The Party_(4)

Tracey was more than a bit nervous as she knocked on the kitchen door of Emily’s house.

Emily Chambers was her neighbor but although they lived in the same road the similarities ended there. Tracey’s house was a nondescript three bedroomed house whereas Emily’s was almost a mansion! It had started out the same as Tracey’s but over the years extensions had been added until it now dwarfed Tracey’s house and every other house in the road. To be honest the house looked totally garish and out of place in the small road but that was precisely what Tracey thought of Emily Chambers and her family as well.

Emily went to the same college as Tracey but they hardly ever saw each other there, Emily mixed with the in-crowd, full of money and status whereas Tracey mixed with a more down to earth bunch, the two girls paths crossing very rarely. Tracey was quite glad of that in reality as the few times she did talk to Emily she found her to be rude and hatty, as if she was looking down her nose at the poor neighborhood girl and although Tracey had nothing to be ashamed about she couldn’t help feeling like the poor relationship whenever she came across the superior Emily.

Tracey however was willing to put all that aside this day because Emily was having a party, a party Tracey had not been invited to, but there was something about the party that Tracey desperately wanted to see and she was prepared to try and get in however much grovelling it took!

The rumour was that Emily was having a meat girl at the party.

Meat girls had always been a source of intense fascination to Tracey ever since the law had been passed five years earlier allowing the consumption of human female meat. Tracey had been thirteen at the time and to her young growing mind the fact that she could now be legally bought and sold as meat to be eaten by someone had been very sexually arousing.

The laws passed laid out various ways girls could become legal meat, all criminals were converted to meat status without appeal for example, girls could volunteer once they reached the age of eighteen by signing a simple form which were often printed in daily papers or magazines so they were easily available, or girls could be sold as meat by their legal owner. At the same time as it became law to be able to classify a girl as consumed meat it also became law that every girl under the age of twenty five had to have a legal owner. Mostly this turned out to be the girls father or other male relative or of course her husband if she had one, it was also becoming common though for a girls employee to become her legal owner. Once you became a girls owner you automatically had the right to sell her on and if you chose to sell her for meat then that was your right.

In Tracey’s case it was her dad that was her legal owner and the chances of him selling her as meat, or for any other purpose actually was zero. This was kinda comforting to Tracey but also slightly boring, several of her friends had been sold by their owners and the thought horrified but also turned her on in equal measures.

Tracey’s exposure to meat girls had been fairly limited, her mum and dad preferred to stick to more traditional meats for their meals and as far as Tracey knew they had never tasted pussy meat, let alone buy any. Tracey had however tasted it, on quite a few occasions now, at parties, the odd meal out, pussy curries were very popular now days, and she’d even bought pussy meat sandwiches from the local garage on more than one occasion. The meat did taste delicious but the very fact that she was eating another girl made it even more tasty in Tracey’s eyes.

On one occasion her granddad had sent her down to the local supermarket to buy some pussy meat and she had been fascinated as soon as she’d entered the meat section ofthe shop. On display in the chiller cabinets were rows and rows of pussy meat, breasts, tighs, and even pussies themselves but even more fascinating to Tracey was the whole live girls they had for sale. Near the till they had five girls lined up for sale, all naked of course and all very pretty with large firm breasts and flat stomachs and all available to buy whole to be cooked how you wanted. Tracey had been rooted to the spot as she looked at the naked girls just imagine her self in their place, on display as nothing more than live meat, ready to be bought and eaten by anyone who wished to, nothing more than an animal.

She must have been staring at them longer than she thought because she suddenly heard the sales girl asking if she could help and when Tracey had blushed and said no she was just looking the sales girl had giggled and said they got a lot of that. As Tracey had reluctantly started to walk away the sales girl must of recognized her interest and giggling had said,

“If you fancy giving it a go yourself I can arrange that for you, why don’t you come with me.” and as she held out her hand Tracey couldn’t stop herself taking it and allowing herself to be led back behind the counter and through a plastic door into a large storage room where she could see several men in butches aprons working a little distance away.

“Okay hunny why don’t you take your clothes off for me and place them in the box there while I go and get you a conversion form to sign and I can have you on display in ten minutes.”

In a daze Tracey had started to undress not quite believe what was happening but so turned on she couldn’t seem to come to her senses and before she knew it she was naked, her clothes in a box on the table beside her. The butchers had cast a few looks her way and Tracey shivered knowing that the cold air wasn’t the only thing making her nipples hard!

“Good girl.” the sales girl laughed as she returned holding a sheet of paper, “Just got to get you to sign this for me and get you graduated and we can get you out on the shop floor,”

She handed Tracey the form but as Tracey was about to bend forward and sign it the sales girl grabbed a passing butcher and giggling said,

“Hey Mike just got this one outside can you grade her for me.”

Mike had looked Tracey up and down a few times, ran his hand up and down her body as if he was inspecting a side of meat and then produced a laser gun for his pocket and pushed a few buttons and Tracey had yelped as the letter A appeared on her left hip.

“Thanks Mike,” the girl had said cheerily before turning back to Tracey and saying,”Sign the form then hunny.”

Unfortunately for the sales girl though the pain of the laser stamp had bought Tracey to her senses and a heated argumentt had followed when Tracey said she’d changed her mind and started to get dressed. In the end she had been almost thrown out of the store and her granddad had to do without his pussy meat that night. Part of Tracey had been appalled at how close she had been to signing her life away, part of her however wanted to go back to the store!If nothing else she also had a permanent reminder of the day, a nice large capital A on her thigh!

All of this had been going through Tracey’s mind when she had heard that Emily was having a party with a whole meat girl to be roasted. The idea had excited her tremendously and she was crushed when she had not received an invitation, not that she had really expected to get one if she was honest with herself, but invitation or not she had to go and see the meat girl if nothing else!

That was how she found herself nervously knocking on Emil’s back door.

Almost immediately the door opened and a rather flustered Emily had opened it wide showing an evidence look of disappointment on her face when she only saw Tracey standing there.

“Oh hello Tracey, I was hoping you were someone else,” she said with a sad tone.

Tracey didn’t know what to say to that so she just stood there smiling inanely at Emily until she almost snapped,

“Well what can I do for you Tracey, I’m kinda busy, I’m having a party here today.”

“Oh yes I know, my mum sent me over to see if you needed any help with anything.” Tracey lied, her mother didn’t even know she was here.

Emily looked at Tracey again as if truly noticing her for the first time,

“Well okay you’d better come in then, I’m sure I can find something for you to do.”

Tracey stepped through the door and into the kitchen happy that her plan had at least started well. The kitchen was a busy place, there were two other young girls who seemed to be preparing salad stuff and food seemed to be on every work top. To Tracey’s disappointment though there was no sign on the meat girl but as she didn’t want to tell Emily the true reason she was here she soon found herself cutting up carrots and other vegetables just like the other hired help girls while Emily stood around looking worried.

The reason for her worried expression soon became clear too Tracey when the phone rang and listening to Emily’s side of the conversation it turned out that the promised meat girl had been delayed and although it was on it’s way it was going to be a tight call to get it cooked before the party was due to begin.

Emily had not been happy at all, shouting down the phone that she had a good mind to cancel the order altogether and to let everyone know just how unreliable the meat firm were, indeed from the way Emily was speaking to them Tracey was surprised that theguy on the other end of the phone didn’t just hang up on her but eventually Emily hung up with the promise that the girl would be there within the hour.

Emily had then stormed out of the kitchen presumably to tell someone else of the situation and Tracey was left with the two other girls cutting up the vegetables. Tracey was actually wondering if now might be a good time to leave, it didn’t look like she was about to see the live meat girl for at least an hour and she didn’t fancy working as Emily’s private little kitchen helper for that time but just about Then Emily returned, still with a face like thunder.

Looking at the other two girls she gave a weak attempt at a smile and asked if either of them had been graded but on hearing the response that neither of them had been the look of thunder returned and in an effort to lighten the mood Tracey nervously raised her hand and admitted that she had been graded.

A look of total surprise crossed Emily’s face,

“Are you sure Tracey, I mean meat graded.”

“Hum yes,” she had replied before shyly raising her skirt to her hip revealing the capital A lasered onto her skin.

Emily had almost clapped her hands in glee before coming over to Tracey and taking her arm and leading her to a more private corner of the kitchen.

“Oh Tracey you could be a godsend, I’m meant to be having a live whole roaster meat girl at the party but she’s going to be delivered later than they said.”

Tracey just nodded her head not sure where this was going.

“I was planning on displaying the girl before we actually roasted her, you know like on a platter on the table so everybody can admire her, but we’re not going to have the time to do that now, once she arrives she will be straight in the oxygen thanks to those stupid meat people!”

A suddenthrill ran through Tracey’s body, surely she wasn’t going to suggest what she thought, was she?

“I wouldn’t ask but it would really save my pride if we could still display a meat girl for the guests but I really need a graded girl because people will know she’s not for real otherwise,” she grinned at Tracey, “I don’t suppose you would do it for me would you Tracey, it would really save my bacon and I’d be forever grateful.”

“Well what would I have to do,” Tracey just about managed to say, hoping the Emily couldn’t sense the excitement in her voice.

“Oh nothing to bad, we will just prepare you like a real meat girl but only to display you of course,” she giggled, “ we will put you out in the main room for everyone to see and then when the real meat girl arrives we will take you back here to the kitchen and let you go and cook the real meat girl and nobody will know the difference.”

Tracey looked at Emily not quite believe what was being suggested, the whole idea was incredibly exciting, she would get her wish to experience being a meat girl, if only for an hour, it was the best of all worlds, all the excitement with none of the risks, she couldn’t resist it and she actually thought that Emily knew exactly that from the way she was looking at her!

Indeed Emily suddenly took Tracey’s arm and giggling said,

“Cone on then there’s no time to spare, let’s get you prepared.”

Without Tracey remembering actually agreeing to being a displayed meat girl she allowed Emily to lead her over to where the other two girls were still standing and listen as Emily told them to start preparing Tracey for display.

As time seemed to go by a whirl of excitement Tracey was stripped naked, a brief moment of embarrassment she soon overcame, and stood in a large bThe catch of cold water where the two serving girls proceeded to sponge her whole body down washing her clean. She was then led to a table with what looked like a large steel serving platter on it and as Emily told her to jump on up Tracey realized that’s exactly what it was. She was instructed to lay on her back and as the cold steel touched her back thick string was deftly tied around her ankles and at the same time a thick steel Collar was attached and fastened to her neck and the end of the strings tying her ankles together was passed through a loop on the front of the collar and her ankles and feet were pulled tightly towards her neck, almost like a reverse hog tie. This had the effect of pulling her into a tight ball, her sex completely exposed and Tracey hoped she wasn’t dripping her juices onto the platter, she had a sense though that she was doing just that!

The two serving girls were doing most of the work as Emily stood above Tracey’s head but she suddenly felt her pulling something onto her face and fasting it around her ears.

“Just a small leather mask dear,” she heard Emily laugh, “some people get a bit squeamish if they recognize the girl they are about to eat, of course it also turns some people on if they know their meal but it takes all sorts.” she giggled.

Her wrists were now tightly tied to the same loop in the neck collar as her ankles and she was now completely immobilised and helpless, and never more excited! Finally a large red apply was produced and as Emily told her to open wide she pushed the apple between Tracey’s lips and into her open mouth, so deep that Tracey’s jaws were already aching and the apple had only been in her mouth seconds!

“I know it’s an awful cliché,” Emily giggled, “but people do like the red apple, it makes a pretty picture.” she laughed.

Tracey could only give a small grunt in reply as she wondered how she was ever going to get the apple out of her mouth with dislocating her jaws!

Taking a step back to admit the now well trusted up girl Emily laughed again,

“My you do look like the perfect meat girl Tracey, sorry but I have to say this but you look good enough to eat.” she giggled.

Perversely a sight of pride escaped Tracey’s lips and a different sight entirely came when one of the serving girls pushed a large leaves vegetable into her pussy without warning, a finishing garnish.

“Okay Tracey just some work to do on arranging the other food on the platter around you and then we can get you out on display.” Emily said matter of actually as she started to give instructions to the serving girls and Tracey wasn’t sure if it was a twitch of fear or excitement that went through her when she heard Emily says to the girls,

“Once you’ve got her out on displayone of you had better come back here and wait for the real meat girl to be delivered which is a pain as we could do with both of you out there working really.” Then she giggled and said,

“Mind you it wouldn’t matter if you missed the delivery now that we have a back up girl.”

To her relief, or was it, she saw Emily win at her before she said,

“Right Tracey I’m going out to say hello to the guests now and mingle, the girls here will bring you out shortly and put you on display and then when the real meat arrives we can get you swapped over, thanks again for doing this, it’s a real stroke of luck that you’ve already been graded you naughty girl.” and with a little wave and giggle she left.

All Tracey could do was lay on the platter as the two girls arranged some food around her and made her look pretty, pretty appetising Tracey guessed and then she felt a girl on each side grunt asThey lifted the platter onto a trolley and she was suddenly being pushed along on her way to the party room.

In her position Tracey couldn’t really see a lot, the collar held her neck and head quite rigid and all she could really see was the ceiling as she was wheeled naked and completely exposed into the main room but she certainly sensed the interest in her!

Even with her restricted view she knew she was now the centre of attention as people came over to inspect the meat. She was suddenly surrounded by people of all ages all looking down on her with a mixture of curiosity and lust, more than one person poked and proved her in all sorts of places while others laughed and encouraged them while making jokes about making sure she was fresh meat etc.

Tracey had never been so turned on, she was just a piece of meat to these smiling happy people, no more than that. She had seen a few people she knew looking down at her, a few girls from school,the neighbor guy, even one of her teachers and she was glad that Emily had put the mask on her and that nobody appeared to recognize her, it wouldn’t of mattered if they had, she was graded meat, her grade proudly displayed on her hip, she was just meat.

Although her contast arousal Tracey was also aware that every bone in her body was aching, she was pulled tightly into shape and every sinew was stretched and pulled, after the first twenty minutes on display most people were back in little groups chatting to each other and Tracey’s displayed meat was no longer the most important thing in the room. She was suddenly aware that Emily and her mother were standing over her and Tracey blushed, hoping that Emily hadn’t told her mother who exactly they were standing over!

“Well I must say the butchers have supplied an excellent piece of meat dear, she’s quite delightful.”

Tracey shivered in nervous excitement as Emily's mother casually pinched her right nipple.

“Yes I’m sure she will be delicious.” Emily giggled looking at Tracey directly in the eye.

“Yes well I wish I was as pleased with those two serving girls the agency sent over, I caught one of them lazing around in the kitchen just now, I fired her on the spot, useless girl.”

Tracey suddenly started listening intently, wasn’t that the girl who was meant to be waiting for the delivery of the real meat girl?

“Oh are you sure that’s a good idea mummy,” Emily said, “I’m sure she was doing something useful in the kitchen really.”

“Oh she gave me some story about waiting for some delivery or other but we have everything we need so I fired her and sent her packing, funny thing was just after she left a meat delivery van turned up, said they had a meat girl for us but I told them we already had it, must have beena mix up somewhere,” she laughed,” if I had thought I probably could of got the one they were trying to give me as well and had two but I didn’t think, anyway she was only a B grade so at least we got the A grade and I’m sure there’s plenty of meat on this one to go round.” she laughed before walking off.

A panicked Tracey looked up into Emily’s face, a bead of sweat on her browser already but unable to say anything with the apple lodged deep in her mouth.

“Oh dear we’re in a right pickle now,” Emily said, “I can’t let you go if we can’t get another meat girl and we need to start cooking soon, just wait here.” and off she went.

Just wait here! What did she think she was going to do! Desperately Tracey tested her bonds but there was no chance of escape, she was helpless, trusted up like a sow ready to be roasted, which was absolutely what she was!

The next ten minutes seemed to last an entertiy, a fantasy is very erotic, reality isn’t always the same and Tracey was very scared that her fantasy was fast becoming reality.

There was still no sign of Emily or anyone else coming to her rescue, indeed the only one who did pay her any attention was John, Emily’s little brother who seemed to like amusing himself by pinching and pulling Tracey’s nipples!

Finally Emily’s mother reappeared at Tracey’s side but she didn’t even look down at her, she just gave orders to the two serving girls either side to lift Tracey back onto the trolley and as Tracey laid there panicking she was wheeled back the way she came and back into the kitchen.

It was definitely hotter in here than last time and Tracey was aware that the often had been well and truly heated up!

As the trolley was wheeled towards the over Tracey was suddenly aware that Emily was also there and that she was opening the evening door, a new blast of heat hitting the nearing Tracey.

“I’m sorry Tracey but I couldn’t really do anything else once mummy turned away the real meat girl, I couldn’t let all my guests down after all, they are expecting to be fed, I’m sure you’d do the same in my position.”

Tracey looked up into Emily’s face, was that a faint smile she saw on her lips, she wasn’t sure as the tray she was on slip into the oxygen and the door shut tight behind her.


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