Beautiful sister

Hello,this is mithun and i belong to maharashtra. My father is working as dependy manager in a private company and my mom as manager in a local bank. I got one sister with whom i have spent many excited moments in life. Me and my sister have difference of 6 years. So at the age of 18 ,my aunt and uncle suggested that it would be better if me and my sis study at australia at their home. Mom and dad thinking of Our good future agreed for that and allowed us to send to us at my 18..Then my sister was and she was very small and ofcourse i too did not had much knowledge about sex.we flew to aus and there it is a big bungalow in which me and my sis are given a very big room with all the furniture and nobody can enter without our permission.We used to play many games and the most important thing is my uncle and aunt used to be naked or Halfnaked with only wearing undies in the house since it was the culture or it became a habit for them. We too did the same. After coming from the school,we too used to undress ourselves and jump in to the swimming pool nakedly. At that time when i was 19, my aunt bought us some swim suits which are very transparent,that even though you wear them, after swimming due to the wetness ,every thing is clearly,we used to swim with those suits and my aunt used to have her bra and panty on and used to jump in the pool. Later after the swimming we used to sit together and have some lime juice.this was our daily routine and

We did not had any feelings of sex. But when my aunt used to walk naked in front of me, i used to ask what those big melons and what is that bush of hair and i used to add that why sister has not got them.then she used to reply that sis is too small and when she becomes big,she gets all of them and even bigger then hers.when i was 18 ,for, i wanted to go to india back and aunt and uncle agreed for that. That was the last day of us in aus and we had a little bit of swimming and we hugged each other. I clearnly remember that my sis had only small tits of lemon size and 2-5 hairs grew on her. We came back to india and we started packing ourselves in full dresses which is a custom here. Due to the presence of mom and dad, we did not share much as free as we used to do in aus and we live das if we knew nothing.So daily she used to go to school and me to the college .i did not both about my sis since i got many girl friends During that time and my sis also was enjoying a bit with her friends. This continued for 6 years till i completed my degree and she has completed her11 and 12th standards. Then i decided to go to aus to job and she wanted to have her engineering in chemicals there. So we said goodbye to mom and dad and we flew to australia once again. Aunt was very happy to see us once again and she received us very happily.after going to the home,i remembered all the things which i used to do in the past.I entered our room for changing clothes and came back with a short,i was suprised to see my aunt naked at that time. Slowly some changes have come in me and i cannot move freely over there so i decided to watch t.v.. Later after an hour ,aunt and my sis asked me to join swimming.i agreed for that and i went to swimming first. Later my sis came and i did not notice her when she entered the pool. We swam for 2 hours throwing water each other and i could not observe much portion below her neck because she is a short girl and was in the deep pool. I came out of the pool and sat on the chair.Then my sis came back and i was amazed to see her appearance. She wore the same swim suit which aunt had bought her 10 years ago. And it was a bit tight and i could clearly see the dark brown nipples on those big apples and i as shocked that she has grown that much fresh and big apples in short time.more important thing is that her undie was ver tight and we can see the upper triangle with lots of bushy hairs

Which are very wet.after that portion ,undie starts and the shape of pussy lips is clearly seen. I was shocked to see that bush and i could not tolerate that and i covered my face with a book. Then she ran in to her room. I thought that she is going to change her clothes but to my surprise she came with the mahandi in her hands and showing it to the aunt. My sis asked aunt to keep that mehandi on her hands and my aunt after a long time as a new experience started keeping that on her hand and later my aunt also kept some design on her hand on her own. I went to bring lime juice means while and i served them.but my sis had designs on both the hands and so, i started serving her in her mouth. I was observing those big boobs at the same time, i dropped off the glass from my hands and all the juice fell on her all over her bra and undie. I could clearly see that the hairs on her cunt were yellowish as if the cunt has spam Some orgasm on them. I was very happy and waiting for the next moment what to happen. My aunt gave me a clothes toclean her body andshe went away to get undressed. I took the clothes and started cleaning her body.she unhooked the bra and started rubbing those big melons .when she removed the bra completely and kept it aside ,i wanted to play with them .so i started to rub them and in between i pinched two nipples for which she shouted and called aunt. I was afraid and my aunt asked what happened and to my shock, my aunt was also naked and she did not even wear any panty and she had a Very thick bush. She asked me to clean sister’s body very gently since she is a small girl. And with m,y motorious thoughts started to clean her and after sometimes i reached her belly button and inserted my finger and squashed it .she gave a little jerk here comes the greatest moments of life.I was going near her private area and when i kept the cloth inside her undie,it was tored off since it was very tight even a finger can tear it easily. Now she herself lifted her knees upto her chest level and raised her hips and asked me toremove that undie. When i was removing that ,it was the heaven her lips were pink and ready to get fucked. Now she was completely naked and and i started cleaning her pussy heavily for which it began to bleed. I was afraid for that moment and she could notice a change in my face and cooled me not to worry since it her period time,it is common.after cleaning her, i went to the room.guys,i will reveal the next part of the story much sooner after listening to your comments.


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