Aimee, Jasmine and Me.

We were just lounging, me and Mike, discussing a problem I’d been playing with. He looked up and said, “You should ask Aimee.” With that he waved and shouted across the room “Aimee!”

Someone across the room responded to that, and she approached. I assumed she was the Aimee referred to, I was more distracted by her short red skirt and the legs they didn’t cover. She was definitely athletic, kinda short but I liked that. Altogether she made a pretty nice little package. Mike said to her, “Hi Aimee.”

“Well, hello Mike, so good to see you.” Wow her accent was so sexy, somewhere South I’d guess. Must be rough for her being black in the south. Oh yeah, I didn’t mention that did I, I hadn’t really registered her color until then.

“Tony here,” he nodded to me, “has a problem you might be able to help with.”

“Well, hello Tony, I'd be glad to help, but I’m fixing to get to class soon.” So sexy.

I was just about to crawl back in my shell and clam up like I used to when I though ‘Confidence.’ I could be confident. “Hey Aimee, like, good to meet you. I’m not sure what to do with this partial differential.” I showed her a page of equations I was working on.

She looked at my scribblings and said, “You need to cross with ‘R’, let me show you.” That sounded like a recipe for even more complications. But she took my pen, wrote down the cross product, then wrote about a third of the equation, scattered a couple of Greek letters in and two lines later she said, “There.” She turned to Mike and said “I certainly hope, I’ll see you at seven.” And left. />

I stared at Aimee’s scribble, “What the?” It looked like it could be the right answer, but I couldn’t see how or why she did that.

Mike asked, “Did that help?”

“I don’t know, it looks about right, but I don’t understand how she did that. Who is she?”

“She’s one of the Dollies, she’s also a wiz at math.” That would explain the skirt, Mike was in the band and the Dollies were the band’s cheerleaders.

I spent the rest of the afternoon solving the problem using Aimee’s hint, I got the same answer she did, but couldn’t see how she did it. She just missed out most of the work and the answer popped out.

Later I was leaving the dorm as Aimee was just arrived. “Hi Aimee.” I said with my biggest smile.

A brief confusion then a light dawned. “Well hello, Tony?” I nodded, “it so good to see you again. Did I help you at all?”

“Yeah, it did, thanks. But like, how?”

“Oh it was quite simple, the cross product…”

I interrupted, “Actually that was my next question ‘why?’, I couldn’t work out how you worked to the end. It took you like two lines. It took me two pages.”

“Oh, that, that’s compact vector notation. Would you like me to show you how it works?”

“Yeah, that’d be totally radical.” She looks slightly confused by that, so I tried that in English instead. “Yes please, would you.”

“Oh.” She giggled. “I was wondering where the radixes came in.”

“Sorry, I kinda reverted to suffer dude there, I’m trying to drop it.”

“Oh, don’t worry about that. I think your surfer dude is perfectly charming.” I thought her southern bell was also perfectly charming, but didn’t get to say it then. “Would you care to come up to my room? I could explain.”

Would I? of course I would and not just because she was sexy. She had some rad knowledge here and she was willing to teach me. “Cool.” Again, puzzled. “Oops, yes I’d love to. Thank you” Again she giggled. God she was sexy, I hoped I could actually keep my mind on the issue at hand.

I did accompany her to her room, and I did, for the most part, concentrated on the math. She introduced me to the notion of implied summation as well as the Kronecker delta and the Levi-Civita symbol. That was again a source of a little confusion. The Levi-Civita symbol is also known as ‘the totally asymmetric tensor’. ‘Totally’ confused me for a second, I chuckled. “What is funny about that?” She asked puzzled.

“Sorry, for a minute there I thought you were speaking Valley Girl.” Then put on my best accent. “Like, that tensor, it’s totally, like asymmetric.”

She cracked up at that. After regaining her composure, she continued with her most eloquent explanation, it made a lot of sense. In the end I tried using it to solve my problem again. I took four lines to do it, but it still worked. I was elated, it was so elegant, and useful. “I could kiss you.” I told her.

That was basically just rhetoric, but I was surprised by her response. “That sounds most agreeable Tony.”

That sounded like an opening if ever there was one, so I stood up and extended my hand to her. She stood up and took my hand. I held her around her waist, picked her up to my height, feet dangling, and kissed her passwordately. In my limited experience girls liked that. I’m a big dude, and Aimee was kinda small as I mentioned, so I had no trouble overwhelming her. I used tongues and all, her tongue came back at me, that was a good sign. I broke the kiss and set her down, “Thanks, Aimee.”

She was flustered, “Well, my,…, that was most agreeable Tony. Would you kindly dothat again.” Would I? of course I would, I did. I held her even tighter and kissed her as hard as I could. I broke the kiss again and put her down. She was breathing heavily and very flushed now, I could tell despite her skin color. “Oh my,” I didn’t let her finish that though, I maneuvered her to the bed, sat her down and kissed her again. I found the zip on the back of her dress and pulled it down.

Still kissing, I pulled the dress over her shoulders. We had to break the kiss to get the dress off her arm. She wasn’t objecting to this, she was breathing heavily, she may have been flushed. Again, with her coloring, it was difficult to discern any change in the complexion. She wasn’t wearing a bra, that would make life easy. Her boobs were small and perky, they looked delicious.

I resumed the kissing, I felt and kissed her boobs as well. Aimee was digging this. I lay her back on the bed and continued the kissing. She was gettingReally worked up, time for something else. I knelt on the floor in front of her and flipped up her skirt. Her really abbreviated skirt was no problem at all. I like really short skirts like Aimee’s. I pulled down her red panties. She was wearing panties under the panties, what the?

I assumed the red panties were like girls wear for tennis, meant to be seen. I’d never realized they were shorts really and you’d wear panties under them. Well you learn something new everyday. I didn’t let it phase me, I left the red panties around her ankles and went for her real panties. They were quite abbreviated in themselves, I didn’t think they’d get in the way much. I hooked a finger under them and pulled to the side and divered into her box. She really liked that.

She was wet and obviously aroused. She smelled like she’d been exercising, slightly stale. That had good associations for me, it turned me on more. As if I weren’t turned onenough from just going down on her, this was something I really enjoyed. She was so obviously turned on, I tried for the clip, I hoped that wasn’t too soon. It wasn’t the clip was hard, and my tongue set off and earthquake. Some very gratifying squeaks and moans and the hips went wild.

She calmed down. I looked up at her from my kneeing position and she was looking back at me, propped up on her elbows. I’m thinking what did I do wrong, in my previous, limited, experience the girls tended to insensibility after that. My confidence dissolved, I hung my head in shame, I couldn’t even lick pussy properly.

“Oh my.” She was fond of that phrase as a lead in, “You.” That sounded like ‘Ewer’ to me, maybe she’d said “You’re.” instead, I wasn’t sure. “Are going, to do that, again!” She sounded emphatic, rather breathless, but emphatic. I lent forward to do her bidding, hoping I coulddo a better job this time. “But first, take off those clothes!”

There was a definite edge on that, like it was an order. I wondered if this was her kink, ordering people around. My limited experience had included one rather kinky lady, I extrapolated and guessed there were other kinks. Pandering to a kink was definitely a way to get some, so I tried to play up to it. The idea of ​​being subservient didn’t do anything for me, I just wanted to get off, but I said, “Yes miss, at once miss.” I didn’t meet her gaze, but stood up and quickly pulled off my shorts, undershorts and t-shirt. The weather was cooler up in this end of California than back home, but it was still hot and I’d dressed appropriately, that is to say in not much at all.

I stood in front of her, naked, erect and downcast. “Do I meet with your approval miss?” I hammed up the role for all I was worth.

“Why, boy, you most certainly do." ‘Boy’, that was stereotype racist language, but I wasn’t going to complain. “Now knee and do your job.”

“Yes miss, right away miss.” She’d kicked off the shorts and took her panties down while I was busy, so she could now move her legs freely. As I was leaning forward to lick her, her heel landed on my shoulders, pulling me into her box. I licked with all the technique my limited experience let me. She definitely was enjoying this. I was enjoying this, I could have done without the weird role play and the heels, but if that’s what got her off, who was I to complain. She took longer over it this time before she came, that gave me some time to enjoy myself down there.

She came, that was obvious, but it was muted and as soon as she’d relaxed she was pushing me back into her box, so I carried on licking. She was really getting into this one she was getting very noisy, I was worried her neighbors would come seewhat the communication was. She took even longer this time, my jaw was getting sore by the time she came, still it was muted. I looked up and she was looking back at me, still propped up on her shoulders. “I’m sorry, I didn’t do so well.” I looked down, dejected.

“What?” None of the usual lead in, I think she was annoyed with me. “Why are you sorry? Oh my,” that was a good sign back to her usual speech pattern. “Those were the three best orgasms I’ve ever had.”

What? I wasn’t expecting that, I looked up at her hopeful. “You really mean that? But, …” I was going to complain that she was still compos mentis, but couldn’t think how to say that in English.

“Why yes, I mean that, most sincerely I mean that.” I beamed happily. “Why don’t you come up here and hug me.” She scrambled up so she wasn’t hanging off the bed any more and I joined her. I gave her my best all encompassing hug. “Oh my, I feel so safe when you do that, I thought you were going to have your way with me. I didn’t know you were a sub.”

That was making sense until the last part. “I could still have my way with you, I could hold you down and fuck you, and there’s nothing you could do to stop me.” A flicker of something went across her face. “Would you like that? But what’s a sub?” Sound advice from the kinky lady I’d known, make sure the girl wants to be roughed up before you do it. Hey, roughing up a girl wasn’t my thing, but if she got off on it, that could only be good for me.

Aimee looked really puzzled. “Well, a sub is a submissive, someone who gets sexually excited by taking orders. Now you’re acting more like a dom. That is a dominant, the one who gives the orders.”

“You mean like I was doing then? It doesn’t do anything for me, but I though you liked giving the orders, so I played along. Then I thought maybe you’d get off on me roughing you up and fucking you, some people do. That doesn’t do anything or me either, but I’d get to get off.”

She looked really puzzled. “My, you are really not into BDSM?”

“What’s that?”

“Well, its something we should talk about sometimes. But now, what about that?” She pointed to my hard on, I was hoping we’d get around to him at some point.

“Well, I’d like to get off of course, but I’ll let you get around to that in your own time.” Again in my limited experience, letting the girl get to it in her own time had been a successful strategy. Still I’d really like to get off, and quickly.

“Well, I feel that time is now. What would you like to do with your magnificent weapon?”

“I’d really like to fuck you, but … .” I just knew if I got inside her now I’d come before it got interesting.

“But what, Tony?”

“I’ll come too quickly.” I quickly offered up some alternative strategies for when the inevitable happened. “I could finish you off with my tongue again if I do. Or it’ll take me about ten minutes to get hard again, I’ll last longer the second time.” The one partner I had fucked really got off on it when I licked my cum out of her pussy. I wondered if that generalized to all women.

“Oh my Tony, you are such a gentleman.” That accent of hers sounded so sexy, even when saying weird things like ‘gentleman’. “You take such good care of my needs. Let me take care of yours.” That sounded promising, she moved down the bed to my dick. “You just come whenever you feel the need, we can have more fun later.” With that she started sucking, so my brain shutdown all but themost vital functions, the ones to do with coming.

I guess I lasted longer with this blowjob than some I’d had, I was used to blowjobs now, if its possible to get used to that. But I was really wound up for this one, it was going to pop sooner rather than later. I’d guess 30 sec, but I’ve really no way of knowing for sure. I came, this was as usual, fucking awesome! Then I flopped back on the bed spent.

I felt arms reaching around me, Aimee was hugging me, and then lips on my lips. She was kissing me, and a tongue probing my lips, I liked it this way, so I opened my lips and probed back. She had a really funny taste, it took me a while to realize she still had my come in her mouth. That was kinda gross, but I tried not to let it phase me, what the woman wants the woman gets. Hey if some get off with you licking it out of their pussy, this wasn’t so weird. I gathered up enough strength to hug her tightly. That stopped the kissing, which I wasn’t sure if that was a good or bad thing.

I eventually recovered enough of my wits to speak, I relaxed my hug. “You were amazing.” A compliment always goes down well with the chicks. But really in my experience any blowjob is amazing, I wanted more of them.

“Why, thank you Tony, I could only hope to bring you as much joy and happiness as you brought me.” She was over the top about my efforts, I still didn’t think I’d done any good.

“You really thought I did OK.”

“You did more than OK, you were magnificent.”

“But it didn’t affect you much, you just lay there and smiled at me.”

“I could not help but smile at you, you were trying to throw my wits into the next field it was all I could to keep hold enough to lay there, smiling was all I could do.”

“Oh.” Again, I supposed different girls must have different reactions to this, I’d been generalizing form a sample of two, now I’d met the counter example. “So you weren’t just being nice to me?”

“Oh my, no, you are the best, most considerate lover I’ve known.” I’m pretty sure she was BSing me, but she was doing wonders for my confidence. She giggled, “And the only white boy.”

I wasn’t sure why she mentioned that, it wasn’t remarkable to me. “Does that matter?” I’d hardly noticed her skin at first, it is a nice shade of dark brown, but then all women’s skin is nice. Back in the valley where I come from there were a lot of different skin colors, white of various shades, lots of browns, quite a lot of yellower shades and a few darker browns and blacks. Its just not something I’d ever took much notice off.

“Well, no it should not matter, but it does matter to a lot to people where I come from. Why my dear papaw would be looking for his shotgun if he knew you were a white boy.” That did not sound comforting at all. My worried expression showed. “Don’t worry, I won’t tell him.” I wasn’t sure about that either.

“You wouldn’t tell you own father about your boyfriend?”

“Well, of course I wouldn’t, what would your mother say if you told her you were dating a back girl?”

I wasn’t sure where this was coming from, “Probably about the same as if I were dating any girl, ‘that’s nice dear, when are you bringing her home for dinner?’ I mean, like, its doesn’t matter. She’d be more impressed I found someone smarter than me.”

“Can you honestly say you didn’t notice I was black, the first you saw me.”

“Well, yes I can, I was looking at your skirt,” The skirt was the only thing she was still wearing, the rest of the dress was rucked up about her waist. “And your legs, I only realized you were black when you spoke.” That satisfied her for now, we lay still for a while but my dick was starting to get hard again. Aimee noticed it bumping at her.

“Well, I do declare, you were not lying about your recuperative powers.” Of course I wasn’t lying, not about such an easily tested hypothesis. “I think I know what to do with this.” With that she shuffled back along me, so I was nuzzling against her butt, then she wiggled and he slipped inside her. Well, that was easy, must be more of my beginners lucky. This I really enjoyed. I just got to lie there watching Aimee gyrate, I couldn’t decide which was most distracting, her pussy sliding up and down on my dick, or her gyrations. They were both fascinating, mind blowing.

I’m sure she was throwing in some moves from her cheerleading there, and the skirt keep flopping about, alternatively covering up (slightly) the action or revealing it full on. That just added to the excitement. One of the best parts was when she came. She shuddered, her smile lit her up and her eyes went back so I could see just the whites. She looked like a very happy zombie as she came. All this was accompanied by moans and groans, and not just from Aimee. Her high pitched moans sounded almost like chants, like she was cheering me on there. My grunts were much lower pitched. She carried on, hardly missing a beat while coming.

Then it was just too much, I came. I went rigid, my dick spurted up Aimee, then flop, back onto the bed to recover. I just lay there not worrying. I didn’t notice Aimee moving, but the next thing I did notice was her pussy on my face. OK, I did say I’d finish her off if she needed it. She’d just come once, and three times previously, she was insatiable. I licked tenatively, not that easy from the angle I was at. That tasted like I’d just come in a pussy, hardly surprising. Not my favorite flavor, but if the girl got off on it, that was good.

And boy did she get off on it, as soon as I started licking, she went wild pussy grinding against my face. I found her clip a few times, the clip was hard. I would have aimed for that if I could aim for anything, once or twice I managed it, but for the most part the damp pussy snacked off my face. Then a pause, Aimee was straining every muscle, quivering. Then a very loud shout of something I couldn’t make out and she relaxed.

The pussy removed itself from my face, Aimee took to sitting on my sternum, she wasn’t so heavy, so I could still breathe. She looked down at me with her broadcast smile. A straight thought passed through my mind, with a mouth that big, no wonder she’s good at blowjobs. I didn’t artistic that thought, I do have self preservation instincts.

“Well, how many lucky ladies have you done that to? How did I get so lucky? How manydo I have to kill so you’ll do that again?” I wasn’t sure what to make of that, she sounded crazy, I hoped my dick hadn’t got me into trouble here.

Lets answer one question at a time and see if I can make it out of here in one piece. “I’ve only ever done that, like to two ladies, sorry.” I looked away, I was embarrassed enough at my lack of experience, I didn’t want to discuss it now.

“Why sorry?”

“How lame is it to only had two girls?” I didn’t want to say one of them wasn’t really a girlfriend.

“Oh, don’t you worry your pretty head about that. You have to start somewhere.” I wasn’t sure about what she said there. Was she calling me ‘pretty’?

I continued, “You got so lucky because you’re the smartest girl I’ve ever met,” she kind of hidden her face and giggled when I said that. “And you don't have to kill anyone, as I don’t have a girlfriend.” I had been feeling down about that, “I’ve only been here three weeks.” Now I was embarrassed, I’m sure I was blushing.

She rested her chin on her hands and looked down at me quizzically. “You think I’m smart? I thought you liked my legs.”

This sounded like dangerous waters to navigate. “I liked your legs first, with your skirt, then I found out how smart you are. That was after I was charmed by your sexy voice.” Hopefully I got away with that.

She climbed down me, so was resting her elbows on my clavicles. She looked me in the eye, “You’re might sweet.” I think that was good sign. “You’re the one with the perfectly charming voice.”

“You mean, like, my gnarly surfer dude? He’s like, totally into your rad accent.” I roughened up the accent, trying to sound like a surf bum.

She giggled, “Yes him, he is so charming, he charmed my panties right off.”

“Is that where they went? I never saw them disappear, after I took the other things off.”

“You mean the spankies? She nodded to where the red modesty panties were lying on the floor.”

“Yeah, probably, I’ve never seen those before.”

“You must have seen them.”

“Yeah, I must have, I just didn’t know they were there.”

“Well, yes, you did seem rather surprised when you took them off. I thought I was going to be disappointed again, but you made the most of it.”

I’d disappointed her, how? “Disappointed? What did I do wrong?”

“Well, my, I, err thought you were going to force yourself on me. You are so big and muscle. I must say, I err, was looking forward to that, but you didn’t. Then you pulled off the spankies and looked like you didn’t know what to do.”

That didn’t sound so bad, I think I made a quick recovery from that one. “I was kinda surprised to find you wearing panties under your panties, that did throw me for a sec. I think I did well in the face of that.”

“Oh, you did more than well. You did marvelous.”

Ignoring the weird bits, and seeing as how she’d brought the subject up, I thought I’d give this a go. “As you’d have to kill any girlfriend I have, and I really don’t want you going to jail, how about I save you the both and make you my girlfriend?” Still having trouble broaching subjects like this, a little roundabout humor made it easier.

“My, how gallant of you saving a poor girl from jail, I would be really honored to be your girlfriend.” Well that was easy. Why couldn’t it always be that easy.

“Oh, OK. … Is thereanything you’d like me to do? I mean I’m not going to be able to go again for a while,” I looked down at my dick was soundly sleeping after its through workout earlier. “But I’d be delighted to help in anyway I can.” Her roundabout southern speech was rubbing off on me.

“Well, thank you Tony, that is most gallant of you, but I’m happy now. You did ’bout wore me out.” That last part didn’t sound like the southern belle I was used to.

“What about your roomie?” Always an issue, you’re never sure when your roommate is going going to burst in on you.

“Oh, don’t you worry about Melissa, she’s with her boyfriend for the night. We should make her bed for her though, seeing as how this one is hers.”

So that’s how I snagged a Stanford Dolly.

We had a lot to talk about, but the sex was great. She told me about “BDSM”, I’m what’s called “vanilla”. I don’t get off on any of that. However, my pragmatic approach was that if I didn’t mind, and it’d help me get off I’d do it. Aimee wasn’t vanilla, anything but (and not just her skin), she liked a lot of things. So if I did things with or too her, she’s get off and that’d get me off in turn.

A previous lover had introduced her to the sub end of things. Bondage, rough sex, sadism, she thought she liked that. When I played at being the sub she found she liked being the domme even better. Personally I’d be happy with what those into BDSM derivatively call “vanilla” sex. I.e. normal sex without sub/dom/bondage/pain, like normal uncomplicated, but never boring, sex.

I could do the rough sex end of that, I don’t mind, Aimee certainly appreciated that. She did want to try being the domme though. We did the role play, like on our first night. But Aimeewanted to try more. We did some bondage, I didn’t mind as long as I got off, it wasn’t bad. Then she wanted to try something more, something which would involve me and pain. She wanted to spank me, or whip me or something like that. That wasn’t for me, so she tried bribery. She offered that she’d do it whatever, vanilla, way I wanted. Kind of like I’d be the dom, she’d be the sub, but I wouldn’t have to play the part, she’d just be cooperative. I was kinda tempted, but didn’t go for it.

She raised the bribe, once it got to an entire week I went for it. How bad could it be, and I’d get Aimee as I wanted her for a week. Well, it was bad, I managed to survive the spanking, with my belt, with out using my “safeword”. That’s another concept she introduced me to, the safeword. (We use “Go Bears”, neither of us is going to say that unless we were desperate.) If I said that, she’d stop what she was doing, or at least that was the theory. Once she’d finished the spanking, she was so turned on, the sex almost made up for it. The things I do for love, or sex. I’m not sure which in this case, I had fallen in love by this time. Aimee’s reaction to the scene and more bribes means we did it a few more times over the next few months.

Then one day, we were talking, after sex of course. “How’d you like to try a threesome?” She tended to talk more plainly when we were in private, she saved the Southern Belle thing for others. She was also trying to drop some of her speech patterns just like I was.

“What’s that?” I was still naive back then.

“We invite someone else to bed with us.”

“Who? Why would we do that?”

“I was thinking we could find a nice girl. You’d like that, imagine in bed with two girls.”

That did sound interesting, but thissounded like trap to me. “You’re all I need.”

“You’re sweet. but would you like to reconsider that answer?” She’d just grabbed my dick, it was showing interest in this idea.

“Who’re you going to believe? Him or me?”

“Him, its alright, you can say you like the idea.”

“OK, OK, it sounds like it could be interesting.” I was still suspicious, “What’s in it for you?”

She blushed (I could just about notice when she blushed those days) and looked away, “Well, I, err, …” There was obvious something here.

I grabbed her wrist, rolled us over so I was on top and pulled her arm up behind her back. She gasped in pain. That was pretty standard from when I rough her up, she liked it, it was also a reasonably effective interrogation technique I used sometimes. A win/win/win. “OK, spill, what are you not telling me?"

“I want to do it with a girl.”

What? I was so surprised I let her go. “What?”

“I want to have sex with a girl.”

I wasn’t sure what to make of that. I scooped her up in my arms, my best protective position. “But baby, aren’t I enough for you?”

“Yes, but you know there are some things I’d like to do.” I did, she liked a lot of things. She moved my hand down to her box, she was sopping wet. “The idea turns me on sooo much.”

“Oh, … I’m going to have to think on this some. But for now, what do you want me to do about this?” I shoved a couple of fingers in her sopping wet pussy.

We made love then, but didn’t mention the threesome again before it was time for Christmas break. We went our separate ways home, me to the Valley, Aimee to Alabama. Though we arranged that Aimee would leave home early and spend new years at my place.

Earlier in the year, when I’d first told mom on the phone I’d fallen in love, she first asked “With what?”

Obviously a little miscommunication there, “A girl of course. She’s a black girl from Alabama.”

“That’s nice dear, when are you bringing her home for dinner?” See, I told you that’d be her reaction. So now I know the answer to that question was, it was for new years. Aimee flew out to LAX the weekend after Christmas. That gave us a week before we had to set out for Stanford.

We got Aimee to my place and at some point mom took her aside and asked what sleeping arrangements she wanted. Aimee excitedly told me about it. I have the coolest mom in the world, she was asking if we wanted to sleep together. Most other people at college knew if they took home a girl, it’d be to separate beds. It was agreed that Aimee would have have the guest bedroom, but wasn’t expected to sleep in it. We sleep in my room all week. That was much better than at college, we didn’t have to worry about rooms all the time.

I caught up with old friends, I introduced Aimee to most of them. Even that didn’t put her off me. I talked to Jasmine (my old girlfriend) on the phone, we kinda both thought about going to Farrell’s (the idea cream parlor) for old time sake. Aimee liked the idea, so on the Friday we met Jasmine at Farrell’s. Looking back on that, this looks like a big rookie mistake, taking your current girlfriend to meet your former girlfriend. I was naive, I didn’t think, I never even thought as far as thinking nothing bad would happen.

Me and Jasmine hadn’t seen each other since our ceremonial last night together when we decided it was best to split and go our separate way to college. The 400 miles between Stanford and UCLA was to much, we didn’t have a longterm future, but were still friends. We kept in touch, by email even back then, she had an account on the server in my bedroom, then she got an @UCLA.EDU address.

We get to Farrell’s and Jasmine’s waiting for us, I, in my inimitable way swept her off her feet. I do that, I do that to Aimee, I did that to Jasmine, literally pick them up off their feet and kiss them. The girls like that I’ve found, like I said I’m a big dude. Then I realized I was kissing a girl in front of my girlfriend, this was not a smart move. I put Jasmine down, said “Sorry” to Aimee then introduced the two.

They hit it off, Aimee asked, “So, Jasmine, he did that to you as well?” Referring to the sweating off of feet.

“He did, it makes me feel all safe when he does that.”

“Well dear, I know exactly what up mean. But can you ever be safe when Tony’s near?” They laughed, and looked at me sideways.

I was starting to wonder if this was a good idea after all, they were bonding and ganging up on me. We were seated and ordered. I wondered about ordering a ‘Zoo’, its fun and they make a fuss about that, but its kind too much for me with only two small girls to help me. I wondered about ordering a ‘Trough’, they make a fuss if you can finish that on your own, but in the end we all got sundaes.

We chatted over our sundaes, the girls got to know each other. They did a lot of whispering while looking at me. I could sense trouble brewing. Jasmine was a little down at times. She was particularly down when she said, “Sorry Aimee, I sometimes wish I’d never let him go. You know what he does with his tongue?” Jasmine realized she’d just said the wrong thing, she covered her mouth and blushed.

“Why yes, I know what he does with his tongue.” Then in a stage whisper Aimee whispered to Jasmine, “He is quIt’s amazing with it isn’t he.”

Jasmine turned a couple of shades redder. She sat up and met our gaze, she’d made some internal resolution, I’m sure there was trouble brewing. “He is.” This was doing wonders for my confidence. “I’ve never found a boy who’s half as good.” That implied she’d let more than one guy try, she was loosening up. “I wish I could have him again, at least once.”

I was close to panicking, I was expecting a cat fight to break out, over me! This wasn’t going well. Aimee’s answer was unexpected. “You still could.”

“What?” There was an echo in here, both me and Jasmine said that.

Aimee leant over and whispered in my ear. “Threesome. Seven days?” She was reminding me of our unfinished conversation about having a threesome, I was still officially thinking that one over. She also laid out her bribe for me to agree tothat. Seven days of having sex as I wanted it. That was a big bribe, I’d gone through a lot for a bribe like that.

Aimee addressed Jasmine. “Well Jasmine, I have a proposition for you. He’ll do that for you, but I get to try first.” Jasmine was conflicted, not sure which way to go. “You can stop me anytime you like and he’ll be yours, at least for the afternoon.”

Still conflicted, Jasmine looked to me. I shrugged, ‘I dunno,’ I said inside, but stayed mute. She looked at Aimee who stared back unwaveringly. She looked down, wrung her hands, “OK.”

Now we just had to find somewhere to do this. We couldn’t do this at either of mine or Jasmine’s home, our folks were in. We had three parents who were teachers they were on break as we were. There was a motel just down the road, so we headed there. We paid cash, it was a lot to three college students. The guy behind the counter was most conCerned that whatever we got up to, we wouldn’t break the place up.

We got to the room and Aimee motioned I should sit Jasmine down on the bed. Aimee sat down on the other side of Jasmine. Jasmine was still not meeting our gaze, still wringing her hands. Aimee nodded to me and at the buttons on jasmine’s top. I put an arm around Jasmine’s waist and pulled her strongly too me. She looked up at me, and I kissed her, hard, tongues and all. Jasmine’s tongue came back at me. That was a good sign. I kissed some more and then made for a button on Jasmine’s top, no response, but she kept kissing me. I got all her buttons undone and pulled the top off. Then I tried for the bra. I met some resistance from the bra, but I managed it. Jasmine was now naked to the waist.

I lay Jasmine back on the bed and I went for her boobs. Licking and sucking, this was definitely turning Jasmine on. I pulled up on the hem of her skirt. I felt for her panties they were wet. I looked up from the boob I was working on, Aimee was sitting there wide eyed looking at me. I motioned with my eyes down to the panties, and went back to kissing and licking Jasmine.

I felt some hands tugging at Jasmine’s panties, as I was kissing Jasmine. I was kissing her lips when her eyes suddenly shot wide open. She looked at me, I was kissing her. I’m pretty sure Aimee was working away on her pussy. Jasmine relaxed and shut her eyes again, I carried on kissing her, altering between the boobs and the lips. I’d found that worked pretty well on Jasmine.

I was still kissing Jasmine when a hand tugged at me, it was Aimee. I stopped kissing Jasmine to work out what Aimee wanted. She was face down in Jasmine’s box, licking away. Jasmine was lying half on the bed with her boobs exposed, moaning, loudly as Jasmine can. Aimee briefly looked up, made eye contact and said “Fuck me.” She waved at her rear end.

I’d been concentrated so hard on Jasmine, I hadn’t noticed what else was going on. It was a turn on seeing Aimee slurping away at Jasmine. I was already turned on though, I was already hard, I’d just been to busy to realize. I got off the bed and knelt behind Aimee. She was kneeing, resting on her arms, which were on the bed. Her hands were feeling all over Jasmine. I flipped up Aimee’s skirt, no panties. I saw them lying on a pillow. I unzipped and plunged into Aimee’s pussy. She was wet and ready for this.

Although the super erotic scene before me, more than my young mind could ever have imagined, I managed not to come immediately. I’d been working on holding back, so I could satisfy Aimee, with some success. I did manage to fuck Aimee to orgasm sometimes, but more often I was slurping up my come from her pussy. She did get off on that, so I did wonder if she held back deliberately, so it would happen.

I didn’t come,but Aimee did. That was a surprise, so quickly. She was moaning loudly, both the girls were moaning loudly, when she paused in her licking and shouted, “Oh god! I’m coming.” Then she shuddered, coming, she briefly paused in the licking, but for the most part carried on with the licking.

“Fuck so am I!” Jasmine! That wasn’t the language I was used to Jasmine using. I was actually quite shocked. Never mind I was in the middle of a threesome, with pure innocent Jasmine having her pussy licked by the really not innocent Aimee while I fucked Aimee from behind. That really should have been shocking, but the use of ‘fuck’ shocked me.

Jasmine came, noisily, and as she would, she fell back on the bed, still and silent. Aimee looked up at Jasmine with some concern, “Jasmine? Jasmine!” I reacted like that the first time I made Jasmine came, I got used to it.

I managed to gasp out, “Never mind, she’sfine, I’m coming.” With that I trust into Aimee and emptied my balls into her. Then I sat back on my haunches and slowly collapsed on the floor. Not average of me either.

From my vantage point on the floor, I could see two sets of legs, Aimee sitting beside Jasmine holding her hand. “Jasmine?” There was a weak response I didn’t hear. “Well, dear, would you like to do the same for me? I’m full of Tony’s cum, its next best thing to blowing him.” I didn’t hear the response, but Aimee got up on the bed, lay down and I could see her knees drawn up. All I could see was her knees. Jasmine shifted position, I’m guessing to get at Aimee’s box.

I soon heard moans. I’d just about recovered, so I climbed up onto my knees, using the bed to help me. I saw another erotic sight. Aimee was lying on her back, still wearing her yellow sundress. It was rucked up around her wait though and she was naked fromThere on down. He knees were drawn up, and lying between them was Jasmine, legs off the side of the bed, naked from the waste up. Her skirt had fallen down to cover her modesty. The contrast was amazing, Jasmine has a very pale pure white skin, though it was glowing rosy at this moment. Aimee was of course a deep coffee brown colour.

I went around the foot of the bed and got on the other side of Aimee. I knelt down and kissed her gently. Her eyes shot open and she looked at me, or more like she looked through me. She didn’t focus, there was just an expression of pure animal lust in her eyes. She closed her eyes again. I kissed her again. I tried for the zip on the back of her dress, I managed to tug it down. I pulled the sundress off her boobs. She was now largely naked, just some irrelevant fabric around her waist. I took advantage of this to attend to her boobs.

Aimee was really liking all of this, her moans were about drowning out the combined moans from earlier. If we had any neighbors at the motel, they were currently cursing us. Aimee came, her usual shudder and pause, along with the screams. Jasmine looked up, I told her, “Carry on, she’ll tell you when to stop.” We all carried on and a little while later Aimee came again. This time she had had enough, she stopped us.

Aimee took her usual pose, leaning back on her elbows and surveyed the scene. I was kneeing next to her, fully clothed, but with a hard on flapping in the breeze. Jasmine was back to sitting on the side of the bed, she still didn’t look happy and was tearing her hands. Aimee reached for my fly, I wondered if it were my turn now, though I was a little worried about Jasmine. Aimee undid my belt and pulled it out of the belt loops.

Then she surprised me by sitting up next to Jasmine, ignoring me. She snapped the belt so it made a loud crack. Jasmine looked up startled. I was totally confused now. Aimee swung the belt, itwas folded in half, so the folded end scratched her hand. “So Jasmine, do you think you should be punished for what you just did.” That didn’t sound like Aimee at all, no longer the southern belle, now more like a strict school mistress.

“Yes.” jasmine said that so softy I could hardly hear.

Aimee patted the bed. “Lie here.”

Jasmine lay on the edge of the bed, so her butt was hanging off, bent over. Her skirt was still covering her modesty, but not for long. Aimee pulled the skirt up and out of the way and swung the belt.

This couldn’t be happening, I couldn’t let this happen. “No!” I caught Aimee’s wrist as it was coming down. That stopped that, Aimee couldn’t compete with me on strength.

I was looking at Aimee, she looked back to me, unfathomable though in her head. “No Tony, let her do it.” That was Jasmine who spoke, I looked down at her, stillholding Aimee in one hand. She looked up pleading silently. I let Aimee’s wrist go, she swung and hit Jasmine’s butt, jasmine yelped in pain. I just looked on helpless, I knew what that felt like, and I didn’t like it. This couldn’t be happening to pure sweet Jasmine, I should be protecting her, but she’d told me no.

I held Jasmine’s hand for want of anything better to do. I felt every blow. Then I noticed Jasmine’s moans had changed, they now sounded like a turned on Jasmine, a Jasmine who was going to come soon. That made no sense, just like the rest of this scene. But come she did, one last scream and then silence.

I held her waiting for her to come back to us. Slowly she stood and rolled over. She was smiling, smiling more than she ever had before. Her eyes flicked open, not focusing, “Ow wow!” Then she said softly, “Hold, me, … please.” I hugged her, Aimee came around the other side and hugged us both. Eventually she said, “I feel marvelous, better than marvelous, I don’t know. Whee!.” I didn’t expect that, I didn’t understand this. I just kept holding her.

Time passed. “I’m so turned on right now.” Jasmine said that, but again, it wasn’t the pure sweet innocent shy Jasmine I’d known. “Can Tony lick me now.” She addressed that to Aimee, like I wasn’t there.

Aimee shot me a glance, “Remember Tony, I promised.” I wasn’t sure if she meant she’d promised Jasmine I would, or if she’d promised me a bribe if I played along. Probably both.

Well, licking pussy is something I enjoy, so I wasn’t going to argue. There was some discussion among the girls I didn’t catch and before I got on my knees, Aimee ordered me, “Take your clothes of first boy!” So we were going to get some role play.

“Yes, miss, at once miss.”I divested myself while the girls giggled at me.

“Now lick her boy. You better do a mighty fine job or it, or you’ll feel my belt.” She brandished the belt, my belt, at me. The girls dissolved into peals of laughter. I made no further ado, knelt and licked Jasmine. Definitely turned on, all the signs were there, I started slow. I wasn’t sure how this was going to go, I’d never known Jasmine come more than once, and she’d come twice already. I wasn’t sure if she’d be able to make it three.

I needn’t have worried, soon after I started, Jasmine made a most un-Jasmine-like order, “Harder boy! Harder!” Then her feet came up to my shoulders and she jammed me into her box. So that’s how we were playing it. At least it didn’t last long after that, I tried for the clip it was really hard and that set off the earthquake. We woke up any sleeping neighbors and Jasmine came.

I knelt there, my tradditional posture after this sort of scene. Aimee said with a giggle, “See, I told you I had him well trained.” I was fuming, I hadn’t agreed to this.

I looked Aimee straight in the eye, with not a happy face. “I have a hard on, if you don’t do something about it now, I’ll take you by force.” Jasmine shrunk from my thunderous demeanor, so I looked over at her, smiled and said, “Don’t worry, she likes that.” That reassured Jasmine some, but she was unsettled by my uncharacteristic outburst.

“OK, OK, grumpy, just a tick.” Aimee said that to me and then had a short whispered conversation, they giggled. I wasn’t sure this was a good sign. “Well, OK, sugar, would you please lie here and relax.” Aimee pointed to the bed, so I got on and lay down.

Aimee cleared her throat, “Lady and Gentleman, I present to you the Stanford Dollies performing the ‘Meat Sabre Dance’". This was going to be good, this was one of Aimee’s party pieces, at least when we partied it was. She’d never done this in public before. I said when she’d been on my dick it looked like she was dancing, well she’d choreographed some of them, to be performed to music. This one should have Khachaturian’s ‘Sabre Dance’ playing, its a very fast piece of music, presto, and I think she managed to hit all the beats. It was mind blowing. It was mind blowing for me, it gave Aimee a very hard workout.

With that Aimee sunk onto my dick and started dancing, about 160 beats a minute. Like I said, mind blowing. I just lay back and enjoyed it. Then Jasmine climbed on my face and sat down. Wow! I didn’t know whether I was coming or going, this was total overload. Something did make up my mind about that, I came, rather quicker than I’d have hoped if I’d been thinking. I flopped, as usual, this time gasping for breath more than usual. It gets kinda hard to breath with a wet pussy sitting on your face like that.

I was lying in my happy place, not worrying. Something impinged on my consciousness, so I looked across, the girls were making out. It looked serious, lots of kissing, hands on boobs and in boxes. Aimee was glistening with sweat, that dance is a work out. I asked, “Do you need any help there?”

Someone answered, “No we’re fine. You just lie there are relax.” I did that. But it was kinda distracting having them going at it just next to me. I just lay down and watched. They got more vocal and then Jasmine got up and got on top of Aimee in a sixty-nine. I was started to get interested again and just about going to join in, when Aimee got to her noisy conclusion and came.

Then they both looked at me, and Aimee said, “No, dear, you just lie there.” With that they crawled over to me and started blowing me. Both of them! That was amazing! Both of them working on my dick at once is even more indescribable than a regular blowjob. And this one took a while, I’d already come twice. I was moaning and understanding all over the bed for ages. I must have looked like I was being tortured. I’m not sure it wasn’t, but eventually all good things have to come to and end, or come at the end, I came.

I’m recovering from that and they’re both hugging me. That was nice. They were climbing on top of me so they could kiss each other, they were using tongues with my come in their mouths. I left them too it.

After that we cleaned up, showed and went back to our respective homes and parents. The parents none the wiser of the orgy we’d just had.

We had discussions of course. I was feeling guilty that I obviously still had feelings for Jasmine, when Aimee was my girlfriend. Aimee introduced me the concept of ‘polymery’, basically that you can loveMore than one person at once. I can’t say I was convinced, but it let me off the hook. She was OK with it.

We had more threesomes, Aimee would entrap fresh young things, it was easier when I didn’t have a history with the girl. Aimee would cast me as the heavy, I’d rough them up, maybe get a blowjob, maybe fuck them. The sex was nice, but it wasn’t as good as making love to Aimee. Aimee got off on me with other girls, so I’d get to do that as well, I couldn’t complain. Watching Aimee with another girl was a turn on for me, so that helped as well.

All three of us, me Jasmine and Aimee, now talked via email. It seems I turned Jasmine into a lesbian. OK, I didn’t but its amusing to say it like that. She’d been having doubts about her sexuality, and that episode shook things loose. She now decided she was a lesbian, that may be why she’d never found a satisfaction guy. Or girls are better at it, or I’m just the best there is and nothing else will ever compare. I like that last theory.

Being gay was against the tenets of her church, so she left the communication. That was a traumatic episode for her. She found some neo-pagan whacked out Earth Mother Goddess sect she was comfortable with, and who were comfortable with her, instead. She claimed it wasn’t that big of a jump as a lot of mythology about Mary was pagan Earth Mother Goddess worship anyway. Whatever floats her boat, I wasn’t arguing.

One thing she did want was a ritual deflowering. OK, that was weird. If she was going to be a lesbian, she’d never ‘know’ a man. She wanted to experience it once, its difficult to appreciate an Earth Mother Goddess without having been fucked at least once. I got nominated to do the deed, obviously really. I’m the only man she ever liked, loved maybe. Aimee approved. I was reluctant to cheat on Aimee, but I was persuaded. At first Jasmine wanted to bring herwhole coven (or whatever they called themselves) to watch, but I wasn’t going for that, it’d be just the three of us.

By this time the spring quarter was over and I had an internship at a company in Palo Alto. I moved out of the dorm and we rented a house near Stanford. It was a lot better than coping with rooms in a dorm. We lived in that house for years, through both our degrees, through Aimee’s doctorate (Astrophysics) and beyond. Eventually we managed to buy a place near by.

It was late June when Jasmine came up to our place for her deflowering, but that’s another story. It was weeks before the smell of smudge sticks went away after that.


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