Where it begun and where is the end?

Well, I do not know how old I was then. My cousin sister came to visit us in our village. She also was just an young girl. One morning she started peeing in front of me. She was sitting under a tree. I got curious, since her body part looked very different from mine! I went near her and started to look intently. Suddenly, my uncle came from behind and yelled at me – do not touch, you get bad disease. He was a doctor. I got very scared. But the curiosity remained…

Couple of years later, I joined to live with my family. I had two sisters close to my age. We shared the same bed. In the winter time it was such a fun. Under the warmth of the quilt, I could feel nice round buttock of my sister. She would let me touch her. We’d pretend to play husband and wife. Her boobs were just blowming. She would try to fulfill me to touch her pussy – but remembering my uncle’s warning, I was very reluctant. Also the smell was not very welcome. I would only squeeze her ass. I would get turned on. Later, I would release my semen by masturbating in a hiding place.

Something unfortunate also happened around the same time. Once I was visiting a cousin’s home for several days. They had a guest who was a police officer. He was about fifteen years older than me. He used to eye an young girl in a neighboring house. I would wonder about his behavior. I did not realize that he was very horny. One evening when he and I were alone in the home, he asked me to pull my pant down. I obliged partly in fear and partly in curiosity. He tried to ass fuck me – his cum was on my buttock. I felt very gross. But I did not understand why he did that to me. He wiped my ass dry. He warned me not to disclose it to anybody. I realized that such act is not very virtual. He would buy some toys for me to keep me happy.

This is just the beginning. I was reading in grade three then. If you are interested to read more about my bewildering sex life, please send me comments. I shall continue.


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