Oakridge, Tennessee, is a town with a population around 20,000. Kayla is 20 years old, single and a Miss Tennessee contestant attending the University of Tennessee. She inherited the house from a relative, she needed to sell it quickly, she was given my name and number. I parked my BMW at the curb below the house in the gated property. I took my time to adjust my cuffs and arrange my tie. This ritual gave me time to assess the neighborhood. Well manicured laws, gated drives with individual brick or stone features to identify the property. A driveway which lead to a double garage, with a 4 x 4 and a sports car parked outside. I had no remorse for the young woman I’m about to see. Ostentatious, overstretched and suddenly in need of money. I had valued the property, I knew the offer I was to make, the rest depended on Kayla. She sounded sexy, she sounded desperate, she sounded like my kind of customer. When ever there is a financial problem my fortunes rise. Ialways look for investment in property as the market bottoms and sell at peaks. My massive wealth provides me the means to make investments in residential and commercial properties, my business contacts provide buyers from exclusive groups. The sale is dependent on the deal they offer.
Today I’m the buyer, if I choose. The house is good, the area is well established and upper class, the seller is desperate. A young college student in need of cash. Well now it is time to make a quick deal with as little cash as possible. I loved these kind of calls, they usually are good for my profits. I rang the doorbell, Kayla, answered. She is as I guessed, 20 with dark hair, that fall in tempers past Her shoulders. An natural tan, from the neary coast, I had heard she had a boat for sale as well. Dark brown eyes, a soft small mouth, reddened with shiny lip gloss, and gold jewelery which hung from her neck, and wrists. She wore a simple A line dress which ended mid thigh, with a concealed zipper and short slide at the back. She had on low black heels which tautened her tanned calves, I feel a deal coming on inside of my pants. Kayla extended her red nail varnished hand, towards me. I grasped the soft flesh studying her long fingers and immaculate nails. I touched the back of her hand to my lips. I feel the tension in her wrist, but her smile remained fix.
” Do come inside Mr Malone.” ” John please call me John.” I said pulling her close to me so my body brushed her breasts as I walked into the room. I made a point of casting my eye about the entrance hall. It is what I expected, pastel light colors, with a mirror and a coat stand, some fresh flowers to add color and scent, and a series of doors leading to the living space. My assessment determines if I sell or Keep the property, to broker any later deals. ” Can you show me the rest of the house Ms Nrikirk, we’ll start with the ground floor.” I released her hand, and waited for her direction. Familiarity then difficulty it helped to give me the control I needed. ” John please do not be so formal remember my name is Kayla.” She said leading me by the arm. ” Let me take you to the kitchen, the heart of the house. Can I offer you something to drink?” I smiled and decided. I allowed her to guide me through the downstairs rooms of the house. There is a blinde, a dining room, a conservatory and a family room that led off the garage. Kayla showed me the garden from the conservatory, a soft rolling landscape of half an acre, which flowed in a gentle S shape away from the house, pocketed with perennial flowers and herbaceous borders leading to a screen of trees at the edge of the land.
I had seen enough what I wanted now is the view from Kayla’s bedroom, but I allowed myself to be led through the other upstairs rooms first. I noted the practical bathroom and en suite. I knew my price but I made Kayla imagine it set lower. Kayla led me into her bedroom. I looked across to the net covered windows and the view of the garden beyond. Before me is a raised metal bed, with beautiful white linen duvet etched with lace and purple flowers, with a white sheet underneath. To the side is a wardrobe with a full length mirror and adjacent to the window is a small dressing table. On the wall of the en-suite is a tall chest of drawers. I looked about the bright airy room with the sunlight streaming in. I made some rudimentary notes and briefly looked into her en-suite, I noted the laundry basket and the white satin soiled panties laying on the edge.
Kayla also noted her panties with their sheer front, and satin edges on display, blushing she knocked them into the basket and out of my view. I look to the ceiling and the bathroom fittings without comment. I then return to the bedroom routinely opening the chest of drawers. Kayla watched me a quizzical look on her face, but her situation made her reticent to question my actions. I smiled opening each drawer as if I were making a bid for the furniture rather than the house. The contents of each drawer were neatly folded and orderly, tops, socks, sweatshirts and underwear. I look towards Kayla standing awkwardly beside her bed. As I stood I see the pert swell of her ass projected onto both the dressing table and wardrobe mirror. I see her weight shifting, I watched her buttocks clnch with each movement.
Her breathing is becoming a little erratic although her face remained a impassive a grin firmly fixed, but I see her eyes watching as my hand delving into the open underwear draw, my fingers feeling the soft satisfaction of the bras and panties nearly folded in there. I knew she would say nothing, I knew I was her last resort before foreclosure.
” You live well Kayla, you dress nice too is that where your financial problem comes from?” I closed the drawer and rested my weight back against the chest, I folded myhands across my groin, I already feel my cock is hard pushing back against my open palm. I loved asking about a woman’s private life. Kayla drew a deep breath, I loved the way her chest rose, pulling the dress with it. So more of her thigh is revealed it confirmed my impression of the shape of her legs. Tapered with an even soft tan, my eye traveled to the mirror, I see the backs of her knees and more thigh showing in the split of her skirt. ” It is cash flow really John. I’m a college student. I need to pay tution. The banks as always are useless, they won’t loan to a college student. I have economised. The 4 x 4 is for sale, unfortunately so are many others. There is no one to help me. No one who wants to help me. Which is why I called you John. You are a businessman. You have a reputation for making deals. I know the house is not worth it’s top price and there are considerations.”
I held up my hand. I did not want to hear her sales pitch.I knew the price and she had to understand, that would all there was on offer. ” Kayla. I have a reputation for plain speaking. This is a nice property, but it is expensive. There are not many who have the money at this point to consider something like this. Your home in the current market is worth half its value, because there is no one to buy it is the law of supply and demand just like the 4 x 4 on the drive. My property portfolioo is full, I don’t normally wander into this upper market, but I like you. I like what you are trying to achieve. But I am not a charity. The price I will pay on a rent back scheme should clear current overhead and remove you from foreclosure. So if you want to get the second chance there has to be something to make it worth my time.”
Kayla went to the window and looked out of the curtains, my eyes following the line of the grass to the trees. She watched as a bird flew up from one of the distant branches and circled the close. " I love this house John. It is what I have dreamed of. I like this area. I do not want to sell. I looked at her face, she is looking forward onto the landscape. I looked at the light falling onto her cheek casting a shadow onto her long smooth neck. The chains of gold about her neck glistened in the dappled light falling through the net. I see the line of her bra through the back of her dress. I see the bands of elastic, that gripped and fastened across her back. My eyes drifted down her back, to the round swell of her hips. I licked my dry lips and gripped my hard cock through my trousers.
” Your single Kayla, no boyfriend to deal with the negotiations, why is that?” ” I’m to busy with college, John.”
” No other reason? Did you think you would make a better negotiator? Did you think you could offer something else to ensure the deal?” I eased my weight off of the chest of drawers and stood straight. I let my hands slip to my sIde, my erection is creating a large bulge in my trousers. Kayla remained still looking onto the garden. I reached into my jacket pocket and produced a check book. I wrote onto the amount I was prepared to pay. I stepped behind Kayla, my cock million meters from her taut round buttocks. I placed my hand on Kayla’s shoulder. She trembled and looked down to the amount I had written. ” All that can be yours today Kayla. I know it is not what you expected, but it will keep you in this house for as long as you want. It will pay your tution. You just have to prove to me, you want to do business.” Kayla looked at the check. He was right, she could survive, her problem solved and no one would need tp know she no longer owned the house only rented it from me. She feels a mixture of relief and Disappointment. She had hoped it would be better than this. ” John it is a fair price. I know I’m not in a position to haggle. I’ll sign the house over to you.” ” Onlyif I still want it.” Kayla for the first time turned to face me. She is shocked to find me so close. Her body brushed against my hand, her tigh had caught my leg. My breath blew on her cheek. She feels intimidated by my body, and my eyes are staring deep into hers.
Kayla raised her slim tanned arm to cover her face, she dipped her head down and ducked to the side skimming past me. She found herself in the corner, between the dressing table and the bed. Kayla turned her back to me. She could not understand. I made an offer for the house and then said I did not want it. Why had I been so close to her? Why did I have that strange look on my face? I began to tremble inside I loved this part, this moment when I’m able to reveal in my power. Women like Kayla came into my social sphere often. I deal, with the single mother’s, divided women, married women, and women seperated from their husbands. Kayla has southern class, Kayla is attractive, innocent, nieve, notin a relationship or committed to a guy. Her drawer is full of sexy satin panties. I see in the mirror, Kayla’s face drain of color. I see her eyes filling with tears, a trace of despair, when I had shown her the amount on the check then took it away. ” I don’t understand John. You showed me the amount you were prepared to pay. I thought you wanted the house. Please don’t play games with me John. This is my life, my future. It is not funny if this is your idea of a joke.”
I slip off my jacket and hung it on the metal post of the bed. I see the questioning look on her face in the mirror. I place my hands on the top of her arms, looping my fingers over onto her shoulder I pull her body back onto me. I feel her buttocks graze my cock. Kayla wriggles to push away from my throbbing cock. I smell the fragment of her hair, feel its softness against my cheek. She squirms in my hands, as I press my chest into her back. ” This is not a game Kayla. Toput it plainly, the money is the same for any of the houses, I see. Financially I have the same deal. Now why do you think you were given my name and number? Because you need the money and because you are a very attractive young single woman? You look good Kayla, you smell good, and you feel good too. Now it is up to you to persuade me into a deal. I am open to offers, but to speak plainly. It has to be you on this bed now. Or me and my check walk.”
This young woman, will do what I want, now then Kayla, do you want the neighbors to know you can no longer afford to live here. All I need to complete this deal is a little arrangement on the side. An arrangement which could affect your rental payments too. Now in that drawer you have some very sexy satisfaction panties, I think you are probably wearing a pair now. So you bend over the dressing table and I will take a look a long slow detailed look. ” You perform a few other special services for me, and I will complete that check.” My hand slides over Kayla’s heaving breasts, to rest under her quivering chin. Her flesh is smooth, and hot. Her perfume fills my nostrils. I turn her lips towards me, my tongue flicks across the red lip gloss and lashes her teeth. Kayla tries to pull her mouth away. My other hand had slipped around her waist is pulling her back into my body, as I held her face by her chin.
“Now Kayla, a kiss to seal our contract.” ” No please. I……” ” I walk Kayla. Kiss me or I walk and you are on your own, to do as you please.” Kayla closed her eyes and parted her lips. She shivers as my slippery tongue shot into her mouth, darting deep towards her throat. She struggles for breath as my lips engulf hers, she feels the urgent thrust of my cock against her hip as I Turn her towards me. My breath is hot, and my hands are eager in their gripping of her struggle body. His fingers ran down her side, pinching at her breast, stroking her hipand then probing against her body as I feel for her pussy, through her dress. I spin her around to face me. My hand shifting from her chin to her hair, bunching the tempers into my fist and pulling them back behind her. Her neck straining, and bent back as my lips kiss the smooth taut surface. She feels my lips graze her nape. ” No please. Don’t bite me. Please don’t cruele me.” ” What’s the matter? Don’t You want remember the price of the roof over your head. Or are bite marks a little too common for a woman like you. Maybe I should leave my mark in a place more private. Where only a very few will see.” I spun Kayla around to rest her hands onto the dressing table. I look into the mirror, she can see the look of disgust on her face. She tries to plead with me. ” John. Do you…Do I… Do we really have to?” I place my hand on the back of her head, pushing her lower down on to the dresser. I pull her hips back towards me and Kayla buried her face into the smooth veneer surface of the top.
” No more questions, just do as you are told.” I eased onto my knees. The back of Kayla’s dress had ridden up revealing the back of her thighs. I rested my face into the round contours of her buttocks as I slowly slide my hands up Kayla’s legs. I enjoyed inching my fingers over the soft flesh, as my hands slide under the dress I began to push it higher up her legs, till the backs of her thighs are visible. I dip my face down and run my tongue over her thigh, my face burrowing in between her legs till I reach the silky glow of her inner thigh. i push the dress up higher towards her hip slowly the edge of panties came into view. Oyster colored satin with a gray blue lace trim. Under the satin I see the round mounds of buttocks and the deep valley between. I kiss the under side of her ass where the elastic cut across to form the V panel of her high leg panties. I trace the diagonal line of fabric tillit reached the thin string of her waistband. As my lips roam over her buttock, hip and tigh, my thumb is pressed up against the satin covering her anus, and my fingers explore the slick groove hidden beneath the satin crotch.
” This Kayla is what I expect of when I collect my rent. Darling sexy panties and a pussy available to my touch and use. Do you understand me?” I sat back studying the round ass before me and the long tanned tapering legs. Kayla remained still her eyes closed her head resting on the dressing table. I raised my hand, I delivered several quick slas to Kayla’s ass. ” Do you understand?” Kayla raised her flushed red face and replied to her reflection.
” Yes I understand.” I stood up grabbing her hair, I pulled her face towards me. I kissed her lips again my tongue probing her mouth as my fingers push up against the opening of her pussy. ” Do you like it rough Kayla? I can make it rough for you if you want.I can be more gentle though.” Kayla stood up not replying to my question. Her dress began to ease down her legs, she moved to smooth the front down. But my hands gripped her thighs preventing her completing the move. ” I want your dress up. I want to look at your panties some more. Lift your dress up to your waist. Now part your legs. That is good. Just like that.” My hand slipped to grip her buttock, as my other pulled her panties to one side, exposing her trimmed dark pussy. I kissed her shaft as my fingers rubbed against her cliporis. She feels dry. I kissed her labia, wetting them with my tongue. I rubbed my saliva into her pussy, and eased my fingers in side of her. I continue to kiss and lick till her hips begin to respond. With my finger inside of Kayla, I looked up. Her eyes are shut, her head is hung down. She had not welcomed the response her body is giving to my attention.
I released her and stand up. I began to undress as Kayla stand, her dressgathered at the wait, her legs spread open, her image reflected in both surfaces of the mirror so I can see her from all angles. Soon she will be able to see my monster cock as it fucked her tanned body. I stripped off my clothes and then commanded Kayla to remove her dress. Kayla reached for the zipper and dragged the dress down her slender body. Letting it fall to the floor. ” No wonder you have no money treating clothes like that. Pick it up and place it on a hanger.” I watched as Kayla bent gathered up the dress, she brushed past my throbbing erection. Her eyes abused from its thick 9 inch length. ” You had better get used to this Kayla, it is going to be inside of you regularly if you want to afford to stay in your house and stay in college.” Kayla hung up her dress in the wardrobe. I leaned across the bed grabbing her wrist I Pull her towards my hard throbbing shaft. I placed her long fingers around its girl. Kayla continues to look down at the floor. " Touch it, stroke it, now kiss it. Look and see how much it wants to be rewarded by you.” Kayla’s fingers lightly touched the slippery wet shake. Her fingers barely grazing my cock. I gripped her hand pinching her grip till she held my cock firmly. Then I began to pump her arm back and forward. As her fingers work my shake I watch her 34C tits shaking within the bra that matched her panties. My fingers traced the scalloped edges of the cups, delving further and further seeking her plumant flesh. I move closer to her, pulling her onto the bed so she is kneeing before me. My hand rested on the top of her head, and I pushed her face towards my cock.
” Suck it…Please I don’t…I don’t like it…Other guys have asked me.” ” You’ll like it…You’ll like it because this cock is keeping you off the streets now open your mouth and put my cock inside it.” Kayla leaned forward. Her lips touching the tip, she tasted the salty precum at its tip and begins to gag. She turns her head away. I gripped her hair. I gripped my cock at the base of the shaft and directed it towards her mouth. ” Suck it now Kayla.” I push my cock against her lips, I tease her mouth open, then with my hand on the back of her head I forced the full length in. Kayla gagged. She pushed at my hips with the flat of her hands. She panicked, she would choke. I held her, waited for her to breathe through her nose and then begin to fuck her face. ” Good girl. You will be a fucking expert when I have finished with you.” I pull her head up so I can look into her eyes as I drive my rod back and forth, my balls slapping against her chin.
Gradually I released the grip on my shaft and moved my hand down to pull down the cups of her bra down and expose her breasts to my fingers. I pull and pinch the brown circles of her nipples. I flick them between my thumb and forefinger to make them hard. Content, I eased my cock from her mouth. ” Stand up, by the wall, Kayla.” I spun her around and slammed her against the wall. Stunned and scared, she stood there motionless as I pinned her arms above her head. ” John, stop,” She cried, tears streaming down her face. ” Shut up!” Terrified and not understanding what is happening, but more fearful of antagonizing me further, she stood there as I force her to spread her legs apart. I roughly rub my cock up and down her ass crack, then I shove my hard hot cock into her small, tight opening. For a moment, a look of surprise flickered across my face and I stopped. I look down questioningly into her wide, terrified eyes and then with a smile, deliberately tore through her tightness and mercilessly thrust into her until I spasm and spewed cum inside her. ” Oh my god, oh my god,” She kept repeating while I held her against the wall continuing to slam into her until I withdraw. I released her wrists, my thick cum mixed with blood slowly dripping out of her, becoming cool and sticky between her bruised thighs. I look down at her and said with contempt, ” Get on the bed on your hands and knees.”
Kayla climbed on the bed and got on her hands and knees, I climbed on the bed behind her. I spread her legs, I position my cock against her hole and drive in deep and hard making her gasp. I smiled. She had never been taken roughly. But I was going to make sure it is the way she took it from me. With one hand on her hip the other in her hair, I lost no time in slamming my cock into her again. My hands flicking between her soft underbelly and her dangling bouncing breasts. I encouraged her to push back onto my cock. I scratched her ass to make her push harder and faster. I rode her till my cock erupted deep inside of her, filling her with my hot sticky cum. I waited to feel my semen dripping from her then I rubbed it onto the top of her thighs. I pushed her onto her back. I kissed her again. ” Don't worry Kayla. I’m not done with you yet.” I got up quickly and went to the bathroom, as Kayla lay silent on top of the white covers. I enjoyed looking at her nudity, despite the fact she tried to hide it behind her hands. I see the realization on her face that this is just the beginning. That my cock will be inside her again many times to come. She also realized that the next time I would be far more demanding and at some time I would fuck her ass. But for now I’m contented.
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