Jackie and Beth were inseparable since they were little girls. Always having sleepovers, borrowing each other’s clothes…everything best friends do to and with each other. This weekend Jackie’s parents had planned to go camping, but Jackie didn’t like being out in the cold all weekend with no phone service.
Beth was in the same boat as Jackie, her parents had booked a hotel with two rooms, one for them being theirs and the other for Beth and her brother. Her brother was two years younger than Beth, so it wasn’t too bad, but still, no 16 year old girl wants to share a room with her little brother.
Beth kept thinking about Jackie outside in a sleeping bag alone. She asked her parents if it would be OK to go camp out with Jackie. They thought about the two girls, as well as their daughter and her brother, weighing the two.
Finally Beth’s father spoke and said,
“Well, honey, we have some concerns aboutletting you go, but since you’re going to comfort your friend, how can we say no?”
Beth sprang up to her feet in enthusiastic joy, hugging her father.
“I’m going to my room to call Jackie to tell her the great news.”
When Jackie heard the good news, she jumped for joy, and if she could have jumped through the phone, she would have. They chatted about how the upcoming campout was going to be so much fun now that neither one of them would be without the other for the whole weekend. Drawback was that Jackie had a younger brother as well. They decided to try and make the best of it.
The day came that they all were packed for, and they started towards the campsite that the family had decided on. The girls lost interest in the headphones they had brought with them for the trip and started gossiping about clothes or no clothes as the case may turn out before the weekend was over.
Finally they arrived at their camping location,Both Jackie and Beth popped out of the car as soon as the car came to a complete stop. They had been told over and over again, not to start unbuckling and getting out of a moving vehicle. Neither of them wanted to find out what their parents would do if they disobeyed such an order.
They got out of the car and smelled the fresh air, stretching their arms wide. Noticing the familiar stream that ran along the campground, both Beth and Jackie got wet pussies just thinking about playing with each other in the water.
About that time, Jackie saw her mother and father walking towards her, totally naked. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Could this actually be happening, she pinched herself to make sure she was awake and not dreaming.
“What’s going on?” Jackie asked totally bewildered.
“Guess we should finally come clean,” her mother chuckled. “You remember all those parties your father and I went to over the years?”
Jackie nodded her head, slowly.
“Well, we are what you would call, close nudists.”
“So that’s why you always start striping right after you get home from work!”
They both nodded and laughed.
The girls both looked at each other with grinins on their faces. They then looked at Beth’s 14 year old brother, who had followed his parents. He was also naked.
“Hell, this could turn into a family traditional outing,” Beth exclaimed.
Jackie agreed, hugging and kissing Beth, not realizing what she was doing until it was too late. By this time, Jackie ‘s brother had almost beside himself. Sure he’d seen his sister naked, but here he was seeing both her and her best friend in the buff.
When they started a fire to get dinner going, everyone except Jackie’s parents got a little hesitant, since they were naked, after all. Her father said not to worry, that he had started hundreds of firesin his lifetime, about 60% of them being naked while in the process. That didn’t really ease the girls’ minds, but they tried to think of something else.
In just a few minutes they had a roaring fire going, warming them all. When the fire would start going out, Jackie’s father would stoke it with a petrified piece of wood. He did this all night since he never slept, much to the dismay of her mother. She would always fall asleep trying to stay awake with her husband.
In the morning, Beth and Jackie woke up, surprisingly warm from the all-night fire. They stood up, totally free of clothes and not really caring if they had onlookers. Jackie’s brother got up shortly after and had a raging hard-on from a dream he had during the night. Jackie figured it was because of her and Beth.
Everybody started to get hungry around 9 a.m. so they started the fire again to fix some sausage links and baked beans. Beth. Jackie and her brother were sitting at thepicnic table waiting on the food.
“Beans, beans, a magical fruit…” was heard from Jackie’s brother.
Beth and Jackie Shook their heads, thinking,
“how children!”
The beans and sausage were done and on plates for everyone in almost no time at all. Just then, Jackie’s mother came out of the tent, smelling the freshly cooked food.
All weekend was the same, with Jackie’s father not sleeping, but everyone enjoying being naked.
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