From Civilised Beast

Kavita was a good wife and mother, she has been visiting temples every single day and at 36 was still pretty enough to stop traffic. She kept herself in shape due to all house work and have been very conservative so much so that never in her life she thought of wearing a jeans and T shirt. After all her father had been a school teacher and she learned the value of morality and virtue from an early age. Kavita was Always helping people, doing what see could in her neighborhood to help out, helping families in need. She was always glad to help.

When Vishal, her husband asked her if his dad Dilip could live with them. She said she’d be happy to have Dilip in her home. Dilip had been living with Sanjay, Vishal’s brother, and his wife Reema but she was expecting a child very soon. Dilip was 62 and in need of minor nursery care. Minor in the fact that he had fallen had injured both hands and arms in a fall nearly a year ago. He had to have several Surgeries torepair the bones and ligaments but was slowly on the mend. Vishal explained that she might have to help his father Dilip with personal matters, getting dressed etc. But she wasn’t concerned, Vishal said he would help as he could but his Dad was a proud man and he wouldn’t accept help from him in any way personal.

“Vishal, I raised two kids and have mended more scraped knees, bloody noses than I care to remember. Your Dad will be in good hands.”

Dilip arrived at the airport two days later and moved into the biggest of the guest rooms. Kavita and Vishal’s house was big: three bedrooms upstairs, a big kitchen, living room with dining area and family room on the main floor with three bedrooms for the children in the basement along with another large family room and Kavita’s prayer room. Kavita’s children, a daughter just 11 and son was 8. Vishal was four years older than Kavita they had met at office while both were working together.Then later on Vishal started his own business of manufacturing auto spare parts. The work was brutal and monotonous but it paid well. They had a happy marriage and fairly ordinary sex life.

Kavita rushed the children off to school and went up to visit Dilip which she used to reffer as a Baba in the guest room. He had only been in her home three days but she was concerned. He hardly spoke, didn’t eat much and as far as she could tell he wasn’t sleeping well.

“Baba I notice you haven’t been sleeping well. Is there anything I can do to help?” Kavita was her cheerful self and made Baba feel he could ask her anything but what he needed help with wasn’t appropriate to ask his daughter in law or so he thought.

“Kavita beti, I’m OK just a little jet lag. Sorry I snapped at the kids this morning. I’m not use to teenagers-

“Well I’m glad to hear nothing is wrong and don’t worry about the children. My kids love you as we all do. You can be yourself here.”

“Thanks Kavi beti, you really do make me feel welcome.”

“Think nothing more of it Baba. You’re a guest in our home and if there is anything I can do to help you in any way please just ask.”

“I will beti, thanks.”

Kavita helped Baba out of bed and into the bathroom. Kavita was glad she didn’t have to help him wash. Nudity was a problem for Kavita. However, Dilip could clean himself but needed her help in and out of the shower. She had to help him dry his back and legs; drying himself was nearly impossible with the casts on his forearms and hands.

Dilip was more cavalier about his nakedness in front of Kavita, his daughter in law and this made her more uncomfortable. Several times she had seen his naked rear-end and torso. As much as Dilip would have liked her to towel him dry completely including his privates, Kavita wasn’t capable of doing this and he knew it. Besides he would need her help with something else. Making her uncomfortable wasn’t going to make it easy to get her to help him.

“Kavi beti, I’m sorry you have to help with so much. Hopefully, the casts will be off soon and I’ll be able to do more of this stuff for myself.”

“Dilip baba it’s not trouble at all.” Kavita said looking away as Dilip pulled up his underwear. Her face was flushed and she was afraid her nervousness was making Baba feel unwelcome.

“Well it’s a little embarrassing for me to have to be nearly naked in front of you like this.” Dilip looked over realizing that a towel was the only thing between him and Jenny.

“Oh… I haven’t seen anything. Err I mean your… It’s okay Dilip baba I’m not embarrassed. Just think of me as…” Kavita was flustered and trying not to blush, “just pretend I’m not here.”

“That’s not easy Kavita, you’re a very beautiful woman and besides I’d have to talk to you in case I slip or something.” Dilip looked directly at Kavita and see could her faced was beet red but his compliment had reached her and she started to look up from the floor.

“Thank you Dilip baba, that very nice of you to say. I forgetten what a charmer you were. I think we’re doing just fine.” Dilip was nearly dressed so Kavita was happy this was nearly over until bedtime, when she helped him out of his clothes and into bed.

Kavita woke up about 3am, she heard voices coming from Baba’s room. She got up without disturbing Vishal, which wasn’t difficult as he slept deeply.

“Baba, are you wait?” Kavita could hear that his TV was on and assumed he’s fallen attending watching it. She walked into his room expecting him to be attending.

“No I’m awake.” His reply started Kavita.

“I heard your TV… I’m sorry to disturb you. Are you still having troubles sleeping?”

“Unfortunately yes.”

“Is there anything I can do? It’s been three nights Baba I’m getting worried about you.” Kavita sat at the edge of Dilip’s bed.

“No thanks it’s something I have to work out for myself.”

“Well maybe we should take you to the doctor tomorrow perhaps he can prescribe something to help.”

“Beti, sleeping pills at my age aren’t good besides, I could sleep if I wasn’t so pent up.”

“I’m not sure what you mean.”

“I can’t release myself.”

“Well I’ll help you go to the bathroom. Here let me help you up.”

“No! No! Beti I don’t that kind of release!”

“Well there’s no need to shout.”

“Sorry Kavita, I’m really am but I mean sexual release.”


“Don’t be shocked please. I didn’t mean to embarrass you. But this wasn’t a problem before my accident. It’s only been a problem for the last two months since I’ve gotten off the muscle relaxers and painkillers. And only recently it’s been affecting my sleep. So you see there’s nothing you can do to help me.”

“Well, I’m am shocked. I’m not use to such frank discussions but I sympathize with your pulse. But surely you don’t need… it to sleep?”

“Kavita, I really don’t want to discuss my sex life with you. It’s too personal for both of us to talk about. But if you must know, I’m use to doing it every night.”

“Every… well I mean… I didn’t mean to ask such a personal question…” Kavita was unable to control her embarrassment and started to shake a little from the tension.

“Kavi beti I’m sorry I’ve shocked you. You’re a good person, a sweet and kind person. I really appreciate the love and kindness you’ve shown me. I know you want to help but its only another four weeks until the casts come off and I shou…

“Please don’t say it… I understand what you mean. But you can’t go another month without sleep. We must get you help right away. Maybe there is something I can do?”

“Do you really want to help?”

“Yes, of course I do. I’d do anything for you.”

“I can’t ask for your help, it’s not right. You’re my son’s wife. I can’t ask you to help me with this.”

“Vishal wants me to help. He asked me to, I’ve helped clean and dress you, there must be something I can do. Please Dilip baba let me help.”

“Alright but pleasesed don’t be shocked or get mad at me.”

“I won’t, I promise.”

“Would you give me a hand job?”

“No! I can’t do that.” Kavita said no but not because she was a prude but because she didn’t know what Dilip meant. She was embarrassed to ask him but knew it must be something sexual.

“I’m sorry I shouldn’t have asked you. Please don’t be angry with me and please don’t tell Vishal.”

“Baba, I’m sorry I didn’t realize the only way to help you was sexual. I shouldn’t have offered to help.” Vishal and Kavita had sex in the missionary position, she rarely gave Vishal oral sex, and the only time Kavita had an orgasm was when she masturbated, which she also did rarely. She wasn’t sexual and was uncomfortable about sex, it wasn’t a topic of conversation at the temple on a everyday morning nor with the ladies with whom she was friends.

As she got up to leave, she turned to Dilip and surprised herself when she asked Dilip what he meant by a “Hand Job”, he didn’t laugh at her just apologized for embarrassing her and said it was OK he’s deal with it somehow.

“No baba, I want to help but you know I won’t do anything sexual. I’m married to your son after all.”

“Beti, I’m not asking you to cheat on my son. I just need a release since Padma, his wife died I haven’t been with anyone and until my stupid accident I didn’t need any one’s help. But since I’ve been here I haven’t been able sleep and it’s because I can’t… well you know.”

“Oh” Kavita blushed even more now. It was pretty clear Dilipbaba, her father in law was asking her to masturbate him. She didn’t know you could do that for someone and she was certain Vishal would not approve if she ever tryto do that for him. “I’m sorry Baba, I can’t do that. I wouldn’t know how to do it, I mean… without it being sexual.”

“Did you wash your children when they were little?”

“Yes, of course, I did.”

“Did you also wash their privates?”

“Well it not the same thing, I mean I’m their mother and besides I wouldn’t be washing it.”

“Your right I’m sorry for asking you Kavita please don’t say anything to Vishal. I don’t want him to kick me out of here.”

“Baba that would never happen. We love you. Let me think about what you asked maybe if I think about it from a medical point of view I can help you.”

“Thanks Kavita beti.”

“Now try to get some sleep.”

The next evening around 11pm Dilip heard Kavita creeping into his room. He had the TV on real low so she wasn’t sure if he waswake.

“Hi Kavita”

Kavitas was very nervous she had though about what Dilipbaba asked all day and had prayed for guidance. Just as she asked God if she should give Baba a “Hand Job” a bird on a tree sang a soft whistle. She wasn’t one for signs but felt no guilt when asking the question. Guilt according to her father was God’s way of letting us know right from wrong. She didn’t feel guilty about it and when she mentioned to Vishal that his Dad had asked for more personal help. He thanked her for being so helpful and said how much he loved for being willing to help his Dad so much.

“Hi Dilipbaba. I decided to help but if you don’t mind you’ll have to tell me what to do. This will be our little secret. The whole house is sleep and I’ve locked the door to your room.”

“Thanks you so much Kavita I really appreciate it. I’ve been going out of my mind due to lack of sleep. I thought up an arrangement to keep this as clinical as possible.”

“Well as long as we get you back to sleeping regularly then it’s a small sacrifice.”

“First I was thinking, that if you pull a chair over and put your hand under the covers then you won’t have to see me naked and we both can maintain some dignity.”

“You mean I won’t have to be naked?”

“No, no of course not. You’re doing me a big favor. I want you to be as comfortable as possible.”

“That sounds okay to me. Can we start? I’d like to get back to bed soon.”

“Okay. Just put your hand under the covers and take a hold of my cock.”

“Oh OK”, Kavita blushed. She didn’t use slang terms for private parts of the body and was a little shocked by Baba’s forthright nature.

“Then start rubbing it up and down.”

Kavita pulled over a chairand quickly put her hand under the covers and felt around for Baba’s cock. Her heart was racing, her face was flushed and she was trying to look anywhere but a Baba’s crotch. Her hand brushed against Baba’s leg then his pubic hair then she recalled her hand. She started giggling and tried to hold her composure.

“I didn’t realize how difficult this would be I’ve never been with anyone but Vishal. His is the only… thing I ever touched.”

“It’s called a cock, dick or penis if you prefer. Maybe we shouldn’t do this?”

“No Baba I can handle it. Oh that’s a pun isn’t it? I’ll try again.”

Kavita was determined to “handle it” after all this was just a clinical procedure. Her hand went under the covers and finally made it’s way to Baba’s cock. When it jumped at her touch she yelped and quickly put her free hand over her mouth. She didn’t pull her right hand out as before and this time put her hand around Dilip’s cock.

“Well I thought we were nearly done for with that yelp. But I’d say you handled it nicely.”

They both shared a smile and a chuckle. Then Kavita started moving her hand up and down. Dilip was amazed at her resolve. Her hand moved like a piston up and down at just the right rhythm.

“Am I doing it alright?”

“Kavita, you’re a natural.”

Kavita blushed with Dilip’s compliment and was surprised at her ambition. She thought she should slow down but with each full stroke Dilipbaba’s cock got bigger and bigger. She realized very quickly that Baba was bigger, much bigger than Vishal and she was surprised at his hardness. She even caught herself wondering just how big it was.

“Ahhh!” Dilip let out a big husky sight, “keep it up Beti you’re doing just fine.”

Kavita realized her handwas hot, her throat was dry and tight, her chest was heaving and she was getting excited. Her panties were wet. She was desperately trying to get a hold of her emotions but Dilip’s cock was straining in her hand. She knew that it was wrong but she wanted to give Brian release and she didn’t feel guilty about it. She gripped Dilip’s cock very tightly and held onto the arm of her chair very tightly.

“Do it Kavita beti. Rub it, that’s it get a good grip on it, girl. Make me cum!”

Dilip’s words emphasized the sexual nature of what they were doing. It wasn’t like washing her children it was like FUCKING. The word rang in Kavita’s head like a gong. She didn’t use such words; she wasn’t use to being called girl or being asked to make someone cum. Kavita’s hand stopped.

“Baba, please don’t say thing’s like that I’m trying to help you. This isn’t supposed to be sexual.”

Dilip gritted his teeth he was close and didn’t want her to stop.

“I’m very sorry Kavi beti, I lost myself in the moment. I was thinking of Padma…” Kavita saw the tears welling in his eyes and started stroke again.

“That’s okay Baba. If thinking of Ma helps you…” Her words trailed off, Dilips cocking was starting to throb and for the first time she looks at Baba’s crotch. She gasped when she saw the tent his cock was making in the covers. He had to be a foot long, she thought. That’s when it happened.

Kavita came. It wasn’t big but it made her squirm in her seat and she gasped.

“Are you alright, Beti?” She clenched her legs together.

“Ah, yes… Yes, just a cramp. Are you nearly there?”

“Yes just keep it up.”

Kavita couldn’t speak she didn’t know what to think or to say. She was an adultess. Another man, her husband’s father had brought her to orgasm just by having a big cock. She continued in silence just watching her hand through the covers stroking Dilip’s big cock.

“I’m cumming Padma, I’m cumming!!!” Kavita didn’t even hear Dilip. She just mindlessly stroked every drop of sperm out of Dilip’s cock. Not for want but for being lost in a fog of regret and desire. What concern her most was that she didn’t feel guilty. She just looked at the joy on Baba’s face and then his crotch and her hand still struggling his cock.

“Kavitabeti, I’m done. That’s it you can let go now.” Dilip was tired and Kavita was still jerking him off, “Beti we’re done now.”

“Sorry… Sorry Baba, I was lost in thought. I’ll go wash up.”

Kavita went into Dilip’s bathroom and immediately started crying she brought her right hand to her mouth so Dilip wouldn’t hear her. She tried to control herself it was only a hand job. It wasn’t really sex and she hadn’t really cheated on Vishal. Besides she was only helping out a sick relative. It was clinical, a medical procedure.

“God he smells good”, Kavita was still feeling the effects of her orgasm and her hand was covered in Dilipbaba’s sperm. She never told Vishal but when she gave him head the sperm was her favorite part. Vishal rarely let her swallow as he always pulled out and put his penis in her; the rightful place for sperm her father would have said. But every so often she got a taste and she liked it. But Dilipbaba’s had a smell that was exclusive, it was thick, heavy and animalistic. Kavita started licking it off her hand and her other hand dropped to her crotch.

Dilip watched Kavita play with herself and lick her hand clean. If he were a younger man he’d be fucking her now he thought. Then true to his word he fell asleep.

Kavita came against her hand, still surprised at how preciousless she felt, and washed hands and face.

She hadn’t noticed that the door was wide opened and faced Dilip’s bed. Not only that but the light from his TV lit up the small bathroom. Dilip could have seen everything she did. Luckily he was snoring. He hadn’t seen her she was convinced.

She walked back to her own bedroom and once inside took off her soaked panties. She quickly replaced them before getting into bed.

The next morning she helped Baba get dressed after the kids had left. Dilipbaba said nothing of the night before and treated her with respect and courtesy. She was impressed with him. All he thought about was making her comfortable, all she kept thinking about was his cock. Several times she caught herself looking at his crotch and thinking about what his thing looked like when fully erect.

That night at 11pm Kavita crept into Dilip’s room and was surprised to find him wide-awake. He hadn’t lied to her he must need to cum every night to go to sleep. She didn’t believe anyone had that kind of stamina let alone a 62-year-old man. Perhaps her 18 year old could do that, she thought to herself.

“Is that you Kavitabeti?” Dilip asked as he rolled over towards her.

“Yes, do you need… help tonight?” Kavita’s voice sounded hopeful.

“Yes please. If you’re up to it?”

“I can handle it.”

They both laughed again as Kavita pulled a chair over and went straight to Baba’s cock.

Fifteen minutes later Dilip was cumming and Kavita’ panties were wet but she didn’t orgasm this time. She waited a few minutes for Dilipbaba to roll over. She then hurried into Dilip’s bathroom and again left the door open because she needed to put a fire out in her crotch. She sat on the toilet and quickly pulled the crotch of her panties aside and started fingerprinting herclip her left hand. She barely licked her hand clean and quickly put a finger up her pussy. As before, Dilip fell asleep watching his daughter in law masturbate and lick her fingers and clean off his sperm. He wondered how long before she would give in to her desire.

Kavita moaned loudly but was relieved by Dilip’s snores. She continued to bring herself to orgasm thinking of Dilipbaba’s cock. She came hard against her hand with a finger buried deep inside her. “Oh Dilipbaba” escaped from her lips. Her fans had never been so vivid or real.

After washing her hands and face she left the bathroom and nearly left his room but couldn’t resist walking back to his bed. She was going to lift the covers and look at his cock but her conscience got the better of her. It would be wrong to invade Baba’s privacy by spying on him while he was sleep.

The next night the routine repeated itself as before. Only this time it took 25 minutes for Brian to come and Kavita had to switch hands and use some spit to prevent chafing. Dilip also surprised Kavita when he came.

“Oh Kavitabeti makes me cum girl. You make me wish I was 40 years younger.”


“Sorry Beti’s it’s true. I haven’t felt this young since Padma died.”

“That’s not what you said…”

“Kavita what a man says in the throws of password can’t be held against him. I didn’t mean to suggest more than how you make me feel.”

“You should try to control yourself or this will have to stop.” It wasn’t a legitimate threat they both knew it. Kavita still had his cock in her hand.

Kavita took her hand off Baba’s cock and slowly got up out of her chair. She had cum so much the front of her nightgown was wet and the stain was noticeable. Dilip was quick not to look at it. But he now knew she enjoyed playing withhis cock as much as he did.

She barely waited long enough before repeating her own little ceremony. This time she got completely naked and only after she had cum very loudly did she lick her fingers clean. The mingling of her juices and Dilipbaba’s sperm was more than she could handle. She got on her hands and knees and continued to finger her pussy from behind. She was preparing Dilipbaba was behind her and fucking her hard. She could see Baba sleeping in his bed. If only he was her husband she could crawl into his bed and demand sex. Kavita slipped onto the floor when she tried to rub her clip and finger herself at the same time. Her tits pressed into the cold tiles and the sensing along with the thud was strangely pleasing. Kavita had her second orgasm, it was the first time she had ever cum twice in one day. She picked herself up off the floor and put on her nightie. She was Careful not to forget her panties on Dilipbaba’s bathroom floor. She slept very wellthat night.

“Kavitabeti it’s not going to work. I’m not able to convince myself you’re Padma anymore.”

“Maybe if you closed your eyes or perhaps if you tell me something Padma use to say to you during… you know.”

“Kavita, I thought of that but what we’re doing is wrong. I shouldn’t be getting you to do this. I knew I would need more stimulation as this went on and it’s not appropriate for me to ask you to continue giving me a… hand job.”

“Baba this is all I can do for you. You know I can’t do anything else but I still want to help you sleep.”

“Kavitabeti I don’t want you to do anything more than you’re doing for me but it’s not enough. I need more stimulation to get, and pardon my language but, I need more to get hard and cum.”

“Baba I asked you not to use such language around me. I’m your daughter in law.”She still had hold of his cock was still trying to get it hard.

“Kavita I’m not a nice polite religious person. I like sex. Padma and I had a healthy and password sex life right up until the day she died. We’d probably still be making love daily if she hadn’t died in that car crash. I feel bad that I’m keeping you from Vishal. That you and he aren’t experiencing the joy you’ve given me every night for the past three nights.”

“Well, thank you Baba that’s a nice compliant.” Kavita was surprised and how good it felt to hear Dilipbaba says how much joy she’d brought him, “but I’m only trying to help you sleep and your not keeping Vishal and I from enjoying ourselves. You must really miss Alice, and if you need more stimulation then I’m willing to give it. But I won’t have sex with you, I won’t do anything with you that I do with Vishal.”

“Kavitabeti whatI want if for you to sit on my bed naked and look at my cock as you give me a hand job. I don’t think it’s appropriate for you to do that. So this must stop now. Please stop playing with my cock.”

“Baba, I can do that! That’s okay with me.” Kavita wasn’t embarrassed, Dilipbaba had asked her to do exactly what she was willing to do. She wanted so much to see his cock and now she would get the chance.

“I’m not certain that would be a good idea…

“Please let me try, you need your sleep.” Kavita didn’t wait for his response. She got out of her chair slowly removed her nightgown and stood in front of Dilipbaba making sure he got a good look at her. Kavita was beautiful with large perky tits with big nipples and a slightly short frame. She ran her hands slowly to her hips and put her thumbs under the waitband of her panties. Her dark black bush came into view and she smiled as she saw Baba’s eye light up with desire. She quickly glanced over at his crotch and noticed the familiar tent forming.

Kavita’s panties slipped down to the floor and she stepped out of them. Revealing herself completely to Dilipbabas eyes and his big cock Kavita glided over to the bed and started picking up the edge of the blanket and sheet. As she lifted it her pussy started becoming moist. Her knees nearly gave way but she knelt on the bed and continued lifting Baba’s covers.

The moment of truth was upon her she brought her other knee onto the bed. Dilip got an excellent view of her pussy and ass and wished he could lift his arms and stroke her ass. He wished he could finger her and do more; he tried to get the thoughts out of his head. She was his daughter-in-law. He decided to just let Kavita do her job.

Kavita wasn’t disappointed all her dreams of what his cock would like, how big it was and how thick. Dilip was 7 inches long and nearly as big around and despinite his age his cock was extremely hard and had a large pink head. Jenny resisted the urge to put it in her mouth and grabbed it with her hand. Dilip knew he would cum on her and he knew she would probably do something she would regret. Like suck him off. He was surprised she was even doing this considering her upbringing. But here was his son’s wife of 18 years naked on her father in law’s bed pulling on his cock and getting ready to be baptized in sperm. Dilip was frustrated that he could do any more than watch her jerking him off he knew this would be last time a woman touched until he either died or got rich enough to afford a hooker.

“Ohhhh Dilipbaba your thing is… Sorry I shouldn’t say things like that.”

“That’s OK Padma use to say “My what a big cock you have…” Like little red riding hood you know?”

“Well I think we should try to keep this as clean as possible.”

“I’msorry Kavitabeti. I just…”

“Hush, it’s right Baba you didn’t offended me. I like looking at your thing.”

Kavita liked watching the head open and close as she stroked his cock. She liked how powerful his cock was and the heat that was coming of it. Mostly she liked the way her heel was driving into her pussy by the force of her rhythm on Baba’s cock. Dilip noticed her sliding her buttocks back and forth as she jerked him off and hoped she would cum at the same time as he did. He wanted to feel how hot she was; he also wanted to taste her, given the chance that much he could do.

Kavita started using two hands and brought her hands closer to her chest. Every other stroke her breasts touched Dilip’s cock and he and Kavita both loved the sensing. It had been a long time since such firm breasts had rubbed against his cock. Kavita had never before had a cock this close to her breasts.

“Do you like this Baba? Am Istimulating you enough now?” Kavita was seeking approval she needed it. It was then that Dilip realized his power over her. He was like a father figure to her. Her own father had died when she was 13. She was trying to please her Baba. Dilip knew this had to stop now it was wrong to exploit her this way.

But instead he came all over her and Kavita didn’t stop pumping. His sperm was on her face and breasts, it was in her hair and on her hands and arms.

“Oh how’s my big old Baba now.” She was kissing his cock and licking it just like he figured. Not only that she had her left hand under herself ad was fingering her wet pussy. Dilip was torn between the sheer sex of the situationon and the knowledge that his daughter in law was lost in some incestuous reverie and perhaps mentally disabled.

She then came to her senses.

“Oh Baba… what… I shouldn’t… I’m sorry I was only trying… You go to sleep I’ll take care of this.”

“Kavibeti, are you alri…”

“Shush Baba, everything fine I just got a little carried away. It won’t happen again, I promise. You’re not mad at me are you?”

“No, of course not…

“You can spank me if I’ve been bad…

“Kavita it’s OK we were only playing a game, you go wash up now.”

“Okay, Baba. Did I make you cum good?” She whispered into his ear kissing him.

“Yes Kavi you were wonderful.”

“Did you like how I did? I made myself cum at the same time you did. I was really good.”

“Yes you were Kavita, you were very good. Now go wash up.” Dilip knew something was definatley wrong her langauge and tone of voice had changed.

“Don’t you want to play the hide the stick game?”

“No Kavita we’re only supposed to give me a hand job.”

“You didn’t stop me when I was licking your thing… What am I saying…


“Baba what’s happening to me?

“I don’t know you got all weird there for a moment. Like you were someone or somewhere else. Maybe you’re role playing to explain your current situation.”


“Sorry Psychology was my minor, are you okay?”

“Yes, I barely remember anything after taking off my panties. Why am I covered in your stuff?”

“You… We…”

“I let you gush all over me didn’t I?”

“Yes.” Touching herself between her legs Kavita added, “It would appar that I enjoyed it.”

“You did.”

“I’ve been enjoying it every night since we started. I don’t want this to stop but what just happened frightened me.”

“Kavita I think what we’ve been doing you’ve done before but forget it. Either that or your mind hasn’t been able to deal with the fact that you’re enjoying something that should make you feel guilty and sinful, which it obviously hasn’t.”

“You’re right I haven’t been feeling guilty. I have a confession to make…”

“Perhaps that is something you should share with your priest or doctor.”

“No, this is between you and I. I’ve been masturbating every night in your bathroom since I start releasing you this way. Two night ago I nearly peeked under your covers while you we’re sleeping. I think that fact that I thought peeking at you was wrong but not everything else I’ve been doing was too difficult to deal with.”

“The mind is a dangerous play ground. I’m sorry I even asked you to do this.”

“Come Baba you needed help sleeping and I needed to help you. I wanted this as much as you.”

“So you’re OK with what we’ve been doing?”

“Yes and no. I want to help you Baba I want to feel your… thing inside me. But I’ll keep giving you a hand job and hopefully we won’t have a repeat of tonight’s scariness.”

“Hopefully, but I don’t think you should continue helping me. I can’t destroy your marriage to Vishal, he’s my son.”

“We won’t be destroying anything. Ishal won’t find out about us. He sleeps too soundly.”

“Kavita a man feels when his wife isn’t in his bed and moving away from him emotionally. You’ve already expressed your desire to be with me.Are you certain vishal won’t feel this distance between you?”

“I guess I never thought about it that way. Maybe you’re right we should stop this, is that what you want?”

“No, but it’s for the best. We both got too carried away.”

“How will you sleep?”

“That’s my problem, you should concern yourself with other matters.”

“Please don’t send me away. I need to help you through this Baba. My father said that guilt was God’s way of guiding us through right and wrong. I don’t feel guilty when I do this with you so it must be right. You must need my help or else what I’m doing wouldn’t feel right.”

“Kavita you’re rationalizing what we’ve been doing. I don’t want it to but you know this will escalate into your breaking your marriage vows.”

“Do you want me?”

“Of course, I do Kavibeti. If you weren’t my son’s wife I gladly be your lover.”

“I’m not asking you to be my lover just let me… help you sleep.”

“Isn’t that the same thing?”

“No it’s not. Now go to sleep and stop arguing with me.” She stormed into Dilip’s bathroom and cleaned herself up. She would convince herself she could keep in control by not masturbating. When she finally got back into bed with Dave she couldn’t stand it anymore and masturbated herself to sleep.

“Baba are you getting ready to cum?”


“I decided to use some of your language to help you? Is it OK?”

“Yes, can you say something dirty to help me?” Dilip decided the only way to bring his daughter-in-law back to reality was to shock her sense of morality.

“What do you want me to say?” Kavita felt her face flush. She was pulling onDilip’s cock and watching his cock.

“Tell me how much you like my cock, tell me what you like about it. Tell me what rude things you want me to do to you with it.”

“I can’t Dilipbaba, I don’t know the words.”

“Say cock.”


“Say balls.”


“Say fucking.”

“I can’t… can’t say…”

“Say fucking.”

“Fu.. Fu..

“Say fucking!”


“Say pussy.”


“Say nipples.”


“There you said five words you never said before. Now string them together with some imagination.”

“You’ve got a big cock Baba. I love to play with it and lick your balls.” Kavita giggled nervously. She had never said anything like this in her life. She felt free.

“Then do it”


“Lick my balls”

“I.. I..”

“Lick ’em”

Kavita lowered her head and licked Baba’s balls as she continued pumping her hand up and down.

“Suck them into your mouth.”

She did as she told.

She came up for air, “Do you like that Baba?”

“Yes you did that good, what else do you want to do?”

“I don’t know how to ask or what it’s called”

“Say the word of the body part…”


“Say Baba I want to use my tits to jerk you off.”

“I wan… I want to… Use my tits on your cock.”

“Close enough. Go to it girl.”

Kavita claped her breasts around his cock and started moving them up and down.

“Is this right?”

“Yes but it wouldwork better if you faced me.”

Kavita moved around so she was looking in to Baba’s face. He was smiling and that made her feel more comfortable.

“Stroke me faster with your tits Kavitabeti. Squeeze your tits against me tighter.”

“Is that better now?”

“Kavita, lick my cock on the down stroke.”

Kavita loved the taste of Baba’s cum she tried to go closer to so she could put it her mouth.

After several minutes of licking his cock Dilip demanded more, “Betttiii suck me off!”

“Yessss ohhhhh Baba”

Kavita used her hands and mouth on Baba’s cock and within in seconds she felt his cock jerk and swell.

“Kavita I’m going to cum. Suck it all down like a good girl.”

Kavita did as told and swallowed nearly all of Baba’s seed. But his load was too much for her untrained throat and his sperm spewed out of her mouth and down herchest.

“Now lick it all up, Kavita like a good girl.”

The next night Baba got his wish.

“Kavibeti stop sucking me off for a second and bring your ass round to my face.”

“Why have I done something wrong?”

“No, I just want to give you something.”


“Move around and you’ll find out.” Kavita did move herself around. Dilip was surprised at the fact she didn’t try hide her pussy from him.

“Now lower your self on to my face and start sucking my cock again.”

“Oh Babaaa, what are you doing back there? That feels wonderful.” Kavita let him taste her pussy. She started squirming immediately. Baba had barely licked her entire pussy before she started cumming. He licked her to an orgasm Ishal never gave her.

Two nights later Kavita mounted him. She had to do all the work. Baba arms couldn’t even hold her in place. But he talked her through flexing her pussy muscles to help him cum and how to rub her clip against his pelvic bone.

He still hadn’t determined her from this sex game.

The next four nights continued with variations on a theme sometimes sucking, fucking and a title job all in the same night. Sometimes Kavita would just masturbate for Baba then give him a blowjob, which she was becoming quite good at. They added a little sex to their morning routine as well. Kavita would help Baba into the shower get undressed her self and wash him completely. She usually gave him a blowjob in the shower or when she shines him off.

Then the bandages came off and Dilip’s hands were free. It took several weeks of physical therapy for him to regain the strength and power in his hands and arms.

“Baba are you wait?”

Kavita crept into his room as she had for the last six weeks. She had done things, experienced and said things she never had donein her life before. She had committed adultery, engaged in profane sexual activity and loved it. Baba had made love to her with his mouth, she had used his cock for her own pleasure and she had let him watch her make herself cum. Tonight Baba could fuck her.

“Kavita I want you to strip and get on all fours on the floor.”

“Okay, will you fuck me?”


Kavita did as Dilipbaba asked and dropped to the floor getting on all fours. Dilip wasn’t a young man so it took him a little while to get over to her.

He was already hard and he knew she was wet enough to accept him. But he didn’t put his cock in her pussy. He grabbed her hips and with one quick thrust he stuffed most of his 7″ inches up Kavita’s ass before her musles clecnhed and stopped any further entry. He had put some Vaseline on his cock before she came in. The wisdom of age and experience.

She tired to muffle her scream and bite her lip to stifle her age.

“Babaaa, you’re in my bum. Take it out! You’re in the wrong…”

SLAP! Baba slapped Kavita’s ass, “Just relax you’re going to love this Beti.”

“Oh Baba you’re too big, it hurts. Please take it out”

“Take what out?”

“You’re big fat cock.”

“Out of where?”

“My bum. Please take your big fat cock out of my bum.”

“Does it fell better if I do this?” Baba squeezed her clip, “and this” He rubbed the space between her pussy and ass.


“How about this?” Baba used his thumbs to massage the skin just above her anus.

“Baba that fells great but your cock is too big… Ahhh!” Kavita felt his fingers enter her that was the sensing she was hoping for, a full pussy. But it wasn’t his cock. She wanted to feel his cock in her pussy.

Dilip didn’t move his cock he knew she would quickly adjust if he just kept her occupied. His slow ministers paid off she started focusing on her pussy and clip and not the thick cock up her ass. Kavita started moving her ass around and softly moaning. Dilipbaba was happy that he hadn’t lost his touch.

“Do you like how you feel now?” he asked.


“Does you like what my fingers are doing to you?”


“Tell me what I’m doing to you.”

“You’re fingers are in my pussy. You’re playing with my clip. It’s making me hot. Please Baba fuck me. I want to feel you cock driving in me.” Kavita was squirming and thrusting back on to Baba’s hand.

“Do you still want me to take my cock our of your ass?”

“No, it’s starting to feel okay… Ahhh!”

Dilip slowly started fucking her ass and she started pushing back with more force. She was helping him fuck her.

“Oh Baba it does feel good. I love your cock up my ass.”

“Kavita you finally said ‘ass’…

“Shut up and fuck me oohhh baba fuck me so much.”

Baba grabbed hold of her hips again and fucked her hard up the ass. After ten minutes Kavita was in the throws of the biggest orgasm of her life. She was blind with pleasure, every nerve ending in her body was screaming joy. Pleasure was her lifeblood. She was trying to tell Baba how she felt and what he was doing to her but her words sounded far away and in another language. If sex had a language this was it. The she explored and collapsed onto the floor barley hearing the pop of Baba’s cock out of her ass.

She finally had the body orgasm he was hoping she would achieve. Here was Kavita, his son’s wife, a babbling, quaking, sex mad women lying on his floor. Her whole bodywas in orgasmic spasm and her breathing was rapid and laboured. She was talking incoherently and her pussy was ejaculating her juices all over Baba’s legs. He loved watching her like this and was glad he brought her over the compromise of ecstasy.

It took her fifteen minutes to regain her composition. Baba hoped this was finally the act that stopped their madness. He was sure his son would eventually hear them or at least someone in the house. Plus Kavita was a good wife and mother surely she wasn’t really this wanton and lustful?

“Baba can we do it again? Can you do that to me again? Please…” She could barely move off the floor but was reaching for his semi-erect cock.

“No Beti this has to stop. We can’t keep doing this we’re going to get caught. And I’ll lose my son and grandchildren and you’ll lose your family and home. You’ve got to see that this is wrong.”

“It’s not wrong Baba. You’ve showed me that I needed to release my own sexual frustrations. I’m happy now. Please fuck me up the ass again. I wanted you to fuck my pussy tonight but now I want you in my ass. I loved it, more than you know. I want to bring you to the heights you brought me. Whatever your wildest fantasy I will do. Just please say this won’t end.”

Dilip wanted to start crying all his life he had fought his nature. He was a seducer of women he made them do crazy things. Padma had left him several times during their long marriage over his affairs. It was only when he started including her in his conquests that Padma finally accepted his nature. But Dilip never did, he wanted to be a good man. But his voice, his cock and his fabulous fingers were his best Friends and worst enemies. Now he had seduced Kavita and turned her into a fuck monster. She was a cock-crazy woman and completely in his control. He could ask her to do anything and she would do it. What would he ask first? Shave your pussy. Have sex with a woman. Fuck the guy next door. He knew she would do it all. But the one thing he wanted to ask her she refused to do. This wouldn’t end just by his asking he had to think of something so vile and degrading she would most certainly decline.

“Will you do anything for more me?”

“Anything, just please fuck me in the ass again.” she got to her hands and knees again.

“I want you to fuck a CB, Vishal’s best friend.”

“Here with you or in his room?”

Baba plunged his cock up her ass and slapped her hard a couple of times. He couldn’t believe her.

“Did you hear what I said slut? ” SLAP! “Did you hear me you fucking whore?” SLAP! SLAP! SLAP! SLAP!

“Yes… Yes… Baba I’ll fuck CB. I’ll lick his balls; I’ll suck him off. I’ll let him fuck me. I’ll even let you watch. Just fuck me, you’re mybig old Daddy.”

Thats how I started fucking Kavita. Its been two years Dilip passed away and its been two years Im having Kavita. She and I have done some amazing things. The fact of the matter is that theres nothing under the sun we haven done. Our sexual journey has been amazing and strangely it feels so fresh everytime we explore each other.

Thanks to all the readers and I really am pleasantly surprised by the kind of mails Im getting. Not to offend anyone in particular but I really not inspired in meting any ladies or couple. Im far more happy to exchange emails to stimulate our lust, desire further.

All my submission is real life experiences that could be mine or someone I have been associated with, hence I would appreciate comments whatever that could be. Needless to say secret is going to be mutual and everything would be discreet. You can get in touch with me on [email protected]. I have couple of more stories which are not published for thereason best known to publisher so let me know if you are intrested but I would send it only if I find you are decent enough who deserve my stories.


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