thrift store_(0)

One day I woke up to the sound of everyone getting ready.

To where I wonder..

I didn’t have time to ask so I put my shoes on and left..

At first I though we were going to wal- mart but than we turned all of a sudden and pulled into a thrift store parking lot.

I had never bin here so I was curious..

As I walked around I saw that they had no security cameras and there store was divided into sections boys, girls, men’s, woman’s, toys and furniture..

I notice that the adults would be looking at clothes on the opposite side of the store while the kids around 7 to 13 were looking at the toys in the back of the store..

Now I should have mentioned this earlier but since I was 7 I loved to flash my dick to people around my age.

I had always done this and never bin caught or told on the girls never tell there moms because I no they are just as curiousas I was…

Well anyway back to the store… So I wrote down the address to the store so I can go back on my own time..

So the next day I go to the store alone and there are tons of people and kids so I grab a t shirt off the shelf I hold in front of me so that my zipper can easily go down when i need it to.

I had learned all sorts of tricks on how to dick flash off the web during school instead of reading history I was readying tips on how to dick flash in public places there’s so much on the web

So I’m walking around and I start to unzip

When I run into a little girl

I drop the shirt on accident

Shes standing right in front of me

By this time my dick is throbbing and hard

Here eyes got so biig and she couldn’t look away

I picked up the shirt and walk away pretty fast..


I got to the woman’s sectionn

And there were just old lady’s in there 60s

I bumped my penis into one and apologised

it was an accident i realy wasnt paying attention.

She was in her 60s but had a big round butt

I could help but start to pump and stroke my cock as her back was turned

I than keep walking..

So I walked to the girls section and saw some teens my age

So I took my dick out while I passed but no

lucky they were to busy looking at Cloths.

So I just masturbated behind there backs

But I just had to touch them

So as I walked past I bumped my hand on her butt she didn’t seem to notice..

But i did tho 😉

So I continued down the isle..

As I turned I noticed something or someone following me..

it was the little girl..

I wonder what she wanted..

She didnt seemlike trouble so I didn’t pay attention she was just being a kid

By than I remember what had happened she had seen my penis

now what I wondered

And as I did I got super hard

the though of her seeig my dick excited me

so I walked to the toy isle and there she was with 3 more girls little with here

They were playing

but still noticed me as I was standing next to them

I got so hard I started to rub my penis up and down up and down

They watched everything in delight as they giggled and continued playing

There eyes watching me and giggling while I slowly pulled the shirt down to expose my penis

I was so erect and throbbing at this time I exploded as they watched in aww as I cummed all over the toys..

After I cam I walked out the store and went home

I couldn’t sleep that night I had to do it again..

This was the night I finally realized I love dick flashing younger girls than me since I’m in my teens lol;)

So anyways a week had past but I still had a crazy urge to dick flash..

So I went for a run to clear my head

And happens to pass by these apartments

As I passed i saw two girls outside doing homework on the floor

I walked by and got so hard for no reason at all

I noticed that it was the girls bending over and crouched as they did their homework with there butt cracks showing and there butts in the air..

So I circled around and decided that I was gonna flash them

So i took my dick out and started getting hard from the image of there butts in my head

I tucked my penis under my shirt as I passed by i took it put and rubbed it up and down nice and slow

They saw and giggled I walked pasted and turned a corner

I continueued to jack off as I did I noticed them

They loved it and were so curious

By this time i had turned the corner to the back

And wow they followed me to the back of the apartments!

I pretended not to notice them

So I start to get more comfortable

I took off my pants and spread my legs

I started really getting into pleasure my self

The hole time as i sat they were peaking around the corner

watching me till I exploded all over the grass

They were shy and ran away after that..

I walked home and took a nap 😉

Weeks later I had an appointment for a job interview

I had to take the bus since I wasn’t old enough to drive

So I’m waiting for the bus and it finally shows up I get on and sit towards the back

I put on my headphones and start jamming out as I do this cute little girl runs bywith her mother

They sit in the back

The little girls so hyper she starts running around and playing on the seats next to me

So she’s on the seat across from mine just watching me

So I get so hard by this she can see my erecrion throw the pants

I take out my cock and hide it behind a bus map

I start jacking off and before I new it I exploded into the bus map

She saw and watched the hole thing with such bright eyes and excitement as my cum covered the map

I reached my destination for the job interview and I got the job!! What a surprise!!;)

Thanks please leave come moments I also have Kik my Kik is zerohighz can’t wait to hear what y’all think:)


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