Again, this is not my story, just one that I have read over and over.
Dog Days of Summer – 3
by Ken L. Master
A high-school freshman, his brain linked with their
German Shepherd, continues his manipulation of the
women next door.
Chapter 3: If She Won’t Do It, Maybe Her Sister Will
It was Saturday afternoon by the time Billy got a chance to check back in with Rex. He’d been outside
getting the mail earlier, and got seriously bummed out when Angela Phillips backed the car out of the garage
with Amber in the passenger seat. He overheard Mrs. Phillips assuring the girl they’d be back by seven
o’clock, she wouldn’t miss the X-Files reruns and please don’t start bitching this early in the day.
Billy was resigned to not seeing anything until that evening, but cheered up instantly when he saw Jade’s
car pull into the driveway an hour later; Jade had obviously just gotten off work at the restaurant, she
was still in her server’s uniform as she got out of the car and went inside.
Amber’s big sister was another choice piece, and he almost sprained an ankle busting ass up the stairs to
His room to fire up his mental connection and have Rex scope her out. He was glad his father was working
overtime today and Mom had gone to visit her sister, so there was no worry about being interrupted while he was
sightseeing from inside the big Shepherd’s head.
Jade Phillips was coming down the stairs holding a can of beer by the time Billy got plugged in, and he saw
that she had already shucked out of her uniform as he was getting everything set up. The tall blonde was
Wearing a loose, oversize Betty Boop sleep shirt, and he could tell by the way her boobs bounced that there
was no brassiere underneath it. The hem of the long shirt blew up as Jade walked past the window fan in the
living room, and a quick flash of bronze hair showed that she’d peeled out of her panties as well.
Billy quickly trotted into the kitchen at Jade’s heels, already excited by the scent of warm pussy that wafted
behind her. He watched her taut ass flexing as she walked in front of him, and he longed to jam the dog’s
nose up under the hem of the long shirt and start licking her from behind. He almost yelped in excitement
When she bent down to drop the empty can into the trash can and the shirt hiked up, exposing the cheeses of her
luscious ass.
Jade pulled another beer out of the refrigerator and popped it open, chugged down a long swallow and then
sat down at the table with a sight of satisfaction. Billy quickly scooted in underneath the table as the
College girl leaned back in the chair and stuck herlong legs out in front of her. She was sitting with her
legs spread, and Rex had a great view of the girl’s pussy as Billy sat down at her feet.
Jade took another drink of beer, flinched and nearly dropped the can when she felt Rex’s cold nose against
her knee. She felt the dog’s hot breath panting against her calm, and reached her other hand down under the
table to pat the big Shepherd’s head. “Hello, big dog,” she said with a grin, struggling his muzzle gently,
“What’s up, how you doin’ down there, sweetheart.”
Rex licked briefly at her fingers, and then his tongue flicked her knee as she scratched his head, smiling
with affection at the big dog’s devotion. The Shepherd’s warm tongue washed inside her knee and up
onto her leg, and she rubbed the back of his neck and took another hit of beer as Rex leaned forward and
licked at her inner thigh. Billy couldn’t believe his luck as he leaned forward between Jade’s knees and
licked delicately at her leg.
“You’re certainly in a lover mood, aren’t you big boy?” Jade murmured as Rex leaned against her calm, still
licking gently at her thigh, “what’s wrong, baby, hasn’t Amber was paying any attention to my good boy?
Well, Jade still loves you, good dog,” she continued, patting the Shepherd’s shoulder, “Even if little sister
hasn’t been taking care of you, you’re still my lover dog, you know that.”
Billy was halfway up the inside of Jade’s thigh, and the smell of her sweet pussy made his mouth water as
His tongue lapped at her leg. The oblivious blonde rushed the last of her beer while Rex continued
licking, his wide tongue washing slowly higher on her thigh. Jade caught her breath as the big Shepherd’s
nose muzzle slide further up between her legs and she feel the hot panting closer to her snatch.
“Mmmm, my my, you are in a licky mood today, aren’t you, sweetheart,” she whispered softly, stroking the
dog’s neck as he kept lapping at her leg, “you could make Jade a little excited if you keep that up baby,
you know that?” Billy almost choked when he heard her admitting she liked having Rex lapping at her thigh.
Was there a chance, would she respond if the big dog went further? “Do you like it down there, big boy, you
like the way I smell, huh? Go ahead, good dog,” she blurted suddenly, feeling the Shepherd’s hot breath
panting at her snatch, “that feels really good, lover, you can keep that up for me if you want to.”
Jade couldn’t believe she was actually encouraging the big dog, but she couldn’t stop the quick shiver of
excitement she felt as the obedient animal moved to sit betweenher spread legs. The Shepherd has responded so
quickly Jade almost thought he had understood her whispering. She gasped when she felt the dog’s first
sultry breath panting against her snatch, dropped her head back and closed her eyes with a sight.
Rex sat quietly with his dripping muzzle inches away from the college girl’s spread bush, snorting softly,
and panting furnace hot breath over her thighs. Unable to resist her urge for the willing animal, Jade sat
trembling in front of the big dog, legs spread wide on either side of the his shoulders, her bronze-bushed
pussy spread before his gaping jaws. Billy leaned forward the final inch, ready to give her the first
stroke of his dripping tongue.
“Oh shit, goddamn, this chair is too fucking hard,” Jade swore with a gasp, “this isn’t comfortable, and I
need to lean back and take it easy.” She stood up quickly, “come on, good dog,” she continued, heading
for the living room, “come on baby, let’s go in where I can sit on the couch for you.”
Billy eagerly followed the excited college girl into the living room and watched in delight as Jade dragged
Two low, plus-upholstered ottomans over in front of the big overstuffed chair; the big dog stared in
Anticipation while the blonde shoved the ottomans into position, one the left side of the chair, the other to
the right side. Billy still couldn’t figure out what was going on until Jade moved to sit in the chair and
Then said, “Come over here, baby, and sit between my feet right here, that’s my good dog.”
Jade watched in expectation as the eager dog trotted between the ottomans and stopped directly in front of
the chair; tongue lolling, the Shepherd sniffed deliciously at her thigh and then look directly up at
her, obviously waiting for permission to begin licking her throbbing snatch. She couldn’t believe how readily
the big animal responded to her whispered instructions.
Rex’s ears perked every time she spoke, as if listening intently for her next words; the Shepherd’s expressive
eyes watched her closely, with a look she had to believe was eagerness. Jade slide her hand under her
left knee and lifted her foot up onto the ottoman, stretching her leg out to the side; Rex gave a low
while as the blonde raised her other leg and lifted it into place on the other footstool. Billy was stunned to
see the excited blonde leaning back directly in front of him with her legs spread wide; her heels up on the
twin ottomans raised her knees almost level with her shoulders, her lush ass and sweet musky pussy fully
exposed and waiting.
Billy wasted no time in setting in for some prolonged tonguing of the waiting blonde’s snatch; his hot
panting huffed against Jade’s pubic bush, sending shivers up her flat belly and making her nipples
Stiffen instantly. Jade’s breath caught in her throat and she shivered convulsively as the sweltering dog
tongue flicked over the sensitive skin at the edge of her pussy, but she couldn’t resist the velvet touch of
the animal’s tongue on her mons. Her heart was racing, her skin tingled and she felt like electricity was
running through her veins; her thoughts were racing and she realized with shock that the debauched fantasy was
Winning over her body and her brain.
“Jesus Christ, don’t stop now, big boy,” Jade whispered urgently, “I can’t believe I’m letting this happen, but
don’t stop, good dog. God, I read about chickens doing shit like this, but I never thought it could happen to
me. Go ahead, sweetheart, lick it, lick it for me baby.”
The excited Shepherd’s drool slathered tongue washed up between the hapless blonde’s shivering thighs,
slithering up over her twat, spreading her pussy and sliding over her cliporis on every stroke. Unable to
Resist her urge, spread legged with the dog lapping at her with obvious enjoyment, Jade feel her crotch
warming and her snatch buzzing with depraved excitement minute by minute. Billy’s broad animal tongue was as
wide as the girl’s spread pussy, and the big dog’s deliberate lapping was exhaust torment washing
between her legs.
The college girl was stunned at Rex’s eager interest and dedication in licking deliberately at her spread
and by now thoroughly aroused pussy; she squirmed under the animal’s muzzle, realizing with mortification that
the dog’s exhaustite tongue could make her react no matter how appalled she felt. The Shepherd’s eyes were
locked on her face, watching her intently, and again Jade had the impression that he was reacting to her
The big dog’s licking escalated as her renegade pussy began to melt and juices flowed down onto his probing
muzzle. Billy while with delight as the college girl’s cheats flushed and her nipples crinkled beneath the
thin cotton shirt. The overwhelmed blonde found herself panting like the dog, feel herself arching up in the
chair each time the persistent German Shepherd’s velvet smooth tongue lathered over her snatch.
The softly gasping blonde moaned deep in her throat and shivered with excitement as Billy continued the slow
steady lapping at her pussy, tail wagging, drooling on the bronze pubic curls around her slit. The eager dog
panted and slaved over the inflamed college girl’s warm snatch, and her pubic curls darkened as aroused
doggie saliva slopped over her thighs. Within minutes, Jade began breathing faster and her pinknipples began
Stiffening under her sleep shirt; the college girl’s tan stomach twitched with the pulse hammering in her
Increasedly steamy snatch.
When her quivering pussy began dripping into his mouth and his saliva soaked her under her ass, Billy began
licking harder and faster at the delicious pussy spread open in front of him. Jade felt her crotch begin to
loosen and throb as hot blood surged to her pubes; the animal’s deliberate lapping allowed no relief at all to
her responsive snatch, and within a minute her bush was saturated and her pussy dripped sweet sticky ooze onto
the big dog’s tongue.
Jade’s eyes snapped open, staring down at the huge Shepherd lapping enthusiastically around her soaked and
thoroughly inflamed snatch. Staring in horrified fascination at the big dog, the blonde was mortified at
the appalling vision of the enormous animal crouched between her thighs, jawsgaping as he licked slowly and
deliberately at her saturated crotch. The overstuffed chair held her sensitive slit at the ideal height for
the big dog’s lapping, and his broad wet tongue slathered across the width of her snatch, spreading her
lips wide open.
His eager lapping part of the shaking blonde’s drool soaked pubic bush, spreading her delicate pink lips and
throbbing cliporis to the slippery dog tongue. Jade’s forehead was beaded with sweat and she gasped for
breath as Billy’s tongue lathered over her bush, onto her thighs and up to her flat belly, then dropped back
down between her drool-slathered tights to her steaming snatch. The unescapable eager tongue smoking over her
spread slit made the college girl shudder with shameful desire, and she moaned with humiliation as she sprayed
spread-eagled in front of the big dog. Jade moaned in despair as she realized that the incessant licking was
slowly making her hotter and hotter with every stroke.
In spite of her revulsion and shame, the overwhelmed blonde couldn’t keep herself from going on with the big
dog’s craving. Gasping in tortured need, the hapless college girl reached down and hurriedly pulled the
Shirt up and off over her head. She had a momentary flash of forethought and quickly arched up to shove the
Shirt under her ass before she soaked the chair with her dripping snatch. Gasping, she collapsed back into
position and spread her legs wider, totally exposing her drenched snatch to Billy’s relentless licking.
Jade gave a groan of disgusted ecstasy as the big dog’s broad tongue washed over her exposed pussy, spreading
her lips and flickering over her inflamed clipit. The animal’s wide tongue washed deliberately over the
helpless blonde’s spread pussy, and she understood in mortified lust as the dog’s tongue flicked over her
pulsing cliporis.
“Go on and pet the pretty boy a little bit now, you dirty tramp,” Jade whispered huskily to herself, “let
Rex know how much you like having him do that for you, slut. Pet the big dog so he knows he’s making his good
girl happy.”
Hanging her head and crying weakly, Jade stared down at herself in disbelief as she slowly reached down to the
big dog and stroked his head and rubbed his ears; Billy grew with delight as he felt Jade’s fingers rubbing
His neck. She was groaning in hopeless mortification as his warm tongue rasped against her bush. The shattered
blonde stared down between her legs in stunned amazement as she petted the panting German Shepherd,
rubbing his ears and neck as he snuffled and drooled over her gaping bronze bushed pussy.
“Oh, Jesus, I can’t do this,” Jade sobbed guiltily, “it’s too awful, I just can’t keep letting him do it…Oh
my God, no, oh fuck no, no, no,” the tormented blonde moaned in helpless revulsion. With a final tough
sob, the mesmerized college girl reached down and laid her hand on the slavering German Shepherd’s massive
“Lick—lick me, Rex,” she chased in a tormented whisper. “Lick Jade’s pussy, big dog, do it now, before I back
out, don’t let me stop,” she whimpered frantically “Oh my God, what do you want me to say, lick me, Rex,” the
girl babbled, “lick my pussy, lick me, please lick me now good dog…”
Shivering uncontrollably, Jade groaned and panted desperately for breath while she kept patting and
Troking the enthusiastic animal crouched slavering between her thighs. Billy couldn’t believe it was
happening as he lapped eagerly at the babbling college girl’s spread slit, his tongue stroked between her
lips and up inside her melting snatch. The throbbing in her crotch was building and she knew she had to get
Some relief or she would come at any moment. She tried swinging her hips from side to side to keep the velvet
tongue away from her clip, shifting and squirming, emrithing and twitching and gasping with her clip poised
under the skillful animal’s assiduous licking. Although her disgust and mortification, Jade feel herself
responding with increasing excitement to the dog’s expert tongue. Letting go of the big dog’s ears, the
hapless blonde ran her hands down his neck and shoulders, then stroked her hands up the insides of her
drool-wet thighs; the feel of the huge animal’s thick coat encircled by her sleep wet skin brought goosebumps
out on the blonde’s tits shoulders.
Jade rubbed the dog’s coarse hair against her smooth upper thighs, and brought her hand up to caress her
swelling breasts. The girl’s mouth was dry and her breath came fast as she fondled the firm globes,
rolling her swollen nipples between thumb and forefinger. Arching in the chair, Jade dropped her head
back and panted for air as she played with her tits, still swiveling her crotch in lingering circles under
Billy’s incessant doggie tongue-job.
The German Shepherd made delighted while noises between the shuddering blonde’s legs as he continued
tonguing her eager pussy towards meltdown. Moaning and shaking, Jade clinched her fists around the chair
cushion and dropped her head back, crying in silence as the eager animal lapped maddeningly at her melting
pussy; she realized she was totally helpless, every move controlled by the animal licking eagerly between
her legs.
With a surge of absolute horror Jade suddenly realized that she wasn’t ever going to make the big dog stop;
she would watch the canine fiend between her legs tongue her clip while she did every appalling thing the
eager animal wanted her to do. Realizing she was powerless to refuse, Billy sat unhurriedly back on his
haunches between her shaking thighs and shifted his lapping into high gear, his wide tongue lathering over
her open pussy as fast as he could lick.
“Oh Jesus, please Rexie, please… all right, big dog,” the college girl groaned huskily, spreading her legs
wider for the practiced German Shepherd, “I can’t stop you and I can’t refuse it when you do that to me, go
ahead and do… do whatever you want, do it to me now, good boy.”
Jade’s crinkled nipples were now achingly hard and her belly muscles quivered as she got closer and closer to
coming on the inexorable doggie licking. The demoralized blonde was panting for breath and shaking
like a leaf, her buzzing cliporis driving her half-mad with desire and shame; she understood frantically as the
Shepherd’s relentless tongue washed over her open snatch, spreading her lips wide and sliding over her
clip like a velvet ribbon.
‘I don’t want this, I don’t,’ Jade thought frantically, ‘it’s him, it’s the damned dog, he won’t give me a
chance to think straight, I don’t really want this fucking animal licking me.’ The big dog seemed even
more intent now that her pussy was completely open to him, making a contented rumbling deep in his throat and
wagging his tail faster as he worked delightedly on the gasping blonde.
“Don’t try to blow it on the dog, angel,” she whispered as she understood under the German Shepherd’s
tongue, “you can try that, but it just isn’t so, baby. The big dog can’t make you do anything you don’t want
to do, and he can’t give you an idea that isn’t there to begin with, all he’s doing is letting out what’s
really there. Don’t forget, sweetheart, you saw it first on the internet, remember? You saw it, and you
liked watching it when a big dog licked that girl and made her come. You might as well let out what’s really
you, that’s all, let the real Jade come out, it helps you admit what you really want, baby…”
The college girl’s brain was a whirling storm of confusion and mortifying desire; her pulse raced, her
Thoughts were a tangled snarl of repulsion and excitement. As much as Jade wanted to resist her
compulsion she couldn’t deny her pleasure, couldn’help but concede the racing pulse in her renegade
snatch. She felt a sudden shiver of horror as she realized the big dog was watching her intently, his
eyes locked on her face as he continued lapping deliberately at her spread slit. Billy stared in
delight as the girl’s expression through shame and disgust to hopeless hunger for his animal tongue. Jade
Couldn’t look away as the Shepherd stared knewly into her eyes while licking deliberately at her oozing
“Oooohh, Jesus, it’s, that’s good, that’s really good, Rex, oh my god, go on baby, do it for me, don’t stop
good dog,” Jade hisssed through clenched teeth, “Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she moaned, feeling the
orgasm building in her throbbing snatch, “do it now, Rex boy, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh, I can’t stand it, big
dog, I’m gonna come now, I’m gonna cream all over you…”
The hapless blonde began groaning aloud as the big Shepherd lowered his head, his slavering tongue
stroking over her wholly open pussy. Jade felt like her crotch was being slowly dissolved by the animal’s
flickering tongue; it feellike slow motion explorations going off at her clip and blasting up her spine. The
orgasm was so intense it seemed to short circuit her mind, leaving nothing but the mind blowing sensings
of coming and coming while Rex’s incredible tongue slithered over her pulsating snatch. Back and belly
muscles rock hard, thighs and calves cramping, the moaning blonde lay quivering in front of the big dog
While Billy continued lapping and slavering at her melting bronze bushed cunt. The come seemed to last
forever, leaving the shuddering college girl exhausted and gasping, sweating and moaning, rolling her hips
slowly to the dog’s exhaust licking.
Jade was stunned and horrified when the big dog continued lapping deliberately at her dripping,
quivering snatch. Obviously excited by the smell and taste of the panting blonde’s totally saturated pussy,
the huge animal seemed determined to keep right on licking at her sticky snatch no matter how Jade
reacted. The mortified college girl looked pleadingly down at the Shepherd, only to find that she was getting
more excited by the minute as she watched the big dog making her come.
“No, oh god no, please,” she wailed, shivering helplessly under the animal’s incessant lapping, “Oh
goddamn, stop, please big dog, please let me go, please don’t do that anymore, aaahhhh, I can’t do stand for
you to do it any more, please give me a break, oh god, help…”
There was no way the frenzied girl could escape the stubborn animal licking eagerly at her crotch; Jade lay
emrithing in the chair, head hanging, tears rolling down her flushed cheeks. Sensing that the distraught blonde
had lost all will to resist, Billy gave a contented rumbling growl and changed to a slow motion washing of
the girl’s bare pussy, his tongue languidly flicking between her delicateinner lips and sliding over her
exposed cliporis. Jade was moaning aloud and understanding under his tongue, loins throbbing as her snatch warmed
again to the dog’s incessant licking.
Her thoughts were racing and her brain screamed in horror even while she felt her pussy responding
automatically to the excisite torture of the big dog’s velvet tongue. Powerless to escape the animal blowjob,
Feeling about to faith in unbearable ecstasy, Jade compromised desperately against the chair, fingers clenched
into the upholstery, panting for breath as waves of mounting ecstasy flooded up from her dripping snatch.
Even as her thoughts clamored with fear and mortification, her hips were rolling mechanically back
and forth under Rex’s lingering ceaseless licking, intensifying the gratification of each slow stroke.
Although her resolve not to give in to the incredible sensing, Jade feel her drool wet ass tighten with
Every flick of the scalding dog tongue over her lips. The humiliated college girl whimpered in despair as she
Found actually stretching her legs wider for the German Shepherd, straining with the tendons on each side of
her snatch stretched like cables from the pale edges of her bush to the tan skin of her inner thighs. Gasping,
the petrified blonde slide into a red haze of desire as mindless crop responses overwhelmed her; Jade
Suddenly realized she was babbling encouragement to the dog as she got closer and closer to another volcanic
“Jesus, yes oh yes, big dog,” she murmured helpedlessly, “I can handle it all now, please go ahead and do it
Some more for me, good boy.” Her round tits heaved with her panting and her tighs and calves pulsed as she
trembled and twitched, starting to come again on the interminable licking.
“Oooohh, aahhhh, that’s good big dog, that’s so good, Rex, go on baby, do it to Jade now, don’t stop good
dog. Aahh, oh mmmmmm, yes yes yes,” she panted, feeling the second redhot orgasm building in her throbbing
snatch, “please do it now, Rex, mmmmmm, unnh, oooohhh god don’t stop now, I’ve gotta have more now big dog,
help me, oh please, I’m gonna come all over this fucker…”
Twisting and emrithing, the sweat drenched blonde moaned incoherently to the huge German Shepherd as her sanity
dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Billy grew deep in his throat as her spastic snatch
pumped juices over his dripping tongue. Biting her lip to keep from screaming, the frenzied college girl
stared down at the eagerly lapping animal, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded in
waves of pounding orgasm. The excited Shepherd lathered warm slave over her gaping snatch and slippery thighs,
Sensual tongueuedancing maddeningly over the clamping muscles of her drool soaked cunt. The mewling blonde
felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm after another
gushing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine to crash into her numbered brain.
Twitching and shuddering, Jade while feebly and panted urgently for breath as Rex lapped and slobbered at her
saturated crotch. As the incredible shuddering spasms shook her bobbing jugs, she realized with horror that
the big dog refused to back off and the velvet tongue was still there. As the unrelenting doggie lick job got
her hotter and hotter, the desperate, squirming blonde knew she was actually going to start screaming out loud
if the giant dog made her come again.
“Rex, please please get away from me, that’s enough, you’ve got to stop that,” she implemented, “aaahhhh,
Jesus, I can’t stand that, you're making me crazy, please cut it out…” She reached feebly for the
Shepherd’s collar, trying desperately to shove the relentless animal back from her inflamed snatch.
The college girl screamed in shock as the big dog suddenly realized up and clamped his heavy paws over her
upper thighs, holding her legs against the chair arms, pinning her in place for more of the animal licking.
Billy held her writing in place under his washing tongue, ignoring her desperate begging; the huge animal
never attended to the frantic blonde’s tearful pleading, his wide tongue still struggling maddeningly
against her twitching clip.
“God, god, please please stop, I can’t stand it, that’s too intense, you’re driving me crazy with it,” she
gasped, “ooohh, no, you’re killing me, Rex, you sonofabitch, that’s all I can stand right now. Please
Please please please get away, aahhhhh, Jesus…" she wailed shrilly.
Jade sobbed and struggled desperately against the dog’s powerful shoulders as the huge Shepherd lowered his
head over her snatch again. Twisting and understanding on the chair, the sweat drenched blonde moaned
incoherently to the big dog as her sanity dissolved and gushed out through her pulsating pussy. Rex grown
deep in his throat as her spastic snatch pumped juices over his dripping tongue. Every time she looked down at
the animal lapping at her snatch, Jade found his glowing eyes locked on her, watching her pinned in
place for the deliberate licking.
Gritting her teeth to keep from screaming aloud, the frenzied blonde rolled enthusiastically against the chair
cushion, her head rolling from side to side as her crotch exploded in waves of pounding orgasm. The
excited Shepherd lathered warm slave all over her gaping snatch and slippery thighs, sensitive tongue
dancing maddeningly overthe clamping ring muscle of her drool soaked ass.
The mewling blonde felt like she was drowning in tidal waves of surging come, one rush of explosive orgasm
After another gushing from her steaming pussy straight up her spine to crash into her numbered brain. Twitching,
shuddering, Jade while feebly and panted for breath as Billy lapped and slobbered over her saturated crotch.
As the incredible shuddering spasms shook her bobbing jugs, she realized with disbelief that the huge animal
Still refused to back off and the enthusiastic velvet tongue was still there. Muffled cries and groans turned
into a constant nasal moaning as the hyperical college girl thrashed helpfully on the chair with eager Rex
crouched between her thighs.
“MMmmmmmmmmmmmm, unnnhhhhhhhhhhhhh, nnnnnnnnno,” she shrilled through clenched teeth, “nnnnoooo, dnnnt, aaaahhhhhhh,
ssttp ut, pplllzzz, unnnnhhhhhmmmmmmmm……” Her muffled pleading and frenzied moans seemed to constantly
encourage the big dog, who immediately burst into delighted licking at her spasming crotch.
Jade’s mind dissolved into a red cloud of orgasm and squirming desire as the dog’s inescapable tongue cracked
between her extremely sensitive lips and slide up inside her dripping cunt. Tears slide down her face and
dripped from her throbbing nipples as the frantic squirming waitress started on another mind boggling
orgasm. Crying and while in horrified ecstasy, she found herself now straining towards the panting German
Shepherd, pressing her knees against the dog’s shoulders as Billy snuffled and drooled over her avid
bronze bushed pussy; she was frantic with mortification and shame as she felt herself heaving forward,
thrusting her snatch towards the animal’s steady toguing.
Limp as a dishrag and shivering uncontrollable, Jade groaned and giggled uncontrollableobsessed at the big dog,
wriggling and heaving her snatch at the eager animal crouched slavering between her tights. Begging,
screaming and laughing heavily, she gripped the chair arms with both hands and stared down in
fascinated horror between her legs, watching as she spread her tights wide to hold her dripping lips apart,
exposing her throbbing and demanding clip to Rex’s velvet tongue.
Jade twisted and wriggled frantically under the Shepherd’s heavy paws, pinned solidly in place while
Billy’s licentious tongue washed over her open snatch, spreading her lips wide and sliding over her clip like
a velvet ribbon. Even as she pleased with the slavering animal, Jade felt excruciating gravity under the
dog’s tiredless licking and delicate tongue, remembered fondling and strucking his ears as he exhaustively lapped
Her dissolving snatch. The graphic memory of his first delicate lick at her clip made goosebumps stand out on
her shaking breasts and her nipples throbbed into swollen hard erection.
“Aaahhhhh, please, Rex, no more, please no,” Jade sobbed, shifts racing over her belly and up across her
shaking tits, “I can’t stand it, you can’t just keep doing it to me. Please, please don’t do that to me any
more, Rexie,” the shattered blonde screamed hysterically, “it’s too much, ooohhhh, no, aaahhhhh…”
Closing her eyes, the overwhelmed college girl again began slowly twitching her hips from side to side,
swiveling her violently clamping ass in circles, sliding the flickering dog tongue around her dripping
pussy. As Billy lapped zeroously at her bronze-curled bush, Jade gasped and reached down to spread her lips
with one hand while she stroked the German Shepherd’s head and neck. Responding to the overwhelmed blonde’s
helpless encouragement, the excited dog extended his maneuvers, licking up across her bush onto her
twitching belly and down to her thighs, washing her entire crotch.
“Mmmmmmm, oh my God, that’s good big dog,” Jade whispered hoarsely as she scratched Rex lovingly behind
the ears, “I hate to confess, but it’s so good, Rex, go on baby, do it to Jade real nice, don’t stop good dog.
Aahh, oh, mmmmmm, yes, yes, yes!”
Jade choked off as another thunderous orgasm roared up her spine; she sensitively rubbed her aching nipples as
her tanned body heaved and shuddered under the big dog’s unflagging licking. The college girl screamed
deep in her throat, over and over again as the dog lapped deliberately at her spasming pussy; shaking and
sobbing, the creaming blonde keep bucking and thrusting at the whining Shepherd’s muzzle, emrithing in waves of
volcanic come while she twisted and jerked under his
hot tongue.
She was ready to start screaming again when she heard the garage door opener grinding and realized with
terror that her mother and sister had come home. She slapped the big dog hard on his dripping muzzle and
pleased, “Back off, Rex, off good boy. Jade feels good now, big boy, back off.” As if he understands perfectly,
the Shepherd instantly pulled his nose from between Jade’s legs and sat panting between her ankles; the
weak-kneed blonde lurched to her feet, swinging dizzily as she shivered and moaned, reaching pleadingly towards
the motionless animal for a little more.
She frantically shoved the ottomans back into place, grabbed her wet shirt off the chair and rushed for the
stairs. Rex followed her as Jade ran gasping and groaning up the stairs, still delicious with the
Passion of her shocking, mind-shattering animal orgasms. Billy followed the quivering blonde over to
The bed and then turned towards the door as he heard Amber and her mother walking into the living room.
The hapless college girl failed in shivering ecstasy and the German Shepherd quietly walked out and galloped
downstairs to greet the returning women.
Continued in chapter 4…
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