I raised Danielle on My Own
I raised Danielle on my own, from the time she was three years old. Dani and I really never missed her mother after she left without a word.
I only lived two blocks from my job as a CPA. Juggling my child and my work hours became a lot easier, once she started school.
Our favorite pasttime was for me to pick her up at school and walk to the Ben & Jerry’s across the street, where we’d sit and she’d tell me all about Johnny, Kenny, Billy and Frankie chasing her around the school yard. Once I talked to the playground monitors, I discovered a little difference in the story. It seems like all the boys were afraid of Dani, especially when she was chasing them!
She wasn’t shy when it came to being a leader… even an instigator. She advanced through elementary, middle school, jr. high and high school in, what seemed like, a few weeks.
I’m sure, exactlyWhen she lost her virginity, but she spent a lot of time with Liz, her best friend, and Liz’s twin brother, Leo. I remember finding stains of blood, mixed with cum, on her sheets as I pulled them from the back of the bathroom closet. I have no idea how long they had been hidden there but, needless to say, I was HIGHLY pissed off; but I was a kid once, myself, so I couldn’t blow Leo for what cums naturally.
My friend, Larry, was a pharmacist. We had been in school together for 16 years; 1st grade through four years of college. When I told him about Dani’s activities, he readily supplied birth control pills.
Betty, one of my associates (and occasional bed partner) came over and had ‘the talk’ with her.
Right after her freshman year at Florida State, Dani came bouncing home, ready to spend the summer having fun with all her old school buddies. As I walked up the sidewalk, I reflected on the last time I saw my baby girl. It wasWhen Christmas vacation was over, five months before. She had spent spring break with friends at Destin.
I was ready to see my daughter, but I wasn’t ready for what I saw when I walked through the door.
Dani was lying naked on a towel, just outside the patio doors. No, we didn’t have a privacy fence, but unless the Joneses were all the way back near the alley, nobody could see our small, back deck.
When she heard me close the front door, Dani jumped up and began pulling her bikini on, “Hi, Daddy!! I guess I must have dozed off, I didn’t realize it was time for you to get home.”
What I had just witnessed was not the same girl who left here on the 3rd of January… There was no way I could tear my eyes from the huge tits, which had replaced the apple-sized ones. Her hips were wider, wait narrower and her pussy was shaken clean… as clean as the day she was born. Mentally, I chatissed myself for watching her every move, knowing she could tell my cock was swelling, too.
Once the top was in place, she burst through the open door and ran to my arms. Her boobs mashed into my chest and her puffy, pussy mound shoved its way against my hard cock as she planted kisses all over my head, including a deep-searching tongue in my mouth, “Did you miss me, Daddy? I know I missed you! I’m sorry about being naked when you got home… but it may happen again; I don’t wear clothes much, Anymore, unless I’m going out or something.”
“It’s okay, Honey. I was just a little stunned. I’m not used to see a woman’s naked body around here, much less my little girl’s naked body. But it’s okay, you can be nude whenever you want.”
Before my eyes, the bathing suit came back off, “You get bare, too, Daddy. I get to see you, if you get to see me.”
I could not believe what was happening. My daughter’s skilled hands undressed me within five seconds. When she pulled my boxers to the floor, she took a few seconds to look over my stiff dick, appearing to appreciate what she was examining, “Mmmm… you look great, Daddy.”
She gave Fat Boy a couple of quick tugs and kissed its one-eyed head, “Daddy, I hope you don’t get mad at me, but I’m going to have to have this big guy inside me, soon… like now. C’mon, Dad, I’m so horny, Fuck me, pleeeeze? Your baby girl loves you so much… pleeeeze fuck me now?”
Something in my mind clicked and I became possessed. I spun Dani onto the day bed and fell on top of her. I never realized the moment my cock entered her, but nine or ten strokes later, I was filling her hot insides with cum.
“Wow, Daddy, that didn’t take long. You weren’t just a little horny, too, were you?”
“Oh, my God, Honey. I didn’t… I mean you’re just… Oh shit! What did I do?”
My shake was still semi-hard and seated deep inside her warm, wet body when she smiled and pulled me tight against her soft skin and firm tits, “What we did was just a start. I love my Daddy more than anybody and I want you to fuck me, and fuck me, and fuck me all you want. Nobody could make me happier right now, so please, make love to your little girl again. This time, we’ll go slower and this girl is going to drive away all the reasons we shouldn’t have LOTS of sex, Dad.
“Fuck me, now. Go slow and make me cum, Daddy. Make me cum over and over. I love you.”
I didn’t last as long as I would like on our second round, but I was able to hold my third load until Dani started her shirts of orgasm and clenched at my cock with her hungry cunt. We reached our peak together in the midst of groans, whimpers and kisses.
Lying in the afterglow, Dani whispered her desires again, “Oh, Daddy, I wish we could do this every minute of every day. God, how I love you and want you…”
We took a break… I took a Cialis… we took shows… we took a nap. An hour and a half later, I mounted my gorgeous, sex-hungry daughter from behind. We fucked on the bed, the floor, my recliner, the dining table and the towel on the back deck.
Thanks to my booster, I was able to help Dani cum a dozen times or more. My nuts stayed drained, too, but the most satisfaction I had, was satisfying her.
That summer was the beginning of a completely different life for me. It didn’t take long for Dani to incorporate Liz and Leo into our activities. The four of us had sessions that would last three days at a time. The twins were bi-sexual and ‘converted’ me, too. I never sucked Leo’s dick, but between his asshole, three willing mouths and two amazingly hot pussies, this man lived in a dream world.
To make it even better, in October, Dani called and told me she had found a condo in Tallahassee, just a block from college, “I can’t quite swing the total rent, Daddy. Maybe you would consider moving down here and sharing it with me? You already know the… shall we say ‘advantages’?”
After five, amazing years of college and graduate work, Dani and I moved back home to Phoenix, where she has her psychology practice. Kinda ironic, huh?
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