Chapter 22
Morning dawned cool and windy, with clouds in the air again. It didn’t look like rain was imminent, but I wondered if we were entering a rainy season or something. Time would tell. I walked the beach for a while, then strolled over to the medical hut. Uncharacteristically, Joelle was awake, reading a book. I plopped down next to her with a mango for each of us.
“Hey, sunshine. What’s up? You’re up early.” I handed her the mango and began munching on mine.
“Thanks,” she said distractedly. “I didn’t sleep very well.”
“What’s wrong?”
“Well, I’m in a bit of a quandary,” she admitted.
“Tell me about it. Maybe I can help.”
She looked away. “Telling you about it is sort of the problem. I don’t want you to get mad at me.”
“I promise, unless you are torturing the goats at night, I won’t get mad at you.”
She chuckled, then told. “All right. Well, I was. Um. I was walking over by your sleeping area last night, on the way back from the latrine. And, uh, I overheard you and Janie talking, and, um, doing other things.” She was blushing furiously and wouldn’t look at me.
“Hey, no worries. If we really wanted privacy we would have gone somewhere else. Did it both you?”
“Not the sex, although I’ve never seen anyone doing it before.” She looked away again, obviously mortified by her voyeuristic instincts.
I tried to defend the situation. “It’s kind of erotic watching, isn’t it?”
“Yeah,” she said almost inaudibly. “Have you ever…?”
“Yes, I’ve had sex in front of others before, and watched otherwisers have sex, too. It’s OK. I kind of like that you saw us. I like the idea of you getting turned on.”
She was beet red by now. “I’m glad you’re not mad at me. But it wasn’t what I saw that I wanted to talk to you about, it’s what you were saying. I can’t believe I’m asking you this. Did Janie have sex with some of the field hockey players?”
I misunderstand her concerns. “Yeah, but it was all consensual. These girls are pretty grown up. She didn’t force anything on them if that’s what you mean.”
“Oh, no! That’s not what I mean to imply,” she reassurered me. “It’s just…. It got me thinking…. Maybe I should try to have an … encounter with another woman. Is that bad?” She looked up at me, obviously worried.
“No! Not at all. Janie and I are pretty free spirits. She’s hada lot of experience with women and men. It doesn’t both me at all. In fact, if you want to talk to her about it, she can give you some insight into her experiences. I’d be happy to help you arrange something if you’d like.” I eyed her speculatively. “In fact, I think the whole idea of you with another woman is pretty exciting. I’d like to participate or even watch.”
“Oh my God! I couldn’t let you see that! I’d be mortified!”
“Why? I’ve seen you in more compromising positions than that.”
“I know, but…it’s just…I don’t know why it bothers me. I’m still such a prude.”
“Hey, you’ve lived your whole life believing certain things to be right and wrong, and in the last few days that’s totally been turned upside down. I’m more surprised you aren’t having more issues than youare. You’ve been remarkably open-minded considering the sheltered life you’ve led up until now.”
“I guess so.” She sat silently, considering what I had said. “You would really like to see me with another woman? It wouldn’t make you feel possessive?”
“Why would I feel that way? I don’t possess you now. I think you are terrific, and unless you suddenly grow a sadistic streak, I don’t see that changing. I want you to enjoy life. The more I can be a part of it the better, but I’m not foolish enough to think I can be your all. I don’t want to be your all. You need variety to keep things interesting. If you have to stifle Your urges in order to not make someone jealous, you end up resenting them in the end.”
“I’ve never thought of things that way.” She seemed to find this whole line of reasoning alien.
“Most people don’t,” I said. “We had a conversation the other day, when I told you I’m not like other people. I don’t have the same world-view. I just want to have fun, and I want everyone else to have fun, as long as nobody gets hurt. That should be the real golden rule.”
“Let me think it over. This is a little scary to me.”
“No worries. Tell me when you know what you want to do. Or you can talk to Janie about it.”
I was just about to leave her to her thoughts, when Gabrielle arrived at the hut.
“Bonjour, Dave! Bonjour, Joelle! ‘Ow are you today?”
“Tres bien, Madmoiselle,” I said, harking back to high school French.
“Fine,” said Joelle. “How are you?”
“Comme ci, comme ca,” she answered, waggling her hand. “I am well but my problem has returned.”
She looked atme meanningfully.
“What problem?” asked Joelle.
“Since Dkembe has awakened, I no longer have an outlet for le lait. I am forced to express it myself. I wondered if you might help me again?”
A naughty idea struck me. I turned to Joelle. “Maybe we could both help her?”
“Help her what?” she said, obviously not following this conversation at all.
“Before Gabrielle started nursed Dkembe, I helped her, ah, empty out her milk a couple of times.”
Her eyes got round. “You mean…? And you want me to…?”
“Why not? It helps her out. It’s very enjoyable. We could do it together. Remember what we talked about?”
“It would be very much appreciated,” Gabrielle chimed in.
Joelle was speechless. “I do not want to lose my milk,” Gabrielle said plaintively.“It is tres difficile to do this myself. I much prefer to do it the way nature intended. Since there are no enfants to nurse, I must use adults. Please help me, Joelle.”
Joelle looked like she was weakening. “Here’s a perfect chance for a new experience. You’ll never know what it’s like unless you try it,” I told her.
“I guess,” she said hesitantly. “If I’m going to do something like this, it’s probably better with friends. How do we go about it?”
Gabrielle clapped her hands together in delight. “Merci, mes amis! No one is about yet. We can do this right here in un moment.” Before Joelle could reconsider, the Frenchwoman had pulled her shirt over her head, flashing those hairy pits at us as she unleashed her swollen boobs. Joelle seemed transferred by the swinging jugs as drops of milk formed on the fat nipples. Gabrielle sat between us, and directed us each to lie down with our heads in her lap. I opened my mouth eagerly, and Joelle followed suit a little more slowly. I noticed her hands were shaking as she twisted her fingers together in anxiety. I reached over to take her hand in mine, and she looked at me briefly.
“Relax,” I said. “Close your eyes and let instinct take over.” I followed my own advice, and soon a milky mammary slipped into my mouth, and I began suckling the sweet milk happily. I heard slurping sounds from the other side, indicating Joelle had taken the other breast. Gabrielle began humming, wrapping her arms around our heads and stroking our hair as we pulled on her bountiful teats. Initially, I lost myself in the innocent pleasure of breastfeeding, but of course, being an adult, my libido soon woke and had my dick erect and throbbing. I reached back, letting go of Joelle’s hand, and my questing fingers found her soft, full breast. The nipple was alreadyhard, and I caresed the firm mound lovingly, bringing a moan to her lips, the sound burbling wetly around Gabrielle’s squirting title.
We enjoyed our private little heaven for five minutes or so, draining the young lovely’s hotters completely, and all three of us getting fairly hot and bothered in the process. As the flow tapered off, I disengaged, the fat nipple trailing across my cheek wetly. I had hoped to suggest we take this rendez-vous elsewhere and get a little more naked in the process, but approaching voices led Gabrielle to quickly redress and ended my scheming.
Joelle and I sat up quickly, wiping our lips simultaneously. I glanced at her, and was amused to see her pupils dilated, her eyes wide and luminous with arousal. Her nipples were tenting the fabric of her shirt, and she looked positively radiant.
She looked back at me with a smile. “God, I have never been more turned on in my life!” she whispered.
“That was amazing!”
“Then we must do this again, non?” Gabrielle murmured. “Maybe we can retire to somewhere more privee, and take it a little further next time?”
“Oh, yeah!” I said enthusiastically. “What do you say, baby?”
“I think I might like that,” Joelle said huskily.
Connor, James and Brandon arrived seconds later, Connor on his makeshift crutches. “Hey guys. What’s up?” I asked.
“Do I have to use the crutches all the time?” Connor asked pugnaciously.
“He told you before not to walk on it,” Brandon said crossly.
“Let me look at it,” I said, squatting down. I squeezed the leg, addressing the muscles and joints above and below the break, then approaching the site of the fracture itself. There seemed to be minimal swelling, and the boy didn’t flinch.“Try putting weight on it,” I instructed. “Go slowly—just a little at a time.”
Hid did so, and seemed comfortable. When he tried to stand on the left leg alone, though, he grimaced and quickly returned his weight to the right one.
“So here’s the deal. If you can walk short distances without pain, go ahead. Don’t go farther than 50 yards without taking the crutches with you—you may start to have trouble with use and I don’t want you stranded away from the crutches. Deal?”
“Yes!” he exulted, collecting a high five from James.
“No exercise on it though, OK? Just walking for now.”
“OK, Dave! Thanks!”
I was impressed. Kids heal pretty quickly, but I suspected the initial break was what was known as a greenstick fracture, just a partial-thickness break. It would explain the remarkably fast recovery. Good for him, I thought gratefully. He shouldn’t have any lasting problems with it.
I turned to Joelle. “See what a good job you did on his leg? He’s almost recovered already.”
She looked pleased, the boost to her confidence visible. That, and the still visible nipples, made her even more exclusive. I caressed that bubble butt of hers, whispering in her ear. “I want you so badly right now I can hardly stand it.”
She whispered back, “I touched myself last night thinking of you and Janie having sex.” Christ! I thought. She was going to make my dick exploit if she talked like that any more. She grinned at my frantic desperation. “Maybe I’ll come join you and Janie tonight. Would you like that?”
“Fuck yes!” I blurted out. “But you’ve got me so horny either I need a hand job right now, or I’m off to the woods to jerk off!”
She looked around at the still relatively deserted beach, biting her lip. “Let’s go behind those rocks!”
Gabrielle, although out of earshot of our whispered conversation, gave us a smug grin as we scuttled off down the beach, obviously realizing our intent. We jogged hand in hand to the south end of the beach, and clambered over the rocks to the beach beyond. She pushed me up against the back side of the rock face, and yanked my shorts down with one motion. My cock sprang out like a flesh flagpole.
“There’s my little pink friend,” said Joelle hungrily, her warm hand wrapping around the shake.
“Oh God!” I gasped. “I love feeling your hand on me!”
She smiled. “You have to tell me what to do. I’ve never jerked a guy off before.” Her hand was already sliding up and down the proved member, giving me shifts.
“Just keep doing what you’re doing,” I said fervently. “It’s perfect!”
Joelle snuggled up against me, her stiff nipples rubbing my side as her hand worked my wiener. I wrapped my arm around her, deliciously happy. I watched her fingers struggling my shake, already beginning to smear the drops of clear liquid leaking from the tip.
“Aren’t you supposed to use lotion or something?” she asked, staring at my meat like she was memorizing it.
“I don’t always have to, because I’m uncircumcised. Saliva helps, though.”
She stopped, spat on her hand, and resumed struggling me. The slippery feel of her hand was heavenly, and I closed my eyes, leaning my head against the rock behind me. My hand slide down her back and I began rubbing her ass gently.
“Do you do this to yourself a lot?” she said in a husky voice.
“All the time,” I admitted. “I love jerking off.”
“Have you ever thought of me while you did it?”
“More times than I can count!” I told her. “I can’t tell you how many times I have shot a load while fantasizing about you.”
She seemed to get excited by this, and her breathing picked up, along with her jerking. I slide my hand further down between her legs, rubbing her crotch and feeling the warmth of her through her shorts. She moaned softly, and increased the pace of her shuffling hand.
“Try twisting your hand a little as you move it up and down,” I hisssed.
She did so, and I groaned. “Fuck! That feels good! You are definitely my naughty nurse.”
“Oh, yes!” she crooned. “I heard you had a sore muscle, and it needed a rubdown. Is this helping?”
“Yes, nurse,” I moaned. “I think the tension will release soon.”
“Let me get a closer look at the problem,” she said, a crafty tone in her voice. She dropped to her knees in front of me, still jerking me, and stared right at my cock, now at eye level. “It does look awfully swollen and sore. It’s almost purple! That can’t be good.” She grasped my dangling nuts in her other hand, stroking them lightly and making me gasp again. “Maybe the problem is here. These feel very full of sperm. I think we need to empty them, Mr. Connor.” She looked up at me, an innocent expression on her pretty face. “Do you think that would ease your pain?”
“Yes!” I rasped out. “That’s exactly what I need.”
“I was certain of it. Hmm, what can I do to help it along?” She pondered, her hands still fondling me. “I know!” she exclaimed. “I’ve heard men are very visual when it comes to sexual stimulation. Maybe this will help.” She let go of my balls, and yanked up her shirt, exposing one beautiful breast for me. She looked me in the eye while she stroked her title, pinching the nipple lightly as it stood at attention.
“Oh shit!” I wheezed. “You are so hot!” I was getting close to orgasm, the sight of her magnificent mammary driving me wild with desire.
She looked back at my oozing price critically. “And what’s this? It seems to be leaking? I’ll have to analyze this fluid.” Her pink tongue popped out of her mouth, and she touched the tip to my pecker, licking the precum off the tip playfully.
That was enough for me! “I’m gonna come, baby!”
She moved aside slightly, still squeezing her title, and redoubled her frantic struggling. In seconds, a stream of jizz erupted from my dick, squirting at least 3 feet onto the sand. Others followed as I gasped andbucked, emptying my engorged testicles while her hand gently slowed on my throbbing peter. She stared at the white eruption hungrily, her eyes fixed on my twitching pecker. She obviously enjoyed knowing the erotic power she possessed over the opposite sex, having never exercised it before. After fully milking my prick, she looked back up at me, eyes wide and excited at what she had done. “Can I taste it?”
“You can do anything you want, beautiful,” I laughed. “I’m your sex slave, remember?”
She chuckled, and tenatively licked the thick, white drops off the end of my penis. After rolling my offering around her mouth for a moment, she smiled. “I like it! And I like knowing I can do that to you. It makes me feel pretty sexy.”
Letting my cock hang free, I pulled her up and kissed her, tasting my salty sperm on her lips. I caresed her ass cheeks with both hands, sucking her tongue into my mouth hungrily, and crushing her boobs against me. She shuddered and moaned, and returned the kiss with password. Finally she pushed me away, eyes wild and face red.
“Save it for tonight, Dave!” she gasped. “I want to be ready for you. Are you sure Janie won’t mind?”
“Hell, no!” I assured her. “She thinks you are as hot as I do.”
“And you two will go slow, right? I’ve never been with another woman before.”
“We will treat you right, I promise. Tonight will be all about you and your pleasure. We are going to show you paradise”
“God, I’m so nervous! I can’t believe I’m going to do this!” She looked excited and terrified at the same time.
“New experiences, remember?” I brushed a straight tendril of hair off of her face. “You’ll be fine. Just try to relax. Do something nice for yourself this afternoon. Maybe ask Tran for a massage, or take a dip in one of the hot springs.”
“Ooh, that sounds nice!” she squealed. “Maybe I will. I guess I’ll see you later.” She kissed me once again, lightly, then patted my still naked dick gently. “And you too!” she said brightly, then walked away, leaving me in an age of anticipation of the upcoming night’s activities.
I spent the rest of the morning helping Janie, Horace, Dkembe and several other volunteers working in the plane. Someone had had the idea to pull one of the water holding tanks out of the aircraft and bring it ashore to use as a cistern to hold fresh water on the beach. The plan was to detach the thing and float it across the lagoon. After a couple of hours, we had completed the task, and were admiring the hulking thing. I wondered aloud if we could hoist it up on something to get some water pressure.
“We could even turn it into a shower!” Janie said excitedly. “It wouldn’t be that hard, would it, Horace?”
The taciturn Mainer studied the problem for a moment. “Nope,” he said carefully. “Can you set it in a tree at the edge of the beach, and use the through fittings to attach a nozzle for the shower. Have to make some kind of head to spread out the stream.”
Dkembe chipped in, “Miss Gabrielle and Miss Joelle had me splitting bamboo trunks to make pipes. They wanted to bring water from the stream above the waterfall. We could make it come to the tank.”
“Brilliant!” I enthused. “This could work. Of course, it’s going to be a cold shower.”
“For you, that’s probably best, don’t you think?” Janie teased.
“Ha, ha,” I said sourly. “Maybe you want me to cool down before I come to bed tonight?”
“Just kidding!” she said. “If you get cold, I’ll warm you up.”
“Get a room, you two!” Patricia said with a smile, causing Horace to laugh.
“All right! All right!” I said. “Let’s see if we can get a good start on this project before lunch.”
An hour later, we had the tank secured in a tree, as close to the waterfall as the beach came. Horace had taken the raft out to the plane with Dkembe and Patricia to look for the appropriate plumbing parts to make the shower a reality.
I sat with Janie, and over some coconut and banana, we plotted our strategy with Joelle tonight. She seemed almost as excited as I was at the prospect.
“Oh, I love a virgin!” she exulted.
“Well, she’s not really a virgin any more. I took care of that the first day.” I wasn’t boasting or anything. REally.
“She’s still a virgin when it comes to other women,” Janie insisted. “I want to show her how the gentler sex does things.”
“You weren’t too gentle last night,” I commented wryly.
“Pah! You can take it, Dave. You’re a real tough guy, right?” She batted her eyesashes at me, and squeezed my bicep with mock wonder. I flexed for her, making her giggle.
“That’s me all right. Tough guy Connor, at your service.” I picked her up, blowing a raspberry on her stomach and causing her to shriek aloud. Heads turned in alarm, but when they saw her laughing, smiles replaced the leaves around us.
“Hey, I just had a great idea,” Janie said, a gleam in her eye.
“What?” I asked.
“Oh, nothing. I just need to borrow something from someone. I’ll tell you later.” She scanpered off down the into the woods after I set her down, leaving me wondering what she had in store for me this time.
To be continued…
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