Murder on the Mainline: another Mike Claymore Mystery Chapter 14


“What time did you get in last night? CPX has been calling and wants to know where the bills are.”

Sleepily Mike mumbles, “They’re in my tractor above the visa. I forget to put them in their pouch.”

“They said they looked there.”

“Marlene, what time is it?”

“It’s after nine. Here, you talk to them.” She hands him the portable phone.

“Hi. It’s Mike. Those bills have to be there under the visa. Did you look on the console?”

“Hang on, Mike, I’ll check with Hugh.” He hears the crackle of the radio as Jerry calls the spotter in the yard.

“He says he’s found them. They were in the sleeper. Why would you ever have them back there on a one day run?”

“Don’t ask.”

“Oh. SeemsI did hear rumors this morning from a Calgary driver that you had a swamper with you. Better watch it, Mike. Company policy could get you in trouble. Anyway, we have the paperwork. You want another run today?”

“Where to and when?”

“Now to Sicamous again.”

“God, no!”

“Okay. I haven’t anything else at this time. You may not get another run this week. Sure you don’t want this one?”

“No thanks, Jerry. Later in the week would be alright but I never got in till three.”

“Right. Well, I made the offer. That’ll satisfy the union. Go back to bed, you bum.”

“You take care, Jerry. See ya.”

Marlene has been standing at the door listening and she flops across the bed to take the phone from him. “They want you to go back out today? What’s the matter with their heads?”

Mike shrugs and says, “It’s part of our union contract. They have to offer this run to me first. Now he’ll go down the list and offer it to the next eligible driver, Ernie. If I don’t get another run this week I could complain to the union that I didn’t get this run, if they hadn’t offered it to me. It’s politics, dear. Don’t sweat it.”

“You’re not going then?”

“No way. But I do have work to do. Guess I might as well get up.”

She runs the phone’s aerial along his chin and up his neck to his ear. “You don’t have to, right away.”

“I suppose not. What did you have in mind?”

“Let me check on Janet. I’ll be right back.”

In a moment he hears the phone ring again. He hears her chatting then she calls upstairs. “Mike, it’s for you. It’s Nina. Can you pick it up there?”

He picks up the bedside phone and hears Nina’s voice, “…and he was so happy to get such a fast response.”

“So when do you leave?” It’s Marlene’s voice.

“We have lots of time. They have to make room for him in their offices and such. This is a new position. We are putting the house on the market right away and as soon as it sells, we’ll live in a hotel until all is settled. Is Mike coming?”

“I’m here, Nina. So, Jeff got his transfer, eh? And a promotion to boot? That’s great news. Was there something you wanted to talk to me about?”

“Yes. It’s my boss. He’d like to see you. When can you come in?”

“I guess I could come over this morning. Did he say what he wanted?”

“He said to call before you come over. He’s not in his office right now, but I think he’ll be back in a few minutes. I don’t think he left the building. At least he hasn’t moved his indicator on the board to say he has. He’s usually pretty good about moving it if he has to go out.”

“I’ll call back in a bit then. Maybe we can have lunch?”

“I don’t think that’d be a good idea. With the way things are around here and the way things are around home, I think we better not.”

“Oh. You’re right. I’ll call later then.”

Mike gets up and is shaving when Marlene comes into the bathroom. “She calls and you forget what we were doing, don’t you?”

She wheels around and is gone when he steps to the door. He calls, “Marlene, I was just shaving for you, honey.”

He hears her voice from downstairs, “Yeah, tell me another one. I’m going out with Janet. You can get your own breakfast.” He listens and in a minute hears the door slam. He goes back and finishes shaving then pulls on jogging pants, socks and slippers. He carries a sweatshirt with him as he goes downstairs.

He looks out the window and sees the station wagon is gone. He picks up the phone and dials the POCO Detachment. It rings then Nina’s voice says, “Port Coquitlam Detachment, may I help you?”

“It’s Mike. Is Lindross in?”

“Yes, but hold on. Where’s Marlene?”

“She left in a huff with Janet. Life is back to normal around here. She wanted to go back to bed when you called and I forgot. I was shaving when she came back up and she said the minute I talked to you, I forgot what we were supposed to be doing. She stormed out of here.”

Nina chuckles, “You did forget.”

“Yeah, I guess I did.”

“Lunkhead. No wonder she’s mad.”

“Okay, what did you want to tell me that she’s not supposed to hear?”

“I think I’m pregnant!” Mike says nothing. “Mike, are you there? Did you hear me? Mike, say something.”

“How could you know so soon? It’s only been just over two weeks.”

“My period was due before the weekend and it hasn’t started. I’ve got my fingers crossed. I think you just caught me in time that day we were supposed to go for lunch and we ended up out by the river. Oh Mike, I’m so happy! I hope it’s not a false alarm. Please wish me luck.”

“I’m happy for you if that’s what you want. But it’s awfully early to tell for sure. Wow! It’s just getting to me! Pregnant! Ain’t that something? You guys roll along for all those years then I come along and bang, your it.”

“You wanted to speak with the boss. Just hang on for a moment.”

He hears could have music for a minute then, “Mike, it’s Staff Sgt. Lindross. Can you come around to my office sometimes today?”

“Well, I don’t know. I think I can work it in. What’s come up?”

“I suggest you bring whatever you picked up at Flo’s apartment with you.”

“What makes you think I found anything?”

“Don’t play games with me, Mike. That was a clever ploy with your girl friend and her ankle, but the officer was smart enough to report what happened and take the consequences.”

“Let’s say I know someone stayed at Flo’s the week before she was murdered. Lets say I wanted some information you have on the case. If that were the case, do you suppose a trade might be arranged?”

“What’re you fishing for, Mike?”

“One of the pieces to my puzzle is why aren't you treating Scanlon’s possibility as a murder suspect more seriously?”

“That’s easy. He didn’t do it.”

“See now, there, you have information I would find valuable in my quest. How do you know he didn’t do it? Surely you don’t believe his alibi.”

“His alibi is bullshit. We know where he was.”

“You have the advantage on me. So where was he?”

“Bring in your evidence and we’ll talk. By the way, what did you find?”

“I’ll be right over.”

Mike leaves a note for Marlene, picks up his briefcase and heads out the door. By eleven he’s pulling up in front of the detachment. He walks up to the door and opens it. Nina smiles as she sees him come in. She hurries over. Mike studies her as she approaches and say, “I’d like to kiss you but I’ll have to make do with congratulations. Sure you won’t have lunch with me?”

“I’m sure. The Staff is waiting in his office. Let me check and see if he’s busy.”

She comes right back and says, “Come on in.” She presses a hidden button and the gate opens. Mike steps through and proceeds to the office she has indicated. He’s greeted by a hearty handshake and the door is closed.

“So, what did you get?”

“I think before we discuss that, I would like to know the lowdown on Scanlon.”

“I’ll humor you. I’ll go first. None of this leaves this office, unless you want to tell my secretary, of course. So she couldn’t find out this bit of info for you, eh?”

“I’m sorry. Nina and I had an affair but I assume you…”

“Never mind. I didn’t expect you to admit she brought you anything. Scanlon?” He picks up a rather thick file and turn to some pages near the back. “Scanlon was identified as being at the border crossing in Sumas after midnight on the night in question. He was positively identified in person as well as his vehicle was also identified. He was in the area with two known teenage prostitutes, one from Port Moody and the other from Vancouver. Coincidentally they were picked up in a round up the next night in Seattle. It is believed he took into possession two teen-age prostitutes from LA that night. We’ve been watching him so we know he was not near Port Coquitlam the night Florence Hanson was murdered. Satisfied?”

“So he’s not even a suspect. Why’d you have him on your list?”

“He’s so obviously a suspect, we couldn’t omit him without raising embarrassing questions. So Mike, your turn.”

“I have a couple more questions I’d like answered.”

“I can’t do that.Play the game. Give me something.”

“Alright, I believe whoever killed Flo may have stayed at her place during the week before she was murdered. Stay with me on this. She was taken into a dangerous area and she allowed herself to be tied up. Reason? Fantasy sex. But the game of Fantasy sex can only safely be carried out with someone you explicitly trust. If you have viewed her living quarters I think you’ll agree she very likely never took her tricks to that address. Ergo, anyone she did allow to stay with her there she trusted. I found evidence of a second person, a male, who I believe stayed there sometimes recently. But I don’t have the funds or access to the labs, like you guys, so this evidence was coming to you anyway, …or to Ray’s lawyer. You win the toss.”

Mike opens his brief case and places the two Baggies with the hair and bristle samples on the desk along with an Evidence Report form all filled out. The Staff Sgt. reads the report, looking at each sample as he reads then studies the samples some more. “By jingles, you may have something here to help us in the case. Where’d you learn to collect evidence?”

“The Penitentiary Service of Canada”

“Well, I suppose you have more?”

“You suppose correct. What do you have on Ray Chauffe?”

“No alibi, to start with, and clothing of his taken from his locker have blood and urine on them which has just been proven to be the victim’s. What else would I need?”

“What else have you got? You said the fluids on his clothes have just been proven to be Flo’s, but you arrested him a long time before you had that proof. You must have had something else.”

“Your forgetting we have a witness who saw him leaving the area around the time the crime took place or shortly before.”

“Inever said I could identify his vehicle!”

“But your swamper did. And you admitted you checked his truck for warmth and believed he had been there.”

“So your scenario is that he arranged with Flo to go out with him later then left to wash his truck. After we saw him he went back to wait outside the Gardens for Flo, picked her up and took her willingly to that hole by the tracks. Somehow he convinced her to allow him to tie her up after she had voluntarily removed her panties. Then he rapes and stringles her, being sure not to leave prints, goes back over to the yard, being careful not to be seen by the Commissionaire, and calmly puts his coveralls and boots into his locker and go home. Is that it?”

“You know an awful lot about that murder scene that was in our confidential reports.” His eyes twinkle. “That’s essentially it. You forget he left boot prints by the body. Didn’t she gives you the photos of the crime scene?”

“What photos? If your take on it is true, why does he do it?”

“Who knows? Jilted lover, maybe he’s a sex pervert. Just look at the list of movies he had. I presume you’ve seen the list or I’d get it for you.”

“Let’s look at it from another perspective. If Ray didn’t do it, who did?”

“An interesting question. But before we go on, I think it’s your turn.”

“Oh yes, further proof that someone else was at Flo’s are the tire tracks in her carport. I sketched these but you’ll want to get casts of the prints. That size tire would not fit Flo’s car. I’d like to keep the sketch. I’ll be looking for a match.”

“You’ll allow me to photo copy it, won’t you?”

“By all means. In fact I have a photocopy for you. Pertinent details are printd on the back.”

“Yes indeed. What other little bit’s of info did you need?”

“None further at this time. May I drop by and see you occasionally when I have questions or possible clues to share?”

“Oh, most certainly. It’s been a rare pleasure meeting with you. I must admit it has been more productive than I thought it would be. Drop in any time.”

“Thank you, sir. I’ll do that.”

“By the way, you may have noticed you no longer have a tail. I sort of thought you might cooperate.”

“Thank you again, sir. Good day.”

As he’s leaving he notices it’s about twelve twenty. Nina signals him to wait. She comes over when she gets off the phone and says, “Does your offer still stand?”


She nods.

“I’ll wait for you outside.”

He goes out and puts the top down on the car. It’s hot today and the fresh air will feel good as they drive along. In ten minutes she comes out and slides into the seat. She slides over next to him. “Do we have to go for lunch? Can we go out by the river again?”

Mike reaches over and squeezes her hand as he pulls away from the curb. He finds the spot out by the river in the hollow under the trees. He parks and kisses her.

She gives a small cry and says, “It’s only been a few days but it seems like forever since you touched me. Oh Mike, I’m going to have a baby, our baby, I’m sure of it. What will I tell it when it grows up?”

“Have you said anything to Jeff yet?”

“I don’t know how to tell him. He’ll know it’s yours. I don’t care. We were talking about dividend. If worse comes to worst, I’ll raise it by myself and be happy every day that it’s here. Oh Mike please hold me. I think I’m scared.”

Slowly she relaxes in his arms and her lips seek his again. It isn’t long before they’re stretched out on the car seat side by side. After their session of love making he drives her back to the detachment and she says before leaving the car, “I feel that is the last time we will make love, my dear friend.” She cups his chin with her hand and kisses him gently. She runs inside the building never looking back.

Mike drives over to the CPX yard and goes up to the office. He hails Jerry and says, “Anything for me on the horizon?”

“Not a thing, Mike. You should have taken that one this morning.”

“I got some other work to get caught up on at home so it’s just as well. I stopped to make sure I wasn’t going to get interrupted half way through a project.”

Mike walks back out to the parking lot,dialing Trudy’s number on the way. “Hi, can you move tomorrow? Does that give you time to get the trailer and all?”

“Yes. Yes and YES! What time?”

“Early, I guess. How about nine?”

“That’s early?”

“You forget, I have to leave at seven thirty to be at your place by nine.”

“Poor baby. You come when you can.” She giggles, “But come often.”

“Trudy, Trudy, Trudy. You have a one-track mind. I’ll see you around nine.”

Next he calls ABC Security Services and speaks with them. They have two insurance cases for him. He says he’ll try to drop by this afternoon and pick them up. She says she also has some skip tracing for him if he’s interested. He says he’ll check it when he’s in.

Mike debates what to do next. It’s Tuesday, so Bob Hanson will be working. He calls Marie Mathers. He lets the phone ring ten times. No answer. He thinks about her locked and cringing in the house in Surrey, afraid to answer the phone. He decides to try and talk her into going with him to a shelter again. Maybe Trudy could talk her into going, but he feels an urgent need to do something for her right now.

He starts the Mustang and wheels out of the parking lot. Swinging onto the Mary Hill Bypass he speeds towards the Port Mann Bridge and Surrey. Taking the first exit he passes the mall and soon is in front of Hanson’s house. He checks the street but traffic seems normal and he can’t spot anyone staked out here.

Surveillance must have ceased on the Hanson residence. He pulls the file and rereads his last interview with Marie. Tucking the file back into his case, he jumps out of the car and crosses the street. Whistling a cheerful tune he walks up the sidewalk and rings the bell. He cannot hear the bell tone so tries it again. Nothing, so he knocks rather loudly and says in a clear voice slightly raised, “Marie? Marie, are you home?” Nothing.

He walks around to the side of the house and a neighbor speaks to him over the side fence. “No one about this morning. They had an awful row last night after midnight. I was going to call the police, but it settled down by two. I don’t know if she’s in there or not? Are you a policeman?”

Mike studies the old gentleman and say, “Uh, no. I’m a private investigator. I’m just here to get a statement from the lady who lives here. I thought she might be out back.”

“She comes out to work in the garden almost every day. It’s such a nice day, I’m surprised she’s not out here.”

“Maybe she went shopping.”

“Oh, she never goes out alone. He’s always with her. He drives bus, you know. I saw him go outThis morning. She must be there all right. Maybe sleeping.” In more somber tones he adds quietly, “Maybe dead.”

Mike looks up at the back porch and notices a large window by the back door. He decides to try knocking on the back door and maybe taking a peek in the back window. As the neighbor watches he climbs the back steps.

Under the porch roof the air is stale and humid from the hot sun and wet garbage in open cans. His eyes sting and he steps quickly to the door. He bangs loudly and calls out, “Marie! Are you there? Answer the door.” He shakes his head and listens. No sound is heard.

Pushing a can of garbage aside with his foot he moves towards the window. Nudging another can aside; he gets to a position where he can peer around the edge of the window frame. Flies and bees buzz around him as he tries to make out details in the dark interior. He waves them away and cups his hands around his eyes to see better. “Is she there?” calls the neighbor.

“She doesn’t answer the door.” Mike calls back to him.

“Eh? What’d you say?”

“She doesn’t seem to be home.”

“Of course she’s alone. There’s only the two of them lives there. I told you I saw him leave this morning.”

Mike moves back to the steps and speaks directly to the old gentleman. “There’s nobody home.”

“I thought you said she was alone. Make up your mind, young man.”

Mike hears a sound behind him and swings around. He listens and again hears a distant thumb. It’s repeated a third time. “Someone is pounding in there. Can you call the police? I’m going to try the door.”

“I think we should call the police”

Mike nods in the affordable as he goes back to the door. He turns the knob and thedoor gives a quarter of an inch. He hopes it’s not a dead bolt. He puts his shoulder to the door and pushes. Solid. He listens but all is silent. Mike debates whether to wait for the police or try harder. Suddenly he makes up his mind and steps back.

He raises his foot and brings it down forcefully against the door just below the key lock. The door flies open taking splinters of the doorjamb with it. He steps inside and surveys the shambles in the kitchen. Dishes are broken all over the floor and amongst them is a heavy cast frying pan with what appears to be dried blood on one edge of it.

Mike fears the worst and looks for the phone. He steps into the living room and sees it lying on the floor. He picks it up and notices the dangling cord. No connector on the end of it. It’s been ripped out of the wall. The house is quiet with all the blinds drawn. It’s mercifully cool in here but Mike feels that it’s chilly. He wishes his cell phone wasn’t in the charger, in the car.

He starts searching for the occupation. He can’t find her on the ground floor so he bounds upstairs. He finds what appears to be two bedrooms and a bathroom. He checks the first room. It’s meant to be a bedroom but it’s piled with boxes. No one is there.

He opens the door to the bathroom next and looks quickly around. His heart sinks. There’s blood on the floor and sink. A wet towel is soaked with blood by the sink. He rushes to the last room and tries to open the door. It’s stuck or locked. His adrenaline is pumping by now and he doesn’t hesitate. He batteries the door with his foot by the knob. It flies open.

He finds her by the bed on the floor with a heavy lamp in her outstretched hand. The side of her head and face is caked with dried blood and her robe is torn in shreds, some of which are tied around her outstretched wrist. Her other arm is under herbut Mike can tell by the awkward position of it that she likely has a fractured collar bone on that side. He checks for a pulse and thinks he detects a weak one.

He hears someone walking downstairs and a voice calls, “Anybody here? This is the police.”

Mike calls out, “Up here. Get an ambulance fast. We’ve got a girl dying here.”

“Where are you? Oh, I see.” The officer enters the room behind Mike and says, “Who are you?”

“Mike Claymore. I’m a private investigator working on the Hanson murder in POCO. I came to get a statement from this young lady and this is what I found. We need to get an ambulance right away. I could only detect a weak pulse.”

“Ambulance is on the way. My partner called for it. Have you touched anything?”

“Door knobs and her wrist. That’s it. I know better. Oh, I did pick up the phone in the living room to try and call you guys, but it’s been pulled out of the wall.”

“Quite a mess down there.”

“And in the bathroom up here.”

“I figured he’d kill her, one of these days. We get lots of calls to this address. Poor kid.”

“Neighbor says he heard quite a ruckus here last night. Guess he didn’t call it in. Notice the lamp. I heard a thumbing when I was on the back porch and I think she was trying to get my attention by banging it on the floor.”

“How long ago was that?”

“Couldn’t have been more than twenty minutes ago.”

They hear the squawk of the ambulance siren out front and Mike says, “I’ll go and direct them up here.”

“Bring them in through the front door. It’ll be faster.”

“Right.” Mike dashes downstairs to the front door. He unlocks it and swings it open for the parameters waiting just outside. “This way, fellows. She’s up those stairs.”

Behind him another officer says, “Who are you?”

Mike swings around grinning and says, “I just went through that with your partner. I’m Mike Claymore, private investigator. I’m working on the Hanson murder in POCO. I came here to get a statement from the young lady living with Hanson’s ex. I found her upstairs is very poor condition. She may be dead. Neighbor says they had a row last night. That’s about it.” He hands his I.D. to the Officer.

“Good.” He hands Mike back his I.D. “Don’t run off. We’ll want to ask you some more questions later.”

“I intend to accompany Miss Mathers to the hospital where I still hope to get a statement from her. It’s more important than ever now. She’s Hanson’s alibi. After what he's done to her now, if she still defends him, I’ll believe her. If she doesn’t I won’t know what to believe.”

“Yeah, she might say she was lying to get even with the bastard.”

“That’s the problem.”

“Who you working with on the case?”

“Staff Sgt. Lindross, RCMP. You know him?”

“Not personally, but I hear he’s a taskmaster.”

“He’s tough, but seems to be fair in the dealings I’ve had with him so far.”

“Bullhead Lindross, they call him down at the station. He never lets go until he has his perp. Takes the Mounties’s motto seriously. You know what a perp is, don’t you? A perpetrator. A person who commits a criminal act.”

“Yeah, I know the lingo.” He grins, “You know what lingo is, don’t you? The language, a person’s manner of speakingg.” They both chuckle.

“Got me.”

The medics come down with a stretcher and quickly take Marie to the back of the ambulance on the street. Mike goes along asking her condition. “Critical.” is his reply.

“Where you taking her?”

“Royal Columbian in New West”

“Thanks. I’ll follow.” He speaks to the officers and tells them he’ll be at Royal Columbian Hospital in New Westminster for the next hour or so. After that he will return to his home in Abbotsford. If they need more from him he’ll be available whenever they ask.

“Right. We have lots of work to do here for a while. We know where to find you. That’s the main thing. You want to contact Lindross on this or shall we?”

“He’ll have a lot of questions, so maybe you better talk to him first. I’m sure he’ll call me later.”

Mike follows the ambulance through Surrey and across the bridge into New Westminster. He parks near the Emergency door at the hospital and rushes inside. There is a flurry of activity around the stretcher being wheeled towards the rear of the room towards waiting open doors. Mike catches up and learns she is being taken to the operating room immediately.

On the way a nurse checks the IV that the medics have attached to her enroute and shoots a need of something into the IV bottle. He asks of one, “What will they do?”

“First, try for a stronger pulse then repair that gash in her head. After that X-rays and scans. But first she must be stabilized.”

“Will she be conscious?”

“She’s better unconscious at this time. She’s suffering from a lot of trauma; likely a concussion and fractured collarbone. It also looks like it happened a few hours ago, I’d say about ten or more. She's in shock. We may not be able to save her.”

Mike follows along to the operating room and turns back to a neary chair in the hall. He sits and feels weak. He knows what it is. Aftershock, he calls it. The draining of adrenaline from his system after he’s been on overload for a period of time. He patiently wait’s it out, breathing deep and trying to relax. After about four of five minutes he feels some strength returning to his legs and tries to stand. He Feels a bit woozy, but otherwise, functional.

He walks back down to reception. One of the officers who were at Marie’s is at the counter with another officer he has not seen before. He walks towards them. The one he knows hails him, “How is she? Is she going to make it?”

“No one knows yet. They just took her into the OR. They said she would likely remain unconscious for a while. I’m debating whether to wait it out or head home. I’ll probably stay around for a while. Is someone still at the house?”

“Yeah, we’ll have someone there until Robert Hanson is picked up. Just on the chance he might come home before we catch him. There’s an investigation team there now, trying to put together exactly what happened.”

“I’d like to be the one to catch him.” Mike has that steely look in his eyes. The officer just nods.

Mike goes through to Emergency and asks the girl at the desk to let him know if Marie recovers consciousness. He finds a comfortable chair and relaxes in it. He dozes off.

Mike comes wake when he hears his name. An attendant is peering down at him. Mike starts up in the chair. The attendant speaks, “Mr. Claymore? Are you Mr. Claymore?” Mike nods. “Ms. Mathers is asking for you.”

Mike sits up straight in the chair and says, “She’s asking for me? Where is she? Howis she?”

“She’ll survive. It’ll be a long road to getting her health back but she’s young and tough. She’ll be OK. She is in the recovery room. You can go right in.”

“Thank you. She asked for me, eh?”

“If your Mr. Claymore, she did?”

“Thanks.” Mike heads directly for the recovery room. He barges in and a nurse slows him down. “What are you doing in here?”

“I’m Mike Claymore. Ms. Mathers is out of surgery and asking for me. Can you direct me to her?”

“Oh yes. Follow me.”

She leads Mike down the row of beds to a swathed and banded figure that looks like a pile of bedding. “Ms. Mathers? Are you awake?”

A faith murmur is heard from the bed. The nurse speaks again. “Mr. Claymore is here, dear.”

Mike hears a hiss and the words, “Please, take me away!”

“She seems to be agitated at the mention of your name. Perhaps there’s been some mistake. Please wait outside, sir.”

“There’s been no mistake. I know what she wants. She wants me to remove her to a place where her husband cannot find her and beat her. He did this to her!”

“I see. I’ll allow you to speak to her but I will stay here to monitor. If she becomes too agitated, I’ll have to ask you to leave. Understood?”

“Yes. That’s understandable and I agree.”

Mike steps to a point where she can see him. He says, “Marie, no one will hurt you here. I’m here to make sure. Do you understand?”

In a weak drawn voice she says, “He saw me with your card. I was trying to call you.”

“Is that when he beat you?”

“I was trying to call you to come and take me away. He made me lie for him. I think he killed her.”

“He did not come home that night?”

“Around six thirty in the morning.” Her voice is very weak. Mike jokes the conversation verbatim in his notebook.

“Where was he?”

“Hesh drunk.” Her one hand flutters and she closes her eyes. Mike gently takes her hand in his and whispers, “I’m right here. He can’t touch you.”

He feels her relax. He stays by her side for about ten minutes before she opens her eyes again. The nurse has left and they are alone. She whispers, “Can’t talk much.”

“I know. Don’t try. You have told me all I need to know. Now you have to relax and get better.”

“I didn’t think you would ever come. I tried to call you. He broke the phone. He tied me up. I think he hit me with something heavy.”

“Easy now. You’re in the hospital and I’m right here. Try to sleep. I’ll watch over you.”

She closes her eyes again and Mike holds her hand until he’s sure she’s sleep. He steps to the hall and asks a nurse to call downstairs for the police officers at the front desk. If they are still there ask one of them to come up.

In a few minutes a familiar face shows up in the door. Mike explains the statement she has given him. He suggests they regard Robert as a possible murderer and asks him to contact Staff Sgt. Lindross. “Have him call me here, please.”

“I’ll do that. It might be better if the RCMP pick him up, anyway. City police can only charge him with assault on his girl friend.”

“For the record I better get your name and badge number.”

“Patrol Officer Ken Bishop A492367 and my partner is Patrol Officer Grant Bishop, no relationship and I don't know his number. Just a minute, I’ve got it. A497211. They call us the Bishop’s Patrol.” He grins. “Hottest team in The Surrey PD. New West and Vancouver PD’s have tried to recruit us.”

“I’ll remember you guys.”

“I better make those calls.” He leaves.

Mike checks the time. It’s after six. He goes back to Marie’s bedside. She’s breathing evenly and more easily. Mike sits down beside her bed. In about twenty minutes a nurse comes into the room with a phone. She plugs it in by his chair and says, “RCMP on the line for you. They asked that we bring the phone to you.”

“Thanks.” He picks up the receiver.

“Mike? Are you there?”

“Nina? What are you doing still at work?”

“I’m not. I’m at home. I saw the report that came in indicating you were still at the hospital. How is she?”

“In very bad shape, but she’ll survive. A lot luckyer than Flo, I guess.”

“Why are you still there?”

“She was trying to reach me when he beat her. She wanted me to get her out of that house. I told her once I would take her to a shelter. Now she’s scared he’ll come and finish the job. I’ve been trying to give her assurance that he will not reach her. Can you let Marlene know where I’m at? I don’t know how late I’ll be.”

“They hadn’t caught him yet when I left work. I stayed late but finally came home. I just got in. Mike, please be careful. He could be very dangerous. He’s not one of your fraud cases. He’s a likely murderer.”

“I know that. I’m in no danger. Stop worrying.”

“He knows she was trying to reach you. He knows she was going to tell you she lied. TheStaff Sgt. says you are in danger! Are you listening?”

“Nina, I know that. Please, don’t tell Marlene that. I’ll be OK! Please just tell her I’ll be late.”

“Oh Mike. Let me know when you get home, … I don’t care how late it is! Please.”

“I’ll meet you by the hot tub.” He laughs.

“I’ll be waiting for your call. Good night.”

She hangs up. Mike depresses the button under the receiver, lets it up again and dials.

“Port Coquitlam Detachment, may I help you?”

“Staff Sgt. Lindross. Is he in? It’s Mike Claymore.”

“He has left for the day. Would you like me to page him? If you give me your number, I can have him give you a call.”

“I’m in the Recovery Room at Royal Columbian Hospital on an extension. I don’t know the number. Would you have him call me?”

“I’ll try, sir.”

“Thank you.”

Nurses come and go keeping a check on Marie. Mike waits for the call. In about half an hour the phone rings.

“Mr. Claymore, this is the switchboard. I have a Staff Sgt. Lindross on the line. Will you take the call?”

“Yes. Please, put him through.”

“Mr. Claymore, you wished to speak to me?”

“Right. I was wondering the status of your progress on picking up Robert Hanson. Have you had any success yet?”

“On what charge, Mr. Claymore?”

“Didn’t the Surrey patrolman tell you Marie’s statement?”

“Yes. She lied or was forced to lie to give him an alibi. Is that correct?”

“It is.”

“So he doesn’t have an alibi. I suppose many hundreds of people don’t havean alibi for that night. Including yourself! You were enroute home when the crime occurred, right? Your friend, Ray, doesn’t have an alibi. I don’t think your swamper has one, either. What ties Mr. Hanson to the crime? He has motive to do her harm. Granted. But in the case of your friend, we have physical evidence, blood and urine samples of the victims taken from his clothes.

“But he is likely to do further harm to Ms. Mathers.”

“I thought you were protecting her.”

“I can’t sit up here twenty four seven. I planned to stay until he’s picked up.”

“We don’t have a warrant for his arrest. I believe the Surrey Police have a warrant for assault charges on him, but I don’t think she’s signed a complaint against him yet. They will try to pick him up relying on her pressing charges when she’s capable. That’s the best you can hope for. Have a good night, Mr. Claymore. Oh, one other thing. I would be careful around Mr. Hanson, should he show up there. He may have it in for you. You take care of yourself, now. Good night.”

Next Mike calls the Surrey Police Dept. He hears a friendly familiar voice on the other end. “Fred, It’s Mike Claymore. They got you on the night desk now, eh?”

“Hey Mike. It’s been awhile since I talked with you. What’s up? How are Marlene and the kids?”

“Fine. They’re all fine. Abbotsford is treating us good. I called to see if you guys have had any success in picking up Robert Hanson. I’m sitting up here at Royal Columbian with his common law spouse. He nearly killed her last night so I’m sitting tight until he’s off the street.”

“Robert Hanson, was that? Just a minute, I’ll check.”

Mike wait’s for nearly four minutes.

“Hey,that’s the guy whose ex was murdered in POCO a few weeks back. I remember him. Looks like they tried to get a warning this afternoon but it got to the judge too late. Should have a warning in the morning. Oh oh! Looks like we were supposed to have coverage on his residence tonight. I better get someone up there. Damn! Short handed tonight, too. Seems to be the way it always happens. When nothing’s going on the place is crawling with spares, but let us get busy and everyone has the flu. Uh, Looks like you won’t have any action on that falla until tomorrow. Sorry, Mike.”

Next he calls ABC Security in Abbotsford. He asks to have a man sent down to the hospital in uniform. He requests and gets Charlie McBain, a tough Scot and close friend from the past. He’ll be down in an hour. It’ll go on Mike’s account. He says to have Charlie call him before he leaves his home in Langley.

When Charlie calls, Mike is half asleep in the chair. He grabs the phone quickly so as not to disturb Marie. The switchboard puts him through and Mike says, “Chuck, is that you?”

“It sure enough is, laddy. What you went and got yourself into now?”

“I asked for you because I wanted someone who could handle themselves in a tight spot. Can you do a twelve hour shift on such short notice?”

“No problem. Bring me gear?”

“Might be a good idea.”

“Alright now. Royal Columbian Recovery Room, right?”

“You got that right. I’ll be waiting for you.”

“See ya in bout forty five.”


Mike gets off the phone and relaxes. With Charlie coming he feels a lot better. His gear he was referring to is a five-cell Mag Light flashlight made from aircraft aluminum. In the hands of a trained security officer, they are every bit as good as a nightstick. Also his gear will include either handcuffs or electric ties like Mike uses for restraining an individual. Whatever Charlie carries in his gear, Mike knows he’s well trained in the use of it or he wouldn’t carry it.

Mike calls Trudy next. He explains what’s going on and apologizes for not being able to move her tomorrow. She says she understands and she will put her plans on hold for now. She wishes him lucky and sends him lots of kisses. He says he’ll keep in touch.

When he gets off the phone he notices Marie has changed her position some so he goes over to see if she’s awake. Her eyes are open and she whispers, “I know you were still here. I heard your voice. What time is it?”

“It’s nearly nine.”

“Have the police caught him yet?”

“They’re working on it. When you feel up to it, you’ll have to sign out a complaint against him. They won’t expect you to do that for a few days.”

“Me? No. No, no, no, I can’t. He’ll kill me.” There’s real fear in her eyes. “No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, noooooo.” Her voice fades out. Mike takes her hand and rubs it. He says for her not to worry about that now. She must rest and get better, first.

“Why? No one can stop him. I’m going to die anyway. He killed her, didn’t he?”

“We don’t really know that, do we? All we know is that he’s not able to account for his presence that night.”

“Then why did he threaten me? He killed her! I know he did. I’m going to be next. Please, don’t let him get me.”

“He won’t while I’m here. I have a friend coming who is even better than I am. He will be with you tonight and I’ll be back in the morning. I think that’s him now.”

Mike steps away from the bed and she moans. “Please. Please don’t leave.”

“I’m right here and this is my friend, Chuck. He’s a good Scotsman, like me. Charlie, this is Marie Mathers. Marie, Chuck is going to stay with you. He will keep Robert away. You can count on him.”

Mike explains the situation to Charlie and says he’ll be back at nine. Marie is still a little distressed at his leaving but seems to be warming up to Chuck as he talks with her. Mike heads down to the car. He half expects to find it has been toweled away, but on the windshield under the wiper is a note. “Emergency Parking Permitted” and it’s signed by Ken Bishop, Patrolman, Surrey Police Dept.

Mike has kind thoughts about the Bishop’s Patrol as he heads out of Surrey towards Langley and Abbotsford. He should be home by ten thirty at the latest. He uses the cell phone to ring Nina’s number. Jeffanswers and he says he will get her. She comes on the line, “Mike? Your okay?”

“Yep, on my way home. Should be there in an hour or a bit more. I’m just leaving Surrey.”

“You’ve had an awful day. I think your idea of ​​meeting me in the hot tub isn’t a bad one. Think Marlene will miss you for an hour?”

“Not if she has Jeff for company.”

“Just a minute.” He hears her talking to Jeff. “He says, ‘one hour only’. I think he’s concerned because of the night we swapped and we were still going in the morning.” She laughs and it thrills Mike to hear her.

“See you in an hour then, itty bitty pretty one.”

Mike starts whistling and the time flies. Next thing he knows he’s pulling in the driveway. He goes in the side door and finds Marlene sitting at the table with Jeff and Nina. He gives Marlene a big kissand Nina says, “Come on, our hour is started. Let’s go.”

The two of them dash over to the house second door down and start to strip in the living room. By the time they splash into the hot tub they’re bare. Within ten minutes they are out of the tub on the mats along side of it. They seek to pleasure each other in anyway they can.

When they’ve had their fill they splash back into the hot tub and relax. The hour is up so Mike reluctantly slips on his pants and shoes. He carries everything else and walks back home with Nina. She meets her husband at the side door and they all wish each other good night.

Marlene is happy when he comes to bed. “I didn’t think Jeff would ever want to have sex with me again. When he broke it off with me he was quite adamant. I think he misses it a bit. He was quite amorous tonight. It was fun to screw him again. Was it good for you too, honey?”

“Mmmmmm, it just hit the spot.”

They cuddle together and kiss. Soon they are having intercourse in a slow lazy way. They go to sleep still coupled.


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