towards Kamal’s cock. With it being wet from the blowjob moments before, it easily slide down her ass and between her legs.

Ritu reached down between Kamal’s hand and grabbing his cock, stuck it deep into her pussy. She leaned down over the couch so that Kamal could fuck her deep. Being close to me, she grabbed a hold of my cock and took over playing with it. My free hands reached out and began to massage and play with her tits.

After a few moments, Kamal withdraw from Ritu. She crawled onto the couch and opening her legs, allowed my cock to enter her wet, hot pussy. The feeling was extraordinary. After a few seconds, Kamal moved closer to Ritu. He pushed up against her, and her body pushed closer to mine. A hand reached down and I could feel it playing with her pussy and my cock at the same time.

Eventually Kamal took his cock, wet from Ritu’s juices, and pulling her ass apart, stuck it deep into her. Inside Ritu, I could feel Kamal fucking Ritu’s ass. I looked directly into Ritu’s eyes, and I could tell that she was experiencing an orgasm in the likes of none before. With Kamal pushing into Ritu and Ritu pushing into me, I was unable to hold back for very long.

I eventually came, and it seemed like it lasted forever. I could tell from Kamal’s movements that he wasn’t far behind me, nor was Ritu. Eventually, with cum dripping from her ass and her pussy, Ritu sat back down on the couch between us, smiling, and out of breath.

We watched the rest of the movie in silence. Ritu had the blanket over her naked body, Kamal and I sat on the couch in the nude. Once it was over, we cleaned up the couch, pulled out the blankets, let Kamal go to sleep on the couch, and Ritu and I headed up the stairs for bed.

“That was unbelievable” I told Ritu.

“Oh my God! I didn’t think you were going to go for it.”

“I couldn’t believe that you suggested it.”

“We’ve been talking about it forever, I just thought that it was about time one of us did something about it.”

“I’m glad it was you…”

I gave Ritu a kiss goodnight.

“Going to sleep already” she asked me snuggling a little closer on the bed.

“Oh my God! You’re ready for more?” I asked her.


“Well, I’m drained… if you want, you can wake me up later” I told her, expecting her to go to sleep and waking up the next morning.

“Goodnight” she told me as she kissed me on the cheese.

I was half sleep, but I felt Ritu stirring on her side of the bed. She was moaning and pulling on the covers. When I finally was awake enough, I peaked out from under the covers and saw Ritu lying on the bed, one hand up her shirt playing with her nipples, the other hand in her underwear and between her legs.

At first she was containing her moans, making soft sounds between her heavy breathing, but after a moment of watching, her moans got longer and louder. The sounds of her fingers deep in her pussy was too much for me, so I pulled back the covers. Ritu stopped masturbating.

“Oh…” she said. “I’m sorry if I woke you. I was just thinking about before and I tried to wake you, but you wouldn’t budget.”

“Well – this was a nice way of waking me up” I told her as I could feel my cock starting to wake up as well.

“I want to watch for a while” I told her.

She looked at me, smiled, and put her hand back down between her legs. Pulling at her underwear, she showed me her pussy. Dripping from her previous masturbation as well as the cum from Kamal and I earlier in the night, she easily slide her hand back deep into her pussy.

After a few minutes, and while she continued to masturbate, she turned to me and started telling me what was going through her mind while she was doing what she was doing.

“I couldn’t stop thinking about what we did earlier. It was so freaking hot! Having two men inside of me at the same time was so much that I couldn’t get it out of my mind. It was unbelievable.”

“I could go see if Kamal is still awake and maybe we could have a go at…”

She interrupted me before I could finish.

“Forget Kamal. This time its just you and me,” she told me with a smile on my face.

She pulled her hand out from between her legs, shifted the underwear back over her pussy and got onto her knees.

“Let me see your cock!” she told me.

Without hesitation, I pulled back the covers and almost in the same motion, pulled down my pajama bottoms. My cock stood at attention, ready to be played with again. She knelt over my legs and slowly put her mouth down onto my cock.

For the second time that night, her mouth felt warm and inviting as it slide over the head of my cock and down my shaft. She quickly got it wet as she pulled it out of her mouth. She moved up towards my stomach, heading up to give me a kiss I thought, but she stopped as soon as my cock was between her tits. She moved her arms closer together, forcing my cock to be squeezed between her warm tits.

Her mouth found my nipples as she slowly licked, bit, and blew on them. My cock, being wet from her mouth and tongue, slide easily between her tits. She continued to play with my nipples as she continued to rub my cock with her tits.

After a few moments, she pulled away from my nipples and cock and slide up towards my waist.

“I only want you in me now” she told me as she took one of her legs and put them over my waist.

My cock easily slid into her wet pussy. As she slowly rode on my cock, her hand went up my stomach and back to my nipples. They were wet from when she was masturbating herself earlier. I took one of my hands and put it onto my chest and intertwined our fingers. Together we played with my nipples, pulling on them, flicking them, and making them feel so great.

Finally, our fingers began to grow dry, so I pulled her hand up towards my mouth and put her fingers deep into my mouth. I could easily taste the cum from both Ritu and myself on her fingers. Instead of just licking them to get them wet for some more nipple play, I sucked on them, taking the full flavor of the cum deep into my mouth.

My other hand reached up and began to play with Ritu’s nipples. With our fingers still entwined, she pulled her fingers out of my mouth and put the two of them onto her free title. We continued to play with her nipples together.

Just as she started to ride my cock harder, I could feel my excitement level grow as well. In no time at all, as Ritu was experiencing her orgasm, I was able to shoot my load deep inside of Ritu for the second time that night.

We rode each other for a while longer, enjoying the feeling of being together. Eventually she slipped off of me, we cleaned up the mess, got our pajama’s on and fall asleep in each other’s arms.

Hi all Readers, We are delhi couple, if any Young Guy/Gal/Couple, Married/Divorcee, Widow woman wants fulfill your hidden desire and fantasy mail us [email protected]. Secrecy Assured


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