Longly Prep

Hey, I’m Kay, short for Kaylie. I’m about 5’3″ and have dark red hair. Not like ginger, but like I dyed it, which I don’t despite the rumors. I have green eyes that look like vmit. I had braces but I got them off before the school year so my teeth are straight. I have to wear glasses because my eye sight is absolutely terrible. Without them, I can’t see 2 feet in front of my face.

I go to Longly Prep. My parents sent me there because they thought it would be “better” for my education and social skills. It sucks. Everyone there is either rich and spoiled, or scholarship and weird. I’m neither. I don’t have a scholarship but I can’t afford tuition. I have one friend at school. Her name is Liz.

We met when I started freshman year, we were in the same home room. She compiled my hair and then we got to talking and now we’re best friends. She’s not that smart. The only classwe have together is sociology. She’s about the same height and has long blonde hair. She has blue eyes that anyone can get lost in. Pretty much, I’m the ugly friend. She is literally flawless.

The story starts at the beginning of the year. Liz picks me up in the mornings so we’re not late. I woke up to my alarm blaring. I slammed it off and got out of bed. My hair was naturally straight so I didn’t have to do anything. I quickly showed and shavled my legs. I got out and throw on my uniform. The worst part about it was the red blazer, the plaid skirt, and the knee high socks. In short, it sucked. I went downstairs and my brother was sitting at the table eating cereal.

“I made you guys some toast.” My mom said.

“No thanks Ma, I’m gonna be late.” My brother said grabbing his coat and running out the door.

“Why is he always so early?” I asked.

“Because John doesn’t039;t go to prep school like you.” My mom said passing me some toast and scrambled eggs. My brother John went to the public school. He was starting his senior year and I was starting Junior year. He looked like me except his hair was black and he’s 6’3″.

I ate quickly and brushed my teeth before Liz came. I grabbed my bag and waited on the porch for her. She rolled up in her car with her driver. Her car was a Porsche. Her dad created some security system for a bunch of big companies so she could bathe in hundreds.

“Good morning.” Liz said loudly. “Ready for junior year?” She was really excited.

“You’re so loud.” I said.

“Come on. It’s not going to be that bad.” She said.

“You’re right. It’s gonna be worse.” I said looking out the window.

“You’re SO overreacting.” She said rolling her eyes. We rode in silence for the rest of the way. When we got to school we were greeted by a bunch of Liz’s friends who were all freaking out.

“Liz, did you hear?” One of them said.

“No what?” Liz said as enthusiastic as possible.

“Brett McRolson isn’t coming here this year. He got kicked out.” Another told us.

“What do you mean he got kicked out?” I said confused. They didn’t kick anyone out.

“Someone claims he raped them and the school couldn’t take that kind of press.” The first one said. Brett was a junior at Longly with us. He was incredible at football. He was supposed to take us to the state championship.

“Well where’s he going?” Liz asked.

“He’s going to West High.” The first girl said back.

“That sucks.” I said as we walked away.

“Why? He plays football. So does your brother. Maybe you’ll have an in.” Liz said jokingly.

“Yeah totally.” I said sarcastically. We went to class and just messed around the rest of the day. Met our teachers, leaned their rules, stuff like that.

“Yo you wanna sleep over next Saturday?” Liz asked as we were walking out of last period.

“Yeah sure. My brother will probably be busy with football so my parents should be ok with it.” I said.

“Great. I’ll talk to you tomorrow.” Liz said. She had soccer so she had to go to the field. I walked to the bus thinking about Brett and how bad it must suck for him. I started reading my English book on the bus. When I got off, I cut through the path in the woods to my house. I went through the back door and climbed to my room and did my homework.

I laid down and tried to nap when John came in.

“Hey, can you do me a favor?” He said.

“What?” I said removing my face from the pillow.

“Next Friday is our first game. We’re gonna win because we got the kid Brett that went to your school. Because mom and dad are going away that weekend. Im having a party on Saturday. Would you not tell mom and dad? You can come if you want.” He said.

“Sure. I’m sleeping over Liz’s so you’ll be fine.” I said. “Now please leave.”

“You’re the best.” He said walking out.

I buried my face back into the pillow and slept until dinner. The rest of the week dragged on. Nothing special. The weekend went even slower. I finished the book I was supposed to read for English over the weekend.

The next week I talked with Liz about our plans for Saturday, as well as helped my brother prepare for his party. He hid a lot of the alcohol in my closet. My parents would never check there. It was Friday night when Liz texted me.

*Hey, I’m really sick. We’ll have to reschedule. Sorry girly.*

It was really late so I just went to sleep. I texted her back in the morning and told her to get better soon. My parents left the night before so it was me and John.

I went down stairs and found John cleaning the pool.

“Hey, do you want food?” I said.

“Yeah…not too big though.” He said not taking his focus from the pool.

I made us some waffles and scrambled eggs. He came in shortly after and sat and ate.

“Turns out I will be coming to your party. Liz is sick.” I said between bites.

“That sucks. I mean, at least Brett will know one person.” He said. I forgot about Brett. It would be nice to get to know him. He was really hot. He was 5’10” and had shorter brown hair that had a wave to it. He was on the tanker side and had deep blue eyes. He also had a 6 pack and really toned muscles. “Don’t forget to lock your door.”

John got up and set everything up. I did my homework then showed. I dried off and heard people downstairs. I put my hair into a side braid and throw on a cute tank top with my favorite black shorts. I also throw on a pair of flip flops. I headed downstairs and it was packed. There were people in the pool and all in the backyard. The house was filled. I had a couple drinks and talked and danced. I didn’t swim though, not sure what’s in the pool. I went back inside at around 11:00. I headed up to my room and opened the door.

“Umm hi?” I said. Someone was sitting on my bed. Looking at pictures on the far wall.

“Oh. I’m sorry. I’ll get out.” It was Brett.

“If it’s just you its fine. Why are you up here though? Shouldn’t you be downstairs with your teammates.” I said and closed the door behind me.

“Nah, partying isn’t my scene.” He said sitting back down. I laughed.

“All you did was party at Longly.” I said.

“How did-? I’ve seen you around. What are you doing here?” He asked.

“My brother’s party. My house. My room.” I said.

“Makes sense. I’m not into partying anymore.” He said looking down.

“So, if you don’t mind me asking. What’s the real reason you left Longly? I’ve heard rumors but I want to hear the truth too.” I said.

“It was after a party over the summer. It was only up the street. I was walking home after and I saw something I shouldn’t have. This girl was getting raped and they left her for dead. She was unconscious when I got to her. I called 911 and they brought her to the hospital. She woke up and freaked out when she saw me. It was dark so I guess she thought it was me. But she toldthe police it was and I got kicked out of Longly.” He said ashamed.

“So you don’t party anymore?” I repeated.

“Yep.” He said.

“Then why are you here?” I asked.

“Because it was a “team thing”. I didn’t want to be left out.” He replied.

“I see. Do you want to leave? They won’t get mad at you for leaving.” I suggested.

“I would but the guy who drove me is hammered. I was gonna walk.” He said.

“Where do you live?” I asked.

“Tent Court.” He replied.

“That’s the other side of town. And at this hour, no way.” I said. “You can crash here if you want, and walk in the morning.”

“I don’t know” he was thinking about it.

“You won’t have to go back downstairs to the party. We can go to the den and watch movies.” I said.

“Why not? I’m gonna let my parents know.” He said pulling out his phone.

“Follow me.” I said. I grabbed his wrist and led him to the den. I locked the door behind us so no drinks would come in and try to break stuff.

He dialed his mom and she answered.

“Hey mom-. Yes I’m fine. I was calling to let you know that I’m spending the night at a friends house. Everyone is hammered and I can’t find a safe way home. No mom don’t come get me. I’m having fun. I love you too. Good night.” He hung up.

“It sounds like you’re close with your mom.” I said while setting up the movie.

“Yeah it’s just me and her so she gets worried.” He said sitting on the couch.

“It also sounds like you need someone to talk to.” I noted as I sat next to him.

“I’ve had a rough life. ButThings can only get better.” He said. The movie started. I put on Grown Ups 2 because he needed a mood booster. I kept looking at him to see if he was better. He was laughing and smiling at the movie. He had a really nice smile. Brett also had dimples too. It made him even more attractive. The movie was over and the credits started to roll.

“Wanna watch another?” I asked.

“Yeah. Can I pick?” He asked.

“Sure.” I said getting up.

“Let’s watch Blades of Glory.” He said.

“I love that movie.” I put it on and took my seat next to him on the couch. He really loved that movie. A little while through the movie, something came over me. Maybe it was the drinks I had but I did something I would never have done.

I got on his lap and kissed him.

“What are you-?” I cut him off.

“Don’t talk.” I said as I placed mylips back on his. His warm lips returned the kiss. Brett’s lips felt incredible on mine and I never wanted them to leave.


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