I had just spent a weekend away, filming and doing photo shoots. By now a lot of my films had come out and were all over the internet. All of the teen magazines that I had done photo shoots for were all out as well. I had gotten copies of every movie I had done up to this point, but I never watched any of them. I had my own safe and they were all in that safe still wrapped in plastic. It was a lot of fun and I was starting to make a lot of money. Which helped since the bills that stacked up when dad died started to really get laid down.
I got home after an entire weekend away and spent the rest of that Sunday night with my little sister. She and I were very very close. Mainly because after dad died, I spent a lot of time taking care of her so mom could keep working. That whole week went by, and things at school were quite weird. For the first time I noticed that several of thee hottest girls in school, who were cheer leaders and extremely popular, were following me everywhere. I was a porn star now so I recognized the looks they kept giving me. Several of them would blatantly look right at my crotch and bite their finger nails. I was enjoying the attention, but had no idea as to why they were doing all of this.
That Friday, I stayed after school to help with a project that had to be done by the next Monday. And since I was leaving for the weekend for another shoot, I decided to stay after and get it done. I had already made arrangements with mom and aunt Linda to pick my sister up for me. As I was leaving I decided to walk through the gym area since my car was closed to that area. Just as I nearly the girls locked room I heard several girls whispering. I didn’t pay much attention to it at all until I felt several hands grab my arms. I looked and saw at least 6 cheer leaders crowd around me and pull me into the girls locked room.
“What the hell! What are you doing? I can’t be in here." I said as all of their eyes burned a hole into me.
“We need to ask you something.” A brunette asked.
“Ok.” I said.
“Is your name Jeff?” One of the blondes asked.
“No, my name is Chad.” I said as my ears started to burn.
“Look, we can either do this the hard way or the easy way. It’s up to you.” Another blonde said. She had braces on her teeth. She had a really sexy sexy mouth.
“Look I don’t know who you think I am, but I’m not whoever you think I am.” I said.
“It’s him.” A third blonde said.
“Him who?” I asked.
“It looks like he wants to do this the hard way.” A second brunette said.
“Ok, either you tell us the gods honest truth, or we will, A, tell everyone who you really are and what you do, including the principle, and or B, tell everyonee that we caught you spying on us.” The first blonde said.
“So what’s it going to be?” Another blonde asked.
“That’s bullshit. You know that you all pulled me in here.” I said.
“We know that, you know that, but who do you think the principle and the police are going to believe?” A brunette asked.
“Us or the new guy in town?” The first blonde asked.
“I hate you girls right now.” I said.
“So tell us, is your name Jeff, and are you a porn star?” The first blonde asked.
“Think about how you answer that before you lie again.” A brunette said.
“Look, you obviously know already.” I replied.
“Yes we do, but we want to hear it from you.” A blonde said.
“Swear to me that this stays between us. You have to promise that it goes no further than here.” I pleaded.
“Ok we swear to god that we won’t say anything to anyone else. Right girls?” The blonde asked.
“Yes we promise.” They all said.
“So are you Jeff?” A blonde asked.
“Well, Chad is my real name, Jeff is my stage name.” I replied.
“So you really are a porn star then?” One of them asked.
“Yes I am.” I said.
“So what’s it like to have so many girls that want to fuck you?” A blonde asked.
“Including us.” A brunette said.
“I wasn’t really aware of that.” I said.
“Oh please! You’re a fucking hot porn star! You should know that!” One of the blondes said.
“Jesus Kylee! Could you be any louder?!” Another blonde asked. Kylee had the sexy mouth with braces.
“At least I know that now.” I said.
“Very true. But it’s nice to meet you Chad. My name is Amanda, this hot brunette is Jamie, this little hottie is Allison, this is Gina, and this is Courtney, you already know who Kylee is.” Amanda said.
“Nice to meet you all. You all watch my movies?” I asked.
“Are you kidding me?! You’re the hottest porn star out there! Of corse we do.” Kylee said.
“We are huge fans of yours.” Courtney said.
“Yeah we are. So are you going to the game tonight?” Jamie asked.
“No I have to leave in the morning.” I said as they all stared at me with pure lust on their faces.
“Where are you going?” Kylee asked.
“LA.” I replied.
“Are you going to go film more yummy porn?” Allison asked.
“Yeah.” I said.
“Mmmmmmm…I wish we were going with you.” Gina said as she looked me up and down.
“Is your dick really that big?” Allison asked.
“Yes it is.” I replied.
“I wanna suck it.” Amanda said with a breathy tone.
“We all want to suck it. Are you filming next weekend?” Kylee asked.
“No I’m home all weekend.” I said.
“Well, my parents will be out of town, you should totally come over to my house this weekend. That’s if you want.” She said.
“Ok, cool. I just need your address.” I replied.
“Ok I’ll write it down and give you my number. I really hope you come.” Kylee said.
“Ok I will be there.” I said.
“God I hope so.” Allison said.
Kylee took my cell phone and programmed her number into it and gave it back to me.
“So is it fun doing porn?” Amanda asked.
“I'm not going to lie, yeah it is fun.” I replied.
“It looks fun.” Kylee said as her eyesbrows jumped.
“You’re really hot.” Gina said.
“Thank you.” I said.
“She is right, you’re yummy. I love your dick. It’s so nice.” Kylee said.
“So how old are you all?” I asked.
“16 and 17 and 18.” Allison replied.
“You’re all really hot too.” I said.
“Thanks.” Kylee said.
“So when you come to Kylees house can you show us your dick?” Allison asked.
“Haven’t you already saw it?” I asked with a grin.
“Well yeah but, we want to see it for real.” Courtney said.
“We will see how things go.” I replied.
“Well we know you like it when girls have sex so I am sure we can get you to show us." Kylee said.
“By having sex with each other?” I asked.
“Wouldn’t be the first time we have played together.” She replied.
“You just might get me naked then.” I said.
“If we do can we suck your dick? Courtney asked.
“If you want.” I said.
“I want to now. I would love to suck your dick.” Allison said.
“I wouldn’t mind having you inside of me.” Kylee said.
“Keep this up and you just might.” I said as my dick began to harden.
“We better let you go before we rape you right here.” Kylee said.
The girls all led me out of the locker room and all hugged me. They all gropeed me really good just before they went into the locker room. I left as my head spun. I was beside myself because of what had just happened. If I had to pick a favorite, it was most definitely, without adoubt going to be Kylee. She was about 4’9 maybe 90 pounds, and that may be more than what she actually weighed, and she had a really really cute face. Extremely extremely cute face baby face. She had platinum blonde hair and had different colors in it. She had big blue eyes, and the sexiest mouth I had ever seen. And like I said, she had braces making her mouth even more sexy. I think it was pretty obvious to her and the rest of her friends that I took to her over any of the other girls. She had an amazing amazing little body. She had a nice golden tan and small little tits. The other girls were hot, don’t get me wrong, but Kylee seemed to be the one that I was drawn to. The look on her face was still driving me crazy.
I went home and then left for LA. After that entire weekend I went home and went through the normal routine. That Friday at school Kylee came up to me and hugged me tightly.
“So are you coming over to my house?” She asked.
“Yes I am. What time should I be there?” I asked.
“Well, the game is over at 9ish, so we are doing it tomorrow afternoon instead. Just call me and I’ll tell you how to get there.” She said as she ran her hand all over my upper body.
“Ok I will.” I said.
“Good, I can’t wait. I’ll see you soon sexy.” She said as she let go and walked off.
She looked back at me smiling several times. I went and picked my sister up from school and we hung out for a while. I watched movies with her and my cousins and spent a lot of quality time with them. When Saturday finally rolled around I got myself ready. I already had a pretty good idea of what was going to happen, but I wasn’t sure if there were going to be other people there with us of not. Mom already knew that I was going to a friends house to hang out with them. She was excited that I had friends there now. Then I calledKylee and let her know I was on the way.
I was amazed at how huge the house was. What the hell do her parents do for crying out loud?! Just as I got to the door Kylee opened it up and my jaw hit the floor. Good god she had a great body! She had a very small tight tube top on. It was just big enough to cover her tits, but barely. She had a very very small bikini bottom on that matched her top.
“Do you like what you see?” She asked snapping me back to reality.
“Sorry about that, but yeah.” I said.
“Good because I like what I see.” She said seductively.
“Thanks.” I said as she took my hand and led me into the house.
She led me through this gigantic house and out to a huge elaborate pool. I looked and saw Allison, Amanda, Gina and Courtney all in the pool. There was no one else there at all, just us. Several of the girls were already topless and were making out and grinding on each other. I heard several girls whimpering, breathing really hard, and moaning. I could hear them kissing not realizing that we were standing there watching. I started to get hard and fast as I watched them.
“Hey girls he is here.” Kylee said snapping them all back to reality.
They all looked up at us and smiled. Kylee turned around and looked up into my eyes, then down at my growing bulge.
“I see you wo shorts honey.” She said as she slide her hand into my shirt.
“Yeah I did.” I said.
“Are you ready to have fun?” She asked with a very sexy smile.
“With you hell yes.” I said softly.
“Mmmm, you’re thinking what I’m thinking aren’t you?” She asked.
“How can I not?” I asked.
“That’s good because what is about to happen is exactly what you think it is. But first we needto get this shirt off.” She said softly.
She very gently lifted my shirt off and over my head. I had to bend down so she could pull it off. As I stood up she ran her hands on my chest and across my abs. She bit her lip as she looked me over really good. She stared at my growing bulge for a few seconds.
“Good god, your body is so much hotter in person. And I really, really, really like what I see.” She whispered.
“You have an amazing body as well.” I said as we looked into each other’s eyes.
She smiled and we got into the pool. She let me get in first and all of the girls there were looking at me like I was a piece of meat. They all immediately swam around me and Kylee. Kylee backed into me and I wrapped my arms around her and rested my hands on her stomach. She pressed her back into my hard cock and squirmed back and forth.
“Your body looks way better in person.” Courtney said.
“Yeah it does. You have a really hot body.” Amanda said.
“Thank you.” I said as Kylee looked up at me.
“So of all the movies you have done, what movies do you like better?” Gina asked.
“I don’t know, I’ve never watched any of them.” I replied.
“The one that is my favorite has to be the one about step brother and sister.” Amanda said.
“That one was really really hot. My favorite one you did was “brothers monster cock.” Kylee said.
“Mine too.” Courtney said.
“You do have a monster cock, it’s quite beautiful too.” Kylee said.
“Did he show you already?” Gina asked.
“No but I can feel it pressing against my back.” Kylee said.
“Is it hard?” Courtney asked.
“Yeah and its making me really wet.” Kylee replied.
“Does it feel like is as big as at looks in his movies?” Allison asked.
“Actually yeah it does.” Kylee replied.
“Hey Chad, what do you think about our boobs?” Gina asked as all of the girls that were already topless stood up giving me an unobstructed view of their tits.
“They are really nice.” I said as my cock twitched.
“I read an interview where you said that you like them small, and that the smaller they are the more they drive you crazy.” Courtney said.
“Yeah I love them small.” I replied.
“Well, none of us have big tits.” Gina said.
“I see that. You all have very nice boobs.” I said.
“You know Kylee here has the smallest boobs of all of us. She is really flat.” Allison said.
“I noticed that and I love them.” I said.
“Want me toTake my top of so you can see them?” Kylee asked.
“Yeah I kinda do.” I replied.
“How about I just let my girlfriends take my top off for me.” She asked seductively.
“That would be really hot.” I said.
She stepped away from me and the girls who weren’t topless shed their tops. They all crowded around her and began kissing her and nibbling in her neck right in front of me. I watched all of the girls kiss each other and her as they all rubbed Kylees abs and tits. I heard several of them exhaling hard and Kylee whimper as they slowly slide her tiny top off, exposing her hard pink nipples. Her tits were very very small. The way she had her arms up around the necks of two of her friends, it looked like she had no tits at all. She had a really nice tan, and no tan lines. My cock strained against my swim trunks as I looked at them and watched the girls all but fuck her, and each other right there. It strained harder when I saw Amanda slide her hand into Kylees bottoms and start rubbing her pussy.
“So what do you think sexy man?” Amanda asked.
“Very yummy.” I said as I watched Kylees tongue slide into Allison’s mouth.
“I told you. She is sexy isn’t she?” Amanda asked.
“You all are.” I said as Allison and Kylee broke the kiss.
“Do you like watching us?” Kylee asked.
“God yeah.” I said as my cock twitched over and over again.
“Are we making you horny?” Amanda asked.
“Very.” I said.
“Good.” Kylee said.
“You planned this didn’t you?” I asked.
“Yes we did. We’ve been planning it ever since we saw your yummy porn together and found out you went to our school.” Kylee replied.
“We really want to see your huge dick.” Gina said.
“Is it hard?” Courtney asked.
“Yeah it is.” I replied.
“Can we see it baby?” Kylee asked as she made her way towards me, with the other girls right behind her.
“Yeah you can but I want you to take my shorts off.” I said as I looked Kylee in her eyes.
“Deal. Let’s get out and go to the cabana.” She said.
I turned around and climbed out of the pool and walked slowly to the cabana.
“God I want to fuck him so bad.” Kylee whispered not knowing I could hear her.
“I want him in my ass.” Courtney said.
“God I want him in both of my ass and my pussy.” Amanda said.
“I want him in my mouth.” Allison said.
“Sshhhhhhh, he might hear us.” Courtney quipped.
“So who cares. I want him to hear us.” Kylee said.
I smiled as I approached the nice large bed in the cabana and started to dry off. My towel was ripped from my hands and Kylee began to dry me off the rest of the way. I looked around and saw very perky young 16, 17, and 18 year old tits around me. I looked up to see all of the girls all looking at my protruding shorts. They all watched it push out over and over again as my cock twitched hard. I looked down to see They all removing their bottoms as Kylee turned me around and pushed me onto my back. I watched them all crowd around me and very slowly start rubbing themselves.
“We all shacked just for you sexy.” Courtney said with a slight whimper.
“You all look very very tasty.” I said softly.
“We may not be porn stars, but when you have lived in a really small town all your life you find things to entertain yourself with. And lucky for you, we have all had sex so none of us are virgins.” Amanda said.
“Your the very first guy we have all been with at the same time.” Gina said.
“Oh my god you’re sssssso hhhhhhot!” Allison said as Gina reached around and started to slide her finger into her wet pussy.
I looked over at Kylee to see that Allison had her finger buried in her pussy. Kylee opened her eyes and looked at me. She bent over and began kissing me. I then felt the hands of her friends sliding all over my body. My hips involuntarily thrusted slowly once I felt several hands slide across my covered throbbing bone.
“Fffffffuck he is huge!” Allison said.
Kylee kept kissing me and started to straddle me. She pressed her bald pussy onto my leg and started to grind slowly, leaving a very wet trail on my leg. She exhausted hard through her nose as she sat up and started to until my swim trunks.
“Are you wearing any underwear?” She asked seductively as she hooked her fingersinto my waist band and began to slowly pull it down.
“No I’m not.” I replied.
“Is it ok of I pull your dick out baby?” She asked.
“Yeah go ahead.” I replied as I watched her bite her lip hard and pull my swim trunks down further.
She stood up and kneeled next to me and started to kiss me hard. I lifted my ass up as the other girls grabbed the legs of my shorts and pulled them down slowly and off.
“Hhhhhholy ssshhhhhit!” Courtney hisssed.
“So fucking big!” Allison whimpered.
“God it’s sssssssooo nnnnnicccce.” Amanda hisssed
“You have an amazing cock baby.” Kylee whimpered as I slide my thumb between her drooling pussy lips, coating it with her juices.
“Good god he is so big!” Gina said.
Just then I feel a small hand wrap around my cock and slide down my shaft. Kylee and I had just started kissing so I moaned with her tongue in my mouth. She started to kiss me harder as I reached over with my other hand and found another soaking wet pussy. I don’t know who it was since Kylee and I were kissing passwordately. I felt several other hands grip my cock at the same time.
“He is so huge! I lllllove his cockhhhh.” Courtney moaned.
“Look our fingers don’t even reach all the way around it.” Amanda said as she giggled.
“How long is your sexy cock Chad?” Gina asked.
Kylee and I broke the kiss so I could answer them. That was also when I realized that I had my other fingers inside of Courtney.
“It’s almost 9 inches long.” I replied.
“I wonder what it feels like inside of my wet little pussy.” Kylee whimpered as I slide my finger deep inside of her.
Courtney and Kylee began kissing like crazy as I watched Amanda, and Gina let go of my cock.
“Jesus, it’s ssssooo bighhh. It’s heavy too, I’ve never felt a heavy cock before. I thought that only black guys had cocks like this.” Allison hissed.
“I really wanna suck it.” Amanda whimpered.
“It’s a fucking meat bat.” Gina said.
Kylee and Courtney broke the kiss and they both reached for my cock. My back arched as they both gripped my cock and started to stroke me slowly. Allison and Gina started to play with my balls. I started to really finger fuck Kylee and Courtneys tight pussies as they stroked me. They both moaned and whimpered and the other two girls started to kiss like crazy. Amanda kneeled between my legs and looked up at me with a very Very sexy grin. All of a sudden she stuck her tongue out and licked up the entire length of my cock slowly. I moaned as I looked into her brown eyes as she licked me several times. Kylee and Courtney moved next to Amanda and started to kiss and nibble on her neck and collar bone as she opened her mouth and slide my cock between her lips. I watched Gina push Allison onto her back right next to me. Allison’s face was parallel to mine and I was able to see their tongues twisting and sliding together.
My back arched and I moaned as I felt my cock slide deeper into Amanda’s mouth. Kylee and Courtney both started licking and kissing the large amount of my cock that wouldn’t fit in Amanda’s mouth. I looked to my right to see Gina kissing down Allison’s body. I watched Gina suck on Allison’s tits for several minutes before I looked down to see Kylee wrapping her lips around my cock head. I started to thrust my hips slowly as she slip her tongue all around my shake before sucking her way up my shake, using her tongue to lick it. I throw my head back and groaned. Just then I feel Allison’s hand on my face turning my head to face her. She immediately began kissing me hard as Gina began to lick and eat her pussy. We both moaned into each other’s mouths as we kissed harder and harder.
Seconds later I felt my cock swell more and more, and my balls started to hurt as they tightened. I groaned as several of the girls began licking my cock head, struggling my cock, and playing with my balls. Chills ripped through me as my body went really stiff. The girls all moaned as they all watched my back arch. I felt my cum shoot up the length of my cock and erupt everywhere.
“Oooooohhhhhhhhhhhh ffffffffffuck!” I moaned as my cock ejected a large amount of cum.
After several minutes I collapsed onto the bed. The girls all licked my cock and sucked every drop of cum out of my cock, making sure to swirl their tongues around my cock head. I looked down to see Kylee licking my cum off of Courtney’s face and kissing her hard, all while stroking me. I never went down to the astonishment and delight of all of the jailbait teens. Kylee immediately sucked my cock into her mouth and started to bob up and down on it making my cock twitch hard in her mouth.
“Jesus! He must me am amazing fuck, he didn’t go down at all.” Amanda said.
I felt Kylee release my cock and feel another mouth sliding onto my cock. I looked down to see Courtney sucking my cock as Kylee crawled up to me. She started to kiss me really passwordately. She broke the kiss and rested her head on mine.
“Your cum tastes ssssssooooo gooood babyhhhh.” She whimpered.
“Yeah?” I asked.
“Yeah it does.” She whimpered.
“I want to taste you.” I whispered.
“Do you want to lick my pussy baby?” She asked as I squeezed her yummy little tits.
“Yes I do. I have ever since the day you pulled me into the locker room.” I said.
She slowly sat up, turnedAround and sat on my face. She had the nicest little pussy I had ever seen. She lowered her self down as I reached up and spread her pussy open. My cock twitched in Courtney’s mouth as I watched white cream leaking out of her hole. I lifted my head and licked her pussy slowly several times. Her body twitched on top of me as I started to really lick her sweet young pussy. I lost it. I ate and licked her pussy slowly for the longest time. I didn’t realize that Gina and Allison were now sucking my cock. I couldn’t get enough of her.
“She tastes good doesn’t she?” Courtney asked.
“Mmmmhmmmm.” I moaned as I continued to lick her.
Kylee had several orgasms as she rode my face. After a while she climbed off of me and kissed me shoving her tongue into my mouth. We kissed before we realized that Courtney was now licking Kylees pussy.
“God I need his cock in my pussyhhhh.” Kylee whimpered.
I felt Allison release my cock with an audible pop. Kylee immediately straddled me as the rest of the girls stopped what they were doing and gathered around us. They all kissed me and Kylee and rubbed our bodies as Kylee reached behind her and began stroking my cock. She sat up and positioned her self making us all break our kisses. All of the girls and I looked down at Kylees pussy. She had a hold of my throbbing cock and she started to lower herself down. My cock made contact with her pussy and she pushed down hard. Her pussy was extremely tight and I moaned as my cock head slipped inside of her hot wet pussy hole. I arched my back as she pushed her self down, pushing my cock deeper inside of her.
I moaned as her pussy squeezed my cock as she slowly slide me deeper and deeper inside of herself. My back arched and I thrusted my hips upwards pushing my cock deeper inside of her. She started to shake like crazy immediately and her pussy started to spasm. I bent my knees and thrusted deeper inside of her.
“Oh my fucking god! Look how much he stretches her little pussy!” Courtney moaned as she reached down and shoved her fingers inside if herself.
“Holy fucking shit that’s ssssssoo hhhhhot!” Amanda moaned.
“How does it feel Kylee?” Allison asked.
“Oh ffffffuck, oh my god it ff..fffeeeeeels sssssssssssooooo good! Oh my ggg…gggod! I’m cumming already..uuuuuhhhh!” Kylee moaned.
I felt her pussy squeeze and release my cock as it spasmed like crazy. She fell forward and the girls caught her. Her body tensed up even more as I started to thrust slowly. Kylee moaned between really sharp gasps. Soon we all could hear her pussy squirt cum from around my cock. I started to thrust faster and a little harder. We all watched her eyes roll into her head and her head fall back. She started having one massive orgasm after another, after another. She finally collapsed and fell to my left side. My cock slipped out of her as she fell, and Courtney didn’t waste any time at all. She immediately straddled me and grabbed my cock.
“I want to feel you stretch me wide open like you did to Kylee.” She hissed.
Amanda crawled up and started to kiss Kylee as Gina crawled up and kissed me. I watched Allison crawl up and start licking Gina’s pussy as we kissed. I broke the kiss as Courtney pushed her way down onto my cock as deep as she could in one push downward. We both moaned as pleasure ripped through both of us. Gina forced my head her way and shoved her tongue into my mouth. We kissed hard as Courtney slide her tight pussy up and down on my shake. I bent my knees and started to thrust making her moan. Gina broke the kiss only to have an orgasm as Allison fingered her pussy and licked her. I looked up at Courtney and grabbed her hips. I started to thrust my twitching cock in and out if her very tightpussy. I looked to my right and kissed Kylee hard as Amanda started grinding her pussy against hers. The sound of all the girls moaning was starting to drive me crazy. Kylee and I broke the kiss and I started to fuck Courtney faster.
Her pussy really started to spasm, squeezing my cock hard as I fucked her. She started to shake as Allison sat up and kissed her hard. Gina repositioned herself and started to lick Allison. Seconds later Courtney arched her back and started to tremble like crazy. Her tits jiggled as she shook. Her head fell back and her eyes rolled into her head. She started to cum really hard over and over again. As she orgasmed, I kept fucking her making her squirt all over my lower body. She eventually fell off of me and Allison immediately tried like hell to swallow my cock. She sucked it for a few minutes before she sat up and sat on my cock. Just as it slide really deep inside of her body quaked like crazy. I started to thrust in and out of her, andit wasn’t long before she started to have a really big orgasm. I didn’t stop, and like Kylee she started to have one massive orgasm after another. She finally couldn’t take anymore and fell off to my side and laid there jerking and gasping for air.
Gina then sat on my cock and started to ride me hard and fast. I began thrusting into her making her orgasm build up really fast. She fell onto her hands and started grinding her clip on my stomach as my cock slide in and out of her really hard and really fast. She moaned and whimper and started to cry out as her orgasm began to rip through her body in massive waves. As her pussy squirted from around my cock, soaking my balls even Further. She then rolled off of me and laid her shaking and jerking. I sat up to see Kylee laying in top of Amanda kissing her. They were grinding their pussies on each other’s legs as Kylee started kissing and nibbling Amanda’s neck and collar bone.
I stood up andlooked at the two girls. Kylee was so short that her pussy was actually rubbing on Amanda’s hip. Kylee noticed that I had stood up and looked back at me.
“Do you want him to fuck you baby?” Kylee asked.
“Oh my god yeah. I need his huge cock in me so bad.” Amanda whimpered.
Kylee started to get off of her but I stopped her. I grabbed my cock and aimed it at Amanda’s pussy. I pushed inside of her leaking pussy. She moaned and her back arched under Kylee as I started to thrust, pushing myself deeper and deeper inside of her with each thrust. I started to fuck her slowly at first. As I started to pick up the pace, her pussy started to spasm. I felt it squeeze my cock over and over again. Kylee looked back at me and grinned. I heard all of the girls moaning and whimpering. I looked to my right and all of the girls were in this yummy lesbian triangle, licking and fingering each other.
I started to thrust evenfaster when all of a sudden Amanda’s pussy really started to squirt like crazy. I continued to thrust giving her orgasm after orgasm. I pulled out and watched her hip thrust as her jailbait cum poured from her pussy like a fountain. I pulled Kylee back and she smiled. I watched her mouth open really wide as she gasped once I shoved my cock almost all the way inside of her. I loved the noises she made the most, so I started to fuck her really easy and at a steady pace. I looked down to see how much my cock really stretched her. My cock twitched as she reached back and grabbed arm. She cried out as Amanda reached down and rubbed her clip. It was not long at all before she started to cum really really hard. I pulled out so she could squirt me. I them plugged deep inside of her and fucked her again.
She fell onto Amanda and cried out quietly as she started to cum again. I could feel my cock swelling more and more. My body felt tingly and very light. I pulledout making her squirt me all over again. I held my cum back and shoved myself back inside of Amanda to allow her to cum down again. Amanda was not expecting that at all. She loved it! I started to fuck her hard making her body twitch, jerk, and shake under Kylee. Just as she started to cum really really hard, I pulled out of her making her squirt again. I pushed back into Kylee and fucked her at a steady pace. She moaned and I felt my balls start to tighten again. I felt my cock swell more and more. Kylee knew I was about to cum.
“Cum inside my pussy baby. Please? I want to feel you fill my little pussy up.” She whimpered between gasps.
The other girls heard her and all started to cum. I felt her pussy began to spasm as she fell onto Amanda. I thrusted for several more minutes and all of the girls had crowded around us. Soon I felt cum shot up the length of my cock. My knees went weak and I almost fell over as I erupted deep inside of Kylee. She immediately started to cum really hard again. I felt our mixed juices leak out from around my cock as I continued to fuck her. After several minutes I pulled out of her and watched our combined juices all but pour out of her pussy. Gina, Allison and Courtney all got behind her and started to eat our mixed juices out of Kylee. Amanda had crawled out from under Kylee and helped me on my back as I laid there jerking.
She sucked me dry. We all collapsed and laid in one large heap. We all laid there to allow ourselves to calm down. After what seemed like ever my cock had finally deflated.
“Oh my god that was thee hottest thing I have ever done.” Amanda said.
“God he is huge even though he is soft.” Courtney said.
“That was amazing girls.” I said.
“I’ll bet you didn’t think you would be fucking five girls at one time did you?” Kylee asked as she giggled.
“Oh mygod, no I didn’t.” I said.
“You’re definitely amazing in bed baby. And by the way, I’m on birthday control.” Kylee said.
We all laid there talking for a while. It turns out that all of them had only been with each other. They all popped each other’s cherries with toys and had been playing with each other for years. They had been with a few guys, but never ever one guy between the five of them until now. None of them had boyfriends at the time. Jamie did have a boyfriend who was a control freak which was why she wasn’t there. They kept saying how they didn’t know that white boys had cocks as big and nice as mine. After a couple of hours all of the girls started to leave. They all kissed me passwordately as they left. As Courtney left she kissed Kylee first then me.
“I still want that amazing cock in my ass.” She said seductively.
“Ok sounds good.” I said.
Kylee then helped me get dressed and walked me to my car. She gave me a very very passwordate, slow, soft, long kiss. She looked into my eyes and smiled.
“Thanks for an amazing time sexy.” She said.
“No, thank you.” I said.
“We have to hook up again, just you and me.” She said softly.
“I’m willing to, especially if it is with you.” I said.
“Do you have a girlfriend?” She asked pressing her little body against mine.
“No I don’t. Do you have a boyfriend?” I asked.
“No I don’t.” She said.
“When you’re ready for one let me know, I’ll be happy to be your boyfriend.” I said.
“Good to know. In fact If you are willing to be shared with my lesbian lover then we might as well consider is as boyfriend girlfriend right now.” She said.
“You have a lesbianover?” I asked.
“Yes I do. We aren’t together exclusively, but we stay together and we have sex together almost every weekend.” She said.
“Will she be ok with you being with me as your boyfriend?” I asked.
“Very. In fact she was here with us the whole time, and she has been on my ass to get you as my boyfriend.” She said.
“Which one?” I asked.
“The really really hot little brunette. Courtney.” She said.
“She is really sexy.” I said.
“Yes she is. We are added to each other.” She said.
“You’re ok with me being a porn star?” I asked.
“Are you kidding me?! My own boyfriend is a really, really hot and sexy porn star! Of course I’m ok with that. I lllllove that my hot boyfriend does that.” She said.
“Are you ok that your girlfriend is only 16?" She asked.
“As grogeous and hot as you are, hell yes.” I said.
“Courtney is 17 years old. Be prepared to have a lot of threesomes with us.” She said.
“I think I can handle that.” I said.
“Well duh. You just fucked 5 girls at the exact same time, you can obviously handle two of us.” She said.
“Ok, I’ll see you tomorrow then?” I asked.
“I’ll come to your house, my parents are coming home tonight.” She said.
“Sounds good, I’ll call you tonight then.” I said.
“Ok, I’ll see you soon sexy boyfriend.” She said standing on her toes.
“I’ll see you soon sexy girlfriend.” I said.
I kissed her really really really passwordately, slowly, and softly. She exhausted into my mouth as she wrapped her arms around my neck. After several minutes we broke the kiss and she looked into my eyes.
“You are a very very amazing kisser. Your kisses are extremely addictive.” She said as she grinned.
I didn’t say anything, I just kissed her again making her melt into me. We kissed for quite a while before we finally broke the kiss.
“You’re an amazing kissed too. I can’t get enough.” I whispered.
“By baby. I’ll see you tomorrow. Don’t forget to call me.” She said breathing hard.
“I will. Stay beautiful.” I said.
“Stay sexy.” She said.
I got into my car and left. I got home and my sister Addison looked at me funny. Once we got into the dining room and I sat down. She sat next to me and stared at me smiling.
“You have a girlfriend don’t you?” She asked.
“Yeah I do.” I said.
“That’s so cool. What’s her name?” She asked.
“Kylee.” I replied.
“Is she nice?” She asked.
“Yes she is very nice.” I said.
“When do I get to meet her?” She asked.
“Tomorrow.” I said.
“What did you say your girlfriends name was?” Mom asked.
“Kylee.” I replied.
“I am so excited for you!” Mom said.
“So am I. I haven’t seen you like this for a long time.” Addison said with a huge smile.
“How did you meet?” Mom asked.
“Last week at school. We started talking then and it turns out that we have a lot in common.” I said.
“So did you two became official then, or today.” Mom asked.
“Today.” I replied.
“So did you kiss her yet.” Addison asked.
“Yeah I did.” I said.
“Is she a good kisser?” She asked.
“Oh god yeah.” I said.
We sat there for a while about her. My little sister was elated for me. Now, I said before that she and I were very close. We had been ever since dad died. Mom spent slot of time away working, so it left us alone together on a regular basis. The thing was that we were so close that before we moved, people looked at us really funny. And honestly, it looked very wrong a lot of the time. We never did anything Together sexually, ever, but we never keep any secrets from each other. There was just the one that I did keep from her, and that was the fact that I was a porn star. Everything else, and I mean everything else we always talked about. What I didn’t know was how my new girlfriend might take it. I have had girlfriends who broke up with me and spread rumors that she and I were fucking. Again, this was before we moved. Obviously they were just that, horrible rumors.
Mom walked out of theroom and Addison looked at me and grinned.
“So have you had sex with her yet?” She asked.
“Yeah I did for the first time today.” I replied.
“Was she fun?” She asked.
“Holy shit yes she was.” I replied.
“So is she hot?” She asked.
“Yes she is. She is really really hot.” I said.
“Hotter than the last few you’ve had?” She ask.
“Hell yes! You would love her.” I said.
“Good, I can’t wait until I meet her. How does she feel about you leaving almost every weekend?” She asked.
“She is actually ok with that.” I replied.
“What do you do that takes you away from here anyway?” She asked.
“I will tell you in due time, I promise. And right now isn’t the time. You’re too young.” I said.
“Okfair enough. You have said that before so I will wait.” She said with a grin.
“And I mean it to.” I said.
“Does she know what you do?” She asked.
“Yes she does, but I didn’t tell her. She found out another way.” I said.
“How did she find out?” She asked with a cute curious grin.
“I’ll tell you in due time.” I replied with a grin of my own.
We hung out for the rest of that night in the basement. This was a very normal thing for us to do every weekend, and we would always end up sleeping in the same bed. Nothing ever happened let me make that clear, we just cuddled and slept. Mom would always leave us alone and let us be. This was no different, the only difference was that we now lived with our cousins and auntie. We still got our alone time Because my mom and aunt both made them leave us alone. What was also good was that my sister and I had thebasement to ourselves. We had our own bedrooms, bathrooms and our very own living room area. That made it very easy for us to just hang out alone a lot. We didn’t know that mom was trying to push for something to happen. We didn’t know it at the time, but we were to find out later. And trust me, I didn’t forget about Kylee that night at all. We did talk a lot that night, and my sister was amazing about it.
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