Joanne had managed to make it back to her holiday apartment, still dripping water and slightly out of breath from the assault on the three flights of stairs. Only moments earlier, she had opened her eyes to find a guy in the hot tub with her. How long had he been there, she wondered? What made the whole event even more awkward was that he had tried to make conversation with her, as she surfaced from her embarrassment. But Joanne hadn’t been having any of it, regardless of his drop dead gorgeous looks, she had quickly made her excuses and left, having ensured her pussy was covered back up, mistakenly ignoring her towel from the edge of the tub and beating a hasty retreat to her top floor hideaway.
Joanne was 5ft 4in, brown eyes, long flowing hair and had a great body. Let me emphasise that a little better! Her body was GREAT! She was more of a Nigella Lawson than athletic. Her tits were a splendid 40E, but she carried them extremely well and alsooozed classiness along with it. She was also graced with the most perfect lips on any human being. Lips that were just made to deal out the most exceptional kisses and of course, men would say that they were “cock sucking lips!”
She couldn’t however, believe what an awkward position she had just put herself in! She was absolutely sure that the hot tub was empty, so he could only have entered the water while she was under the distraction of her heightened pleasure and any noise he made hidden by the volume of the air pumps. How foolish she now feel, but also how thrilling it was too!
She had previously been married to Glenn for such a long time before they split up, their sex life had been non-existent for 6 months prior to that and she had never dared to do anything as dangerous and thrilling as this before. She wondered what had gotten into her? Had she became some kind of sex manic? A pervert almost? She found herself thinking about beingwatched in the hot tub by the mystery man. Did he really know what she had been up to? No, of course he didn’t! How could he possibly know, as she was submerged, all apart from her head and shoulders. However, she thought, there was absolutely no covering up the huge orgasms that she had experienced, courtesy of the air jets. Orgasms that he ex-husbands average cock never did give her. Sure, he got her off, but never anything Earth shattering. He was more the size of the “discreet vibrator” that could be easily put into a handbag or a purse on a night out, but right at that moment she was long for a cock again.
Joanne flopped backwards onto the king sized bed and allowed herself to daydream about what she had just experienced. She was still wet between her legs. Very wet, in fact! Her nipples were poking through her bikini top to the extent that they were hurting her. She propped herself up on her elbows and untied the bow which was tied behind her back. Slipping her top off and throwing it on the floor, she looked at her almost perfectly formed breasts, caressing them as she did.
They were impressive, even if she did say so herself. If she ever managed a quick look at other women while changing at the gym, she often thought that they just didn’t measure up to her. They also didn’t have her nipples! Her areola had darkened considerably while she’d been on holiday, even though they hadn’t been exposed directly to the sun. It must have been something to do with the sunlight getting Through the thin material that her various bikinis were made from. They were easily an inch and a half in diameter and topped by her long, hard nipples. When she would get sexually aroused, the skin on her areola would stiffen and then wrinkle, making her whole breasts much more sensitive to the touch.
She lay on her bed, with her fingers caresing each nipple, round and around, pinching them every few seconds. Her head was rolling from side to side with the pleasure and the sexual tension was awakening once more inside her. Joanne reached down with her right hand to touch between her legs and she run her index finger up and down the material of her modest bikini bottoms, tracing the line of her silent smooth slit as she did. Not the almost smooth that you get from a razor! This was the result of a hot wax she’d had done, before flying out on the vacation. The waxing itself was extremely erotic, urging her to rush home and finger her smooth pussy once there.
Now though, she was working herself up into a frenzy again, but she was feeling more frisky as every second passed. As she opened her eyes, she found herself staring directly at one of the aerosol body sprays, which she had brought with her on the flight from the UK. As she continued to trace the outline of her pussy slit, she couldn’t help but notice that the aerosol looked remarkably like the shape of a large vibrator. A vibrator was something which she’d never used in her sexually subdued life before, but all of a sudden felt very appealing.
Joanne was quick to whip off her briefs, throwing them on the floor, alongside her top. She had a quick rub of her pussy lips again, before reaching over to the sideboard to where the aerosol sat. Picking it up and holding the can in one hand, she caressed it with the other. Mmm… it felt good. Checking that the lid wasn’t about to come off, she imagined that this was something close to the shape and feel of a vibrator. It was a good 7 inches long and it felt quite thick too. Much thicker and longer than she could ever remember her former husband to be, even at his most rampant. She ran the can over her stomach and up her breast bone to her neck. She passed it over her pouting, full lips and slide her tongue out to briefly touch the tip of it as she did. She passed it over her chin, back down her neck and towards her right breast. The lid on the can was plastic and felt slightly warmer than the body of it, but never the less, as she slipped over her nipple it sent wonderful sensings down through her stomach and in to her groin. Her skin was raised all over her body with Goosebumps.
Joanne used the phallus from one breast to another, circle the entire shaft of each big title before moving on to the other in a figure of eight. Her nipples were getting harder and harder as she worked herself up more and more into a heightened pleasure. She bit down hard on her bottom lip as both her hands moved back down towards her groin, almost in an unstoppable manner. She could feel the dampness, even on her outer labia. No, it wasn’t damp! It was almost as though she’d wet herself, she was that turned on. With her left hand, Joanne used her index and middle finger to pull backwards on her pussy lips, holding them open at the same time. She couldn’t get her legs any further apart if she tried and she considered herself to be very supplement, despite her age. She began to pass the imaginerian cock over the hood of her cliporis, sending spasm after spasm through her body, creating tension in muscles she thought she’d seen the last of twenty years ago. Rubbing the clip over and over again, Joanne was now letting out sporadic, high pitched whimpers. “Uhh, uhh, uhh…”
Still biting down on her bottom lip, with the Greek breeze blowing the large net curtain back into her room where the balcony door was slightly ajar, she knew very well that she wasn’t going to get any surprises this time and this spurred her on even more! Her top floor apartment means that total isolation and discretion was assured and slowly but surely she slipped the deodorant bottle into her drenched pussy.
Her hips automatically lifted from the bed, as if being pulled up by some invisible force, as she started to thrust the aerosol can in and out, faster and faster with each passing second. She guided the can up to the top, down to the bottom and to each side of her rapidly widening vagina. As the canister hit the top wall of her pussy, she must have hit a nervous or something similar, which sent the most electrifying orgasm racing through her body! Her whole torso was clnched up, to the extent that she could make out a six pack in her tummy, something she’d been working to get in the gym over the last few months. She throw her head back against the bed and raised the whole of her body up, as if levitating, using her heels as the other point of impact. Joanne hadn’t realized that she’d been holding her breath, until she went to scream out loud, but couldn’t muster anything more than a dampened whimper. She gasped for air again and again, after wave upon wave of this powerhouse orgasm raced through every inch of her body!
After a minute or so, the feelings subsided and Joanne’s body startedto relax again on the bed. The deodorant bottle plopped out of her still sensitive pussy, as she realized that it felt as though she had cramp in both feet. When she looked down at them, she noticed that both of her big toes were stuck up straight into the air, at right angles to the rest of her toes. She was laughing to herself at the thought that her toes had clearly enjoyed the ride too, when there was a knock at the door.
“Shit, shit, shit!” she said under her breath, quickly trying to put back on the small bikini set earlier disclosed. “I won’t be a minute, I’ve just got out of the shower!” she shouted, in the vague hope that whoever was at the other side of the apartment door hadn’t heard her screaming the place down in delight a moment ago.
Joanne walked over to the door and paused for a second to gather herself, before opening it to see who was knocking. To her shock, it was the guy who had watched her earlier in thehot tub and he was grinning from ear to ear. He was stood at the door to her apartment in just his black Adidas swim shorts and he had the perfect athletic body. He was very tanned with it too, to such an extent that she briefly wondered if he was from right here on the island of Corfu. But she didn’t have to wait long to find out!
“Hi, I’m Al. You left your towel by the hot tub…”
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