After dropping my daughter off at home I got ready and left for my job at my school. I kissed my slut wife goodbye and went on to my job. Today I was supposed to give a speech about the policies being put into effect so the entire student body was gathered in the gym. Other than mandatory meetings, guys only interacted with the girls during breaks and lunch. So obviously they were more focused on the hot girls in slutty uniforms than the actual speech. I couldn’t blow them, before going up I had arranged for a freshman to be under the podium patiently awaiting for me to walk up and start sucking me off.
So as I gave my speech, the little whore was eagerly blowing me trying to get me to cum. Sometimes I would surprisingly thrust my dick into her just to hear her gag. I told her if she took my dick out of her mouth for any reason during the speech I’d have her explored. This gave her a damn good reason to keep blowing me until I gave her permissionssion to stop. By the time I flipped the page at least 20 girls were being unexpectedly fucked by the guys. I could tell by their faces, but since they already learned that they have no right to refuse a cock they did not push away. They stood there and took it like the whores they truly are. By the time I was on the last page the student body had become an orgy. Girls were being tossed everywhere, one moment a girl is sucking a cock, the guy cums over her face and she’s tossed aside to the next guy who fucks the girl in her pussy. Even the teachers joined, and took three girls out of the orgy to have them suck on their dicks.
Since nobody was looking I dropped the speech put both of my hands behind the girls head, and started face fucking her. Her makeup began to come off and she was gagging a lot, but that turned me on even more. I kept it up for a good minute until I felt the urge to cum. I kept going faster and faster until one last thrust and the cum started spurtingout. It went down her throat as my dick was bulging inside her neck. It took almost two hours before the guys let the girls go to their classrooms, but finally school started again.
The boys went back to their classrooms where they were being taught on how to control their women, of course I made sure that they had real life girls to practice on. The girls were getting ready to go on their field trip. Every other week the girls from the class get ready to take what they learn and put it into practice. Today I arranged them to go into the local prison and take care of the male prisoners. I chose to sit this one out because I was tired, but I made sure that the jail took video of everything that happened for my personal enjoyment later on. The main purpose of this field trip is to keep riots at a minimum. With hot teenage girls going in and becoming the prisoners’ personal fuck doll, they agree not to cause any trouble for the workers. It’s a win-win because the government pays the school for their services; I make sure it always goes to me so I can live the luxurious life. The teachers are paid with taking a student home every night to be their personal fuck slave. So all the tuition also goes to my bank account.
Last time I accompanied the girls on their field trip, and if it’s anything like that these girls are definitely going to be put to work. The prisoners’ always get horny when they see the girls coming in, and since they know this happens every other week they make it memorable. Last time there were about 600 inmates and 6 girls to go around. So the plan was each girl goes into 100 cells and allow the princener to do whatever he pleases. But all five girls went unconscious after being deep throated and not being allowed to breathe. These guys were brutes, but I had to get paid so I made the last girl take care of 590 inmates. The inmates were careful not to make her lose consciousness. The girl was nervous when she saw the sheer mass of the cocks she was going to have to please, but she had no choice. She was my property so had to comply to my wishes.
She started by sucking on one cock and wrapping her hands around two others. She knew how to please men with her after school lessons so had them cumming in two minutes. So she went on to the next three cocks she found and did the same technique. Ofcourse the horny inmates were getting impatient so one went behind and stuck his dick in her pussy. She didn’t mind as her breaks during school ended up like this. After she made them cum and rode the other guy until he came inside her she went for the closest dicks she could find. Now she was pleased five inmates because another one thrusted his dick in her ass. Even though she made a shriek she was quickly distracted by a load of jizz in her mouth. I knew this would take a while so I left to get something for lunch. It took an hour or so but when I came back it seemed like the inmates had made her lose conceptions.
I was freaking out because I knew if the inmates aren’t pleased I wouldn’t get paid, so I decided that the prisoners should use her in anyway possible. They loved that I gave them that option and immediately started using her. Three guys tried to stretch her mouth to accommodate all their massive cocks, four guys were trying to make their dicks fit in her holes, and a bunch of other horny inmates were just jerking off to her naked body. Things finally began to get into control, guys would go up, fuck the girl, dump their load wherever they could, and leave. But the sheer number of the inmates made things go on a lot longer than expected. Barely 200 had dumped their load, and most of them got back in line ready to dump their loads again. After 4 hours of constant fucking the slut began to wake up again, except she barely was conscious. Her eyes were glued shut from all the dried cum and her body had at least 3 layers of dried cum with another layer of freshly dumped over it. I decided to stop watching from the tv screen and go inside the jailhouse. The smell of 500 guys’ cum and sweat made me leave in 30 seconds. I don’t know how the girl managed to not puke even once, but she was a champion. Guys kept blowing their loads and after 8 hours of the slut being used all the guys were wound out. Everyone came at least twice on her, some even three times. The girl was panting on the floor, her stomach looked like it was inflated from all the cum she had just taken in. I could barely see her pussy or asshole because it was covered in so much cum. Her hair looked like a wet mop, and her body was glistening with all the cum on her. She was just lying there, she barely had enough energy to breathe let alone get up, but I wanted to go too. So I asked three guys to hold her up and open her mouth. I told her to suck it, but I guess she wasn’t fully aware of her situation. I couldn’t blow her, she had justPleased 500 men by taking their loads 2-3 times. So she had almost 1500 loads of sperm spread across her body and holes. Still I was nice enough to deep throat her, this way she just had to keep her mouth open and let me do the rest. I came quickly because I wanted to get out before school ends, so I thrusted harder and faster until my load was deposited into her mouth. It took her a minute to muster the energy to swallow but after she did I told the guys to drop her off at the bus. The other four girls were punished for failing by being left there for a week. That’ll teach them to disobey a direct order from me.
When we arrived at school, everyone had heard of what this slut had done and were taking pictures of her soaked in cum. She was oozing a trail of cum wherever she walked. It turned me on seeing her, so I forbid her to shower on campus. By the time school was over the boys had ripped off all her clothes so she left naked. A naked girl covered in cum walkingat nighttime was asking for a good fucking. I’m pretty sure by the time she got home, she had been fucked by at least 3 gangs. She has potential to become a good slut to a man, so I might make her please the entire prison again next week and maybe the week after depending on how much she can handle. But that’ll be in a week from now, right now I’m going to go home and give my wife a good ass fucking for some “mistake” she is going to make.
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